Insider info and illuminati analysis...

...from the man they just can't recruit.

Showing posts with label Brexit. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Brexit. Show all posts

Saturday 18 June 2016

Horselover Phat's Synchro-Sphere's comments on the Jo Cox murders.

I haven't asked for HP's permission to post this, but right now HP seems a bit down and thinking of packing it in, great articles like this are the reason he shouldn't.
Link to original article:

Friday, 17 June 2016

Thanks for all your comments, but I won't be changing my mind about continuing with anymore full, lengthy and detailed posts (save what's in this post). I am still thinking about re-upping the archive, but no decision as of yet. Update...archive is now available.

I've just had to witness (along with you guys) two massive 'elite' paradigm-shift moves via Orlando and Batley, both of which are using a similar MO, basically a form of 'post-event' MSM induced mass psychosis. These events, particularly Orlando, have dealt me a significant psychological blow. Readers may have noticed, from the several recent posts (currently not available), that I was angling on LGBT issues and mass 'mind control based' shootings and serial killings, but not directly relating to each other (but as separate entities). It's almost as if the elite read my blog!

So, the shooter featured in 'The Big Fix'...yeah, well played elite guys, you sure know how to run these societal wide mind control programmes, I'll give you that. You sure know how to drop in those winks, that we can ALL see from the corner of our collective eye...oh yes! You also sure know how (along with the criminal MSM) to allow acquaintances, former wives/girlfriends and relatives to influence/twist a 'realtime' fit a pre-set (waiting in the wings) agenda. 

There's simply too much to list in respect of Orlando...much relating to 'professional victims/minority rule champions' aka the LGBT community, the (obligatory) 'rainbow' meme, a shooting that makes no logistical's basically endless! Mateen seemed to have had as much time as he wanted, fronting things via social media, texting between various folk and regularly calling the police, I'm surprised he had enough time to even carryout the event! Didn't we also get briefly dosed with the 'obligatory' 2nd shooter aspect that HAS to accompany these shooting incidents (until it got rinsed down Orwell's memory hole of course, as the criminal MSM took full control of the narrative?!).
With MUSLIM and 'Isis cheerleader/apologist Obama' occupying the White House, I guess anything is possible! MSM 'poster boy' Obama can hardly help himself, as he hawks his (pre-shooting scripted) 'native' gun control agenda and at every opportunity. His address to the nation was an absolute outrage (imo), but when the POTUS is an NWO lackey, and an enemy of the American people, it's not surprising that he 'middle fingers' the US population on the back of a national tragedy.

As for Batley and the murdered MP, the one who was slaughtered on the day that many began to finally believe that 'Brexit' was destroying 'Remain'...I'll leave you to work that one out. Remain must've thought all their Christmases had come at once, especially with the 'perp' (conveniently cough, cough) linking to the far right and patriot ideals. The chosen 'perp' might as well have had 'Brexit' tattooed on his forehead...the 'nationalist/right wing' aspect was given literally minutes (cough, cough) after the news broke the initial story...I watched it unfold in realtime.
The original news that broke (yes I saw it break) was that Cox had got involved in a dispute between two men and had then attempted to intervene. The two men, perhaps being Mair and the 77 year old Bernard Kenny. As a result of this altercation it was suggested that Cox was shot and stabbed. However, in the time since, very little (if anything) has been made in mentioning this initial 'two man scuffle' again! Subsequent reports have seemingly suggested that Cox was directly attacked by Mair and that Kenny came to assist (sustaining injuries), that is the 'current' impression that has and is being given. This could, of course, change over time.

The Britain First representative...clearly having no idea how this stuff got linked to his organisation, he obviously doesn't realise that his group were selected (without his knowledge), for the purposes of a mass propaganda exercise!
This event is evocative of Anna Lindh, the Swedish foreign minister who was assassinated in Stockholm (stabbed on the 10th,  died Sept 11th 2003). In 2003, four days before the Swedish referendum on adopting the Euro (currency), Lindh, a pro-Euro advocate, was stabbed to death in a public place. The man convicted of the killing claimed to have no idea why he had acted in the way he had. It was suggested (at the time) that the killing might have a considerable effect on the result. However, this was not the case, and Sweden voted to reject. Cox's murder has the same sort of aspects, but with a more 'politically primed' drawn and defined killer.

"Death to traitors, freedom for Britain"
The elite's 'on-cue' stooge: Thomas 'Manchurian candidate' Mair

Nice image, Mr Manchuria in military-type camouflage...wink, wink. It's not as if the MSM is trying to show this 'perp' as a right-wing/patriot (which in the current political climate, is anything that doesn't agree with EU communism) lunatic or anything!
With just a week to the vote (cough, cough) they couldn't have got a better outcome, if they had planned it all (which is clearly what they did, and with the backing of the degenerate MSM!). The funeral/memorial will likely be on a Princess (elite killed) Diana level, even though she was a virtual unknown, up until yesterday. According to the criminal MSM, an MP's life is clearly more important than the life of a lesser mortal aka useless eater.

They've even tried to link 'Manchurian Mair' to aspects of Nazism via the gutter press. The MSM (and deluded liberal lefties) like to portray the right, patriots and nationalists, as a something akin to the Nazi state of mind.  This could not be further from the truth and is yet another example of MSM-driven 'inverted reality' logic.

"I am Jack's complete lack of surprise."
Yes, Nazism did contain aspects of both left and right, but I deem them to be primarily socialist (left) driven! It is the EU itself (ironically, under Hitler spawned Merkel) that promotes the socialist Nazi ideology (nazi, from National Socialist).
The Elite are trying to destroy the nationalist ideal...therefore they will lie and manipulate the agenda, anything to put nationalism/patriotism in the dock and condemn it. This is why they are attempting to link 'Manchurian Mair' to Nazism...a 101 type spoil tactic etc.

It was 'socialist' Hitler's dream to have a United States of Europe and with Germany at the helm (which is similar to what we have now!). A United States of Europe, which is effectively a type of former 'USSR' style construct. It is the 'socialist/left wing' EU juggernaut that is the 'more likely' Nazi-based aspect, within this entire argument! It is considerably more reasonable to associate nazism with the EU model. This is the same EU that wants to end democracy, accountability and insert a leadership system that cannot be challenged by a vote of the people! This is clearly BAREFACED POLITICAL INSANITY, at least from a citizen's perspective it is!

Jo Cox's husband, Brendan Cox...recent news (Nov 2015)
An insider said: ‘Some people were unhappy there was no proper internal investigation into the allegations. Brendan packed his bags and left suddenly.’ One individual who has worked with Save The Children said: ‘Several of the women complained about inappropriate behaviour by Brendan. When the charity did nothing about it they threatened to make a huge fuss. Shortly afterwards it was announced that Brendan was leaving. Then we heard Justin was going as well.’

Save The Children (Charity)
I wonder what the 'inappropriate allegations' relate to, it all seems so DELIBERATELY veiled, yet palpable! Of course, there's a type of irony in all this, in respect of charity, considering the cloud hanging over Mr Cox and Save The Children. A 'collective' charity fund is currently underway in relation to this murder.

Cox's husband has wasted no time 'politicising' this murder...and right from the outset!

Emotive propaganda (MSM induced mass psychosis) is used to usurp your reasoning and critical thinking they can manipulate the 'mass mind' and influence your (voting) behaviour. Only in the very short-term of course, but this is all that the elite require anyway!

The fallout (of Cox's death) is like watching the UK population going through a type of MSM-driven  'mass psychosis' and we're seeing it unfold in realtime! They're painting her as Saint Jo of Batley, have these sycophants ever cried for the loss of a British soldier and one sent on an illegal war mission, do they weep for the people that are killed/murdered everyday? Anyway, let's all watch the elite try to associate the Brexit campaign with their (programmed via psychiatry manchurian puppet) right-wing, nationalist/patriot stooge, in a giant and transparent example of tar-brushing!

Will all this fool the 'useless eater'...not all, but very many is my guess. The 'cognitive dissonance' of the elite (Remain) actually carrying out a murder to secure their EU dictatorship fantasy, will allow people to wallow in their typical (self induced) ignorance. These types of people are (imo) COWARDS in the face of elite hegemony and a big reason as to why the elite have been able to maintain and expanded their power base and their effective reach! Another danger, is that this event could potentially set the pretext for a rigging of the vote count. A narrow Remain win, which could then be justified on the back of Cox's death and a swing to Remain from the undecideds. All as a result of this induced 'mass psychosis! Other than that, will we even see the Referendum vote next Thursday? There's potential for the vote to be postponed (in light of recent events), and I wouldn't be at all surprised if this happens. With tempers fraying and national temperatures rising, they might see this as a chance to pour water on the whole thing (cool it down, take the heat out) and claim it in the national interest. We'll see what happens over the next few days.

Let's have a round of applause, for the beloved elite and their latest successes!

I'm on FIRE with dat TROOF.

I'm on FIRE with dat TROOF.
Kundalini refugee doing a bit of landscaping.


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(1) unconscious mind (1) undead Radiohead (1) Uni High Illinois (1) University Laboratory high school (1) Unrest Cure (1) US state department (1) vampire bloodline (1) vampires (1) Vatican (1) Viscount Petersham (1) visualisation (1) vlad the impaler (1) wave function collapse (1) white lodge (1) White Rabbit (1) Wiccans New Forest (1) William Westcott (1) world war 3 (1) X man chemical (1) Yakuza’s pint (1) Yesod (1) Ying Yang (1) you go girl (1) Zen master (1) zen meditation (3) zhiba (1) Zhiba Crowley (1) Zhiba cunt (1) Zionist (1) Zohar (6) Zosimus of Panopolis (1) Ï€ (1)

For a Few Dollops More....of cat food.

Get back she's gonna blow.

Get back she's gonna blow.

Madonna rolling down the stairs forever....lulz

Madonna rolling down the stairs forever....lulz
Thanks to Long lost soul, wherever you are.

Poptard of the Apocalypse meets Leo.

Poptard of the Apocalypse meets Leo.
Ewwww..... it touched me.