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Cain Flees by William Blake. |
What was the mark of Cain? Could it be that the guilt of killing his own brother Abel, triggered previously unknown physiological changes within Cain, creating a new genetic blueprint for all of his progeny, and thus transforming humanity from beings living in harmony with their environment and the creative energetic force known as God, into being estranged from it and seeking to transcend it or nullify it, by deifying themselves.
In fact it’s not quite correct to state previously unknown psychological changes since something similar appears to have taken place in the mythical Garden of Eden. Despite the story of the Garden of Eden being considered a religious myth by mainstream scientists and historians they have to admit that the rough location stated in Genesis, namely at a point where the Euphrates river divides itself, corresponds exactly with the point at which historians and anthropologists agree that the first human civilisation appeared.
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Located at the former junction of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers Qurna in Southern Iraq, contains a tree supposed to be the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. |
The first civilisation known to history is that of the Sumerians and the first city is Eridu whose scant remains are visible to this day, 7,000 years later, in Nassriya in Southern Iraq. Despite the climate being inhospitable and the land being desert, the mighty rivers which flow from the Armenian highlands create a great paradise of green lush cool fertility, in fact it would be fair to say that ancient Sumeria was a series of gardens, which due to proper management and maintenance, allowed humanity to settle and build urban complexes, for possibly the first time in the history of humanity.
It is scarcely beyond mere conjecture that such an apparently divine garden should be located here, full of myriad animals, along with a solitary human being known as Adam, who was employed as a gardener and farmer by the landowner.
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Eden found? |
So when we hear the word ‘Our Lord’ in the book of Genesis, then we are literally hearing the report of a servant in spacious estate garden, and ‘the lord’ was not a not a literal god, but possibly another human, elevated in position so as to be considered a God, who just happened to have in his possession a largely ignorant slave called Adam.
Consider the simple fact if somewhere were able to raise a child, and exclude him unnaturally from all other society and any source of information and all other people, then one could literally tell that child anything, and they would have no choice but to believe it. You could tell them that you were the creator of the whole world, and that you even created his body with your own hands.
This is by no means an indication that I do not believe in God, in fact this analysis can only lead to a strengthening of a sensible person’s belief in God, since the human capriciousness and apparent cruelty of the Old Testament God, has always been one of the principle arguments in favour of atheism and has led many to question religion and spirituality as whole, because of the behaviour and cruelty of Jahweh.
So what if the God of the Old Testament and of Genesis was not God, but something else?
There are two distinct and radically different possibilities as to what Jahweh represented and what the reality of this being is.
The first hypothesis, as previously detailed, is that Jahweh was something which was extremely common in the ancient world and survived even until the late middle-ages in France and King Louis the 14th: represented the last manifestation of this archetype.
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The divine solar King Louis 14th, on the gates of Versailles. |
This is the God-King. Jahweh was possibly the manifestation of some kind of secret ‘God King’ of some secret priesthood who makes divine and miraculous appearances at certain times to certain people. The human beings involved would be different, but they could all claim to be the same ‘God’.
This is only a hypothesis and evidence for this is obviously by nature of the investigation, possibly non existent, and circumstantial at best. Such a hypothesis can only be inferred from the existence of other examples throughout history where certain humans and organised groups have worked hard to create the appearance of themselves as literal living Gods.
He appeared to Adam and Eve, to Cain, to Abraham, Isaac and Moses. It is strange that since this period no religious prophet of Judaism ever saw ‘God’ again. However this same system seems to come back into play in the story of Mohammed and the creation of the Quran:
"It is no less than inspiration sent down to him: He was taught by one Mighty in Power,
Endued with Wisdom: for he appeared (in stately form);
While he was in the highest part of the horizon:
Then he approached and came closer,
And was at a distance of but two bow-lengths or (even) nearer;"[Quran 53:4–9]
So we have the idea that, although it wasn’t God himself who was sent to Mohammed, it was a messenger of God ‘in stately form.’ Of course it goes without saying that this could easily be a human being. There are no specific details of Gabriel having any supernatural ability, except the existence of the Quran itself is considered supernatural, since it is claimed that Mohammed was illiterate.
Mohammed was known for spending time in a cave just a few miles outside Mecca. The cave is known as the cave of Hira, which means darkness in Arabic, yet the mountain is called Jebel Nour, which means Mountain of Light. So here were are not talking about light in the darkness, but darkness in the light, almost a symbolic contradiction to John 1:5 "And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not."
In fact caves where considered to be gates of the underworld and there is a long tradition of pagan Gods being born in, or being fond of caves; among them: Pan, Mithra, Apollo, Cybele, Demeter and Persephone. Would a God of light be found in a dark cave? These Gods of caves all have bloody pagan rites associated with them and are the underpinning myths of the Satanic Illuminati cult which secretly rules the world.
It was here on one occasion while sleeping that Mohammed was awakened by the angel Gabriel and apparently told to read, he was then apparently physically abused by this 'angel' by being heavily embraced twice.
Muslims claim that Mohammed was illiterate, and he is referred to as an ‘unlettered prophet’, the Arabic word used is ‘Ummi’, but there is some doubt as to whether this means that he couldn’t read or write, or whether it means, in a more academic sense, that Mohammed was unschooled and undistinguished as a scholar, which fits far more with his role as a simple travelling merchant working for his uncle on practical matters of trade and business.
Since Mohammed was a merchant working for and raised by his uncle Abu Talib, who was the leader of the Banu Hashim clan, and as such part of the elite of Mecca, Mohammed being illiterate seems unlikely. For Mohammed to be raised as an illiterate makes no sense. Indeed his uncle was a celebrated poet, and held a very important position in Meccan society as being responsible for feeding the Hajj pilgrims. Such a man was a figure of the Meccan elite and it would be a great shame to him to raise a child as an illiterate.
Clearly something doesn’t quite fit here, yet it has been accepted for fact by Muslims, and is the sole miracle they claim for Islam, apart possibly from what is claimed as the divine visitation of the Angel Gabriel. In fact, in some Hadiths Mohammed is said to have written letters and also the marriage contract with Aisha.
So we can safely discount this cognitive block of an illiterate prophet apparently being able to record the Quran, which perhaps was intended to move the story of a man in a cave talking to another man, more into the realm of the supernatural as opposed to what it really is, just one man reading to another man, both of whom are hanging out in a cave.
In fact it seems to recall the same method of instruction or being schooled which happened to Moses in his supposed encounter with ‘God’. In fact Islamic tradition claims that following this event, Mohammed’s wife Khadijah took him to her cousin Waraqah ibn Nawfal who told him that the visitor was the same angel that God sent to Moses, and there is some commonality to the story, despite of course both events being separated by nearly two thousand years.
Despite the claims that this angel was the same Jahweh which schooled Moses, one could probably do a forensic investigation of both the Moses texts and the Quran and find so many differences in style, content and context that would make it clear that these two texts were created by different writers. Yet it is interesting that there is the attempt to include Mohammed’s experience within the context of the Judaic world, as opposed clearly to the Christian view.
The Christian view is clearly outlined by the words of Jesus, and the ministry of Mohammed almost directly contradicts Jesus’ message of peace and forgiveness consistently and repeatedly. There is scarcely anything in common between Mohammed’s ministry and Jesus’ ministry, so why do they claim him as a prophet?
Could it have been nothing more than a means of converting Arab Christians to Islam by claiming that Mohammed is maintaining the same tradition, when clearly he is not. Islam was clearly a political and military movement less than a spiritual one, since it provides no new spiritual insights or revelations, and in terms of metaphysical content is almost totally lacking.
It, like Judaism, is obsessed with ritual, law and rules, and repeatedly the message is made clear, if you do not follow these precepts, you will be punished in hell.
Some conspiracy researchers and former insiders such as Alberto Rivera have stated that the Catholic church created Islam, and while the binary thinking and mind control element of Catholic church, is common to both the Quran and the Catholic church, it seems unlikely that the Catholic church would be so concerned with Muslims following Judaic dietary customs and refraining from alcohol, when wine was so central to the Catholic mass. Additionally, Islam is strongly iconoclastic, a completely alien position in the Catholic church with its lively history of illustrating the lives of the saints in various mediums. Iconoclasm surfaced in the Eastern church in Constantinople in the 11th century, but only as an import from the Muslim world.
The origins of Iconoclasm lie in the Jewish world in which it is equally forbidden to attempt to depict God in any way, and by extension the prophets, and the virtual non-existence of Jewish art except of the worst modern examples of the abstract kind, are a symptom of this. Additionally Khadija, despite a recent Orwellian attempt at memory holing reality, was a Jewish woman from a Jewish family in Arabia. Arabia was actually ruled by a Jewish King at the time of Mohammed, and since Mohammed and his wife practiced Jewish, not Christian religious rites, then, despite them being Arabs, they were in effect, Jews.
In fact the following website makes a strong case that Mohammed originally presented himself as a Jewish messiah and I believe that this was the intention of the secret organisation which initiated him in the cave. Mohammed originally had his followers pray in the direction of Jerusalem and follow specifically Jewish rituals and holidays such as Yom Kippur, however the Jewish priesthood rejected his claim to be the Jewish messiah and as result, he turned against Judaism and the new religion was radically altered as a result of this.
While Mohammed’s ‘God’ would have us kill infidels and chop off their heads and fingers, Jesus’ would beg us to love them, and turn the other cheek. It is clear that Islam was devised as a way to destroy Christians countries and kingdoms, for the benefit of Edomite Jews, and it has hugely succeeded, although it is rather ironic how Edomite Rabbinical Judaism has so cruelly betrayed the Muslims, after they allowed world Rabbinical Jewry to live in Muslim lands for over a thousand years in peace and prosperity, only to have them turn on world Muslims by committing ethnic cleansing in Palestine and using American foreign policy to drive Muslim countries to total destruction.
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Moroccan coin from the 1860's. |
That Morocco is a peaceful and stable Muslim country in the midst of chaos and instability in North Africa is likely because it is covertly controlled by an Edomite Jewish banker called Andre Azoulay, yet despite this Mossad are still highly active, attempting to cause division and conflict within the kingdom, according to French-Moroccan journalist Jacob Cohen.
Cohen’s comments are interesting because they indicate that Mossad are attempting to encourage the Amazigh or Berber to radicalise in order to destabilise Morocco for their own as yet, unknown ends, using the bait of emigration to Israel under the pretext that they may have Jewish ancestry. In fact as we have seen previously, the Amazigh people do indeed have a common ancestry to many of those presently living in Israel and calling themselves Jews, through the Canaanite Phoenicians, we also saw how Hitler had an Amazigh genetic inheritance and this ties together with the comments by John Haggee outlined in my book “The Illuminati’s War on You” that Hitler was a ‘half Jew’ from the seed of Esau and hence an Edomite Canaanite.
“...Cohen stated that the Mossad is “very active” in Morocco. He adds that “there is something that is happening at the moment, which is not very known, but it’s starting […] the Mossad is actively operating in Amazigh regions.”
Cohen proceeded to explain how the Israeli Intelligence Service maneuvers in the Amazigh areas. He claims that the Mossad attempts to attract Amazigh individuals by persuading them that they can trace their origins from Jewish families, or that they can continue their studies in Israel. He also noted that the Israeli intelligence services seek to mobilize young Berbers to “create tension between the Amazigh and others.”
“The Mossad goes even further and strives to create a state of tension within Moroccan society.”
As to the reaction of Moroccans, the Moroccan-French intellectual said that either they are not aware of this, or they avoid talking about such topics, adding that he is inclined to the latter explanation.
Cohen believes that it is unlikely that the Mossad will “leave Morocco alone,” for it is an important country that enjoys a “strategic location and huge influence in the region.”
“The Mossad goes even further and strives to create a state of tension within Moroccan society.”
To be continued.