The plants we also share our world with are conscious too, albeit on an exponentially restricted level compared to the cat. The humbler plant sits in its pot or in the garden seeming to mind its own business and seemingly not getting too excited about anything, unlike the cat peering out of the French windows and miaowing with impatience to get at the birds. The plant may not seem particularly conscious of anything, but the plant’s needs and requirements are rather simpler than ours: he doesn’t celebrate Christmas, or chase birds or DO anything much, except grow. For the plant to grow however he needs to be alive and conscious of the things which will help him to grow. Namely sun and water. He will seek out water with the digging down of his roots and he will find the sun by sending up branches and leaves to capture the light energy. Therefore consciousness is what it is to be alive, it is an indispensable condition to life as, without rudimentary consciousness there is no awareness of the environment and no growth, in short no life. All life has verifiable and quantifiable intelligence. Intelligence is the ability to survive in an environment. Consciousness is the awareness engine which makes intelligence possible. To be ‘unconsciousness’ is without awareness, therefore not alive and never having been so. Why are people describe as being ‘unconscious’ merely because they are asleep? Rocks, elements and chemical compounds can be described as unconscious, but not a living breathing mammal which is having a dream.
The human brain as it is termed is in reality two brains connected by the corpus callosum (which is the largest ‘white matter’ structure of the brain; the left hemisphere of the brain or left brain is dedicated to firing electrical signals around the brain, making synaptic connections and creating electrical patterns via a series of electrical switches or neurons, these are essential for allowing the physical being to move around its environment; make cups of tea; go shopping and communicate with friends. We live in a physical world on a physical planet which revolves around a physical sphere of high energy: the purpose of the left brain is to allow the electrical signal that is our consciousness, to manifest itself in a physical environment. The grey and white matter of the brain is composed of what are called myelinated axons. Axons are nerve fibres which are used to conduct electricity away from the neuron’s cell body , and myelin, which is an electrically insulating material. In these facts alone we have the key to what we really are and the true nature of consciousness.
The right hemisphere of the brain, or right brain, serves rather a different purpose and is distinctly underused in our daily to-ings and fro-ings in the physical environment. The fact that we can count a ‘day’ is a facet of our left brain’s analytical activity. The fact of experiencing time is a left brain tool. The right brain however, creates a timeless and infinite world, a very different universe from the one we wake up to each morning.
The right brain is commonly termed the origin of the subconscious mind, another misnomer. As if the right brain is somehow ‘below’ consciousness or somehow a poor cousin to it. The reason for these errors is that modern science has struck again and has propagated this anti-truth for a set purpose: in order to deny the unknown, the mysterious and the un-measurable. Science has simple ignored it and pretended it doesn’t exist and sought to reaffirm what is known, understood and measurable as the only reality. Our scientific definitions are more like partisan propaganda for the cause of materialism, than anything else, they are not even remotely disinterested or unbiased to a particular philosophy; despite the fact that science pretends to be neutral and objective it isn’t, it is more akin to a political group with a set of beliefs or a policy which it must propagate to the general public.
The ancient Greek word for sleep was ‘hypnos’, named after the Greek God of sleep whom one ‘invoked’ in order to fall asleep. Interestingly, Hypnos was depicted by the Greeks as a winged God, similar to his half brother Thanatos who was the God of death. Therefore the knowledge that death and sleep were similar states of consciousness is revealed through Greek myth. In Latin he is known as Mors, which is the root of the English word ‘mortal’. The word conscious had its origins in the Latin word conscious which meant simply ‘knowing, aware’. The modern meaning as in awake and active comes only from 1837. Therefore the actual meaning of the word is ‘being aware’. So when we sleep do we somehow cease to be aware? Certainly not, we have dreams don’t we?
The reason for the existence of nonsense words like subconscious and unconscious is because these states are not judged and defined from a holistic perspective where the whole is viewed and its parts can be defined, no, instead these concepts are being judged solely from the point of view of the waking, materialistic physical state. Again this is largely due to effect of the French revolution when materialism was firmly implanted in Europe with a degree of fascism and violence equalled only by Hitler’s own Nazi materialists. Simultaneously undertaken by the revolutionaries was the deliberate transformation of the French language by people like the Jesuit schooled Abbe Henri Gregoire[i]; a rare example of a Catholic clergyman in high office within the machinery of the revolution: perhaps his Jesuit allegiances helped raise him to his lofty station. Abbe Henri was in great pains for some reason to stamp out other languages and dialects in France and create a standardised language. Like a linguistic New World Order; and since words power thoughts the very fact of standardising language meant in effect that patterns of thoughts; memes and manners of expression could better controlled by the government. Earlier on in history and a few miles from Paris, Sir Francis Bacon was creating a new language, one which we would recognise as English. Bacon encoded certain symbolic secrets within the language which we will observe in a later chapter, and used his ‘Shakespeare’ plays as their popular vehicle. It is no coincidence that so many words and expression in current use are attributed to ‘Shakespeare’. Sir Francis Bacon is also considered to be the father of modern Jurisprudence,[ii] and when he wasn’t drafting legal terms and the English language, he was actively working toward creating The New Atlantis in the New-World.
So the deeper meaning of words which had persisted for thousands of years were all suddenly ‘redefined’ to fit into the present exclusive scientific world-view. Scientists will tell you that the purpose of dreams is a quasi mystery but there is no mystery in the process of allowing the spiritual aspect of yourself free reign to explore its own nature. This is what happens when we sleep, we do not become unconscious or cease to exist in some strange way, we dream, and often we remember our dreams. So how can this be un-conscious? We certainly feel aware during our dreams, sometimes more so than during waking life. Often dreams can be just as bright, real and tangible. Often we do all the things which we can do in waking life with a few exceptions, for example we seldom seem to eat or drink anything in our dreams but there are things we can do, such as flying, moving instantaneously to different locations or chatting with people many miles away from the present physical location of the body. All of these things are much more the kind of things usually attributed to spiritual beings and the capabilities of the astral body. In short this is what the right brain represents for us. It is the container for our astral body which we move into when we sleep.
When we sleep we have no physical form and often we may find ourselves changing into different people or different forms in a highly disorienting manner which leaves us often confused and puzzled when we awake. The reason we so often fail to remember our dreams is commonly because our rational, physically oriented, left brain, is unable to understand the abilities and level of awareness of the spiritual body. So as night is divided from day, so too is our consciousness divided into two equal parts, waking and sleeping consciousness. When we are asleep we are in a completely different level of reality from when we are awake, when asleep we have no awareness of our sleeping physical body whatsoever, it is all completely forgotten and the only awareness is of the present moment of the dream consciousness.
It is extremely difficult to retain any awareness of the physical state while asleep, just as it is extremely difficult to retain any awareness of our sleeping state while we are awake. The fact is that our ‘total reality’ has been divided into two parts, just as our consciousness is divided between two states and the day into light and dark. The two realities are mutually exclusive but the mistake science makes is to attribute all reality to the one and deny reality to the other. We are beings of two states, both of which are real valid expressions of consciousness, and both take place in different energy states. The question is, if we, when awake, are here on Earth in a material physical existence, where do we go when we sleep?
When we sleep our physical body lies in our bed resting and repairing its structures, yet our consciousness is not in bed with it (so to speak). The consciousness, the awareness that makes us ‘us’ is elsewhere. If your consciousness were in bed then that is all you would dream about, ironically I personally do not believe I have ever had a dream about being in bed. It’s more frequent to dream about people and locations you have visited while awake, but also suggestions and hints of things to come, in my case anyway.
One instance of this I can readily recall was when I received a job in a very high performing school in Essex. The behaviour of the children I was told would be exemplary and so when I had a dream a couple of weeks prior to starting the post, where I was in a classroom of extremely rude and unpleasant students, I couldn’t make sense of the dream and started to consider that it was just a meaningless jumble of impressions. There was something so vivid and realistic about the dream that I couldn’t quite put it out of my mind.
However all became clear when I started the job in question and discovered some of what they had not told me. It appeared that the previous teacher had been suspended for assaulting a student, and that rather than the classes being well behaved, they were on the verge of chaos because of what had happened previously. Then, during one lesson in particular, I found myself in the very classroom I had been in my dream, feeling the very feelings of the dream, even the personalities of some of the obnoxious students seems to have been revealed to me in the dream, and I found myself recognising people I had never actually met before. This has not been the first time such strange events have occurred but they happen so infrequently that one tends to forget the effect, until it happens again. In my dreams I have also heard voices telling me things that I did not previously know, oddly I have also found myself in strange ethereal Masonic lodges, where I stayed until a strange and disorienting chanting was started up, then I started feeling I was losing my own sense of identity so I zapped myself out of there.
The process by which you can consciously control your dreams is known as lucid dreaming. Some people have more control over what happens to them when sleeping and hence where and what they can experience there. There are some dangers while sleeping as anyone who has had a nightmare will be able to testify, however there are ways to travel in the dream world without incurring any kind of stress. It’s just a question of teaching the astral body that it can do things which the physical body cannot do. For example, a dream where one is being chased by someone or something is a common enough nightmare, and usually, when one’s astral body is caught one immediately wakes up so as to protect the self from any permanent damage. But another option is to be able to use the limitless possibilities of the astral body and do any one of a thousand possible dream-wonders to prevent the malefactors of the nightmare from threatening you.
For example, a common trick I have learned in dreams is to teleport away from trouble. This part of the book seems to have developed somewhat into a manual on psychic and astral warfare. By writing this book I am attempting to explain as much as possible about the life we experience, the life of our dreams is just another part of life and equally valid, and with further research into this fascinating area, new insights will continually occur which hopefully may enlighten you that the sleeping, astral state, is just as valid and real, potentially more-so, than this semi-static world of clay.
I believe that in the sleeping state, our true spiritual nature is manifested along with special supernatural abilities, mystical insights, and the ability to relive the past and foretell the future. The big HOWEVER in all this is that the quality and nature of our dreaming experience will depend on the colour of the thoughts and emotions running through the mind prior to falling asleep. Having watched a horror film or played a violent computer game prior to sleeping will almost certainly guarantee ‘nightmares’ (n. OE nigt-mare, an evil spirit afflicting sleepers with a feeling of suffocation , maere ‘goblin, incubus’) and a poor quality of physical rest and psychic refreshment, leaving the feeling upon waking in the morning, of not having had enough sleep or not having slept at all. This is because when we sleep something happens to our astral body: it receives energy, enough energy to drive the body through another day on the material plane before it rests again. Without sleep and the acquisition of the vital energy needed for life, then life on earth would be impossible.
The material plane is a place where energy is expended, the astral plane, where it is acquired. Food and drink provide energy for the body but not for the mind and a mind which is insufficiently nourished on the energy acquired while asleep, will not function properly. Without a night’s sleep the focussing power of the mind deteriorates, after around three days hallucinations occur and beyond this insanity in the form of schizophrenia develops. After a week without sleep death can even occur. So clearly dreaming and as the scientists call it the ‘unconscious’ realm is clearly much more important to us than our culture is ready to admit and in ways strange, metaphysical and completely uncharted by mainstream science.
[i] Médiathèque de la Maison méditerranéenne des Sciences de l'Homme (Aix-en-Provence, FRANCE)
Grégoire, Henri [author] Rapport sur la nécessité et les moyens d’anéantir les patois et d’universaliser l’usage la langue française.
[ii] Kocher, Paul (1957). "Francis Bacon and the Science of Jurisprudence".Journal of the History of Ideas (Philadelphia, PA: University of Pennsylvania Press) 8: 3–26. doi:10.2307/2707577.
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