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Cain's extended family. |
Apparently the Romanian tourist board was the first to highlight this connection and Prince Charles even makes an appearance in a promotional video for the Romanian Tourist Office.
The infamous Illuminati Nazi-helping Bush family too are related to Vlad, apparently 32 generations removed. If we start to realise that these people do not actually serve the interests of the various nations they find themselves governing, but actually the long term projects of the Cain bloodline, then we find an explanation behind Prescott Bush’s apparently treasonous act of trading with the Nazi enemy during World War 2.
The Nazis were not enemies to the Bushes, they were cousins. It’s just family business, just as World War 1 was family business between different grandchildren of Queen Victoria.
It is like an asexual reproduction where the popstar’s behaviour becomes valued, and is replicated by her child audience. While most people of course will only create two or three children in their lifetime and will influence them and the idea is that they will go forth into the future when you have gone and take your values into the next generation, popstars, movies stars and any celebrity who has deliberately been given a platform in the media and is in the public eye is able to reproduce their values not just to two or three but to millions of people, and advance these values into the future and the next generation.
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Sexualising children for the benefit of dirty Freemason uncle? |
This is a form of political propaganda and if young children can somehow be raised to be as foolishly vapid and sensually oriented as possible, then they are far more likely not to be able to articulate or imagine any way to oppose government tyranny and political oppression in their lives.
Indeed they probably are not even able to perceive it, since their needs are so limited. Having a good time, dancing, and having fun, that as long as they are able to follow this relatively easy to achieve lifestyle, then they are unlikely to even feel any inner moral dissatisfaction about the murder of millions in illegal wars in foreign countries, or economic mismanagement and moral corruption and the degradation of human civilisation because these things require a moral judgment and moral centre.
In the ultimate political correct world, there are no moral judgments and right and wrong anymore. Just vapid personal empowerment as long as that person is content with dancing, drinking having sex and isn’t interested in actual political engagement and actually having some control of the political machinery of the state.
Melcart has been equated with the Greek hero Heracles (or Latin Hercules) and the tale of the discovery of royal purple took place in what is now a town called Essaouira in southern Morocco. It was Heracles’ dog who apparently discovered the royal purple by eating a mouthful of a particular kind of shellfish called Murex Trunculus.
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Hercules/Baal/Melqart's dog discovering the Tyrian purple: the colour of bloodline madness. Painting by Rembrandt. |
Further associations of Hercules with Morocco abound with the Gardens of Hesperides from which Hercules was instructed to steal Zeus’s golden apples and also the mountain a few miles east of Tangier: Jebel Musa, known, along with the rock of Gibraltar as the twin pillars of Hercules.
The site of the mythical Garden of the Hesperides, in present day Morocco. |
In the Greek tale the garden of immortality was not guarded by a cherubim with a fiery sword but by a many-headed dragon called Ladon, though in most depictions Ladon is portrayed as a Serpent entwined around the tree of immortality.
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Forbidden magic-apples and Snakes.....it's the same story! So in the Canaanite version of the story we have Hercules/Melqart, being instructed by Zeus to steal the apples of immortality from the enchanted garden, in this version however it is the serpent which guards and protects the tree. Hercules apparently kills the snake/hydra creature Ladon and returns with his golden apples of immortality. |
Even stranger, if we look for further parallels between Baal/Hercules and the creation myth then they abound. Baal's mother was Asherah, named 'The Mother of All Living'. This strangely echoes the Biblical passage in Genesis 3:20 :
What's more, Eve or Havvah was first called 'Ishah' or WOMAN, which clearly has a phonetic similarity to the name ASHERAH. Additionally the Phoenician word for snake CHWT appears in a Phoenician inscription as one of the names of the Goddess ASHERAH. The Hebrew name for Eve is CHAWWAH, while the Hebrew word for snake is CHWWH, so there is an association with this name and the word 'to live' with the root of 'snake'.
The key strategic and trading ports of the Phoenician Canaanites were located in North Africa and the coast of Southern Spain and when the Phoenicians lost their own lands and maritime trading empire after their destruction at the hands of Rome at Carthage, they likely dispersed throughout the Mediterranean, as a diaspora of the Canaanite bloodline only to reestablish their thalassocratic sea-empire with the fall of their rival Rome.
In fact it is my belief that the Phoenician Canaanite empire is very much alive and well and, unlike Rome's which was dependent on garrisons of soldiers and occupying cities and vast tracts of land, the Phoenician empire needed only trading partners, gold and silver coins, and a fleet of ships to survive.
In fact it is my belief that the Phoenician Canaanite empire is very much alive and well and, unlike Rome's which was dependent on garrisons of soldiers and occupying cities and vast tracts of land, the Phoenician empire needed only trading partners, gold and silver coins, and a fleet of ships to survive.
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The Phoenician trading empire prior to Roman dominance. |
It is unlikely that the Phoenician Canaanite bloodline was lost and there is some circumstantial evidence to suppose that this sea-faring people merely unfurled their sails and sailed North, they didn't even change their name, they became known as the Venetians, and their dominance of the Mediterranean trading routes continued throughout the greater part of the Medieval period from their settled city safe in the marshes of Venice and also the various Mediterranean Islands such a Cyprus, Rhodes and Malta.
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This map shows the modern prevalence of Phoenician DNA (PCS Phoenician Colonisation Signals). It is noteworthy that the area of Israel shows a very strong ongoing genetic component of the Phoenician Canaanite bloodline. http://anthropology.net/2008/10/30/the-y-chromosomal-footprint-of-phoenicians-throughout-the-mediterranean/ |
It is also likely that these same Phoenician Canaanite sea-farers were instrumental in setting up the various chivalrous orders of Knighthood such as the Knights of Malta, the Knights of Rhodes and the Order of Saint John which took root on the islands they inhabited and defended, with varying degrees of success, against the Arab invaders and pirates.
The great seething mass of humanity that we see around us, all came from somewhere and the multitudes and the nations can indeed be traced back to a relative handful of people who were walking the earth many thousands of years ago, and if we can accept the facts that these ancient nations of people themselves believed and were told, that for instance the Canaanites WERE the offspring of Cain.
That Cain’s son Enoch built a city called Enoch and they became a multitude. That one of their Kings was called Baal, the same Baal that is mentioned in the Bible and is the origin of that appellation of the devil: Beelzebub, that these people then migrated around the Mediterranean, establishing trading ports, fighting Romans, losing, and having their nationhood destroyed, reduced to becoming merchants, becoming rich not on war and conquest by on trade.
Then creating various kinds of trading guilds and brotherhoods, sponsoring the creation of orders of Knights to gain favour with Kings and Popes. Finding themselves sent to the holy land of Jerusalem, essentially going back to the lands where they had come from. And from there using their financial know-how and unscrupulous business methods to set-up the modern banking system and ultimately ruling the world.
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Baal Lion of Great Britain. |
DNA TESTING reveals Hitler has AshkeNAZI 'Jewish' and North African Phoenician (Berber/Amazigh) ancestry....Cain Family...
Adolf Hitler may have owed more to the 'subhuman' races he tried to exterminate than to his 'Aryan' compatriots, according to new finding published in Belgium this week.In research for the Flemish-language magazine Knack, journalist Jean-Paul Mulders traced Hitler's living relatives in the Fuhrer's native Austria, as well as the United States."The results of this study are surprising," said Ronny Decorte, a geneticist interviewed by Knack. "Hitler would not have been happy."Geneticists identify groups of chromosomes called haplogroups, 'genetic fingerprints' that define populations.According to Mulders, Hitler's dominant haplogroup, E1b1b, is relatively rare in Western Europe - but strongest in some 25 percent of Greeks and Sicilians, who apparently acquired the genes from Africa: Between 50 percent and 80 percent of North Africans share Hitler's dominant group, which is especially prevalent among in the Berber tribes of Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia, and Somalis.More surprising still, perhaps, is that Hitler's second most dominant haplogroup is the most common in Ashkenazi Jews."The findings are fascinating if you look at them in terms of the Nazi worldview, which ascribed such an extreme priority to notions of blood and race," Decorte said.Knack said it would now petition Russian government archives to release a human jawbone wrapped in a blood-soaked cloth, retrieved from a Berlin bunker where Hitler is thought to have committed suicide and believed to have belonged to the Fuhrer, who dreamed of engineering a Nazi superman."For modern science, there are no more races, Decorte said." This pure type of 'superman' and the [Nazi] breeding programs to perfect 'purity' were sheer fabrication."read more: http://www.haaretz.com/jewish/dna-tests-reveal-hitler-s-jewish-and-african-roots-1.309938