Showing posts with label Jesuits. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jesuits. Show all posts

Monday 18 April 2022

The Mystery of the Alumbrados: Spectres in the Quiet Gloom.



The Mystery of the Alumbrados 

 Once again the word 'chew' has been substituted to circumvent Google censorship and shadow banning of this wesbite.

An interesting historical character to emerge from the gloom of the Jesuits is Miguel de Molinos. As a youth he was educated by the Jesuits and ordained as a Jesuit priest in 1652, joined the brotherhood of the School of Christ. He was sent to Rome where he became very influential and soon developed a powerful network of patrons including the exiled Queen of Sweden.

While in Rome he developed the ‘philosophy’ or perhaps more accurately, the heresy for which he has become recorded in history: ‘Quietism’, the details of which he thoroughly outlined in his book ‘The Spiritual Guide which Disentangles the Soul’.

The key point of the book is Miguel’s advocacy for what he terms ‘contemplation’ over the ‘meditation’ of the Jesuits. Meditation in his terms refers to the Jesuit techniques of visualising key scenes from the Bible, specifically the Passion of Christ and also visualising hell itself as we have just read in the Spiritual Exercises of Ignacio Loyola. The ostensible purpose of Molino’s Spiritual Guide was to teach man a method of drawing closer and knowing God by curtailing the activity of the mind and the personal will.

After a hitherto successful career in the church and Molinos’ doctrine of Quietism having become broadly accepted and not then considered heretical, something changed. Jesuits felt they needed to rebut the specific attacks made in the book about their methods of ‘meditation’ and there was a lively back and forth between Quietists and Jesuits as to which method was the best, whether the ‘meditation’ (which is more like a form of contemplation) of the Jesuits or ‘contemplation’ (which is really a form of meditation) of the Quietists. The Inquisition took an interest and investigating in 1681 declared the Spiritual Guide of Miguel de Molinos orthodox and compatible with the teachings of the Church. However, in 1685 the tide turned against him and he was arrested under instruction from French authorities and while many in Rome were sympathetic to Molinos in 1687 he confessed his errors to the Inquisition and died after spending nine years in prison. At his trial according to

“Molinos defended sexual aberrations committed by himself and his followers as sinless, purifying acts caused by the Devil. He claimed they were passively allowed in order to deepen a quiet repose in God.”

Pope Innocent XI wrote of Molinos:

….these doctrines were leading the faithful from true religion and from the purity of Christian piety into terrible errors and every indecency.”

The Catholic Herald online summarises thus:

“In that same year, however, he published his Spiritual Guide, which purported to lead the reader through the various stages of the spiritual life to perfection in this world, whereby one would remain perfectly passive before God as the highest state. Once there, a person need not fear sins committed under the temptations of the Devil, but should remain at peace, even after committing the vilest acts.”

This ‘doctrine’ if we can call it that, ought to recall what we have seen of the Kabbalah and the idea of ‘holy sin’ or sin even serving a useful purpose in making a person more righteous before God.

We even find this very dangerous idea had crept into the theology of Pope Gregory I to whom Molinos refers:

“That we may not make Poison of Physick, and Vices of Vertues, by becoming vain by ‘em; God would have us make Vertues of Vices, healing us by that very thing which would hurt us: So says St. Gregory.”

And Pope Gregory reaches this conclusion by some highly Kabbalistic logic worthy of Simon Magus himself:

“I'd like to look inside the fortified bosom of grace with how much God keeps us by the favor of mercy. Behold, he who exalts himself about virtue returns through vice to humility. But he who is extolled for his virtues, is wounded, not by the sword, but, so to speak, by medicine. For what is virtue but medicine? and what is vice but wound? Because, therefore, we treat the wound as a medicine, he makes the medicine of the wound, so that we who are smitten by virtue may be cured by vice.” 

It is all rather unfortunate because most of the early elements of the Spiritual Guide and the core of Quietism is basically a form of Zen meditation which is an extremely useful spiritual and psychological tool which can be used to experience other states of being once the mental chatter of the brain has been quietened, however this is not an idea original to Molinos and it is likely he learned about it in his studies and decided to adopt it as a plausible cover for his true aims which may have been deliberate subversion or at least, an excessive enjoyment of physical pleasures. The Catholic Herald reports how:

“Cardinal Benedetto Odescalchi and the exiled Queen Christina of Sweden became admirers (although the Queen regarded Fr de Molinos’s huge appetite for food with sceptical amusement).”

The true origins of Molino’s ‘Quietism’, or at least those to emerge in the West, are to be found in the works of a late 5th Century Greek philosopher using the pseudonym of a 1st Century Greek convert to Christianity by Saint Paul known as ‘Dionysius the Areopagite’. Pseudo-Dionysus the Areopagite as he is known was a philosopher who apparently was both a Christian and conversely, a Neo-Platonist. He expounded proto-Kabbalistic ideas which we can derive from the following from Corrigan & Harrington (2014):

“According to pseudo-Dionysius, God is better characterized and approached by negations than by affirmations. All names and theological representations must be negated. According to pseudo-Dionysius, when all names are negated, ‘divine silence, darkness, and unknowing’ will follow.”

A PHD thesis by R. A. Agnew for the University of Edinburgh comments on Pseudo-Dionysus linking his philosophy to the ‘Illuminati’:

“He, further, explains that Quietude and Silence are necessary, since ‘only like can know like’; and ‘God is peace’ and ‘Repose’, ‘the One all perfect source ... of the Peace of all’; and He is Silence ‘the angels are, as it were, the heralds of the Divine Silence’.

In silence then ‘let the intelligent soul transcend intelligence and it forgets itself ... Closed, ... mute and silent ... and sheltered, not only from exterior but also from interior impulses; he is made God.’ This is deification, the principle of Eckhart, the doctrine of the Brethren of the Free Spirit, and the teaching of the Illuminati.”

Agnew in his PHD paper writes, citing Pseudo-Dionysius:

“We find in Dionysius the doctrine of the three ways: the Purgative; the Illuminative; and the Unitive. Through him this division has become the standard for all later exponents of mysticism. To explain it, he writes Moses was enjoined first to purify himself, then he saw the light from the smoking mountain, and then the face of God. It is after the soul has been freed from the world of sense that it enters the mysterious obscurity of holy ignorance ... to be lost in Him, who can neither be seen nor felt."

Molinos writes, showing the debt he owes as does the mediaeval hermetic tradition which had infiltrated the church, to the mysterious Greek philosopher in his quasi-alchemistic references to a three-step path (one might say degrees) of ‘cleansing’ or ‘purgation’, ‘Illumination’ and finally ‘unity’.

“Because if thou wilt serve God, and arrive at the sublime Region of Internal Peace; thou must pass through that rugged Path of Temptation; put on that heavy Armor; fight in that fierce and cruel War, and in that burning Furnace, polish, purge, renew, and purifie thy self.

For which reason St. Ignatius Loyola said very well in his Exercises, that in the cleansing way, Corporal Penances were necessary, which in the illuminating way ought to be moderated, and much more in the unitive.”

All of this was of course probably very novel for the church of 17th Century Europe: the introduction of what we might consider techniques of transcendental meditation, and it is a pity that Molinos tarnished these valuable techniques (as indeed to this day many Christians consider meditation of this kind to be dangerous and a way for permitting ‘demonic’ influences). It could be that Molinos having found the genuine peace of meditation, misinterpreted the reward of having a still mind and extrapolated that it is necessary to surrender the will as well, that is to abandon any objective frame of morality or reference and surrender the mind. Either that or like so many people who achieve notoriety, success and a throng of admirers, he wasn’t devoted enough to resist the Earthy temptations such a position can present:

“You must know, that this Annihilation to make it perfect in the Soul, must be in a man’s own Judgment, in his Will, in his Works, Inclinations, Desires, Thoughts, and in it Self: so that the Soul must find it self dead to its Will, Desire, Endeavour, Understanding and Thought; willing, as if it did not will; desiring, as if it did not desire; understanding, as if it did not understand; thinking, as if it did not think, without inclining to any thing, embracing equally Contempts and Honours, Benefits and Corrections. O what a happy Soul is that which is thus dead and annihilated! It lives no longer in it self, because God lives in it: And now it may most truly be said of it, that it is a renewed Phenix; because ‘tis changed, spiritualized, transformed and deified.”

We have a further ‘alchemistic’ reference, this time to the ‘Phenix’ which informs me, as well as references to a spiritual guide, that Molinos was actually a disciple or novice of some mentor figure who was guiding him through some ongoing transformative, alchemical process. A process which has existed since the earliest records of history and shrouded in mystery even until the present day where this process has now taken on almost industrial proportions in terms of its influence on many members of the public institutions, media and political realm, but is still a complete mystery to the vast majority.

Unfortunately, there is perhaps something in the character of Miguel de Molinos which allowed itself to justify his ceding repeatedly to temptation by blaming the devil and refusing to take personal responsibility. But there is much in his ‘Guide’ which suggests a background in Kabbalah as there are too many obvious Kabbalistic elements which show themselves partially submerged in his doctrine. We can also see how in recent times Molinos has been upheld as some kind of prophet by certain hermetic movements and Aleister Crowley wrote extensively in praise of him:

“In more remote times, the constituent originating assemblies of the O.T.O. included such men as … Molinos” Liber LII Manifesto of the O.T.O.

Crowley considered Miguel de Molinos to be one of his ‘Gnostic Saints’ as detailed in Liber XV and refers to the Spiritual Guide in the following terms:

“That you may gain some insight into the nature of the Great Work which lies beyond these elementary trifles, however, we should mention that an intelligent person may gather more than a hint of its nature from the following books, which are to be taken as serious and learned contributions to the study of Nature, though not necessarily to be implicitly relied upon.”

Indeed, Crowley’s reference to ‘crossing the abyss’ which was a personal spiritual boast for him may have been inspired by the writing of Molinos in his reference to mediation:

“By not speaking, not desiring, and not thinking, one arrives at the true and perfect Mystical Silence, wherein God speaks with the Soul, communicates himself to it, and in the Abyss of its own Depth, teaches it the most perfect and exalted Wisdom.”

Molinos refers to the ability to better deal with anxiety and worry, which might be termed ‘invisible enemies’:

“The strong Castle, that will make thee triumph over all thine enemies, visible and invisible, and over all their snares and tribulations, is within thine own Soul, because in it resides the Divine Aid and Sovereign Succour. Retreat within it and all will be quiet, secure, peaceable and calm. When thou seest thy self more sharply assaulted, retreat into that region of Peace, where thou’lt find the Fortress. When thou are more faint-hearted, betake thy self to this refuge of Prayer, the only Armor for overcoming the enemy, and mitigating tribulation: thou ought not to be at a distance from it in a Storm, to the end thou mayest, as another Noah, experience tranquillity, security.”

It would seem to me that Molinos despite apparently fully engaging in a kind of pure Zen meditation and breaking through the threshold of darkness to the realm of mental bliss beyond, something seemed to have gone wrong and at a certain point reading through the Spiritual Guide we find a very different tone emerge, one which I myself cannot reconcile with my experience of such meditation and can only assume that something went wrong somewhere with Molinos, that either he was not able to master his will and became a prey to some negative force which was able to take control of his mind. We notice a corner being turned and suddenly, something appears to have gone wrong somewhere with Molinos’ meditation because he starts to speak of pain and adverse physiological effects.

“With new efforts thoul’t exercise thy self, but in another manner than hitherto, giving thy consent to receive the secret and divine operations, and to be polished, and purified by this Lord, which is the only means whereby thou will become clean and purged from thine ignorance and dissolutions. Know, however, that thou art to be plunged in a bitter sea of sorrows, and of internal and external pains, which torment will pierce into the most inward part of thy Soul and Body.”

It is possible that Molinos was unduly influenced by the Alumbrado tradition of ‘ecstatic’ rites and believed that this was the way to experience the divine and he refers in his book to a certain “Illuminated Mother of Cantal” which is not traditional clerical terminology but more of the mystical and occult. Perhaps he was part of this tradition or at least sought out this experience, much to his cost I would say since whatever it was which possessed him and gave him ‘pains’ and ‘torment’ also seemed to influence his life and lead him to moral dissolution which was ultimately his undoing:

“Thou wilt think verily, that thou art possessed by an evil Spirit; because the signs of this interior exercise, and horrible tribulation, seem as bad as the invasions of infernal Furies and Devils. Then take care to believe thy Guide firmly, for thy true Happiness consists in thy obedience.”

“The invisible enemies will pursue thee with scruples, lascivious suggestions, and unclean thoughts, with incentives to impatience, pride, rage, cursing and blaspheming the Name of God, his Sacraments, and holy Mysteries. Thou’lt find a great lukewarmness, loathing, and wearisomness for the things of God; and obscurity and darkness in thy understanding; a faintness, Confusion and narrowness of heart; such a coldness and feebleness of the will to resist, that a straw will appear to thee a beam. Thy desertion will be so great, that thou’lt think there is no more a God for thee, and that thou are rendered incapable of entertaining a good desire: so that thou’lt continue shut up betwixt two walls, in constant streights and anguish, without any hopes of ever getting out of so dreadful an oppression.”

And the tenor of the book changes and now Molinos speaks of acquiring a spiritual guide, one who will apparently think on your behalf and in whose judgment, one should trust even above one’s own:

“Thou shalt find thy self encompassed with troublesome scruples, griefs, anguish, distress, martyrdoms, distrusts, forsakings of the Creatures, and troubles so bitter, that thy afflictions shall seem past comfort, and thy torments unconquerable. O blessed Soul! how happy wilt thou be, if thou dost but believe thy Guide, and subject thy self to to him and obey him? Then wilt thou walk safe by the secret and interiour way of the dark night, altho thou may’st seem to thy self to live in Errour, and that thou art worse then ever; that thou seest nothing in thy Soul, but abomination and signs of condemnation.”

And Molinos now, with a dim awareness of his true condition, namely that of being in the thrall of some kind of demonic control, yet this is still within his ‘system’ of Quietism and is a necessary part of some mystical process. I suspect something in his earlier Jesuit training and the endless contemplation of hell and his sins had evoked some spirit of the mind or of some other realm which perhaps has been fully loosened with the quietening of the controlling faculty of the mind and the will:

“Here thou wilt see thy self forlorn and subject to Passions of impatience, anger, rage, swearing, and disordered appetites, seeming to thy self the most miserable Creature, the greatest Sinner in the World, the most abhorred of God, deprived and stript of all Vertue, with a pain like that of Hell, seeing thy self afflicted and desolate, to think that thou hast altogether lost God; this will be thy cruel cutting and most bitter torment.”

We also find a comment which may recall to experiences of Swedenborg and his being assaulted by the voices of demonic spirits:

“…because it would naturally be impossible, considering the force and violence wherewith sometimes they attack, to resist one quarter of an hour.”

We find a similar account in the story of the Catholic Saint Teressa whom Molinos references and praises and calls ‘the great Doctoress, and Mystical Mistress.’ It also seems that she like Molinos was continually affected by ‘troublesome thoughts’:

“There is a necessity of suffering the trouble of a Troop of Thoughts, importune Imaginations, and the impetuosities of natural Notions, not only, of the Soul through the dryness and disunion it hath, but of the Body also, occasioned by the want of submission to the Spirit, which it ought to have.”

She also wrote, or rather her confessor who recorded her words wrote:

“Devotion of Ecstasy, is where the consciousness of being in the body disappears. Sensory faculties cease to operate. Memory and imagination also become absorbed in God, as though intoxicated. Body and spirit dwell in the throes of exquisite pain, alternating between a fearful fiery glow, in complete unconscious helplessness, and periods of apparent strangulation.”

It would be a good idea at this point to examine this Catholic saint, one of the few women to have been sanctified and furthermore declared a ‘Doctor of the faith’ by the Catholic church. Teresa Sanchez de Cepeda y Ahumada was born in Avila Spain in 1515. Her paternal grandfather was a Marrano, a Chew forced to convert to Christianity under pain of expulsion. In a fine example of the illusory nature of many of the Chews’ conversions to Christianity, her grandfather apparently returned to the Chewish faith after ‘conversion’ and was investigated by the Inquisition but later managed to reintegrate himself into Christian life. Teresa’s father was a wool merchant and one of the richest men in Avila and was knighted.

At 20 she entered the Carmelite Convent of the Incarnation which had been built on top of land which had been used as a Chewish burial ground. It was here that she started to experience ‘spiritual ecstasy’ combined with debilitating physical illness brought on by self-imposed physical mortification including excessive fasting which was to lead to continual ill-health throughout her life. Her fondness for self-flagellation was such that when she received Papal sanction for her principles; she created a new constitution for her convent which involved stricter rules and three lots of ceremonial flagellation every week.

During her illnesses she believed she had reached a ‘perfect union with God’ although many at the time suggested these experiences could be the result of diabolical rather than divine influence. She became convinced that Jesus Christ himself had physically presented himself to her although he was invisible to others and one vision in particular caused her further pain when an invisible seraph or angel repeatedly stabbed her in the heart with a golden lance:

“I saw in his hand a long spear of gold, and at the point there seemed to be a little fire. He appeared to me to be thrusting it at times into my heart, and to pierce my very entrails; when he drew it out, he seemed to draw them out also, and to leave me all on fire with a great love of God. The pain was so great, that it made me moan; and yet so surpassing was the sweetness of this excessive pain, that I could not wish to be rid of it …”

Naturally this has nothing to do with God or anything divine and quite rightly the suspicions of some of her friends at the time seem well founded that there was a diabolical origin to these visions and torments. It was even reported that she experienced levitation and sometimes the other sisters at the convent had to physically hold her down.

Another female mystic later made ‘Doctor of the Catholic church’ was Saint Catherine of Siena. She was an early Christian mystic who emerged long before the Alumbrados and died a 100 years before the birth of proto-Alumbrado Maria de Santo Domingo. From her we can also find a development of the work of Pseudo-Dionysius and she may also have influenced the work of Molinos; in a letter to leader of the Dominican order, Raymond de Capua, who acted as her mentor and confessor, she wrote:

"Build a cell inside your mind, from which you can never flee."

However, this ‘cell’ that Catherine created was a theatre of nonsense and delusions where her mother was turned into the Virgin Mary, her father was Christ and her brothers became the apostles.

Like Saint Teresa she practised self-mortification and fasted to an extreme degree. Her confessor ordered her to eat properly but in the final year of her life she could no longer even eat or swallow water; whether this was psychosomatic and a kind of self-induced mania is unknown but is probably likely. Shortly before her death she suffered a stroke which paralysed her from the waist down and she died at the pitiably young age of 33 years old. Here we have to wonder why a woman could consider it useful to fast and abstain from food and even water to the point at which she eventually becomes crippled and incapable of even walking, then dies. There can be nothing inspired from God in any of this and I find the cases of these women, (some of whom have been canonised and are recognised as saints of the Catholic church) and those women who were persecuted and imprisoned as Alumbrados to be one and the same and to be inspired by a diabolical doctrine which is antagonistic to humanity and the message and ministry of Jesus Christ.

Catherine of Sienna was said to give away the clothing and food from her family without asking their permission and she pointedly refused to eat with her family claiming she preferred to eat in heaven with her ‘real family’. In her own writings she also claimed that she was married to Jesus Christ as her mystic husband and that she had received a ring made of the 8 day old boy Christ’s foreskin, which of course, was invisible to other people, like Saint Teresa whose physical Christ companion was also invisible to other people.

What we are dealing with here are, at best, psychotic delusions or at worst some kind of genuine contact between a human who has chosen to deprive himself of psychic protection in order to make contact with what he or she thinks is God, but something which perhaps does not have their best wishes at heart. Like those first seen at the beginning of this book with Barbara O’Brien but here we can trace them to a specific Alumbrado root which in turn has its root in the Chewish community and is likely an externalisation of the community practising the doctrines of the Kabbalah. It can be no coincidence that the Kabbalah in its final form also emerged from mediaeval Spain.

The result of this pathway seems to hint at a loss of personal volition but more pertinently, as Molinos records in a letter from “an illuminated Mother of Cantal wrote to a Sister, and great Servant of God” who is following some kind of Illuminati doctrine, provides some kind of demonic bridgehead which I would claim is the purpose of the Jesuit movement and these mystical movements arising from mediaeval Spain:

“To this purpose I remember, that a few days since, God communicated to me an Illumination, which made such an impression upon me, as if I had clearly seen him; and this it is, That I should never look upon my self, but walk with eyes shut, leaning on my Beloved, without striving to see nor know the way, by which he guides me, neither fix my thoughts on any thing, nor yet beg Favours of him, but as undone in my self, rest wholly and sincerely on him. Hitherto that Illuminated and Mystical Mistress, whose Words do Credit Authorize our Doctrine.”

But what is that ‘doctrine’? What has been specifically recorded about the Alumbrado’s by history? The inquisition found the Alumbrados had some strange ideas which might conflict with what we today might imagine as a group of free-thinkers and pleasure seekers, but there seems to be something stranger and more complex at work. A strange kind of psychological journey which I hope this volume has at least partially tried to illuminate. It seems, at least from reports, that the sexual excesses of the Alumbrados and people like Miguel Molinos and the Kabbalists in general, could be, if Miguel is to be believed, a result of being wholly under the control of demonic impulsions. Naturally it might seem like a bit of an easy cop-out to say ‘the devil told me to do it’ as a way to evade responsibility, but the fact that we see the same trends occur again and again: the lack of conscious physical control of the body resulting in various kinds of hysteria and even attempts at levitation indicate that there is something more than a person’s own will.

If one has a difficult time accepting the reality of discarnate spirits, one could say that subconscious psychological forces may have been unleashed as a result of the rigours of the various self-mortifications and repeated morbid Jesuit style visualisations of the horrors and terrors of hell, and that it is this which may lead to the wanton licentious excesses which the church authorities reported in connection with Alumbrado doctrines, doctrines which Molinos more or less explicitly alluded to being a follower of.

The book The Spanish Inquisition, 1478-1614: An Anthology of Sources, compiled and translated by Lu Ann Homza is an invaluable resource for first-hand recorded documentation about the Alumbrados. Naturally the information is that which was recorded by the church authorities and the Inquisition during the court processes against those Alumbrados suspected of heresy but there are many witness statements which are brought to bear and feature the words of the Alumbrados themselves.

All in all it paints a strange picture of those involved in the Alumbrados, with many apparent contradictions in the words of the defendants themselves and paints a tragic picture of people who, for whatever reason, whether an intention to subvert Spanish society and the church or from a genuine experiment in free-thinking, regardless the end result is the same: a picture of confused, disordered thinking, with some genuine wisdom which appears in sharp relief to the blurry mental background with a certain sense of emotional estrangement and likely mental impairment.

In 1525 the Inquisition published an edict on the numerated heresies of the Alumbrados which had been elicited from Alumbrado members themselves with the promise that “no punishment, public penance, or confiscation of goods would be imposed upon them”. The most common response from the church authorities to each proposition or heresy was a familiar refrain: “This proposition is erroneous, false, heretical ….” and sometimes with more apt descriptions, in the instance of proposition 46 “That the end of the world had to occur in twelve years.” The church authorities were succinct: “This proposition is crazy.”

And indeed, a lot of them are; it really is a poor reflection on your particular brand of mysticism if you manage to make the Catholic Church look sensible.

Some of the propositions are strange and hint at something almost anti-human; a list of directions one would follow in order not to take pleasure from life or possibly, propositions which had been arrived at as a result of a certain psychological transformation which may indicate some kind of schizoid illness. How else can one explain such items as proposition 31:

“That he held it as a mortal sin if he read some book to console his soul.”

Or proposition 36: “That a man sinned mortally every time he loved a son, daughter, or other person, and did not love that person through God.”

Or proposition 40: “Because a girl crossed the street, he said she had sinned, because in that action she had fulfilled her will.”

Proposition number 1 is fairly unambiguous and quite a statement of intent:  “There is no Hell, and if they say there is, it is to frighten us, just as they tell children, “Watch out for the bogeyman.”

It is clear however that anyone believing such a thing in all its bald and unnuanced simplicity would feel no compulsion to moderate their behaviour and attempt to lead a good life nor any compunction about leading a bad one.

Such a statement really calls into question the whole of creation itself to some extent and that, if one is to believe there is a spiritual component to life and that another state of higher reality exists, then one is hardly likely to want to spend that in the company of the spirits of evil rogues looking to continue committing atrocities against their fellow spirits for all eternity. Clearly there must be some kind of spiritual filtering mechanism and a kind of like-with-like which is one of the most natural and readily comprehendible principles of reality, and such a mechanism would necessarily relegate those with irredeemably malicious or evil inclinations to be with their own kind where they can furnish and fashion their own mutually unpleasant spiritual reality.

Proposition 6 reported that one of the Alumbrados:

“…was sorry he had not sinned more; and knowing what God’s mercy was, he wished he had sinned more in order to enjoy that mercy more. Because the greater the sinner, the more God loves him.”

This Kabbalistic thinking should be very familiar to us by now after reading through this volume and indicated perhaps, the element of Kabbalistic Chewish ‘Oral Tradition’ working into Spanish society through the current of those who had only superficially converted to Christianity.

The picture which emerges of the Alumbrados is that they believed themselves infallible, since according to them: “God could not make a person more perfect or more humble than he already was,” and also unrepentant of any wrong doings since “They call those people who lament their sins ‘penance-addicts,’ ‘proprietors of themselves,’ and ‘weepers.’

They also believed that sex was a kind of holy sacrament: “married people were more united to God while making love than if they had been praying.” And temptation should be welcomed:

“They did not have to renounce temptations and evil thoughts, but rather should embrace them and take them as a burden, and walk onward with this cross.”

This particular Alumbrado trap is the snare which caught Miguel Molinos and cemented his reputation as a heretic and caused him to be sentenced to prison where he died. It is likely that without the stain of personal immorality which cast the whole of his life’s work into disrepute, his Spiritual Exercises and the benefits of the kind of transcendental meditation could well have become part of the liturgy of the Catholic Church and have developed into a useful way to contact the divine principle for, in the words of Jesus: “…nor will they say, ‘See here!’ or ‘See there!’ For indeed, the kingdom of God is within you.”

But pure nonsense cannot survive without the oxygen of truth and like all attempts at subversion or deceptive stratagems, it is necessary to accompany the lies with a bodyguard of truth and so this is why within the doctrines of the Alumbrados we find some very reasonable and evident truths such as Maria de Cazalla saying of the Catholic Church:

“I believe that the Child Jesus is lost in the sophisms and arguments that you pronounce.”

Or of her “considering papal bulls, indulgences, and pardons to be a joke, and believing they benefited no one and achieved nothing, said, ‘Look, I’ve bought Christianity and am carrying it around, for one is not a Christian unless you have these bulls; I’d rather throw the money into something else.’”

She was quite right of course, but even now we as a modern reader with a delicate taste for nuance might detect that the mockery goes a little too far and we can perhaps detect a veiled disdain not only for the Church but for Christianity itself. But there is something more, some of Maria de Cazalla’s statements betray something more than scepticism or irreverence:

“María de Cazalla and others believed that there was no Mary Magdalene, nor a St. Anne who married three times, nor were there three Marys; they thought the whole thing was a joke. When she was told that the Church held such matters as true, she replied that it was a joke, and some stupid people had so ordered it….”

They seem to indicate a claim to some other information or knowledge since it is unlikely that most church goers of the time would question such things, but what if someone were part of a tradition which had its own information about such things, quite outside of the Catholic Church. Again, the connection to the Chewish community with its own extensive written historical records and oral traditions would fit this bill perfectly.

But if the accounts of Maria de Cazalla can’t help but reveal a parallel knowledge-stream they also show again a certain inhumanity, one would also say, sociopathic or even borderline psychotic aspect of the Alumbrado tradition. What are we to make of such statements, which even the dreaded Inquisition rightly described as ‘horrific’:

“She heard from Bishop Cazalla that María de Cazalla said she conceived her children without carnal pleasure and did not love them as if they were her own, but rather as if they were her neighbors’. 

And another similar reported statement from Maria de Cazalla:

“She reprehended a certain lady who deeply loved her own children, calling that lady a butcher of the flesh who had a piece of her heart in each child.”

And after giving birth, instead of feelings of joy or such as might be normal this report similarly evokes a singular anti-human perspective:

“Likewise, when asked why people didn’t come to see her after she had given birth, María de Cazalla said, ‘May God remove that disgrace from me,’ as if she considered childbirth disgraceful.”

From this we can create a psychological profile strongly suggestive of Maria de Cazalla being in the population percentile suffering from a degree of psychopathy since an inability to feel emotions and even being repelled by them is a strong marker of such a disorder, also it was reported that “she felt no carnal pleasure in sex,” a dissociative condition known as sexual anhedonia and if we factor in this dissociative element we might not be far from the mark if we consider that Maria de Cazalla may have been a schizophrenic.

It is possible however that she was not always like this, reports indicate that Cazalla was somehow ‘changed’ by conversing with other Alumbrados:

“Asked how she knew that María de Cazalla held the opinions of the Alumbrados, she said she knew because she saw María de Cazalla converse in secret with Isabel de la Cruz and Pedro Ruiz de Alcaraz. She saw them confer night and day, and saw her altered in all her habits and spiritual exercises, so much so that the needleworkers of Orche said María de Cazalla was crazy.”

Tuesday 28 December 2021

New book available now on Kindle and in paperback.

 New book now available on Amazon. Ebook and paperback now available.

 An investigation into the reality of the spirit world with reference to various published materials and the historical influence of the spirit-world within the European hermetic movement and secret societies.

Exploring the creation and the purpose of the Jesuits.

The secret of the Alumbrados. 

Decoding the Rosicrucians.

The TRUTH about UFO's.

Alchemy explained.

The Kabbalah exposed!


Saturday 2 October 2021

Investigating Ignacio de Loyola and the Spiritual Exercises of the Jesuits.


What interests me is how a nobleman living in a castle in the North of Spain, became the progenitor of one of the most evil and dastardly groups ever created.

Rather banally I may have found the answer on Wikipedia.

I became intrigued by hearing that following a serious and painful battlefield injury, Loyola took refuge in a cave for several months where he conducted so called spiritual exercises.

Traditionally, in the ancient world, caves were a place where one could contact spirits and/or experience visions, like the oracles of old.

It seems he made contact with some kind of being. No doubt a demonic spirit. Possibly Lucifer himself.

Ignatius also began experiencing a series of visions in full daylight while in hospital. These repetitive visions appeared as "a form in the air near him and this form gave him much consolation because it was exceedingly beautiful ... it somehow seemed to have the shape of a serpent and had many things that shone like eyes, but were not eyes. He received much delight and consolation from gazing upon this object ... but when the object vanished he became disconsolate".

A beautiful being which resembled a serpent?

Pretty self explanatory who this guy was working for.




                                                        The journey into mystery.


The Kabbalah emerged from 12th Century Spain with some possible origins in the 1st and 2nd century. Something else to emerge from Spain, another arguably transformative movement was that of the Jesuits. The Jesuits almost certainly emerged from the Alumbrados of Castile who were said to have been mostly conversos, that is Jewish converts to Christianity.  Of the Alumbrados states:

“While they counted some of the high aristocracy among their number, most of the Illuminists seem to have been conversos.”

In the Alumbrados we find a development of the broad themes of the Kabbalah and the beliefs of the Alumbrados are a good snapshot of the kind of spirit of sensuality and sexual license which would later entwine itself into Freemasonry and the various Hellfire clubs and the Bavarian Illuminati which all seemed to present themselves on the scene within a close time-frame and as we have seen, many of the members were intricately connected to each society.

The Alumbrados believed that it was possible to reach a state of union with God whereby one could freely indulge in sinful acts and express sexual desires freely. They too believed in a kind of direct revelation of God, whereby they could actually obtain direct communication with him. This is enough to give pause and make one question just what it was that these people thought they were actually contacting. What voices and delusions overthrew them and led them to believe it was God itself they were trafficking with? We cannot know how exactly the Alumbrados pursued this path to ‘contact’ but we can examine the work of Ignacio de Loyola for a clue since the Jesuits were the inheritors of this subversive heretical tradition which managed to find a home within the Catholic church and Loyola was even summoned to stand before an ecclesiastic commission while he was studying in Salamanca in 1527 on a charge of being in league with the Alumbrados.

Once when Inigo was preaching on the street, three women who had been investigated by the Inquisition for being members of the Alumbrados started experiencing suspicious ecstatic states:

"One fell senseless, another sometimes rolled about on the ground, another had been seen in the grip of convulsions or shuddering and sweating in anguish." Inigo himself had been imprisoned on being suspected of being Alumbrado but was eventually released without charge.

It is suspicious since such activity has historically been considered to be a sign of demonic possession. That fact that Inigo was able to elicit a kind of resonant demonic possession in these three Alumbrado women indicates that he himself was probably operating under the impulse and control of the demonic realm.

The book The Jesuit Order as a Synagogue of Jews by Robert Aleksander Maryks goes into extensive detail exploring the particular ethno-religious conflicts of the period during the early years of the Jesuits and the ongoing attempts of various groups to wrest control of the direction of the order. It seemed largely to be a contest between Jews who had apparently converted to Christianity and non-Jewish Christians. It is revealed that most of the original directors of the organisation were Jews, although there are rumours and suspicions that Loyola himself was a Converso this is not made explicit in the book.

It is worth noting that Philip II of Spain observed that “all the heresies in Germany, France, and Spain have been sown by descendants of Jews” and the Inquisition was formed precisely to root out the heretical corruptions of ‘converso’ Jews, or Jews who now professed to be Christian but who may secretly still have practised their former faith and who may indeed have a particular interest in attacking Christianity from within. 

Born in Azeiptia in the Kingdom of Castille, which in 15th Century Spain was the centre of Alumbrado activity, there can be no doubt that Loyola would have been familiar with Kabbalistic treatments and was an associate of the Alumbrados.

Ignacio de Loyola was born Inigo Lopez, Lopez, although a Spanish surname meaning ‘son of the wolf’ is also considered a Sephardic Jewish surname.  It is thought that Inigo Lopez changed his name to Ignacio de Loyola to allay any suspicions about possible Marrano origins and place him within the context of indigenous Spanish nobility. As a young man he became a servant of the Spanish nobleman Juan Velázquez de Cuéllar, who was treasurer to the Spanish King, King Ferdinand. He was said to have had a carousing and dissolute life of a knight until he suffered a bad leg wound fighting the French in the battle of Pamplona. The sudden reversal in his fortunes, the terrible pain of his shattered leg and the ongoing torture as the doctors continuously tried to set and reset it must have inspired some of the dark rhetoric which informs his Spiritual Exercises which is the mental conditioning manual for the infamous Jesuit Order.

The Spiritual Exercises form the key element of preparing the mind for acceptance into the Jesuit mental framework though I would say that the key aim is the auto-induction into psychosis through  deliberate and continual contemplation on evil; in the words of Loyola: “to see with the sight of the imagination”. The fifth exercise for example, is a mediation on Hell. The novitiate is required by stages, or degrees you might say, to visualise Hell, to place himself there with his mind.

“The first Point will be to see with the sight of the imagination the great fires, and the souls as in bodies of fire. Second Point. The second, to hear with the ears wailings, howlings, cries, blasphemies against Christ our Lord and against all His Saints.”

In general the system of the Jesuits is as I have stated, seems to be a fast track to auto-initiated psychosis. As we have heard the Rosicrucians have a psychic initiatory framework whereby degrees and information is revealed psychically to particular favoured people. It is my contention that the Jesuit system is the same and it does this by establishing contact with some kind of ‘astral agency’ which can only approach the human psyche once it is sufficiently weakened and unable to resist. Of course the Jesuits think this is God, since their system tells them that it is, and that they are suitably humbling themselves and wallowing in their sins, in order to apparently make them fully repentant enough to be worthy of God’s favour. Repeatedly the Jesuit Spiritual Exercise make plain their aim to invoke confusion and shame in the novitiate.

“The first Point will be to bring the memory on the First Sin, which was that of the Angels, and then to bring the intellect on the same, discussing it; then the will, wanting to recall and understand all this in order to make me more ashamed and confound me more, bringing into comparison with the one sin of the Angels my so many sins, and reflecting, while they for one sin were cast into Hell, how often I have deserved it for so many…”

“it will be to ask shame and confusion at myself, seeing how many have been damned for only one mortal sin, and how many times I deserved to be condemned forever for my so many sins.”

Thus he is specifically instructed to pray for pain, torment, shame and confusion and to see himself in the lowest terms:

“to see all my bodily corruption and foulness; to look at myself as a sore and ulcer, from which have sprung so many sins and so many iniquities and so very vile poison.”

It goes without saying that the most obvious fallacy here is that he is appealing to God, the presumed creator of humanity and all life on  Earth, either directly or indirectly, while presenting himself as an example of God’s creation in the lowest and foulest possible terms. Such self-abasement has nothing appealing in spiritual terms and if anything might only possibly appeal to a being who has a great hatred of humanity, such a well-known adversary we do not need to name here for fear of labouring a point.

Additionally these ‘prayers’ or ‘invocations’ or whatever one might call them, are often under instruction to take place just after midnight or in total darkness:

“ deprive myself of all light, closing the blinds and doors while I am in the room, if it be not to recite prayers, to read and eat.”

“at midnight, bringing myself to confusion for my so many sins, setting examples, as, for instance, if a knight found himself before his king and all his court, ashamed and confused at having much offended him, from whom he had first received many gifts and many favors: in the same way, in the second Exercise, making myself a great sinner and in chains; that is to say going to appear bound as in chains before the Supreme Eternal Judge; taking for an example how prisoners in chains and already deserving death, appear before their temporal judge.”

Again it is evident to most according to millennia of religious and metaphysical literature that God and the angels are usually associated with light while other types of beings and unwholesome spirits are generally, in the folklore, said to be most active and abroad at night and in conditions of darkness.

The gist of the Spiritual Exercises seems to be instead of drawing closer to God and achieving a more positive relationship with the divine creative principle, the contrary seems to be the logical outcome. The repeated invocation of shame, of ones loathsome sinful nature and finally the:

“…understanding how in sinning and acting against the Infinite Goodness, he has been justly condemned forever.”

In fact the Spiritual Exercises specifically deny contemplation on the positive aspects of the Christian message and of Jesus’ ministry, but instead to continually ruminate on death and judgement exclusively:

“Not to want to think on things of pleasure or joy, such as heavenly glory, the Resurrection, etc. Because whatever consideration of joy and gladness hinders our feeling pain and grief and shedding tears for our sins: but to keep before me that I want to grieve and feel pain, bringing to memory rather Death and Judgment.”

Nor indeed to think of the Good News Jesus brought, of our salvation through his sacrifice/murder by the proto-Rabbinical authorities following their own traditions alien to Torah Judaism but instead:

“force myself to grieve, be sad and weep.”
Furthermore Jesuits are taught:

“Not to laugh nor say a thing provocative of laughter…(and) restrain my sight, except in receiving or dismissing the person with whom I have spoken.”

This leads to the creation of a peculiarly unappealing personality. One who does not laugh or enjoy humour and is not interested in encouraging humour of laughter in others, not only that but a man who will only make eye contact twice, upon receiving and dismissing someone. Such rules are designed to further alienate such a person from his fellows and the simple human pleasures of human fellowship. This could only be forbidden by someone wanting to make someone estranged from goodness and languishing only as we have seen, in pain and torment. C.S.Lewis reminds us that God wants only the best for us and certainly would not have created the majesty and wonder of the world in order for us to be self-flagellating slaves crippling ourselves and renouncing even the good things about the human experience.

The Jesuits are even encouraged not to take any simple pleasure in the eating food:

“Another time, while he is eating, he can take another consideration, either on the life of Saints, or on some pious Contemplation, or on some spiritual affair which he has to do, because, being intent on such thing, he will take less delight and feeling in the corporal food.”

Focusing on the bad and renouncing the good can only have the effect of making a man become what he focusses on: evil. And this I have no doubt was the devious aim of the Jesuit organisation: the inculcation of a militant band of priests languishing in evil, cutting themselves off from humanity, goodness and becoming brooding beings of pestilence, death and sin. Nothing good can come from such auto-suggestion because as Proverbs remind us:

“For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he.”

Not only were the Jesuits told to take no pleasure from life and “ to leave off the superfluous of delicate or soft things” but indeed to actually provoke pain and damage to their own bodies:

“to chastise the flesh, that is, giving it sensible pain, which is given by wearing haircloth or cords or iron chains next to the flesh, by scourging or wounding oneself, and by other kinds of austerity.”

Loyola also praises fear, servile fear no less, as a way, if not the best way, to serve God, but this directly contradicts Biblical teaching which tells us:

“God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind” (2 Timothy 1:7). 

“Although serving God our Lord much out of pure love is to be esteemed above all; we ought to praise much the fear of His Divine Majesty, because not only filial fear is a thing pious and most holy, but even servile fear -- when the man reaches nothing else better or more useful -- helps much to get out of mortal sin. And when he is out, he easily comes to filial fear, which is all acceptable and grateful to God our Lord: as being at one with the Divine Love.”

This focusing on fear, doom, terror and all such negative qualities seems to be the key focus of the Jesuit system and it is ironic that we find a similar mental framework being evoked in the 1st degree initiation into the arch-enemy of the Catholic church, the Royal Black Lodge, a high level of the protestant Orange Order of Northern Ireland said to have taken its rites and history from the Knights Templar. The following extract is from

“In this interview the Black Grand Registrar reveals much about the actual nature of the Royal Black and its very reason for existence. In essence, he admits that it is a secret Order that is immersed in the accoutrements of death. He admits that it is a society that is in a continual state of mourning. Take away the mourning and the Black loses its identity. It is an Order that proudly parades the symbols of death as an outward representation of its inward beliefs and spiritual psyche. 

The skull and cross-bones is not merely a Black emblem but is an important exhibit used in its ritual initiations and in certain secret formal gatherings to lay stress upon, or represent secret esoteric teaching. In probably one of the most shocking practices existing within the Loyal Orders, the candidate entering the first degree of the Black – the Royal Black degree – is met with a display of human remains. There, before him, sits an actual human skull and bones amidst a gathering of sober Black brethren. As the entrant views the human skull he is solemnly instructed on the teaching of the Black on death, the resurrection and eternity.”

Interestingly the same website gives details of the sequence of events in the initiation and we find the interesting detail:

“Something on a table under a white cloth being uncovered, was perceived to be a human skull, which the witness was desired to take up, and view it, and was told it was a real skull of a brother called Simon Magus. Porter was poured into the skull, which the witness was desired to drink; he did so, and it was handed round the whole Knights.”

So here we have a recipe for the auto-induction of psychosis, schizophrenia and demonic possession, and it is clear at times that Loyola himself is in a state of deep spiritual confusion and trapped at times in just the kind of manic-uncertainty can lead to the development of chronic conditions of psychosis, in fact the following example might lead the disinterested reader, if he or she has any knowledge of the kind of manias and inescapable double-binds that many suffering from severe mental illness suffer from, the following one assumes that Loyola must have stepped on the cracks in the pavement, visualising them as a Christian cross:

“After I have stepped on that cross, or after I have thought or said or done some other thing, there comes to me a thought from without that I have sinned, and on the other hand it appears to me that I have not sinned; still I feel disturbance in this; that is to say, in as much as I doubt and in as much as I do not doubt. That is a real scruple and temptation which the enemy sets.”

The thirteenth rule of Loyola’s Jesuits as outlined in his Spiritual Exercise is as follows and must surely be the most damning especially if we consider that Jesus said of himself: “I am the way, the truth and the life.” For the Jesuits, the ‘truth’ is whatever the institution of the Roman Church says it is:

“Thirteenth Rule. To be right in everything, we ought always to hold that the white which I see, is black, if the Hierarchical Church so decides it..” 

Strangely, Loyola seemed to have an inkling of what he was doing and perhaps he was in some doubts as to whether his Spiritual Exercises were not in fact demonically inspired and that reading the following extracts and then comparing it to the broader work in general we may see that he had unwittingly given the key and explanation to the creation of not only his own work, but the Jesuit order and their operations in the world to this present day:

“The enemy looks much if a soul is gross or delicate, and if it is delicate, he tries to make it more delicate in the extreme, to disturb and embarrass it more. For instance, if he sees that a soul does not consent to either mortal sin or venial or any appearance of deliberate sin, then the enemy, when he cannot make it fall into a thing that appears sin, aims at making it make out sin where there is not sin, as in a word or very small thought.”


Ignatio Loyola dedicated himself to the Black Virgin of Montserat.......

This ties in with my article about the Black Grail: 


 I gather that the whole thing about the Jesuits is that they contact spirits and that Ignatio de Loyola's so called spiritual exercised were techniques to be used in order to perceive and communicate with spirits.

This seems to be the key to Loyola's experience and revelation. That discarnate spirits acted on the human mind and were responsible for feelings of sadness, happiness and also effected his or her actions.

Loyola seemed to contact these spirits, either in hospital or in his cave. Suffice it to say, that possibly Loyola was not a bad man but possibly this knowledge of spirit contact became misused.



First Rule. The first: It is proper to God and to His Angels in their movements to give true spiritual gladness and joy, taking away all sadness and disturbance which the enemy brings on. Of this latter it is proper to fight against the spiritual gladness and consolation, bringing apparent reasons, subtleties and continual fallacies.
Second Rule. The second: It belongs to God our Lord to give consolation to the soul without preceding cause, for it is the property of the Creator to enter, go out and cause movements in the soul, bringing it all into love of His Divine Majesty. I say without cause: without any previous sense or knowledge of any object through which such consolation would come, through one's acts of understanding and will.

Third Rule. The third: With cause, as well the good Angel as the bad can console the soul, for contrary ends: the good Angel for the profit of the soul, that it may grow and rise from good to better, and the evil Angel, for the contrary, and later on to draw it to his damnable intention and wickedness.

Fourth Rule. The fourth: It is proper to the evil Angel, who forms himself under the appearance of an angel of light, to enter with the devout soul and go out with himself: that is to say, to bring good and holy thoughts, conformable to such just soul, and then little by little he aims at coming out drawing the soul to his covert deceits and perverse intentions.

Fifth Rule. The fifth: We ought to note well the course of the thoughts, and if the beginning, middle and end is all good, inclined to all good, it is a sign of the good Angel; but if in the course of the thoughts which he brings it ends in something bad, of a distracting tendency, or less good than what the soul had previously proposed to do, or if it weakens it or disquiets or disturbs the soul, taking away its peace, tranquillity and quiet, which it had before, it is a clear sign that it proceeds from the evil spirit, enemy of our profit and eternal salvation.

Sixth Rule. The sixth: When the enemy of human nature has been perceived and known by his serpent's tail and the bad end to which he leads on, it helps the person who was tempted by him, to look immediately at the course of the good thoughts which he brought him at their beginning, and how little by little he aimed at making him descend from the spiritual sweetness and joy in which he was, so far as to bring him to his depraved intention; in order that with this experience, known and noted, the person may be able to guard for the future against his usual deceits.

Seventh Rule. The seventh: In those who go on from good to better, the good Angel touches such soul sweetly, lightly and gently, like a drop of water which enters into a sponge; and the evil touches it sharply and with noise and disquiet, as when the drop of water falls on the stone.

And the above-said spirits touch in a contrary way those who go on from bad to worse.

The reason of this is that the disposition of the soul is contrary or like to the said Angels. Because, when it is contrary, they enter perceptibly with clatter and noise; and when it is like, they enter with silence as into their own home, through the open door.

Eighth Rule. The eighth: When the consolation is without cause, although there be no deceit in it, as being of God our Lord alone, as was said; still the spiritual person to whom God gives such consolation, ought, with much vigilance and attention, to look at and distinguish the time itself of such actual consolation from the following, in which the soul remains warm and favored with the favor and remnants of the consolation past; for often in this second time, through one's own course of habits and the consequences of the concepts and judgments, or through the good spirit or through the bad, he forms various resolutions and opinions which are not given immediately by God our Lord, and therefore they have need to be very well examined before entire credit is given them, or they are put into effect.



I'm on FIRE with dat TROOF.

I'm on FIRE with dat TROOF.
Kundalini refugee doing a bit of landscaping.


2009 Glastonbury (1) 27 club (1) 33 degrees (1) 3rd degree (1) 4d (3) 4d manipulation (1) 4d maths (1) 4d reality (1) 4d void (1) 4th dimension (3) 4th dimensional state (1) 57 club (1) 8:01 (1) adrenochrome (8) aether (1) Akashic records (1) Al Hakim (1) ALC (1) Alchemy (3) Aleister Crowley (6) Alexander the Great (1) alien abductions (1) all-seeing iPhone (1) Alumbrados (3) American Language Center (1) American Language Center Morocco (1) AMORC (1) Amy Winehouse (1) Ancient Egypt (1) ancient mysteries (1) ancient world (1) Andrew Anglin (1) Andrew Carrington Hitchcock (1) apocalypse (1) Art and Satan (1) Aspartame (1) Assassins (2) Astarte (1) astral images (2) ATS banned (1) ATS disinfo (1) audio trance (1) Augustine of Hippo (1) auto intiation (1) Baal (2) Baalbek (1) Baalbek megaliths (1) Babylonian Kingdom (1) BAFA Freemasons (1) BAFA Harcèlement moral (1) BAFA mind control (1) Bar Khoba (1) Barbara O'Brien (1) Bataclan Illuminati false flag (1) BBC paedophiles (1) beard (1) beginners' luck (1) Betty Hill (1) beyond time and space (1) Black gang initiation (1) black hand (1) Black Madonna (1) Black Virgin (1) blood drinking (1) bloodline of Cain (1) Boleskine House (2) Boris Johnson (1) Bowie cancer (2) Bowie cocaine (1) Bowie crisis (1) Bowie Crowley (1) Bowie Jimmy Page (1) Bowie occult (1) Bowie OTO (1) Bowie paedo (1) Bowie underage (1) Brad Pitt (1) breaking into heaven (1) breath of life (1) Brexit (1) Buddha (1) bullet-proof Ford Fiesta (1) C S Lewis (1) Caerleon Camelot (1) Cain (2) cain bloodline (1) Cain's children (4) Camden Town (1) Canaanites (3) Cancer 69 (1) Cathars (1) Catholic Church (2) Catholic Kabbalism (1) celebrity kabbalah (1) CELTA (1) CELTA Freemasons (1) CELTA mind control (1) CERN (1) Chancellor (1) Chris Morris (1) Chrisitan Rosenkreuz (1) Christian Knorr von Rosenroth (1) Christian Rosenkreutz (1) Christian Zionism (1) Christianity (2) Christians (1) Churchill (1) Chymical Wedding (3) CIA mind control (1) city of the Edomites (1) clarity (1) classless society (1) coincidence (1) coke sucker (1) common purpose (1) consciousness field (1) contactees (1) continuum (1) conversos (2) corrupt judges (1) corrupt police (1) corrupt social workers (1) cover up (1) creating coincidence (1) creation of the universe (1) Creepy Crowley (1) critical thinking (1) Crowley (3) Crowley fire (1) CS Lewis (2) cult murders (1) curse of Cain (1) Cyprian (1) Da Vinci Code (1) Dante Inferno (1) dark ages of the universe (1) dark energy (1) David Bowie Crowley (1) David Icke Forum (2) David Icke Forum banned (1) day-glo bobbies (1) dead bankers (1) Deadfield (1) Delgado (1) delusion (1) Democracy (1) demon possession (1) demonic (1) demonic voices (1) demons (5) despair (1) destruction of Israel (1) died wanking (1) DIF (1) diffraction grating experiment (1) discarnate beings (1) divine right of kings (1) Djinns (1) DoÄŸa Koleji (1) Doga okullari (1) Doga schools (1) DOÄžU AKDENÄ°Z DOÄžA (1) double slit experiment (1) double-slits experiment (1) Dracula (1) Druze (1) Duke of Wharton (1) Dunblane (1) early mind control (1) East Mediterranean Kolej (1) East of Eden (1) Eden (1) Edom. Esau (1) edomite terror (1) Edomites (2) ego (1) Egypt (1) Egyptian Beer and Lebanese Hash (1) Egyptian initiation (1) electronic harassment (1) electronic harassment delusion (1) EM field (1) End of the world (1) enlightenment (1) epic sword battles (1) Establishment paedophilia (1) etymology (1) Evelyn Waugh (1) Ewen Cameron (1) fake aliens (2) fake UFOs (3) Falk (1) fall of Jerusalem (2) Falling Madonna (1) false flag (1) false Gods (1) Famagusta (1) feels like acid (1) Feminism (3) fizzy pop star (1) flat earth (1) Flat Earthers (1) flying saucer (1) forum moderator (1) Frankfurt School (1) freemason cover up (1) Freemason nepotism (1) Freemason Tom Hanks (1) Freemasonic secrets (1) freemasonry (10) freemasonry watch (1) freemasonry watch forum (1) Freemasons (8) freemasons Lymingon (1) Freemasons Morocco (1) Freemasons New Forest (1) Frescobaldi (1) fresh cold quantum chunks (1) Friday 13th (1) Friday 13th 2015 (1) Frozen (1) Fukushima (1) full retard (1) future (1) future news (1) gang stalking (2) gang-stalking (1) Gawker (1) gender politics. (1) George Michael (1) George Michael coke (1) George Michael coming out (1) George Michael dead (1) George Noory (1) George W Bush (1) German paedophile (1) ghosts (1) gnostic Christianity (1) Gnostic movement (1) Gnosticism (1) God (1) God King (1) God particle (1) God representative (1) Goddess cult (1) gods (1) Golden Dawn (3) Great Work (1) grey aliens (2) Guardian (1) Guy Ritchie (1) handshakes (1) happiness (1) Hashashin (1) Hassan Ibn Sabbah (1) hazing (1) hearing voices (2) Hell-chasers (1) Hellfire Club (2) Hermetic magic (1) hidden code (1) hidden hand (1) higher dimensions (1) Hillsborough stadium (1) Hitler (3) Hoffer adrenochrome (1) Hollow-Earth (1) Hollywood (1) Hollywood atheism (1) holograms (1) holographic reality (1) Holy Blood Holy Grail (1) Holy sin (1) House of Wisdom (1) Human trafficking Morocco (1) hypercube (1) hypernumbers (1) hypersphere (2) hypnotism (1) Iggy Pop (1) Ignacio Loyola (1) illuminati (15) Illuminati assassin (1) illuminati bloodline (2) Illuminati False Flag (1) Illuminati high school (1) Illuminati insider (1) illuminati Pope (1) Illuminati programmer (1) Illuminati psychic powers (1) illuminati recruitment (1) illuminati revealed (1) illuminati training (1) Illuminati witch (1) Illumination (4) Inducing hypnotic states (1) info-raids (1) initiatic mysteries (1) initiation (3) Ink (1) Ink/Lake (1) inner peace (2) inner voice (2) inner-peace (1) Innocent III (1) Inquisition (1) Insane Clown Posse (1) Ipsissimus (1) Iran nuclear programme (1) Isaac Luria (1) Isabel de Cruz (1) Ishtar (1) Isis (1) ismailis (1) Israel (1) Israel Regardie (1) Israeli (1) James Casbolt (1) James the awesome (1) James the great (1) Janus program (1) Japan (1) Jesse The Devil Hughes (1) Jesuits (4) Jesus (1) Jesus Christ (1) Jezebel (1) Jim Morrison (1) Jim Morrison beard (1) Jimmy Savile Freemason (1) Jo Cox murder (1) Joan Smith (1) Joe Fisher (1) John Steinbeck (1) joining the Illuminati (1) Kaballah (1) Kabbalah (12) Kabbalistic tree of life (1) Kali (1) Karma Farmer (1) kether (1) King Arthur (2) King Charles Vampire (1) King of Pop (1) KIPP (1) KKTC (1) Knights of Malta (1) Konrad Dippel (1) kosher punks (1) kulturkampf (1) Kykeon (1) Lactantius (1) Lady Gaga (1) Lake (1) Last Christmas (1) lewd act (1) Licinius (1) light (3) Lilith (1) loneliness (1) Love (1) LSD (1) Lucifer (1) Luciferian enlightenment (1) Lutz Bahr (1) Lutz Bahr paedophile (1) MacGregor Mathers (1) macro universe (1) Madonna Brit awards (1) Madonna Brits (1) Madonna kabbalah (1) magic (1) magic Bowie (1) magic crack snakes (1) Magic Texas Hold'ems and Shithead sessions (1) magickal duel (2) Majilis al-hikma (1) Malcolm Mclaren (1) manifestation experiment (1) Manly P Hall (1) Maria de Cazalla (1) Martinists (2) Marxism (1) Marxists (1) Masonic beatings (1) Masonic hazing (1) masonic mind control (1) mass extinction (1) mass mind control (1) materialsm trap (1) Mauri (1) Max Spiers (1) McGregor Mathers (1) meaningless equality (1) meditation (1) megaliths (1) men going their own way (1) mental illness (1) Merlin (1) Merlin Cove (1) Merlincove Crowley (1) Merlincove cunt (1) MGTOW (2) Michael Douglas (1) Michael Jackson (1) Microprosopus (1) Mighty Zhiba cunt (1) Mighty Zhiba OTO (1) Miguel Molinos (2) Miles Johnston UFO (1) Miles Johnstone (1) Miley Cyrus Kali (1) Miley Cyrus tongue (1) mind control (3) mind control trance (1) mind reading (3) mind-control (1) misery (1) MK Ultra (1) modern banking system (1) Molech (1) Molinos (1) moment of common hatred (1) Mossad Morocco (1) Mother Goddess (1) Mother of all living (1) multiverse (1) murdered by Illuminati (2) music OTO (1) Mysteries of Eleusis (1) mysteries of raw fish (1) Nazari (1) Nazi saucer (1) Nazi saucers (1) Nazi UFO (1) Nazis (1) Neoplatonism (1) New World Order (1) news (1) next dimension (1) niacin b3 (1) NICAP (1) Nick Denton (1) North Cyprus (1) Obama freemason (1) Obama illuminati (1) occult (4) Occult Horcrux (1) on her arse (1) Operation Paperclip (2) optical illusion (1) Oral tradition (1) Orange Order (1) Order of Melchizedek (1) origins of Freemasonry (1) OTO (4) OTO Horcrux (1) oto music stars (1) pacific ocean (1) paedophile Freemason (1) paedophile freemasons (1) Paedophile network in Scotland (1) paedophiles (1) paedophilia (1) pagan spell weaving (1) paranoid Bowie (1) Paris false flag (1) Paris terror (1) Parsifal (1) Peaches Geldof (1) Pepsi powered FrankenJesus (1) Pere Lachaise (1) Phoenicians (2) photonic consciousness (1) photons (1) Pi (1) Plotinus (1) poorly spelt Facebook nonsense (1) pop goes the popstar (1) Pop Princess Amy (1) Pope Francis Freemason (1) Pope Prince (1) Popstars of the Apocalypse (1) Popstars of the Apocalypse 2 (2) Porphyr of Tyre (1) porphyria (1) positivity (1) Post-Bowie world (1) POTENTIAL POP PARADOXES AND WEAPONISED POPSTARMAGEDDON (1) President Trump (1) Prince (1) Prince autopsy (1) Prince cream (1) Prince death (1) Prince dies (1) Prince gay? (1) Prince murdered by Illuminati. Vanity Prince (1) Prince Prince of the Holy Roman Empire (1) Prince sacrifice (1) Priory of Sion (2) professional integrity (1) projection (1) propaganda (2) proton collisions (1) psychic freemasons (1) psychic powers (4) psycho-emotional control (1) psychoanalysis (1) psychological warfare (1) psychopaths (1) psychosis (1) psychospiritual transformation (1) psychotronic weapons (1) Punk (1) quantum field generator (1) quantum physics (5) quantum realm (1) quantum wave function (1) Queen of Pop (1) queen of the underworld (1) Quietism (2) Quraysh. SAFF (1) real number (1) reality (1) red hand (1) Revolver (1) Richard Kemp (1) ritual initiations (1) ritual magic (1) ritualised peak of obscenity (1) rituals (1) rolling drunk (1) Ronco Whisky Beard TM (1) Rosicrucians (7) Roswell (1) Rothschilds (1) Royal Black Order (1) Royal blood (1) royal madness (1) royal purple (1) royal vampires (1) Russell Brand (1) Russian revolution (1) rutting drunk animal (1) sacred feminine (1) Sacred language (1) Sam Gold (2) satanic false flag (1) satanic Madonna (1) Satanic ritual sacrifice (1) Satanic sacrifice (1) Satanism (1) Sayyid Qutb (1) schizophrenia (10) schizoprenia cure (1) Screwtape Letters (1) seal of Solomon (1) secret language (1) secret order (1) secret societies (1) Sefer Yezirah (1) Sefir Yetsirah (1) Sekhmet (1) serial killers (1) Sex Pistols (1) sexodus (1) Shekinah (1) Shia (1) shizophrenia (1) Shutter Island (1) Siberian Shaman (1) Simon Magus (1) Sir Mason Goldbrick (1) Siren Call of Hungry Ghosts (1) Siwa Oasis (1) Siwa Salt lake (1) social change agenda (1) Social Theory (1) Spirit realm (1) spirits (4) Stalin freemason (1) star of David (1) Star whackers (1) stay happy (1) steaming-hot music doings (1) Steppenwolf (1) stoned cockneys (1) stupid popstar (1) subatomic realm (1) Sufis (1) sun portal (1) sun son (1) synchronicity (1) Tatchell (1) TEFL Freemasons (1) Tefl paedophiles (1) Templar Order (1) Templars (1) temple of Baal (1) Temple of the Oracle (1) Temple Priests (1) Temple prostitution (1) Terrence Malik (1) Terrence Mckenna (1) Terrible truth (1) Tertullian (1) tesseract (1) That Hideous Strength (1) The Clash. Communism (1) The Game (2) The Lobster (1) The Mighty Zhiba (1) the mystery of life (1) the once and future king (1) the ordeal of Gilbert Pinfold (1) the source (1) the State stealing children (1) Theosophy (1) Thomas Cromwell (1) Thomas Hamilton (1) TM (1) Tony Visconti Black Nobility (1) toppest secret (1) Tosser yaps (1) training simulations (1) transcendence (4) Transcendental meditation (2) transcendental numbers (1) transformation (1) Tree of Life (5) Trinity Zohar (1) Trump Show (1) Truthspoon (2) Tyrian purple (1) UFO (2) UFO cult (3) UFO cults (1) UFO sightings (1) UFO's (2) UK coup (1) Ukniverse (1) UN Earth Goddess. (1) unconscious mind (1) undead Radiohead (1) Uni High Illinois (1) University Laboratory high school (1) Unrest Cure (1) US state department (1) vampire bloodline (1) vampires (1) Vatican (1) Viscount Petersham (1) visualisation (1) vlad the impaler (1) wave function collapse (1) white lodge (1) White Rabbit (1) Wiccans New Forest (1) William Westcott (1) world war 3 (1) X man chemical (1) Yakuza’s pint (1) Yesod (1) Ying Yang (1) you go girl (1) Zen master (1) zen meditation (3) zhiba (1) Zhiba Crowley (1) Zhiba cunt (1) Zionist (1) Zohar (6) Zosimus of Panopolis (1) Ï€ (1)

For a Few Dollops More....of cat food.

Get back she's gonna blow.

Get back she's gonna blow.

Madonna rolling down the stairs forever....lulz

Madonna rolling down the stairs forever....lulz
Thanks to Long lost soul, wherever you are.

Poptard of the Apocalypse meets Leo.

Poptard of the Apocalypse meets Leo.
Ewwww..... it touched me.