Excerpt from coming new e-book:
“In the sixties, according to conversations I had in the
Soviet Union, a leading plasma physicist was pushed under a Moscow subway train
by an ‘indirect contactee’ who had been instructed by a ‘voice from space’ to
kill that particular man. In 1975, a French contactee was arrested by the
police as he was entering the headquarters of the French television network,
carrying a carbine and fifty shells: a similar voice from space had instructed
him to kill a newsman who had written several books on UFOs.”
“In 1968 a man named Sirhan killed Robert Kennedy in Los
Angeles. Sirhan was a member of AMORC Ancient Mystical Order Rosae Crucis. He
had used the Order's technique for self-hypnosis while preparing his role in
this tragedy.”
While on the subject of unsavoury members of the
Rosicrucians not quite living up to their reputation of an enlightened and
advanced brotherhood, expert on all things Hermetic Mark Stavish writes on his
website how:
“’Baby Doc Duvalier,’ former dictator of Haiti, has been
photographed sporting an AMORC ring, said to have been given to him by Bernard
the elder.”
As well as:
“Several central African heads of state are also on the
list of well-known associates – and from a different line, Manuel Noriega,
former head of military intelligence and eventual de facto ruler of
Panama from 1983-1989 whose desk sported an array of AMORC paraphernalia after
his capture by United States forces.”
Vallee mentions the case of Gregory in order to clarify
the point that people with an interest in this domain are not necessarily
rudderless-crackpots but can be highly intelligent young professionals. Gregory
was a systems programmer and is described as working for one of France’s
leading Think Tanks.
“He quit his job to form a psychic center. He is now
publishing a newsletter devoted to his experiences with higher entities; he
believes that, in so doing, he follows the telepathic instructions of a
superior force.”
The psychic communication he received was of the
following tenor:
“On the eastern shore of the Peaceful Sea, God brought
forth the American Republic ... For the purpose of assembling the high
consciousness required to conceive and establish this new Union, God sent His
son Melchizedek, one time Lord of Salem, unto Christopher Columbus…”
Tied to the alien contact groups are various occult
groups, one in particular The Order of Melchizedek attracts Vallee’s particular
interest and he even finds himself strangely drawn into a disconcerting web of
synchronicity when, after investigating and actually being made an offer to
become a member, he returns to New-York and hailing a taxi cab, discovers that
the driver’s name is Melchizedek. This leads him to hypothesise an interesting
new approach to the nature of reality itself.
The leader of another saucer group told Vallee:
“The Earth is the property of one group of saucers that controls this end of the universe, and they call themselves the Brothers, and they are the ones who brought the Christ on Earth 2000 years ago ... If we get a little out of control, and maybe Russia would start to throw some missiles at us, from Cuba ... well, they might step in, if it got too bad, and help us out. They told us they would.”
Vallee met an enigmatic and mysterious man whom he calls
Major Murphy and appears to have been a high-level insider of military
intelligence during World War 2.
"‘In 1943,’ he said, as we sat in his study, ‘we
already had evidence that several countries were working on circular aircraft
that they hoped to develop into secret weapons. The Germans were also doing
advanced research on controlled electrical discharges and 'controlled
lightning,' and tried to combine these things together.
When we invaded Germany, a lot of hardware fell into our
hands, but the Russians had gotten most of the good stuff. Then people started
seeing the modern UFOs in Sweden in 1946….General James Doolittle was sent to
Sweden by the United States in 1946, apparently under cover of the Shell
Corporation. In fact, he was to investigate the 'ghost rockets' with the Swedish
authorities. Whatever came of that?’
Ghost rockets was the name given to some two thousand
reports of rocket shaped UFO’s appearing in the skies of Sweden between May and
December 1946. Radar tracked some of the objects as they fell to Earth and
fragments were discovered where they had impacted the ground. It seems likely
that the sightings were the result of Soviet testing of rockets taken from the
Nazi V2 construction base at Peenemunde.
However, some of the sightings apparently reported
objects which moved without leaving any exhaust trail while others moved
horizontally and a hissing sound was sometimes heard accompanying the moving
Major Murphy believes that the UFO’s might be
‘psychotronic devices’ and goes on to say:
"‘Research had already been done in great secrecy by 1946
concerned mind control and the effects of electromagnetic radiation (what we
now call ELF, or Extremely Low Frequency) on the human body… suppose somebody
had obtained a device by the end of the war, which perhaps wasn't a very
effective weapon. Perhaps it couldn't fly very effectively, couldn't carry guns
and bombs, but had other properties. For instance, it could emit radiation that
caused paralysis and hallucinations as it flew over an area, so that witnesses
exposed to it would think they saw the phantasms of their own imagination. Did
somebody test that kind of a device in Sweden in 1946, and in the States in
1947, and find it to be ineffective as a flying machine, but very useful as a
means of propaganda? Has such a group already understood what UFOs were, and
are they confusing the issue by simulating UFO waves? Or is the entire
phenomenon under their control?’
‘I can only tell you that silent, disk-shaped flying
machines can be built. If they are equipped with the right devices, they can
create astonishing effects and be reported as flying saucers. I wish I still
had my files on the German experiments.’
‘You have V2s in 1944, and you have the Atlas rocket in
the '60s. You have foo-fighters in '43, and the green fireballs of New Mexico
nine years later. A lot of people got involved. Industrial concerns.
Laboratories engaged in psychotronic research. The Nazi research on microwaves
was child's play compared to the sophistication of modern experiments. If
someone is using this technology, we can assume they have also mastered
pharmacology, the use of drugs to distort the memories of witnesses, the use of
mind control to suggest stories, to plant fake observations. Don't you think
people should try to get some information about that before believing in
friendly space visitors?’
‘It's hard to believe that these techniques would already
be applied on this kind of scale,’ I said."