Solving the Mystery of Adrenochrome.



In the free Tokyo English language ex-pat newspapers and magazines one finds, at least when I lived there, advertisements and notices which raise many questions in themselves. If you were to go there now and thumb through the classifieds and jobs sections, the chances are you will find offers of certain kinds of special employment available exclusively to Filipino women. One such advert I found said something along the lines of: “wanted, psychically gifted Filipinos for ethical work in Tokyo area...” This raises two main questions immediately. Firstly, are there various agencies which know that psychic powers exist and they can use them for some purpose? Secondly if it is necessary for them to make the distinction that the work offered is ‘ethical’ then what else is going on out there behind the scenes involving ‘psychically gifted Filipinos’ which is not ethical?

What these ‘psychically gifted’ women or ‘witches’ as I would classify the bunch I happened to be sharing a house with, seemed able to do: and a South African Shaman friend of mine later confirmed to me that it was something she could also do, was to be able to project their consciousness into the mind of another person.

In the book The Chasm of Fire, Irene Tweedie documents a woman’s experience in India studying under a Sufi shaman. In the account she details the occurrence of her mentor actually entering her mind at night time and projecting all sorts of unsettling and unpleasant images into her mind. Most of the images are of a sexual nature and Tweedie fails to understand the process and why her mentor is doing such a thing to her. Eventually she comes close to a nervous breakdown and becomes very lonely and depressed to such an extent that she abandons the training.

The process which Irene Tweedle had chosen to enrol herself in and later abandoned, was a deliberate attempt by her Sufi mentor to drive her insane through the relentless terror and shock of the visions he was implanting in her mind. To Tweedle this made no sense, but if she had known perhaps that schizophrenia is the key to the Sufi ‘enlightenment’ and indeed the key goal of all such secret society initiatory programmes, then this knowledge would have allowed her to make sense of what was happening to her, although perhaps knowing the method to the madness may actually impede that goal. It is harder to be scared of the unknown if the unknown becomes known and difficult to remain in a state of confusion about the purpose if one can see that confusion IS the purpose.

But madness or schizophrenia isn’t quite the mystery it appears, in fact there is a clear bio-chemical origin behind the transformation from sanity to what is generally termed ‘insanity’. Barbara O’Brien reveals in her book that she:

“…became very curious about the psychiatrists who suspected a relationship between schizophrenia and a dysfunction of the adrenal gland.”

Under conditions of mental or physical stress the body produces adrenalin. There’s no mystery here and this process is well understood by most people. What is slightly more arcane and what has caused a stir in the truth community is adrenochrome. Unfortunately, a lot of what the truth movement is saying about adrenochrome is unfortunately wrong. The elite do not drink it as some kind of elixir of eternal youth, this is all disinformation and nonsense.

Adrenochrome is oxidised adrenalin, that is adrenalin which has gone bad. It is a neurotoxin and free-radical and is not something you want in the body. Adrenalin is produced in the body as a result of stress and anxiety, and it naturally degrades to adrenochrome, however in a healthy body and with a small release of adrenalin, it is safely scavenged by anti-oxidants in the body and excreted. However, if the period of stress, anxiety or prolonged uncertainty, can be sustained over a long time, then the release of adrenalin becomes continuous and the body can no longer safely scavenge the adrenochrome toxin and it starts to build up in the body. 

Adrenochrome is a psychoactive compound; its effects are somewhat like LSD but whereas a bad LSD trip will eventually wear off, adrenochrome build up, in a suitably stressed or terrorised individual, will not wear off: leading to a potentially permanent condition of what is effectively intoxication by a powerful psychoactive compound running perpetually through the bloodstream. This condition is known as schizophrenia. Dr Abraham Hoffer’s work in identifying adrenochrome as the ‘schizophrenia’ toxin as well as the possibility of treatment with high doses of niacin also known as vitamin B3, would clear up some of the great mysteries of our times as well as almost instantly solving the world-wide mental illness epidemic; but there are powerful vested interests who perhaps would lose countless millions of dollars in such an event.

Adrenochrome is not an elixir of life, it does not have any positive effects on the body. Hoffer conducted experiments with the ingestion of Adrenochrome and reported his findings in his research paper entitled The Effect of Adrenochrome and Adrenolutin on the Behavior of Animals and the Psychology of Man.

Previously Hoffer had apparently administered adrenochrome to various creatures including spiders, fish, and pigeons to the mammals including rats, cats, dogs, monkeys.  One wonders how the spiders felt about being given adrenochrome, one suspects none of the animals had a particularly good trip.

To quote from the paper:

“Some of the changes produced by adrenochrome may persist several days, and in some cases, the effects lead to nearly disastrous results.

The changes in thinking induced by adrenochrome are similar to those observed in schizophrenia. Adrenochrome causes an elective inhibition of the process, which determines the content of associative thinking.”

The mind under a burden of adrenochrome enters a different state of consciousness. Schizophrenia is basically a form of consciousness and it is precisely this state which the UFO cults, the secret societies and Sufi mentors are trying to induce.

The scientific explanation for how it works is complex but basically adrenochrome is antagonistic to GABA fluid. GABA fluid is an electrical brain insulator which keeps the brain synapsis and neurons under control by reducing electrical charge. With adrenochrome the electromagnetic structure of the mind is totally changed. The usual natural dampening mechanisms of the brain’s physiology which control the mind, and one might even say, protect the soul from too much awareness in the physical realm, are bypassed leading to a break-down in the mechanism of control over the mental processes of the mind and that sense of estrangement from reality which so familiar to the schizophrenic.

Where things get really strange is that some of the experiences which go along with this altered state of consciousness are not necessarily unreal because they are taking place in altered consciousness. For instance, if you are sleeping you are in a different level of consciousness. What is happening in your dream to your unconsciousness mind is real for that level of consciousness. When you are awake you are in a different level of consciousness, and in effect, a different level of reality.

The adrenochrome experience, actually puts you in a different level of reality and this level of reality is shared by high level Illuminati people and other types who have had specific experiences which have put them in this same level of reality. While in this level of reality they can hear each other's thoughts and are able to perceive demonic and spiritual energies. The Illuminati consider this the peak of human development and call it ‘Illumination’. They deliberately induce this state because they find it allows them to have psychic and clairvoyant faculties because the brain is operating beyond its normal limits. We find this curious attitude even within the scientific community as attested by Barbara O’Brien:

“Consider the most extreme of the theories. ‘I am almost convinced,’ said one biologist, ‘that the schizophrenic is an attempt on the part of nature at forming a mutation.’

Historically, the ancient cults believed that there were ways to access altered states of consciousness and in these states, they could communicate with the unseen spirits, or ‘Gods’. Every culture in the world has a mythology that the Gods taught them the various crafts, arts and skills which enabled the human race to create the first civilisations within a time frame reaching back to the last 10,000 years, a period which coincides with the end of the last ice-age.

The oracles of the ancient world were usually people who through various methods, existed in a semi-permanent state of altered consciousness which allowed them to see the future and contact the unseen spirit world. Such abilities have always been lauded by the occult and secret-world which has always existed since the very dawn of human civilisation, after all, it would seem that these people were instrumental in gaining such knowledge using occult methods, if the ancient records which come up time and time again are to be believed and since the records all seem to say the same thing regardless of the geographical location, then there must be some truth behind these myths.

“According to the psychoanalyst who treated me, spontaneous recoveries are rare and weird events in advanced schizophrenia and when they occur they present a mysterious spectacle – that of a mind walking out of a fourth dimension into which it has been propelled”

For a schizophrenic to describe their condition as being propelled into the fourth dimension is quite apt, though for some they consider the feeling like being in hell, or even like being in a state of living death. One can see how such an enigmatic and mysterious state of reality might have become the interest and domain of a particular group of people a very long-long time ago in human history. There is even the possibility that the ‘curse of Cain’ refers to this condition but this is superstition and theorising and nothing more.

Perhaps a brief psychotic episode was also a feature of many of the ancient mystery school initiations: a figurative period in the underworld mired in despair and the fear of death only to pass beyond and out of this realm, back to the realm of life, but this time transformed and with the sure knowledge that there is a whole mysterious hidden realm behind the scenes or normal consciousness; this state being induced either through various trials and tribulations, or through fasting and the ingestion of psycho-active compounds.

Barbara O’Brien seems to see her experience in these terms, almost like a kind of journey through madness and return to normalcy:

“The guidance was clearer than the planning. I had been maneuvered into a hospital when I unconsciously suspected pneumonia; maneuvered into visiting a doctor when I unconsciously suspected a mastoid; maneuvered to a mountain cabin when I was exhausted from bus traveling; provided with a flashlight so that I wouldn’t fall on a dark road; rescued from a mountain lion; maneuvered out of the mountain cabin the morning after the mountain lion incident; reminded punctually of meal times and the necessity for eating; reminded punctually (during the last month) of the need for brushing my teeth and other grooming. Whatever mental level the guidance had come from, it was clearly some level other than the this-is-I dry beach, and it had made certain that the organism was kept in good physical condition while the dry beach was incapable of providing the car

The planning was almost as obvious. Even on the first day, the voices had sketched in the picture of things to come. This was an experiment the Operators had told me. My mind was going to be controlled by Operators and I should have to be cooperative for my own sake as well as for theirs. And Nicky had added, as if the success of the experiment were being weighed, I would have one chance in three hundred of escaping the Operators and I would have to be lucky in the bargain. I had been manoeuvred away from home, where publicity of my insanity would have made life difficult after sanity had been regained, and where also there existed a company for which I persisted in working and toward which I had developed long established, difficult-to-change attitudes. I had been induced into riding Greyhound buses, where I could sit in schizophrenic apathy while I lived in my mental world, a state of being almost identical on the surface with the usual bus passenger who stares at the landscape, his mind on inner reflections. I had been coaxed into writing letters that would keep the home folk happy, manoeuvred to California by the Lumberjacks, figures apparently created for that very purpose, and had been induced to stay in California for the final act. And when the fall of the final curtain was sense

It had occurred in an article by a psychiatrist who had cautiously avoided jumping into the lake of guesswork and who, instead, had stood on the center of a seesaw and observed carefully both sides of all the mysteries of schizophrenia. One of these observations was, “Whether the schizophrenic really creates a dream world intentionally and purposefully, or whether he finds himself in one is debatable.”

It is possible that she has rationalised it thus since she has the luxury of having sanity to put the experience into some kind of rational framework. Most people having such an experience of schizoid-psychosis of this kind are not so lucky and have to remain permanently in the underworld.








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I'm on FIRE with dat TROOF.

I'm on FIRE with dat TROOF.
Kundalini refugee doing a bit of landscaping.


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For a Few Dollops More....of cat food.

Get back she's gonna blow.

Get back she's gonna blow.

Madonna rolling down the stairs forever....lulz

Madonna rolling down the stairs forever....lulz
Thanks to Long lost soul, wherever you are.

Poptard of the Apocalypse meets Leo.

Poptard of the Apocalypse meets Leo.
Ewwww..... it touched me.