The Kabbalistic Tree of life seems as much as
anything else to be a framework of different aspects of the psyche and the
conditions therein. There is perhaps a reason why psychiatry is such an
eminently Jewish science and also perhaps again an example of the practitioner
imposing his view on a phenomenon for reasons known only to himself. Just as
the psychiatrist imposes his own definitions so too, the Kabbalist impose his own
definitions on God.
The Zohar is the central and most important
book of the Kabbalah. Much of its discourse is based on secret interpretations
of the Torah in such a way to bend, change or even contradict the original
meaning. It does this by creating a whole secondary study on the meaning of the
words used in the Torah by interpreting and ascribing some kind of mystical
interpretation to the Hebrew letters themselves.
I have previously written on the fascinating
origin of the alphabet as pictographic symbols, a fact many people are
completely unaware of today except for students of linguistics; this
fascinating study opens up vistas into our most remote past and confronts us
with some intriguing mysteries. For instance, learning that the letter C represent
a ‘Gamal’ or ‘throwing stick’ we might wonder how this ancient Egyptian hunting
tool found its way to the Australian Aborigines. The word ‘Gamal’ is the Arabic
word for camel and it is possibly the distinctive bent, or arched shape of the
throwing stick and also the word for ‘bridge’ in Aramaic is ‘Gamla’, no doubt
the distinctive ‘arched’ shape of the camel back being the inspiration but all
of these words have their origins with the Ancient Egyptian word for a
‘throwing stick’ and the verb QMR or ‘qamar’ which meant ‘to throw’. We can see
how with the passage of years consonantal shift may slightly obscure the
origins. So ‘q’ and ‘g’ and ‘r’ and ‘l’ are largely equivalent and phonetically
very close when it comes to the movements of the tongue and the mouth for their
The Study of the letters of our own alphabet
also betray the Middle-Eastern, ancient Semitic origins of our letters. The
alphabet we may consider to be Greek since the letters of ‘Alpha’ and ‘Beta’
are known, but the ‘Aleph’ and ‘Beet’ of the Hebrews may be less widely known.
The Semitic ‘Beet’ represents the floor plan of a house and our letter B still
shows us the two rooms of this house. Every letter in fact is a picture of
something and often correlates with words which use that letter to convey that
Over the years the letters may have
transformed somewhat by flipping either to the left or right or upside down. So
the letter A, known in Greek as ‘Alpha’ and in Hebrew as ‘Aleph’, was
originally a pictogram of an ox’s head. If you turn the letter upside-down and
return it to its original orientation as an Egyptian hieroglyph and the two
horns and face of an ox appear. In the Hebrew alphabet ‘Aleph’, like all of the
letters of the Hebrew alphabet, is supposed to have mystical significance. ‘Aleph’
is composed of two yods with a diagonal letter waw (or f) connecting the upper,
hidden qualities of God and the lower visible presence of God in the visible
In some instances, some of these symbolic
interpretations may actually contain something genuinely insightful or even
revelatory. The letter ‘Yod’ for instance or ‘Iota’ in Greek, as in ‘not one
iota’ or ‘not one jot’ as the smallest letter represents the immense power of
God and the single, smallest point of the microcosm from which all creation
emanates; it is also significantly, the first letter of the ‘tetragrammaton’
YHWH or ‘Jahweh’.
In his book The Palm Tree of Deborah,
Shelomo Alfassa describes the attainment of the highest level of the tree of
life, Kether or Crown, though like so much of the Kabbalah this in itself is an
inconsistent claim since it was said that in the Zohar that Moses himself had
only perceived as high as Tiferet and the Patriarchs Malchut, so from this we
are to assume that the higher Sefirot are probably off limits to humanity, yet
Shelomo apparently is able to explain the attainment of Kether, the highest
emanation closest to the infinite and unknowable Ain Soph.
“It does not raise nor exalt itself
upwards; on the contrary, it descends to look downwards at all times. For this
there are two reasons. The first is that it ashamed to gaze at its Source, but
the Cause of its emanation looks continually into it to give goodness to it
while it looks down to those beneath.”
The suggestion of being ‘ashamed’
to look at the source which is Ain Soph or the unknowable God suggests
estrangement from God and evokes the fall of man in the Garden of Eden being
where the first sign to God that Adam had disobeyed his commandment not to eat
from the Tree of Knowledge was his shame and the fact that he hid himself when
God came to look for him. It can be no
coincidence that the serpent is a stylistic representation of the journey up
the Kabbalistic tree of life, and we may recall that the word snake in the
Hebrew Old Testament is Nachash which also means occult.
According to The Kabbalah Experience by Michael
Laitman, “a great part of the Kabbalist’s journey is spent in the worlds of
ABYA (Atzilut, Beria, Yetzira, Assiya), where the Kabbalist gradually turns
intended and unintended sins into virtues, and thus justifies the works of the
creator and His guidance."
We find what might be an interesting oblique
reference to one of the key doctrines of the Kabbalah in the Chymical Wedding
of Christian Rosenkreutz, that of turning vices into virtues, and although
nothing is made explicit in the text, it ought to be understood that he who is
not initiated into the Kabbalistic secrets of the Rosicrucians is unlikely to
make any sense of events which might only stoke his curiosity and induce him to
join the group but the real intention is to convey meaning to those who already
understand what is being alluded to:
“Meantime the King and Queen, for
recreation’s sake, began to play together, at something which looked not unlike
chess, only it had different rules; for it was the Virtues and Vices one
against another, and it might ingeniously be observed with what plots the Vices
lay in wait for the Virtues, and how to re-encounter them again. This was so
properly and cleverly performed, that it is to be wished that we had the same
game too.”
The Kabbalist pursues mystical insight rather
than intellectual beliefs or moral action though it seems to me to be a trick
to escape the reality of moral judgement of the kind outlined in the Torah. The
Kabbalah has many such semantic and legalistic tricks in order to redefine
moral absolutes and continue to live a life which we might say, pleases man
more than it might please God. This is best exemplified or instance in the
Kabbalistic doctrine of what we might call ‘holy sin’ and is explained clearly
by Laitman:
“..In the Almighty’s sight the repentant
sinner has a higher status than the man who has never sinned. This is the
meaning of the rabbinic teaching that in the place where the penitent stands
the perfectly righteous cannot stand (Ber. 34b). The reason for this has been
expounded by the Rabbis in the chapter ‘He Who Builds,’ where it is stated that
the letter He is shaped like an exedra (Is a Greek word for exedra was a
covered place in front of a house but open to the outside) so that whomsoever
wishes to go astray may do so. That is to say, the world was created by means
of the letter He and the Holy One, Blessed is He, created the world wide open
in the direction of sin and evil. As the exedra, the world is not fully
enclosed but is broken open towards the direction of evil (Sabbath).”
Reading from the Kabbalah Experience, where The Kabbalah is explained in a series of question and answers,
we find the following passage about the cessation of perception of time
experienced by the initiate into the Kabbalah mysteries:
“What about the lack of perception of time?
It’s hard to understand the lack of sensation of time. But ‘time’ in spirituality
is no more than the changing of emotions.”
The distortion of the perception, or even as
Laitman suggests, the cessation altogether, is a classic symptom of some kind
of neuropsychiatric and neurological disorder and in present in many mental
impairment disorders ranging from Parkinson’s disease through to bipolar
disorder and schizophrenia. It is my contention that this is the goal of
working with the Kabbalah and the results of travelling through the stations of
the Tree of Life are tantamount to developing psychosis. Indeed, I maintain
that this is the apotheosis and pinnacle of the mystery initiatory tradition
and always has been, even more so to this day.
It is interesting to note that the Tree of
Life bears no reference to anything taught or mentioned in the Jewish Torah and
it ought to be evident that the two systems are not mutually inclusive: there
is no mention of Jahweh in the Tree of Life, the Ain Soph is an impersonal
definition for ‘eternity’ which is the closest thing to God in the Kabbalistic
system. Kabbalah doesn’t really deal with a moral universe in the sense of
right and wrong, and actively opposing duality, merely extols relative levels
of awareness and has much more in common with gnostic systems revealed from the
synthesis of Greek and Jewish thought in the centuries after the ministry of
The Kabbalah then is the attempt to justify
the backsliding of Israel through semantic tricks and word-play in order to
justify many of the things which were specifically forbidden by the Torah,
above all of them, being initiation into the occult mysteries which the
Kabbalah specifically exalts.
There are many chapters of the Zohar which
relate the supposed secret initiations of the Hebrew patriarchs, again as we
have seen, using the selective use of passages from the Torah to give false
justification for the exegesis.
“It is stated, 'He went on his journeys from
the south even into Bethel, the place where he had pitched his tent at the
beginning'; he progressed and advanced in the divine life so that by the mental
and spiritual illumination which he ultimately attained, he became fully
initiated into the comprehension and understanding of the mysteries of the
Hidden Wisdom and graduated to that degree termed 'teleiaor,' perfection, when
it is written, 'And there Abraham called on the name of the Lord' (Gen. XIII.
4) and became a just man made perfect. Blessed are they who attain unto
this degree of righteousness, for they become invested with an aureole of light
and are jewels in the crown of the Holy One. Blessed are they in this world and
in. the world to come. Of these it is written, 'The path of the just is as the
shining light that shineth more and more unto the perfect day' (Prov. IV.
"On observing this general depravation of
manners and modes of living, it is written, 'And Abraham went down into Egypt
to sojourn there.' Here the question may arise, what was the reason and object
of his going down into Egypt? It was because at that time Egypt was a great
center of learning, of Theosophy and the science of the Divine Mysteries, and
therefore referred to in scripture as 'the garden of the Lord like the land of
Egypt.' In it, as in the garden of Eden, of which it is stated, 'From the
right of it went forth a river called Pison that encompassed the whole land of
Havilah, where there is gold,’ flowed a great mystical river of divine
knowledge, very precious and unobtainable elsewhere. Abraham having entered
into the garden of Eden and become an adept in the secret doctrine, desirous of
passing through all its grades on two the higher mysteries in order to become
'teloios' or perfect, went down into Egypt where there
was gold, or the Hidden Wisdom."
So, the implication is clear that the
prohibition of initiatory or transformative rites of the pagans which are
continually rebuked in the Torah are now reversed and such rites are
specifically encouraged, indeed, such is the whole purpose of the Kabbalah.
The very fact of initiation is something forbidden in the
earliest Greek translation of the Hebrew Bible the Septuagint. The name
Septuagint comes from the story that Ptolemy II the Greek Pharoah of Egypt of
the 3rd century BC, asked for a translation of the Torah from Hebrew to Greek
to be included in the Library of Alexandria by 72 Jewish Elders.
“There shall not be a harlot of the daughters of Israel,
and there shall not be a fornicator of the sons of Israel; there shall not be
an idolatress of the daughters of Israel, and there shall not be an initiated
person of the sons of Israel.” Deuteronomy 23:17
‘Initiated’ person is usually translated as ‘ritual
homosexual prostitution’ and this line was added by the 70 Jewish scholars to
further clarify the following verse.
“Thou shalt not bring the hire of a harlot, or the wages
of a dog, into the house of Jehovah thy God for any vow: for even both these
are an abomination unto Jehovah thy God.”
The wages of a dog is also translated as “male
prostitute's payment” and this is because this was associated with the
mysteries of Anubis, hence the Septuagint’s reference to ‘initiation’.
With this in mind are we to assume that the biggest
secret of secret society initiation is the homosexual sex act?
It is this force which now rules the world today through
the proxy of Freemasonry which it infiltrated via Rosicrucianism and the
general Alchemical sciences transmitted by those Kabbalistic Jews to the idealistic
and perhaps well-meaning Christians to infect the West.
The Kabbalah uses the interpretation of
letters to imbue new meanings in order to completely rewrite the fundamental
parts of the Torah and it does this in order to justify its own initiatory
system of mysticism. In the Zohar the Biblical phrase “Let us make man” is
taken and the word Man or ‘Adam’ is analysed thus:
“…known to the angels the mystery
and occult signification of the word Adam (man), the letters of which indicate
his relation to both worlds, the seen and unseen, the known and unknown. By the
letter M which is written as a final or closed mem, is found thus contrary to
rule in the word lemarbeh, occurring in the verse, 'Of the increase
of his government' (Is. ix. 7). Man is connected with the higher world, whilst
daleth or the letter D, closed on the west side, indicates his relation to the
lower and sensible world. The principles of which these letters are the symbols
ultimated in their manifestation on the phenomenal plane of existence and the
production of a blended and harmonious whole, viz., of man in the form of male
and female until the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon him (Gen. ii.
21). The Holy One then separated them and having clothed the latter in a form
most fair and beautiful brought her to man, as a bride is adorned and led to
the bridegroom. Scripture states that He took one of the sides or parts (of the
androgynous form) and filled up the place with flesh in its stead. In a very
ancient occult book we have found it stated that what God took from the side of
Adam was not a rib but Lilith, who had cohabited with him and given birth to
offspring. She was however an unsuitable helpmeet for Adam and therefore
Scripture states, 'But for Adam there was not found a helpmeet for him' (Gen.
ii. 20). After the disappearance of Lilith and Adam's descent into the world
plane of existence, then it was, as stated, 'The Lord God said, It is not good
that man should be alone, I will make him a helpmeet for him.'"
So here the Kabbalah is saying that Adam, or Man
originally cohabited with Lilith and the Lilith was Adam’s first wife and she
subsequently became a demon which persecutes children:
“She dwelled there until Adam and his wife
sinned. Then the blessed Holy One plucked her form there, and she rules
over all those children – small faces of humanity – who deserve to be punished
for the sins of their fathers….She toys with them and kills them. This
happens in the waning of the moon, whose light diminishes; this is me’orot
(lights) deficient.”
According to Kabbalistic analysis of the
passage above this means that God released the spirit of Lilith specifically to
punish and murder children.
From this belief one can see how ritual child
sacrifice has come into being and we can see how the Zohar has given rise to
modern Satanic ‘theology’ and practice and I wonder whether child sacrifices
are carried out to this day when the moon’s light wanes. If so they would be
being carried out according to Jewish scripture. According to the Zohar Lilith
was created by mixing the perfect light of Jahweh with the imperfect light of
Israel is often described as a prostitute in
the Old Testament, an epithet God applies to Israel more than any other in the
whole of the Old Testament. God also accuses Israel of adultery 40 times in
scripture. The children of Israel frequently departed from the worship of the
one God and into Ba’al worship, trafficking with demons and all kinds of
immorality. Nothing has changed.
From the Zohar, in a chapter concerning the union of the
higher and lower self which beguilingly begins with an excerpt from Genesis:
“Said Rabbi Eleazar: ‘It is written, “But with thee will
I establish my covenant” (Gen. vi. 18): as the continuity of the covenant or
good law on earth is the same as in the higher spheres, we infer from these
words that when men become just and upright in this world they contribute to
the stability of the good law in both worlds.’
Said Rabbi Simeon: ‘The words just cited have an occult
meaning. The love of the male for the female is based upon jealous desire.
Observe, when there is a just man in the world, or one whose higher and lower
self have become harmonized and unified, the divine spirit or
Shekinah is ever with him and abides in him, causing a feeling of
affectionate attachment towards the Holy One to arise similar to that between
the male and female. Therefore the words, 'I will establish my covenant with
thee' may be rendered thus, 'Because of the union between thy higher and lower natures
giving rise to a yet diviner life, I will abide with thee forever. I will never
leave nor forsake thee. Come thou therefore into the ark into which no one
unless he is just can enter.'"
The mystical union of the higher and lower self, or of
the bride with the Bridegroom within the context of the Rosicrucian mysteries,
is the key goal of any continuous initiatory programme. This mystical union
involves process which eventually lead to a change in brain chemistry such that
the right and left hemispheres of the brain are in continually equal activity
and that the right brain, that is the subconscious mind which is the residence
of the higher self, is brought into day-to-day awareness and not merely
relegated to explicit activity during our sleeping hours. This essentially
means that what is termed the astral aspect of consciousness, which the right
brain specifically interacts with, is brought down to Earth. This leads to the
classic symptoms of schizophrenia which include auditory and visual
hallucinations; feelings of unreality, dream-like states, feelings of impending
death or even of actually being dead and in some kind of limbo state. The
reason for this is because the right brain, the dormant part of our consciousness
is in full operation and reality has indeed become partially dreamlike because
we have brought that part of ourselves, that ability to access the astral dream
realm, into our day to day lives. In addition to the negative effects there are
some secondary effects which are prized in the occult community such as the
ability to contact spirits and even the performance of feats of precognition
and premonition since there are feats which our mind is capable of in the
dream-state where there is no sense of time and all events past and present can
be accessed by the astral consciousness.
This unification of both hemispheres of the brain leads
to the state of primordial being or Adam Kadmon, or Adam Auilah in Hebrew,
where man supposedly has his fully divine spark awakened and is one with the
creator and all ten Sefirot are manifested. It is arguable that Jesus Christ
underwent a similar experience to achieve his miracles but most people who
undergo this experience probably become schizophrenic but for the Kabbalist and
the Gnostic, the primordial man is the image of the perfect man as he was
before the fall and the fragmentation of his mind into two distinct parts.
The right brain element to our mind is referenced in the
Siphra Dtzenioutha or the Book of Concealed Mystery and makes it clear that
this aspect of ourselves is ordinarily hidden from our normal perception:
“THE Ancient One is hidden and concealed; the
Microprosopus is manifested, and is not manifested. When the inferior man
descendeth (into this world), like unto the supernal form (in himself), there
are found two spirits. (So that) man is formed from two sides--from the right
and from the left.”
We can readily understand that this explanation that man
has ‘two spirits’ and ‘two sides’ to himself refer to the left and right
hemisphere of the brain which are indeed two spirits in the sense that the two
parts of our consciousness are usually more or less very tightly sealed or
insulated the one from the other.
For instance, we may remember snatches of key moments
from our dreams which we have managed to bring into remembrance in waking left
brain consciousness, but we never remember the whole varied dreamscape and the
events which played out in our minds during the night. Similarly, when asleep
we tend to have a very reduced awareness of our everyday life, perhaps the odd
few people from our physical lives appear from time to time, but it is also
true that we may also see people whom we have not seen for many years.
While asleep we tend to forget about the many details of
who we are while awake, and so when asleep we can suddenly find ourselves in
situations that are entirely at odds with our personal situation in real life.
The Arikh Anpin, meaning: the Vast Countenance, otherwise
known as ‘The Ancient One’ or Macroprosopus, is a term used to describe the
attainment of Kether, the first and highest Sefira closest to the divine
emanation of the Ain Soph.
The Macroprosopus and the Microprosopus or the Microcosm
and the Macrocosm, are the meaning of the well-known hermetic principle from
the so-called Emerald Tablet of Thoth which first appeared in Arabic in the
late 8th Century, and is the foundational text of European Alchemy:
“That which is below is as that which is above, and that
which is above is as that which is below, to perform the miracles of the one
This is encoded in Eliphas’ Levi’s drawing of Baphomet
with two fingers pointing upwards and two downwards while a caduceus of
serpents, one black and one white are entwined around the middle. This is also
represented by the two triangles of the Jewish hexagram, or Seal of Solomon,
with the upper triangle representing spirit coming into matter while the lower
triangle represents matter being elevated into the spirit world.
Incidentally Eliphas Levi, described the Sepher Yetzirah
in his Histoire de la Magie as: “a Genesis of illumination, the Sepher Jezirah
is a ladder formed of truths,” and that “The Zohar represents absolute truth,
and the Sepher Jezirah provides the means by which we may seize, appropriate
and make use of it."
There is an interesting commentary by Samael Aun Peor,
founder of Universal Gnosticism who was also a member of the Fraternitas
Rosicruciana Antiqua movement:
“Binah is ruled by Shabbatai שבתאי, Saturn, we have
an atom of Binah in the pineal gland, the door of heaven, which in
the Male Goat of Mendes is represented with a torch upon a horned goat
head (letter Shin ש). The two horns of the goat (as well as
those of Moses) relates to Binah בינה and Chokmah חכמה. Binah relates
to the left hemisphere of the brain and Chokmah-Uranos to Aquarius, the
right hemisphere of the brain. They form the Tetragrammaton of Esh אש (‘fire’)
in our Rosh ראש ‘head.’ This is why the name Iod-Hei-Vav-Hei יהוה,
the Tetragrammaton, relates to Chokmah and Binah in the
world of Atziluth. Above them in the torch or pineal gland is Kether,
the crown, ruled by Neptune, the superior waters of Chaos; in other words,
Pisces, the fluid emanations of the Theomertmalogos, the Christonic substance
of the Solar Logos.”
Rav Kook, the first Chief Rabbi of Israel, writes
intriguingly about the Zohar:
“This composition, called The Book of Zohar, is like
Noah’s Ark, where there were many kinds, but those kinds and families could not
exist unless by entering the ark. …Thus the righteous will enter the secret of
the Light of this composition to persist, and thus is the virtue of the
composition, that immediately when engaging, with his desire for the love of
God, it will draw him as a magnet draws the iron. And he will enter it to save
his soul and spirit and his correction. And even if he is wicked, there is no
fear should he enter.”
This is a symbolic representation of the attainment of
the Philosopher’s Stone, that is the unification of right and left hemispheres
of the brain and the co-operation of the Microprosopus or the left brain
rational logical physically oriented mind with the Macroprosopus of the right
brain, the astral or spirit element of our mind.
The right brain as we know is concealed from our
awareness except during sleep or as a result of the culmination of successful
rituals and secret society initiations. In his introduction of his English
translation of Knorr Von Rosenroth’s Latin translation of some of the books of
the Kabbalah, Macgregor Mathers writes:
“Of Him it is said that He is partly concealed (in the
sense of His connection with the negative existence) and partly manifest (as a
positive Sefira). Hence the symbolism of the Vast Countenance is that of a
profile wherein one side only of the countenance is seen; or, as it is said in
the Qabalah, ‘in Him all is right side.’”
In the Siphra Dtzenioutha or The Book of Concealed
Mystery, another of the texts which make up the Zohar we find further clearer
references to the distinction between the left physical brain hemisphere of the
physical world and the right, astral or spiritual realm aspect of our
consciousness and this is also something encoded in the left and right pillars
of the Kabbalah, like the symbolic left and right pillars of Freemasonry Boaz
and Jachin as well as the three principle degrees of Freemasonry which are also
referenced in the Zohar:
“There are three degrees, yet each is independent even
though they are one, connected into one and do not separate one from the
“With respect unto the right side he
had, Neschamotha Qadisha, the holy intelligences; with respect unto the
left side, Nephesh Chiah, the animal soul. Man sinned and was expanded on
the left side; and then they who are formless were expanded also. When both
were at once joined together generations took place, like as from some animal
which generateth many lives in one connexion.”
In the book of the Greater Holy Assembly of the Zohar we
find a reference to what could be an allusion to some kind of chemical agent
being pivotal to this transformation which could accord with the Hoffer
Adrenochrome Hypothesis already outlined in this book. Perhaps this too gives
the hidden meaning behind the title ‘Chymical Wedding’ where the chemical
transformation is within the initiate, incidentally the website for Phoenix
Masonry have seen fit to publish Mather’s translation of The Kabbalah Unveiled
on their website, proving I think, the suspected link between Kabbalism and
“And from that skull distilleth a dew upon Him which is
external, and filleth His head daily. And from that dew which floweth down from
His head, that which is external, the dead are raised up in the world to come.
Concerning which it is written, Cant. v. 2: ‘My head is filled with dew.’ It is
not written ‘It is full with dew;’ but NMLA, Nimla, ‘it is filled.’ And it
is written, Isa. xxvi. 19: ‘The dew of the lights is Thy dew.’ Of the
lights--that is, from the brightness of the Ancient One. And by that dew are
nourished the holy supernal ones. And this is that manna which is prepared for
the just in the world to come. And that dew distilleth upon the ground of the
holy apple trees. This is that which is written, Exod. xvi. 14: ‘And when the
dew was gone up, behold upon the face of the desert a small round thing.’ And
the appearance of this dew is white, like unto the colour of the crystal stone,
whose appearance hath all colours in itself. This is that which is written,
Num. xi. 7: ‘And its varieties as the varieties of crystal.”
“And that membrane hath an outlet towards Microprosopus,
and on that account is His brain extended, and goeth forth by thirty and two
This is that same thing which is written: ‘And a river
went forth out of Eden’ (Gen. ii. 7). But for what reason? Because the membrane
is (then) opened, neither doth it (completely) enshroud the brain.
Nevertheless the membrane is opened from below. And this
is that which we have said: Among the signatures of the letters (is)
ThV, Tau, Th; nevertheless He impresseth it as the sign of the Ancient of
Days, from Whom dependeth the perfection of knowledge, because He is perfect on
every side, and hidden, and tranquil, and silent, like as good wine upon its
The results of involvement in the programme of the
Kabbalah are usually confined within the context of the Freemasonic and
Illuminati organisations but there is a semi-public Kabbalah organisation
founded in 1922 by Rabbi Yehuda Ashlag called The Kabbalah Centre which has
offices throughout the world but mostly in the United States, South America and
In the 5th October 2015 online edition of The London
Evening Standard there is an article detailing some specific complaints about
activities taking place at the London centre:
“The London Kabbalah Centre used by Madonna has been
infuriating its neighbours who say they were disturbed by a 36-hour chanting
session in the building's car park.
Residents near the Kabbalah Centre in Stratford Place W1,
which also counts Gwyneth Paltrow among regulars, say loud prayers, clapping
and chanting had kept them awake for an entire weekend.
Westminster City Council’s noise team launched an
investigation after being contacted over the weekend, with officers ‘issuing
advice’ to the centre.
Katherine Corbett, who lives in a flat overlooking the
car park, said the building held mass open-air religious services between
Friday evening and the middle of Sunday morning.
‘I was sitting listening to my own music and I still
couldn’t hear for the noise,’ she said. ‘They were screaming and shouting. When
I heard them on Friday night I took the video, shut my windows and slept in
great heat, but I didn’t think it would go on all night.’
The centre is understood to have erected a temporary
shelter in the grounds as part of its Sukkot celebrations, a week-long Jewish
festival that marks the end of harvest and the Exodus of the Jews from slavery
in Egypt.”
The BBC reported on 9th January 2005 how a:
“..senior figure in the controversial Kabbalah Centre -
the sect championed by stars including Madonna and Demi Moore - seems likely to
spark a storm of protest by saying Jews killed in the Holocaust brought their
downfall upon themselves.
Eliyahu Yardeni, of the London Kabbalah Centre, made the
astonishing claim to an undercover reporter investigating high-pressure sales
techniques employed by the group, which promotes its own brand of beliefs, part
ancient Jewish mysticism and part pseudo-science.
Talking about the wartime massacre of the Jews, Mr
Yardeni said: ‘Just to tell you another thing about the six million Jews that
were killed in the Holocaust: the question was that the Light was blocked. They
didn't use Kabbalah.’
The same article also details cynically fraudulent claims
about the Kabbalah Centre’s own brand of ‘healing water’:
“The probe also revealed how Kabbalah Centre
representatives claimed bottles of ‘healing’ spring water sold by the group
could help cure cancer - and how they sold a batch to a sufferer for hundreds
of pounds.
A second investigator, who worked undercover as a
Kabbalah Centre volunteer for four months, was told how the Kabbalah water
worked, with a devotee explaining: ‘We start with the purest artesian water and
then we do the various meditations, injecting energy into it.’
The Kabbalah Centre website explained that a process
called Quantum Resonance Technology ‘restructures the intermolecular binding of
spring water’.
The investigation discovered the water actually comes
from CJC Bottling, a bottling plant in Ontario, Canada, which was the subject
of a public health investigation in 2002 into how its water was tested.
CJC was ordered to improve manufacturing techniques,
though there was no suggestion that they ever sold polluted water.
Regarding fundraising, the statement went on: ‘As a
registered charity, the centre has to fund raise to cover administrative costs
and outreach work, the effects of which are felt across the world on a daily
The centre has launched a US$1m campaign asking followers
to donate money so it can send its own brand of Zohar books and water to the
victims of the Asian tsunami.
In Israel, the authorities have refused to give the
charity a certificate of proper management for three years running because of
accounting inadequacies, and in Britain the Charity Commissioners have
criticised the centre's accounts for ‘significant shortcomings in transparency’.”
A final article reported on the
website regarding the London Kabbalah centre is of a much more serious tenor.
The article reports how Phiona Davis, apparently became a victim of mental
abuse after becoming involved in Madonna’s Kabbalah centre in London. The
website claims that Davis was conned out of 2 million pounds and was spied upon
in her home with hidden cameras and illegal telephone wire-tapping. They then
made it known to Phiona Davis at meetings what they knew about her. This is the
key focus of the phenomenon known as 'Gang Stalking', to drive the victim to
madness and despair, which, in their system, is the initiation to Kether and so
called 'union' with God. The website doesn’t quite understand why they did this
and is under the belief this was all in order to obtain money from Ms Davis, in
fact the whole experience led to Phiona Davis becoming psychotic and this led
to her murdering two people:
“Fashion student Phiona Davis reportedly confirmed to
police that she had been attending Madonna’s Kabbalah centre in London and told
police she was being ‘controlled’ and people from the Kabbalah centre were
walking around her flat. A few months later she killed telephone salesman Keith
Fernandez by stabbing him 58 times at her home in Green Lanes North London
reportedly saying ‘God done good, for this is done through God.’
The next day she killed her grandmother Mary Skerritt by
stabbing her 130 times. She then tried to set fire to the flat. She then went
outside the flat in Stoke Newington saying ‘I am God, I am the benevolent one,
burn the demons inside her.’ ‘You can arrest me but you can’t punish me. Only
God can punish me.’ She was also seen holding her arms out saying ‘I am the
Later at Stoke Newington police station she attempted to
strangle herself and smeared crosses on the wall in blood and excrement. She
shouted at the police, ‘I am the messiah and the King of Kings. I will forgive
you all.’
She reportedly told the police she thought her former
boyfriend Keith Fernandez was a robot and her grandmother was the devil. She
was sent to Broadmoor and can be released only with the express consent of the
home secretary.”
The purpose of Kabbalah is precisely to induce
schizophrenic illness. This is the attainment of Kether and ‘union’ with God.
Hence when Phiona Davis reportedly commented to police and firefighters that
she was God/the Messiah in her delusion. As reported by Phiona Davis some month
prior to her murdering two people, she was being covertly monitored, followed,
spied on and harassed. This was the programme of the Kabbalah, to induce a
change in brain chemistry through various personally and psychologically
invasive means which can lead to entirely unpredictable consequences.