Insider info and illuminati analysis...

...from the man they just can't recruit.

Showing posts with label the ordeal of Gilbert Pinfold. Show all posts
Showing posts with label the ordeal of Gilbert Pinfold. Show all posts

Friday 31 March 2017

The Delusion of Electronic Harassment!

The Ordeal of Evelyn Waugh.

In 1957 Evelyn Waugh published a novella The Ordeal of Gilbert Pinfold, In it he details his experience of the descent into drug induced psychosis and madness which takes place whilst on-board a long boat journey to Ceylon which he takes to return to health and break an apparently long period of writer’s block.

The following is an account from Wikipedia for the sake of convenience:

Early in 1954, Waugh's doctors, concerned by his physical deterioration, advised a change of scene. On 29 January, he took a ship bound for Ceylon, hoping that he would be able to finish his novel. Within a few days, he was writing home complaining of "other passengers whispering about me" and of hearing voices, including that of his recent BBC interlocutor, Stephen Black. He left the ship in Egypt and flew on to Colombo, but, he wrote to Laura, the voices followed him.[146] Alarmed, Laura sought help from her friend, Frances Donaldson, whose husband agreed to fly out to Ceylon and bring Waugh home. In fact, Waugh made his own way back, now believing that he was being possessed by devils. A brief medical examination indicated that Waugh was suffering from bromide poisoning from his drugs regimen. When his medication was changed, the voices and the other hallucinations quickly disappeared.[147] Waugh was delighted, informing all of his friends that he had been mad: "Clean off my onion!". The experience was fictionalised a few years later, in The Ordeal of Gilbert Pinfold (1957).[148]

The story can be read here, and I can strongly recommend it. It isn’t too long and it gives a fascinating first hand account
 of the kind of thing those suffering from electronic harassment report and we can use this text which is composed in a methodical manner, as a valuable resource to identify the purpose and nature of these auditory hallucinations.

What is striking is the apparent intelligence behind these voices and the fact that they seem to operate from a different consciousness to that of Waugh’s own. It is therefore my belief that Waugh inadvertently, due to the use of several hypnotic and sedative drugs in combination, literally established contact with another non corporeal form of consciousness, commonly these are termed ‘demons’ due to their antagonism to human beings.

At this point in his life Evelyn Waugh had become very unhealthy and was experiencing problems sleeping and had become largely dependent on various prescribed chemicals. We are told that the character of Pinfold, as well as being prescribed some unidentified grey pills, was also taking chloral and bromide of potassium as a sedative and aid to sleep.

In order to discover more about these particular drugs. I did a rudimentary Google search and found the following from Daily Alta California dated Monday 22nd December 1884. This is period of time which significantly predates Waugh’s/Pinfold’s experiences, but gives an idea of the type of effect which may be expected from the ingestion of such drugs, particularly in combination with the unnamed grey pills. It is revealed at the end of the story that Pinfold’s/Waugh’s experiences are a result of combining the medication and not telling his doctor.
Chloral and Bromide of Potassium.
(From the London Lancet.)
Again we have to record with deep regret a sad proof that those who give or take chloral or bromide of potassium for sleeplessness are guilty of a deplorable error and do a grievous wrong. The narcotics which poison sleep also deprave the higher nerve centers, enfeeble the controlling powers of the will and leave the mind a prey to the depressing influence of a conscious loss of self respect and self-confidence. The cultured mind feels the ignominy of the intellectual and moral depreciation with great acuteness, and in the end succumbs to the sense of powerlessness to recover self-control and do right. The deprivation wrought is purely physical. The baneful influence of the lethal drug is, so to say, organic. The essential elements of the nerve tissues are blighted by the stupifying poison, as by alcohol in habitual drunkenness. In short, the recourse to chloral and bromide is precisely the same thing as recourse to alcohol. The man or woman sent to "sleep" — the mocking semblance of physiological rest — by a dose of either of these neurotizers is simply intoxicated. No wonder that habitual drunkenness of this class first impairs and then destroys the vitality of the mind organ, and places the subject of a miserable artifice at the mercy of his emotioned nature, and makes him the creature of his passions. When will the public awake to the recognition of facts with regard to these most pernicious of stupefacients? Persistence in recourse to them has no better excuse than unwillingness to search out the cause of the wakefulness which prevents natural sleep.

Pinfold’s symptoms take the form of auditory hallucinations. There are no visual hallucinations mentioned in the story and apart from his general poor health and hearing voices, Pinfold showed no other signs of mental illness. His delusions are focused around the use of various forms of technology being used to harass him and this delusion has its origins in two principal events which seem to have disturbed him somewhat prior to embarking on the sea voyage. One was what he considered a somewhat personally invasive and ill tempered radio interview he gave to the BBC at his home and the other was a strange pseudo scientific apparatus which seems to have had more in common with the occult than post-war technology.

Waugh writing about the BBC interview stated :"they tried to make a fool of me, and I don't think they entirely succeeded", while Peter Fleming of the Spectator described the interview as "the goading of a bull by matadors".

We do not know whether the strange occult box was a real element in Waugh’s experience, nevertheless he describes it in the following terms:

This Box was one of many operating in various parts of the country. It was installed, under the skeptical noses of Reginald Graves-Upton’s nephew and niece, at Upper Mewling. Mrs. Pinfold, who had been taken to see it, said it looked like a makeshift wireless-set. According to the Bruiser and other devotees The Box exercised diagnostic and therapeutic powers. Some part of a sick man or animal—a hair, a drop of blood preferably—was brought to The Box, whose guardian would then “tune in” to the “life-waves” of the patient, discern the origin of the malady and prescribe treatment.

Pinfold seems to have been receptive to the unusual ability of the magic-box to help and heal sickness but added that the device would be “An extremely dangerous device in the wrong hands,” and his weariness and credence in the possibility of such ‘technology’ having some effect is shown by his reluctance to tell his neighbor that he was ill for fear that he would use the box on him. This is a core theme of the story, and for me encapsulates the present issue within the conspiracy and truther community of supposed electronic harassment, which I believe is the error of giving an occult and spiritual phenomenon, the appearance of a technological one. 

This is kind of a sad symptom of human beings living in a world of technology they do not really understand and whose limits they have no way of measuring. If a man as astute and educated as Evelyn Waugh can have led himself to believe that his experiences on board the boat where caused by various disreputable people having access to exotic technology then it is all the more difficult for the rest of us, especially as we live in an age when such things are almost within the range of technological possibility. However, we have the example of Evelyn Waugh and his story ought to help clear up some of the misunderstandings of our present age, and it is my certain conviction that those misunderstanding and those who are promulgating them are doing a very great deal of harm. 

People such as Miles Johnson, UFO researcher also appeared on the Coast to Coast show a couple of years ago spreading more harmful delusions such as the idea that the electric power supply of a residential property can be used to mind control people and that the new energy saving light bulbs can also be used in mind control. The point is once you believe that your mind can be accessed by remote technology and you can do nothing about it then you are already under mind control. This idea IS the mind control and all of these people are perpetuating this like a deadly disease. He even claims that some people are being mind controlled by their radiators. This is a straight up schizophrenic delusion, the danger is when these ideas are presented on a national radio broadcast with a respected broadcaster like George Noory. This man is also perpetuating the myth of gray aliens as being behind this. These delusions are taken seriously and they reproduce in the minds of the listener. Miles Johnson also appears to be a friend of meddler and ruiner of many of the areas of UK activism, Belinda Mckenzie, a woman who seems to have had the strange power to ruin every activism movement she has forced her way into, and was apparently involving herself ‘in the background’ of the electronic harassment area.

Basically these people are really no help to anyone trying to do serious research into the Illuminati since these people have already been sucked into Cain Consciousness and seem intent on spreading the dangerous mind-virus of the harmful delusion of electronic mind control.

It is also worth noting that the murdered British truth-seeker Max Spiers was a friend of Miles Johnson, and by extension probably Belinda McKenzie as well. I would consider therefore that the man whether knowingly or unknowingly was walking hand in hand with the security services and occult practitioners and came to grief as a result of not being more assiduous to the company he kept.

Possibly Miles Johnston is just an honest mad man and does not have any sinister connections to the security services, but I personally do not know how anyone can know Belinda McKenzie and not know she is a spook. Miles Johnston at one point skirts teasingly at self awareness with Occam's Razor only for a nanosecond and almost shaves himself loose of some nonsense when he says:

What they’re doing is saying it’s a bad bulb so they’ve been able to use that excuse, and it’s a fairly good excuse it’s a good point, it makes sense…because noone would ever consider that they would use the light bulb as a means of optically transmitting pulsed frequencies into your brain for nefarious purposes, who would ever thing of a thing like that? But the point is that’s what they’re doing.

I’m not quite sure how anyone can send mind control signals optically into someone’s brain and I don’t think Miles does.

Indeed, at one point in The Ordeal of Gilbert Pinfold, Pinfold even believes the voices are coming to him from an electric light:

Mr. Pinfold was hungry. He ordered coffee and fish and eggs and fruit. He was about to eat when, ping; the little, rose-shaded electric lamp which stood on the table before him came into action as a transmitter. The delinquent youths were awake and up on the air again, their vitality unimpaired by the excesses of the night. “Halloo-loo-loo-loo-loo. Hark-ark-ark-ark-ark,” they hallooed. “Loo in there. Fetch him out. Yoicks."
They began to give instructions for a place of meeting. “… D Deck, turn right. Got that? You’ll see some lockers. The next bulk-head. We’re waiting for you. Better come now and get it over. You’ve got to meet us some time, you know. We’ve got you, Gilbert. We’ve got you. There’s no escape. Better get it over…” Mr. Pinfold’s patience was exhausted. He must put a stop to this nonsense. Recalling some vague memories of signal procedure in the army, he drew the lamp towards him and spoke into it curtly: “Pinfold to Hooligans. Rendezvous Main Lounge 0930 hours. Out.” The lamp was not designed to be moved. His pull disconnected it in some way. The bulb went out and the voices abruptly ceased. At the same moment Glover came in to breakfast. “Hullo, something gone wrong with the light?”

Miles Johnston perhaps, is a man caught in his own ordeal, and like Gilbert Pinfold, is entirely mistaken about the source of the voices and comically fretting over light bulbs and electric lines as being a way for the voices to transmit and harass people. However Miles goes much further than Pinfold in some of his conclusions and one suspects his ordeal has lasted rather too long and the psychological damage may be irreparable at this stage since some of his conclusions seem not to have any grounding in any reality I can recognise:

They want this physical world and all its related kingdoms. Let’s make it absolutely clear, once the holographic focus of our so called holographic reality that we consider to exist…some people call it the holographic universe, if you change that focus so another form of life can physically manifest itself all forms of life which are connected to the original holographic focus will simply disappear into nothing. So this affects everything we know that is physical including all those other realms which exist in the sub-sets of that focus, some people would call it other dimensions, some people would call it the next world or whatever, all elements connected to that are at risk if this is allowed to continue…

Frankly what he is saying is not merely bad science but bad everything. Through a lack of self awareness and inability to genuinely face reality Miles has lost himself in wild chaotic seas of unreality. I honestly think Noory doesn’t really do his listenership any favours to take all this on board completely uncritically.

Much easier to say it’s the Jewish bankers working with Satan if you ask me, but perhaps that why these people are blathering on about holographic focus, grey aliens talking to you though your lightbulb, because it keeps people from thinking about fractional banking, Israel and the Freemasons.

Project Camelot, Simon Parks, all seem to be members of some kind of schizophrenic mutual support group and their delusions are wildly allowed full reign of expression much to the detriment of anyone trying to do real research.

Miles ends his interview with George Noory realizing he can pretty much say anything he likes at this point and Noory will just make an affirmative noise and wag his tail.

He could have ended the interview by saying the Moon is artificial and full of aliens, but someone else got there first with that delusion.

“,…., they are planning to LITERALLY to replace human beings as computer programmes and license those computer programmes as valid human beings.”


The electronic nature of Pinfold’s harassment is first suggested to him by the things he noticed in his cabin:

The ceiling, at which Mr. Pinfold gazed, was spanned as though by a cottage beam by a white studded air-shaft and by a multiplicity of pipes and electric cable.” Along with what is described as “the continuous insect-hum of the ventilator.

Another area in this field is the so called ‘electronic voice’ phenomenon. This has led some very foolish people into seeking to open up contact with some discarnate beings which they possibly consider to be aliens or at least, ‘spiritual’. What is said to be necessary in order to open up contact is some kind of continuous background noise along which the discarnate voice can propagate itself and many people have done this in the naïve idea that they will be able to contact some kind of benign superior intelligence. In any case the intelligences are never benign and they soon come to completely dominate the lives of their poor victims.

As in the case of the electronic voice phenomenon, in Waugh’s account, it seems that the existence of It a background sound seems to act as a kind of propagation wave to the sounds of the hallucination.

…on reaching his cabin, he found added to its other noises the strains of a jazz band. Mr. Pinfold stood puzzled.

The sound of a jazz band is his first auditory hallucination and initially he believes it to be a gramophone record but later he finds that whatever the music is, it is live. In his cabin he picks up a book and tried to read, then apparently from the cabin below he hears a group of what he calls ‘bright young things’.

“Let’s try the Pocoputa Indian one,” said the young man who acted, without any great air of authority, as leader. “Oh not that. It’s so beastly,” said a girl. “I know,” said the leader. “It’s the three-eight rhythm. The Gestapo discovered it independently, you know. They used to play it in the cells. It drove the prisoners mad.” “Yes,” said another girl. “Thirty-six hours did for anyone. Twelve was enough for most. They could stand any torture but that.” “It drove them absolutely mad.” “Raving mad.” “Stark, staring mad.” “It was the worst torture of all.” “The Russians use it now.” The voices, some male, some female, all young and eager, came tumbling like puppies. “The Hungarians do it best.” “Good old three-eight.” “Good old Pocoputa Indians.” “They were mad.”

Pinfold then comes to the conclusion that what he is hearing must be a result of some kind of quirk of technology and his erroneous conclusion in this instance will be almost entirely echoed by the electronic harassment people.

For a long time, two hours perhaps, Mr. Pinfold lay in his bunk listening. He was able to hear quite distinctly not only what was said in his immediate vicinity, but elsewhere. He had the light on, now, in his cabin, and as he gazed at the complex of tubes and wires which ran across his ceiling, he realized that they must form some kind of general junction in the system of communication. Through some trick or fault or wartime survival everything spoken in the executive quarters of the ship was transmitted to him….That alone could explain the voices which now kept him informed of every stage of the incident.

All of this was an hallucination but at the time he didn’t know this. At the end of the book Waugh/Pinfold is told by his doctor that his mind had created all of this, but what would be the purpose of a mind deciding to torment itself and explicitly attempt to drive itself insane.

Later in the book he has established a two way form of mental communication:

"You’re driving me mad.” “No, no, Gilbert, you are mad already,” said the duty-officer. “We’re driving you insane.”

Now he was struck with real fear, something totally different from the superficial alarms he had once or twice known in moments of danger, something he had quite often read about and dismissed as over-writing. He was possessed from outside himself with atavistic panic. “O let me not be mad, not mad, sweet heaven,” he cried.
And in that moment of agony there broke not far from him in the darkness peal upon rising peal of mocking laughter—Goneril’s, It was not an emollient sound. It was devoid of mirth, an obscene cacophony of pure hatred. But it fell on Mr. Pinfold’s ears at that moment like a nursery lullaby. “A hoax,” he said to himself. It was all a hoax on the part of the hooligans. He understood all. They had learned the secret of the defective wiring in his cabin. Somehow they had devised a means of controlling it, somehow they had staged this whole charade to tease him. It was spiteful and offensive, no doubt; it must not happen again. But Mr. Pinfold felt nothing but gratitude in his discovery. He might be unpopular; he might be ridiculous; but he was not mad.

Evelyn Waugh in the guise of Gilbert Pinfold, had failed to face reality at a critical juncture. Rather than face the possibility of being what he termed ‘mad’ he continued to support the improbably fantasy that some quirk of the ship’s electrics was allowing all of these unseen characters to communicate with him. But at the stage at which he starts directly communicating with these unseen voices there is an obvious question:

Then he pondered the new problem: how had Margaret heard his soundless words? That could not be explained on any theory of frayed and crossed wires. As he considered the matter Margaret briefly returned to say: “Not wires, darling. Wireless,” and then was gone again. That perhaps should have given him the clue he sought; should have dispelled the mystery that enveloped him. He would learn in good time; at that moment Mr. Pinfold was baffled, almost stupefied, by the occurrences of the morning and he went down to luncheon at the summons of the gong thinking vaguely in terms of telepathy, a subject on which he was ill-informed.

And ‘ill informed’ very aptly describes the growing legion of those being harassed by demonic voices in the real world at this time, and futilely misconstruing their experiences as being some kind of technology the rudiments about which they think they grasp bit like Pinfold, they are amateurs confusing themselves with half baked pseudo scientific ideas.

This tragic evasion from reality into a retreat of ready made delusion is nowhere more explicit than in parts of the homosexual community in parts of California who lately are reporting significant instances of ‘electronic harassment’.

There was a recent TV report on KMIR News which details the creation of a local community group of members reporting electronic harassment and gang stalking.

The report focuses on three Valley residents who have reported hearing voices uttering derogatory sentences. Kevin Bond, moved to Palm Springs to escape from the gang stalking and another man, Bob Stansfield was a victim of vehicular stalking. All three of these gentlemen, as well as suffering from what they call electronic harassment are also homosexual which is often a sexual developmental abnormality as a result of child abuse. The gentlemen have also created a website and have paid for billboards to be displayed in their area. In a typically American display of poor sense and intellectual impotence such a thing as a ‘Freedom House’ and the organisation Freedom from Covert and Electronic Harassment. Derrick Robinson. and another website which will only serve unfortunately to more deeply ingrain this electronic harassment Palm Springs resident believes he is being targeted because he is gay and for me this confirms my analysis perfectly that statistically most homosexuals were sexually abused as children and that child sexual abuse is the primary cause of the onset of schizophrenia. So this man has become schizophrenic, since hearing voices is by definition, a symptom of schizophrenia and is very much

Sadly this story is symptomatic of most people's, and particularly Americans' lack of good sense and their inability of self reflection and objective reality. It is much more comforting for a man who was abused a child to tell himself that the abuse was beneficial and reciprocal, and many gay men who have spoken on this subject such as Stephen Fry and Milo Yiannopoulos all appear to have constructed the same edifice of emotional self defence. Likewise if the mind is so used to the art of self delusion then how much easier it is to tell yourself that your schizophrenia is really a covert attack on you by some government agency merely because you are gay. The Gay lobby see themselves as eternal victims despite now having far more rights than heterosexual Christians, but this sense of victim-hood is a key element of a mind dealing with fear, paranoia and mental illness. From this I would suggest that mental illness is far more common in homosexuals than non-homosexuals. For me the tell-tale signs of a sense of victimhood, in whatever political domain, tell me that we are dealing with a broken disempowered mind. I wonder too, what percentage of feminists with their eternal media howling about their victimhood are also literally schizophrenic or at least dealing with bi-polar symptoms and pre-schizophrenia symptoms such as anxiety and panic-attacks.

Derrick Robinson also featured on Coast to Coast. He was in the US NAVY Naval Air Station and said he was targeted in the 80s with organized stalking. George Noory asks Derrick Robinson if he ever doubted himself and he answers that he didn’t, because he believed that this kind of technology was well within the technological abilities of the US Navy. This is the critical problem of a lack of self reflection. One should always have the humility and self awareness to ask ‘what if I’m wrong?’ even if you don’t think you are. At least the cognitive experiment in alternative views might provide some new insights and clarity about one’s problems. 

One of the biggest question people ask is ‘why am I being targeted?’ again, with a simple dose of self reflection the answer is simple, you are not being targeted, you are mentally ill. Derrick Robinson is also a homosexual. The interview becomes a little sad, almost pathetic in the sense that the irony and pathos comes on pretty thick when Derrick claims that many people are in ‘denial’ about their experience of electronic harassment. The irony of course is that the only denial is that these people will not face the reality that they are mentally ill.

The final delusion which Waugh/Pinfold constructs for himself to avoid the reality that he is mentally ill and his problems have a different cause, is eerily similar to the modern delusion the electronic harassment people have created amongst themselves:

Do you remember the tick with a beard who came to Lychpole from the B.B.C. He is on board with a team bound for Aden. They are going to make recordings of Arab dance music. The tick is called Angel. He has shaved his beard. That is why I didn’t spot him at first. He has some of his family with him—rather a nice sister—travelling I suppose for pleasure. They seem to be cousins of a lot of our neighbors. You might inquire. These B.B.C. people have made themselves a great nuisance to me on board. They have got a lot of apparatus with them, most of it new and experimental. They have something which is really a glorified form of Reggie Upton’s Box. I shall never laugh at the poor Bruiser again. There is a great deal in it. More in fact than he imagines. Angel’s Box is able to speak and to hear. In fact I spend most of my days and nights carrying on conversations with people I never see. They are trying to psycho-analyze me. I know this sounds absurd. The Germans at the end of the war were developing this Box for the examination of prisoners. The Russians have perfected it. They don’t need any of the old physical means of persuasion. They can see into the minds of the most obdurate. The Existentialists in Paris first started using it for psycho-analyzing people who would not voluntarily submit to treatment.
They first break the patient’s nerve by acting all sorts of violent scenes which he thinks are really happening. They confuse him until he doesn’t distinguish between natural sounds and those they induce. They make all kinds of preposterous accusations against him. Then when they get him in a receptive mood they start on their psycho-analysis. As you can imagine it’s a hellish invention in the wrong hands. Angel’s are very much the wrong hands. He’s an amateur and a conceited ass. That young man who came to the hotel with my tickets was there to measure my “life-waves.” I should have thought they could equally well have got them on board. Perhaps there is some particular gadget they have to get in London for each person. I don’t know. There is still a good deal about the whole business I don’t know. When I get back I will make inquiries. I’m not the first person they’ve tried it on. They drove an actor to suicide. I rather suspect they’ve been at work on poor Roger Stillingfleet. In fact I think we shall find a number of our friends who have behaved oddly lately have suffered from Angel. Anyway they have had no success with me. I’ve seen through them. All they have done is to stop my working. So I am leaving them. I shall go straight to the Galleface in Colombo and look round from there for a quiet place in the hills. I’ll telegraph when I arrive which should be about the time you get this letter.”

Kevin Bond observes that the prevalence of electronic voice harassment in Palm Springs occurs to 98 percent gay men and this he no doubt attributes to some weird kind of idea that the Illuminati are dedicating themselves to harassing gay men. In this instance we can shave a lot of nonsense from this whole affair with Occam’s Razor which suggests that logically, the simplest answer to a particular conundrum is usually the right one. In this instance we have a group apparently made up of 98 percent homosexuals all suffering from the symptoms of schizophrenia. We can therefore draw the safe conclusion therefore that schizophrenia seems to be prevalent in homosexuals. The other alternative that the government or some shadowy organization has created a special network of microwave based voice technology to harass homosexuals (for some reason) just doesn’t hold water, especially since the technology described doesn’t even need to exist because we already have something called schizophrenia.

If however, you want to discuss whether certain groups are trying to induce and encourage the development of schizophrenia (for some reason) then you would be much nearer the mark to what is really happening.

A man called John Turner became involved with this FFCHS and after speaking to board member Timothy White and Howard Thompson. According to the website, shortly afterwards John Turner bought a gun and killed his girlfriend and a neighbor, before turning the gun on himself. No doubt he believed these people were covertly harassing him since his delusions had been fueled by the FFCHS. This of course is the very real danger of allowing schizophrenics to nurture their delusions and run with them right to the end. At the end is the point at which people start to get killed.

Another member of the FFCHS named Pam Anderson killed herself shortly after joining the board, she had apparently been a victim of MK Ultra most of her life. I would suggest that she killed herself because she had allowed herself to believe a delusion from which there can be no escape from the voice. Schizophrenia is a psycho-spiritual illness and there are spiritual and psychological approaches to this illness which can prove highly effective in diminish and even completely eliminating the symptoms. 

Zen meditation,  Orthomolecular medicine, prayer and a personal engagement with Jesus Christ will all prove much more effective means of preventing the voices. The very worst thing one can do in the grip of a delusion is to seek refuge deeper in the delusion and even join with others on the same path. This will lead to total estrangement from reality and, as we have seen, possibly a premature death by suicide or stress induced heart attack.

This is the danger and prison of delusion and it is most apt that in Waugh’s experience, it was only once he no longer believed in the delusion that he was either in communication with these people as a quirk of the ship’s electrical network of cables, and after that delusion had run its course, that it was something to do with the BBC people who had some reason for harassing him just as Waugh had felt harassed during the interview, only after these delusions had been exposed for what they were that he was finally free of the voices.

“I may as well tell you the truth,” said Angel. “We never were in that ship. We worked the whole thing from the studio in England.” “They must be working the whole thing from a studio in England,” said Mr. Pinfold. “My poor darling,” said Mrs. Pinfold, “no one’s “worked” anything. You’re imagining it all. Just to make sure I asked Father Westmacott as you suggested. He says the whole thing’s utterly impossible. There just isn’t any sort of invention by the Gestapo or the B.B.C. or the Existentialists or the psycho-analysts—nothing at all, the least like what you think.” “No Box?” “No Box.” “Don’t believe her. She’s lying. She’s lying,” said Goneril but with every word her voice dwindled as though a great distance was being put between them. Her last word was little more than the thin grating of a slate-pencil.

And finally once there was no more grounds to believe the voices had any reality or reason to access you. They disappear. So giving the voices an excuse as some people do, and playing the victim ‘it’s because I’m gay’ and believing there is a technological means to access your mind, will almost certainly guarantee that the poor victims will be hounded until the end of their lives.

Just say NO to electronic harassment and say NO to the self deluded ones and charlatans who want you to believes it’s real. These voices are demonic and can only access you with the power of your belief that they can do so. It’s a nasty trap to get caught in. Please be careful and if you are caught then contact me for details of how you can escape their clutches.

I found this excellent video which explains perfectly the true cause of electronic voice phenomenon:

I'm on FIRE with dat TROOF.

I'm on FIRE with dat TROOF.
Kundalini refugee doing a bit of landscaping.


2009 Glastonbury (1) 27 club (1) 33 degrees (1) 3rd degree (1) 4d (3) 4d manipulation (1) 4d maths (1) 4d reality (1) 4d void (1) 4th dimension (3) 4th dimensional state (1) 57 club (1) 8:01 (1) adrenochrome (8) aether (1) Akashic records (1) Al Hakim (1) ALC (1) Alchemy (3) Aleister Crowley (6) Alexander the Great (1) alien abductions (1) all-seeing iPhone (1) Alumbrados (3) American Language Center (1) American Language Center Morocco (1) AMORC (1) Amy Winehouse (1) Ancient Egypt (1) ancient mysteries (1) ancient world (1) Andrew Anglin (1) Andrew Carrington Hitchcock (1) apocalypse (1) Art and Satan (1) Aspartame (1) Assassins (2) Astarte (1) astral images (2) ATS banned (1) ATS disinfo (1) audio trance (1) Augustine of Hippo (1) auto intiation (1) Baal (2) Baalbek (1) Baalbek megaliths (1) Babylonian Kingdom (1) BAFA Freemasons (1) BAFA Harcèlement moral (1) BAFA mind control (1) Bar Khoba (1) Barbara O'Brien (1) Bataclan Illuminati false flag (1) BBC paedophiles (1) beard (1) beginners' luck (1) Betty Hill (1) beyond time and space (1) Black gang initiation (1) black hand (1) Black Madonna (1) Black Virgin (1) blood drinking (1) bloodline of Cain (1) Boleskine House (2) Boris Johnson (1) Bowie cancer (2) Bowie cocaine (1) Bowie crisis (1) Bowie Crowley (1) Bowie Jimmy Page (1) Bowie occult (1) Bowie OTO (1) Bowie paedo (1) Bowie underage (1) Brad Pitt (1) breaking into heaven (1) breath of life (1) Brexit (1) Buddha (1) bullet-proof Ford Fiesta (1) C S Lewis (1) Caerleon Camelot (1) Cain (2) cain bloodline (1) Cain's children (4) Camden Town (1) Canaanites (3) Cancer 69 (1) Cathars (1) Catholic Church (2) Catholic Kabbalism (1) celebrity kabbalah (1) CELTA (1) CELTA Freemasons (1) CELTA mind control (1) CERN (1) Chancellor (1) Chris Morris (1) Chrisitan Rosenkreuz (1) Christian Knorr von Rosenroth (1) Christian Rosenkreutz (1) Christian Zionism (1) Christianity (2) Christians (1) Churchill (1) Chymical Wedding (3) CIA mind control (1) city of the Edomites (1) clarity (1) classless society (1) coincidence (1) coke sucker (1) common purpose (1) consciousness field (1) contactees (1) continuum (1) conversos (2) corrupt judges (1) corrupt police (1) corrupt social workers (1) cover up (1) creating coincidence (1) creation of the universe (1) Creepy Crowley (1) critical thinking (1) Crowley (3) Crowley fire (1) CS Lewis (2) cult murders (1) curse of Cain (1) Cyprian (1) Da Vinci Code (1) Dante Inferno (1) dark ages of the universe (1) dark energy (1) David Bowie Crowley (1) David Icke Forum (2) David Icke Forum banned (1) day-glo bobbies (1) dead bankers (1) Deadfield (1) Delgado (1) delusion (1) Democracy (1) demon possession (1) demonic (1) demonic voices (1) demons (5) despair (1) destruction of Israel (1) died wanking (1) DIF (1) diffraction grating experiment (1) discarnate beings (1) divine right of kings (1) Djinns (1) Doğa Koleji (1) Doga okullari (1) Doga schools (1) DOĞU AKDENİZ DOĞA (1) double slit experiment (1) double-slits experiment (1) Dracula (1) Druze (1) Duke of Wharton (1) Dunblane (1) early mind control (1) East Mediterranean Kolej (1) East of Eden (1) Eden (1) Edom. Esau (1) edomite terror (1) Edomites (2) ego (1) Egypt (1) Egyptian Beer and Lebanese Hash (1) Egyptian initiation (1) electronic harassment (1) electronic harassment delusion (1) EM field (1) End of the world (1) enlightenment (1) epic sword battles (1) Establishment paedophilia (1) etymology (1) Evelyn Waugh (1) Ewen Cameron (1) fake aliens (2) fake UFOs (3) Falk (1) fall of Jerusalem (2) Falling Madonna (1) false flag (1) false Gods (1) Famagusta (1) feels like acid (1) Feminism (3) fizzy pop star (1) flat earth (1) Flat Earthers (1) flying saucer (1) forum moderator (1) Frankfurt School (1) freemason cover up (1) Freemason nepotism (1) Freemason Tom Hanks (1) Freemasonic secrets (1) freemasonry (10) freemasonry watch (1) freemasonry watch forum (1) Freemasons (8) freemasons Lymingon (1) Freemasons Morocco (1) Freemasons New Forest (1) Frescobaldi (1) fresh cold quantum chunks (1) Friday 13th (1) Friday 13th 2015 (1) Frozen (1) Fukushima (1) full retard (1) future (1) future news (1) gang stalking (2) gang-stalking (1) Gawker (1) gender politics. (1) George Michael (1) George Michael coke (1) George Michael coming out (1) George Michael dead (1) George Noory (1) George W Bush (1) German paedophile (1) ghosts (1) gnostic Christianity (1) Gnostic movement (1) Gnosticism (1) God (1) God King (1) God particle (1) God representative (1) Goddess cult (1) gods (1) Golden Dawn (3) Great Work (1) grey aliens (2) Guardian (1) Guy Ritchie (1) handshakes (1) happiness (1) Hashashin (1) Hassan Ibn Sabbah (1) hazing (1) hearing voices (2) Hell-chasers (1) Hellfire Club (2) Hermetic magic (1) hidden code (1) hidden hand (1) higher dimensions (1) Hillsborough stadium (1) Hitler (3) Hoffer adrenochrome (1) Hollow-Earth (1) Hollywood (1) Hollywood atheism (1) holograms (1) holographic reality (1) Holy Blood Holy Grail (1) Holy sin (1) House of Wisdom (1) Human trafficking Morocco (1) hypercube (1) hypernumbers (1) hypersphere (2) hypnotism (1) Iggy Pop (1) Ignacio Loyola (1) illuminati (15) Illuminati assassin (1) illuminati bloodline (2) Illuminati False Flag (1) Illuminati high school (1) Illuminati insider (1) illuminati Pope (1) Illuminati programmer (1) Illuminati psychic powers (1) illuminati recruitment (1) illuminati revealed (1) illuminati training (1) Illuminati witch (1) Illumination (4) Inducing hypnotic states (1) info-raids (1) initiatic mysteries (1) initiation (3) Ink (1) Ink/Lake (1) inner peace (2) inner voice (2) inner-peace (1) Innocent III (1) Inquisition (1) Insane Clown Posse (1) Ipsissimus (1) Iran nuclear programme (1) Isaac Luria (1) Isabel de Cruz (1) Ishtar (1) Isis (1) ismailis (1) Israel (1) Israel Regardie (1) Israeli (1) James Casbolt (1) James the awesome (1) James the great (1) Janus program (1) Japan (1) Jesse The Devil Hughes (1) Jesuits (4) Jesus (1) Jesus Christ (1) Jezebel (1) Jim Morrison (1) Jim Morrison beard (1) Jimmy Savile Freemason (1) Jo Cox murder (1) Joan Smith (1) Joe Fisher (1) John Steinbeck (1) joining the Illuminati (1) Kaballah (1) Kabbalah (12) Kabbalistic tree of life (1) Kali (1) Karma Farmer (1) kether (1) King Arthur (2) King Charles Vampire (1) King of Pop (1) KIPP (1) KKTC (1) Knights of Malta (1) Konrad Dippel (1) kosher punks (1) kulturkampf (1) Kykeon (1) Lactantius (1) Lady Gaga (1) Lake (1) Last Christmas (1) lewd act (1) Licinius (1) light (3) Lilith (1) loneliness (1) Love (1) LSD (1) Lucifer (1) Luciferian enlightenment (1) Lutz Bahr (1) Lutz Bahr paedophile (1) MacGregor Mathers (1) macro universe (1) Madonna Brit awards (1) Madonna Brits (1) Madonna kabbalah (1) magic (1) magic Bowie (1) magic crack snakes (1) Magic Texas Hold'ems and Shithead sessions (1) magickal duel (2) Majilis al-hikma (1) Malcolm Mclaren (1) manifestation experiment (1) Manly P Hall (1) Maria de Cazalla (1) Martinists (2) Marxism (1) Marxists (1) Masonic beatings (1) Masonic hazing (1) masonic mind control (1) mass extinction (1) mass mind control (1) materialsm trap (1) Mauri (1) Max Spiers (1) McGregor Mathers (1) meaningless equality (1) meditation (1) megaliths (1) men going their own way (1) mental illness (1) Merlin (1) Merlin Cove (1) Merlincove Crowley (1) Merlincove cunt (1) MGTOW (2) Michael Douglas (1) Michael Jackson (1) Microprosopus (1) Mighty Zhiba cunt (1) Mighty Zhiba OTO (1) Miguel Molinos (2) Miles Johnston UFO (1) Miles Johnstone (1) Miley Cyrus Kali (1) Miley Cyrus tongue (1) mind control (3) mind control trance (1) mind reading (3) mind-control (1) misery (1) MK Ultra (1) modern banking system (1) Molech (1) Molinos (1) moment of common hatred (1) Mossad Morocco (1) Mother Goddess (1) Mother of all living (1) multiverse (1) murdered by Illuminati (2) music OTO (1) Mysteries of Eleusis (1) mysteries of raw fish (1) Nazari (1) Nazi saucer (1) Nazi saucers (1) Nazi UFO (1) Nazis (1) Neoplatonism (1) New World Order (1) news (1) next dimension (1) niacin b3 (1) NICAP (1) Nick Denton (1) North Cyprus (1) Obama freemason (1) Obama illuminati (1) occult (4) Occult Horcrux (1) on her arse (1) Operation Paperclip (2) optical illusion (1) Oral tradition (1) Orange Order (1) Order of Melchizedek (1) origins of Freemasonry (1) OTO (4) OTO Horcrux (1) oto music stars (1) pacific ocean (1) paedophile Freemason (1) paedophile freemasons (1) Paedophile network in Scotland (1) paedophiles (1) paedophilia (1) pagan spell weaving (1) paranoid Bowie (1) Paris false flag (1) Paris terror (1) Parsifal (1) Peaches Geldof (1) Pepsi powered FrankenJesus (1) Pere Lachaise (1) Phoenicians (2) photonic consciousness (1) photons (1) Pi (1) Plotinus (1) poorly spelt Facebook nonsense (1) pop goes the popstar (1) Pop Princess Amy (1) Pope Francis Freemason (1) Pope Prince (1) Popstars of the Apocalypse (1) Popstars of the Apocalypse 2 (2) Porphyr of Tyre (1) porphyria (1) positivity (1) Post-Bowie world (1) POTENTIAL POP PARADOXES AND WEAPONISED POPSTARMAGEDDON (1) President Trump (1) Prince (1) Prince autopsy (1) Prince cream (1) Prince death (1) Prince dies (1) Prince gay? (1) Prince murdered by Illuminati. Vanity Prince (1) Prince Prince of the Holy Roman Empire (1) Prince sacrifice (1) Priory of Sion (2) professional integrity (1) projection (1) propaganda (2) proton collisions (1) psychic freemasons (1) psychic powers (4) psycho-emotional control (1) psychoanalysis (1) psychological warfare (1) psychopaths (1) psychosis (1) psychospiritual transformation (1) psychotronic weapons (1) Punk (1) quantum field generator (1) quantum physics (5) quantum realm (1) quantum wave function (1) Queen of Pop (1) queen of the underworld (1) Quietism (2) Quraysh. SAFF (1) real number (1) reality (1) red hand (1) Revolver (1) Richard Kemp (1) ritual initiations (1) ritual magic (1) ritualised peak of obscenity (1) rituals (1) rolling drunk (1) Ronco Whisky Beard TM (1) Rosicrucians (7) Roswell (1) Rothschilds (1) Royal Black Order (1) Royal blood (1) royal madness (1) royal purple (1) royal vampires (1) Russell Brand (1) Russian revolution (1) rutting drunk animal (1) sacred feminine (1) Sacred language (1) Sam Gold (2) satanic false flag (1) satanic Madonna (1) Satanic ritual sacrifice (1) Satanic sacrifice (1) Satanism (1) Sayyid Qutb (1) schizophrenia (10) schizoprenia cure (1) Screwtape Letters (1) seal of Solomon (1) secret language (1) secret order (1) secret societies (1) Sefer Yezirah (1) Sefir Yetsirah (1) Sekhmet (1) serial killers (1) Sex Pistols (1) sexodus (1) Shekinah (1) Shia (1) shizophrenia (1) Shutter Island (1) Siberian Shaman (1) Simon Magus (1) Sir Mason Goldbrick (1) Siren Call of Hungry Ghosts (1) Siwa Oasis (1) Siwa Salt lake (1) social change agenda (1) Social Theory (1) Spirit realm (1) spirits (4) Stalin freemason (1) star of David (1) Star whackers (1) stay happy (1) steaming-hot music doings (1) Steppenwolf (1) stoned cockneys (1) stupid popstar (1) subatomic realm (1) Sufis (1) sun portal (1) sun son (1) synchronicity (1) Tatchell (1) TEFL Freemasons (1) Tefl paedophiles (1) Templar Order (1) Templars (1) temple of Baal (1) Temple of the Oracle (1) Temple Priests (1) Temple prostitution (1) Terrence Malik (1) Terrence Mckenna (1) Terrible truth (1) Tertullian (1) tesseract (1) That Hideous Strength (1) The Clash. Communism (1) The Game (2) The Lobster (1) The Mighty Zhiba (1) the mystery of life (1) the once and future king (1) the ordeal of Gilbert Pinfold (1) the source (1) the State stealing children (1) Theosophy (1) Thomas Cromwell (1) Thomas Hamilton (1) TM (1) Tony Visconti Black Nobility (1) toppest secret (1) Tosser yaps (1) training simulations (1) transcendence (4) Transcendental meditation (2) transcendental numbers (1) transformation (1) Tree of Life (5) Trinity Zohar (1) Trump Show (1) Truthspoon (2) Tyrian purple (1) UFO (2) UFO cult (3) UFO cults (1) UFO sightings (1) UFO's (2) UK coup (1) Ukniverse (1) UN Earth Goddess. (1) unconscious mind (1) undead Radiohead (1) Uni High Illinois (1) University Laboratory high school (1) Unrest Cure (1) US state department (1) vampire bloodline (1) vampires (1) Vatican (1) Viscount Petersham (1) visualisation (1) vlad the impaler (1) wave function collapse (1) white lodge (1) White Rabbit (1) Wiccans New Forest (1) William Westcott (1) world war 3 (1) X man chemical (1) Yakuza’s pint (1) Yesod (1) Ying Yang (1) you go girl (1) Zen master (1) zen meditation (3) zhiba (1) Zhiba Crowley (1) Zhiba cunt (1) Zionist (1) Zohar (6) Zosimus of Panopolis (1) π (1)

For a Few Dollops More....of cat food.

Get back she's gonna blow.

Get back she's gonna blow.

Madonna rolling down the stairs forever....lulz

Madonna rolling down the stairs forever....lulz
Thanks to Long lost soul, wherever you are.

Poptard of the Apocalypse meets Leo.

Poptard of the Apocalypse meets Leo.
Ewwww..... it touched me.