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Monday, 18 April 2022

Kabbalistic Freemasonry




Due to Google shadow banning of this website because of the inclusion of certain words, that word has been replaced by 'Chew'.

Official history records the first Freemasonic lodge was founded on the 24th June 1717 at the Goose and Gridiron alehouse in London but there has been a presence of Freemasonry prior to this date for several hundred years, perhaps it is only in 1717 that Freemasonry effectively began its slow emergence from the subterranean underground it had hitherto inhabited and commenced the next stage of its long term, millennial plan.

In his book about ‘The Hiram Key’ Freemason Christopher Knight states plainly that: “there appears to have been a significant Freemasonic infrastructure in place in London, well before 1646.”

1646 is a significant date because it is on this date that the first documented record of someone being initiated into Freemasonry was made. On 16th October 1646, antiquarian and member of the Royal Society and later founder of the Oxford Ashmolean Museum of Art and Archaeology at Oxford, Elias Ashmole in his dairy records:

"I was made a Free Mason at Warrington in Lancashire, with Coll: Henry Mainwaring of Karincham in Cheshire.”

At this date during the English Civil War Warrington was a stronghold of the Parliamentarians and Colonel Henry Mainwaring was a Roundhead Parliamentarian friend of Ashmole’s father-in-law. Ashmole was interested in Hermetic studies and Alchemy and published several books on the subject.

The following is from the website of the Societas Rosicruciana in Anglia which seems to be some kind of international rival to the largest Rosicrucian organisation in the word, the mighty AMORC founded in 1915 and preceded by the Societas Rosicruciana which was founded in 1865 by Robert Wentworth Little and recruits from among Master Masons while AMORC is a group which seems to require little more than the completion of an online application from and the payment of annual dues of £246. They seem to organise open-evenings at UK Friends House, UK headquarters of the Quakers opposite Euston Station in London and as a Quaker myself I am surprised that they are happy to throw their lot in with a quasi-Satanic Kabbalistic organisations like this one, but I also saw Benjamin Crème at Friends House going on about his daft Maitreya but I suppose he had to pay the Quakers for the use of the room and presumably they put the money to good use.

Quoting from the Societas Rosicruciana website:

“Some Masonic historians believe that modern Speculative Freemasonry owes much to the Rosicrucian movement. Certainly, the earliest recorded speculative Freemasons in England, Sir Robert Moray and Elias Ashmole, if not themselves Rosicrucians, were deeply interested in Rosicrucian philosophy and ideals – ideals that perhaps provided their motive for establishing The Royal Society. The Rosicrucian Society of England was founded in 1867 by the freemason Robert Wentworth Little and six other brethren following the discovery of certain manuscripts in the archives of Grand Lodge. Many eminent and scholarly masons have been members of the Order.”

Initiated into Freemasonry in 1771 the German poet Gotthold Ephraim Lessing in 1778 wrote five dialogues on Freemasonry entitled: "Ernst und Falk: Conversations for Freemasons."

From Secret Societies and Subversive Movements:

“The dialogues between Ernst and Falk throw a curious light on the influences at work behind Freemasonry at this period and gain immensely in interest when the identity of the two men in question is understood. Thus Ernst, by whom Lessing evidently represents himself, is at the beginning not a Freemason, and, whilst sitting with Falk in a wood, questions the high initiate on the aims of the Order. Falk explains that Freemasonry has always existed, but not under this name. Its real purpose has never been revealed. On the surface it appears to be a purely philanthropic association, but in reality philanthropy forms no part of its scheme, its object being to bring about a state of things which will render philanthropy unnecessary…As an illustration Falk points to an ant-heap at the foot of the tree beneath which the two men are seated. ‘Why,’ he asks, ‘should not human beings exist without government like the ants or bees?’ Falk then goes on to describe his idea of a Universal State, or rather a federation of States, in which men will no longer be divided by national, social, or religious prejudices, and where greater equality will exist.”

What is interesting again is that same refrain, the same tune and the same words, whether it be spoken by elite Chewish Freemasons or messages apparently beamed into people’s heads by aliens.

In the dialogues is the hint that Freemasonry is controlled by something far older and most Freemasons have no idea what is really happening or what they are involved with. And that as Falk himself as a Chew, does not attend Masonic lodges and that Freemasonry does not exist in an ‘outward form’ and he says:

“A lodge bears the same relation to Freemasonry as a church to belief."

And Webster Nesta’s comments:

“In other words, the real initiates do not appear upon the scene. Here then we see the role of the "Concealed Superiors."

It seems clear then that it is made explicit that Falk, as a Kabbalist Chew, is one of the elect ‘concealed superiors’ of Freemasonry, however he does not attend the lodges and exist as a ‘hidden master’.

The Freemason Andrew Michael Ramsey states that Freemasonry was created by the Crusader knights, stating that medieval crusaders, likely the Knights Templar, founded Freemasonry. But there is a myth of an even earlier foundation according to Freemason Henrik Bogdan in his paper entitled An Introduction to the High Degrees of Freemasonry:

“The name Heredon, more commonly spelled as Heredom (and sometimes as Harodim), is the name given to a mythical mountain supposed to exist north of Kilwinning, Scotland. According to a Masonic myth, associated particularly with Ecossais Masonry, the Masons were driven away from Jerusalem after the destruction of the Temple of Jerusalem and subsequently found their way to this mountain in Scotland. They remained on this mountain until the time of the Crusades.”

Lodge Mother Kilwinning is generally held to be the oldest Masonic lodge in the world and has its origins in the 12th Century, almost 500 years prior to Freemasonry’s supposed creation in London at the Apple Tree Tavern in 1716. Freemasonry in Scotland supposedly developed under the reign of King David I and the Heredom degree with a Rosy Cross degree originating in 1314 following the Battle of Bannockburn which has long been rumoured to have been decisively won in Scotland’s favour due to the intercession of a band of mysterious knights who may have been the Knights Templar.

One of the earliest known reference to the Rosicrucians was in a poem The Muses Threnodie from 1638 by Scotsman  Henry Adamson:

“For we be brethren of the Rosie Crosse,

 We have the Mason word, and second sight, 

Things for to come we can foretell aright..”

Robert Fludd wrote several works on the Rosy Cross in the early 17th century; Fludd has also been called ‘the Father of Freemasonry’. Robert Fludd spent time studying with the Jesuits in Pyrenees. His theory of the ‘tripartite’ nature of creation where he believes that ‘the divine light’ was the active agent responsible for creation and that the sun literally contains the ‘Spirit of the Lord’ and that this same ‘spirit’ circulates through man is interesting and predates my own and other theories of the true nature of light as the transcendent God element of reality and my own writing where I indicate that the sun is a portal connecting this higher subatomic realm of infinite God energy and sending it out into our material realm to populate the universe with life.

A very early Rosicrucian illustration from 1604 shows the ‘Tree of Sophia’ and bears a strong concordance with the Kabbalistic Tree of Life is also annotated with Hebrew characters. Robert Fludd was also said to have been a Kabbalist. The famous satirist writer of Gulliver’s Travels and Freemason Jonathan Swift writes of the history of Masonry in Scotland:

“The famous old Scottish lodge of Kilwinnin of which all the Kings of Scotland have been from Time to Time Grand Masters without interruption, down from the days of Fergus, who reigned more than 2000 years ago, long before the Knights of St. John of Jerusalem or the Knights of Malta, to which lodges I nevertheless allow the Honour of having adorned the Antient Chewish and Pagan Masonry with Religious and Christian Rules.”

He also makes an allusion to Rosicrucians and expressly associates it with Kabbalah:

“Fergus…was carefully instructed in all the Arts and Sciences, especially in the Natural Magick, and the Caballistical Philosophy (afterwards called the Rosecrution) by the Pagan Druids of Ireland and Mona, the only true Caballists then Extant in the Western World… I am told by Men of Learning that the Occult as well as Moral Philosophy of all the Pagans was well besprinkled and enrich’d from the Caballistical School of the Patriarchs…and Rabbins.”

Laurence Dermott Irish Grand Secretary of the ‘antient’ movement of Freemasonry of the middle of the 18th century also refers to a Kabbalistic tradition endemic and perhaps fundamental to Freemasonry.

“…that at Solomon’s Temple (and not before) it received the Name of Free-Masonry, because the Masons at Jerusalem and Tyre were the greatest Cabalists* then in the World; that the Mystery has been, for the most Part, practiced amongst Builders since Solomon’s Time.”

From the excellent researcher Marsha Schuchard in her article about Scottish Kabbalistic Freemasonry:

“….his reference to Ramon Lull provides a good starting point for my narrative, which will chronologically trace some “ancient” sources of the ‘Antients.’ Why did Swift assert that the teachings of Lull, the 13th-century Spanish mystic and polymath, could provide a key to the very essence of Masonry?  Lull had drawn on Cabalistic and Sufi mystical teachings to develop mnemonic and meditation techniques that made possible encyclopedic learning and architectural visualization, which he believed were useful accomplishments for stonemasons and other craftsmen, and for his friends among the crusading Knights Templar, who could thus become ‘illuminated’ knights.

To develop the Art of Memory, Lull drew upon the meditation techniques of Chewish Merkabah mysticism and the Sepher Yetzirah, in which the adept rebuilds the Temple of Jerusalem in his imagination. As the Art developed, it involved the visualization of a building, palace, or temple in which images of intellectual concepts, historical facts, and/or geometrical relations were placed in special rooms, which facilitated their permanent placement in the initiate’s memory and mind. In a condensed and simplified form, it was useful to the operative mason’s ability to visualize complex geometrical and structural relations through architectural imaging. The intense mental concentration sometimes produced a trance state, in which some practitioners believed that they achieved prophetic vision or ‘second sight.’”

We find something like an ‘agenda’ of the Rosicrucians made explicit in the Confessio Fraternitatis printed in 1615:

"What think you, loving people, and how seem you affected, seeing that you now understand and know, that we acknowledge ourselves truly and sincerely to profess Christ, condemn the Pope, addict ourselves to the true Philosophy, lead a Christian life, and daily call, entreat and invite many more unto our Fraternity, unto whom the same Light of God likewise appeareth?"

The anti-Catholic tenor ought to intrigue us and perhaps could be part of the demonstrated movement to destroy Christianity piecemeal by first dividing it with schism and then opposing the arms of Catholics and Protestants against each other, at least this is what we can ascertain if we plot the activities of the international merchant class from the period of Henry VIII and Thomas Cromwell through the various revolutionary movements culminating, at least for now in the Russian Revolution.

Martin Luther’s personal insignia was a rose with a cross inside indicating that he too was a Rosicrucian. Just to make it clear I am not a Catholic and have no particular allegiance, I am however a Christian. What I query is that although the protestant reformation led to many good things for Christian expression it also very severely weakened Christianity as a global force able to defend its nations and empires. We are now, unfortunately, living in a world where we have been subjected totally by the banking fraternity and have had no institution to defend against them for a couple of hundred years. Now that their financial and political dominance over us is absolute, they are now attacking our social and moral values, and again, we have no institution able to defend our moral values, our culture and history from attack. None of this would have been possible without the first cracks being made into the edifice of the Church and the final fatal splitting of schism. It is my belief that the Rosicrucian agenda was precisely this and it is they, as precursors to the Freemasons and as Kabbalists taught by Chews, whose purpose it was to undertake the first steps in the long-term goal of subjugating the West by first encouraging division in the church. Although with the benefit of hindsight we can clearly see that the Catholic Church has behaved in the tyrannical and despotic manner of an institution whose primary goal is the maintenance of its own power base and orthodoxy at all cost, even at the expense of directly contradicting Jesus and his Earthly ministry.

We can find further clues connecting Rosicrucianism with Chewish identity in the Chymical Wedding of Christian Rosenkreutz. The story begins at the end of Passover followed by Chag HaMatzoty the seven days of unleavened bread and the chemical wedding coincides with the end of this period and the roasting of the Paschal lamb.

The story is full of allegory and numerological codes and while it superficially presents itself from a Judeo-Christian perspective it is secretly extolling the Kabbalah. The seven days before the ‘wedding’, which had been identified as a Christian allegory of the creation of the world and the ‘wedding’ to superficial appearance is a Christian allegory based on the wedding at Canaan and Jesus describing himself as the bridegroom, but in this case the number seven refers to the seven movements along the Kabbalistic tree of life and the ‘wedding’ is a reference to the union of the ‘bride’ or Malkuth, the human station of the Tree of Life, with an aspect of the divine emanation, mentioned in the key Kabbalistic text the Zohar.

Rosicrucian Jack Courtis goes into great detail analysing the Chymical Wedding and his commentary can be found at:

Chymical as in ‘chemical’ refers to alchemy; it is unknown at what point in history chemists had the idea that they could draw parallels between the outer manifestation and results of their chemistry experiments and the inner changes of mind and consciousness which these early scientists experienced as part of their occult practices.

Zosimus of Panopolis was an Egyptian Gnostic mystic born in the late 3rd Century. In him we perhaps see the release of some of the great alchemical secrets of the Ancient Egyptian Priesthood. Zosimos provided one of the first definitions of alchemy as the study of "the composition of waters, movement, growth, embodying and disembodying, drawing the spirits from bodies and bonding the spirits within bodies."

He also wrote in ambiguous terms typical of the study of alchemy:

“The symbol of chemistry is drawn from the creation by its adepts, who cleanse and save the divine soul bound in the elements, and who free the divine spirit from its mixture with the flesh.”

This book Azoth of the Philosophers by the legendary German alchemist Basil Valentine, appeared in the 16th Century but was ostensibly written by a 15th century German Benedictine Canon. There is some doubt as to the true identity of the writer of the Azoth of the Philosophers but it would accord with the ancient trend of not a scientific priesthood which is what we have in the present age, but a priesthood of scientists fusing spiritual and material phenomenon in fascinating and remarkable ways. This is also one of the reasons why we the modern scholar finds Alchemy so seemingly obstruse, because we are used to the separation of church and science.

As the originator of Alchemical lore in the West his work is crucial in setting the standard and influence the develop of both physical and hermetic science all throughout the middle-ages and even until the dawn of the Enlightenment at which point science had started to become industrialised and was beginning to separate from the hermetic lore into the study solely of the physical characteristics of matter apart from any spiritual influence. It is interesting that this break seemed universal, splitting at the seams where the spiritual domain meets the material and it was largely through the work of heretical scientists such as Giordano Bruno, Gallileo and Tycho Brahe, all whom were hermetic scientists who markedly signalled their break with the orthodoxy of the church.

It is only in fairly modern times that science has removed itself from the spiritual psychic realm and historically speaking, this is very much an aberration from what had been normal understanding of reality for thousands of years. Science, until the modern area of industrialisation: where scientific experiments started to be produced and reproduced without any of the trappings of spiritual exhortations or divine intervention, was usually part of the religious world so in Ancient Egypt for instance, Sekhmet was the patron of doctors and they were her priests. Science was usually knowledge, discovered by and carefully guarded and used by ancient religious cults.

Ammonium for instance, takes its name from the Ancient Egyptian horned God Amun in whose name a Temple was constructed which Alexander the Great famously visited to consult the oracle there and had his ‘divinity’ and his legitimacy as Pharoah confirmed. The temple is at the oasis area around the town of Siwa in the far west of Egypt on the border of Libya, in the midst of the desert, and since ammonium was also extracted by the Arabs from camel dung it was thought that the presence of ammonium chloride in the sands of Siwa was a result of the micturition of innumerable camels throughout history as their owners prayed at the shrine. The more likely reality is that Siwa is located in a depression of the Earth in an area in which water flows abundantly from the ground and ammonium chloride and other salts are washed out of the deep earth and are a geological feature independent of the presence of thousands of urinating camels stretching back through the corridors of time.

Ammonia chloride was considered by the alchemists to be one of the four alchemical ‘spirits’ because of its corrosive properties and suggested an ability to melt metals from one form to another. It was also used by the priests in their various rites of Amun, and since ammonium is highly flammable and commonly used in explosive and rocket fuel, one can well imagine what kind of apparently magical use the priests might have made of it to awe and astonish those attending their rituals.

The priests also used their knowledge of chemistry in initiation rites and ‘the mysteries’. They used the deadly toxin Anthrax daubed on statues of Sekhmet, to strike down with a curse, anyone so profane to importune the formidable Goddess.

In the Ancient Greek rites of Eleusis, the one to be initiated: the mystae, would be instructed to fast prior to the unveiling of the mystery and was given a strongly psychoactive brew called kykeon on an empty stomach, before witnessing whatever special effects show the priests had prepared for them, in order to convince him he had witnessed the activities of the Gods.

The kykeon was made from water, barley, mint and most likely ergot fungus, from which LSD was later synthesised by Albert Hoffman in 1938, and the initiate would likely have had little understanding of the bio-chemical composition of the brew and little suspected he was being drugged, and even if he were aware of the importance of the kykeon to the experience he would probably not have been able to scientifically understand the process since even alcohol was imbibed with the belief that intoxication was possession by the spirit of Dionysus and was still a quasi-spiritual experience so even if the initiate did suspect that the kykeon had caused a change in his perception of reality he would still be expected to ascribe it to some kind of divine agency, perhaps this is why alcohol is known as spirits, well actually I know that this isn’t the reason, but it ought to be.

While the mystae would be caught up in the transformative experience and was no doubt struggling with his new reality of Gods, Goddesses and whatever else was being transmitted to him by the mystery play, the priesthood understood the process scientifically and it had probably been accidentally discovered in the unrecorded forgotten tides of history that certain barley grains with a strange little spur of fungus on them could produce specific effects on the perception of reality of the person it was administered to.

The mystae likely took it all at face value, since to not do so would be to profane the mysteries and render the whole thing ineffectual: since the intention was to create a permanent change in the mind of the initiate and convince him that he had genuinely witnessed supernatural events and the otherworldly feelings of derealisation which the psychoactive compounds in the kykeon provoke, may have convinced him that he himself had undergone some change of state: that he may have died for instance and entered hell. Dr Abram Hoffer’s research into schizophrenia indicates that schizophrenia is caused by adrenochrome, which is a psycho-active psychedelic compound and the symptoms of schizophrenia or psychotic episodes are indistinguishable from a psychedelic experience. It is a common delusion amongst schizophrenics that they exist in a different state of reality to other people; that for some reason they are being dragged into hell. The Cotard delusion is the belief that they have already died in some literal sense and although they appear to be alive, they themselves believe they have died and are living in some kind of post-mortem purgatory.

Such people are dangerous for civilised society as demonstrated by a fairly high-profile example of the Cotard delusion in the person of Norwegian black-metal singer ‘Dead’ alias Per Ohlin. He had a fascination with death and would throw rotting pig heads into the crowd at their live shows to drive away what they considered poseurs. He would bury his clothes underground so they started to rot and he would wear these ‘grave clothes’ and he would also  keep dead and rotting animals at home under his bed. He committed suicide at 22 and his suicide note read:

“I am not a human being. This is just a dream, and soon I will wake up.”

This act resulted in his fans and supporters committing a wave of arsons of old wooden Stave churches across Norway including the Fantoft Stave Church which was nearly a thousand years old and was burned to the ground by black metal artist Varg Vikernes, his real name, the much less Nordic Louis Cachet and by 1996 there had been 50 such attacks as well as a series of murders.

It seems peculiar that these black-metal followers would burn down churches. What threat do they represent in these days? Clearly none, so there is obviously something else, an ideological reason: Satanism. Who benefits from burning down churches? If there is a genuine spiritual battle taking place on Earth and if one is in the service of a Satanic force which is antagonistic to humanity and its well-being, then burning down a beautiful and unique ancient wooden church would make sense.

This is a demonstration of the kind of obvious dangers which depersonalisation delusions can provoke, and so any religious organisation or cult which practices such a thing is playing with a very dangerous material: the human mind, and since such rituals have been taking place for thousands of years and continue to take place within Freemasonry and appendant cults, then how many of these ‘depersonalised’, deluded people, who believe they are in hell or living as a dead man in an unreal world of illusions, might be among us?

Such rituals have been used over the ages to create a certain kind of person. One specific cult which used drugs and elaborate staged performances to convince the mystae that he had died were those carried out by Hassan Ibn Sabbah’s Assassins. Marco Polo wrote that Sabbah created a garden of paradise in a hidden valley with real streams or milk, wine and honey, flowing in every direction from secret conduits built inside palaces, and also the availability of beautiful women which no doubt provided some kind of motivation to believe the delusion and convince the mystae that he had died and was in heaven and that Lord Hassan had power over him.

Masonry is said to be a science, from the Latin ‘scire’ to know, and for many years was probably the most overt demonstration of art and technological development in society. The construction of the great gothic churches required the mastery of many elements of what we call science: primarily of mathematics, engineering, and mechanical physics. This wedding of science to religion which had been common in the ancient world continued into the early middle-ages to the late middle-ages with clergy-scientists such as father of the scientific method Roger Bacon, Copernicus and Ramon Lull, who is said to have been the originator of computation theory where he designed the first truth-tables which are the basis of a computational logic-gate based system which he later made into a analogue computer made of paper, on how to win religious arguments against Muslims.

In the modern age I would include Nikola Tesla as a scientist who was directly inspired by the spiritual realm and this is something he himself  acknowledged. The similarity between his methods and those used by the early Masons being the creation a ‘mind-palace’ in which to visualise the construction as a mental prototype, except to Nikola Tesla the devices he created appeared to arrive fully formed straight into his mind delivered fresh from the realm of light. Tesla had been musing on the setting sun and was reminded of a poetic passage from Goethe’s Faust describing the new voyages of the retreating sun which he started quoting for his friend with whom he was walking:

“As I uttered these inspiring words the idea came like a flash of lightning and in an instant the truth was revealed. I drew with a stick on the sand the diagrams shown six years later in my address before the American Institute of Electrical Engineers, and my companion understood them perfectly. The images I saw were wonderfully sharp and clear and had the solidity of metal and stone, so much so that I told him: ‘See my motor here; watch me reverse it.’ I cannot begin to describe my emotions. Pygmalion seeing his statue come to life could not have been more deeply moved. A thousand secrets of nature which I might have stumbled upon accidentally I would have given for that one which I had wrested from her against all odds and at the peril of my existence.”

It is interesting that Tesla was musing on the sun and quoting Faust, in a manner of speaking he was making an invocation to the sun, the source of all light and was answered with his greatest wish: the secrets of the electrical AC motor which remains his greatest achievement and perhaps the greatest invention of the 20th Century, were given to him in a flash of light. Perhaps in this instance we witness the ancient scientific methods of divine inspiration rewarding the faithful adepts who know how to give the Gods their due praise.

Tesla claimed he was born during a lightning storm and throughout his whole life he would be subject to attacks of intense bright flashes of light invading his mind and causing hallucinations; it is possible that in some sense, Tesla was highly charged with EM energy, as we all are since EM energy is what animates us: driving the processes of our body, keeping our heart pumping and being the very stuff of our thoughts and our minds. The Miller-Urey experiment demonstrated that life on Earth was likely a result of electro-static discharges impacting inorganic gasses such as methane, ammonia and hydrogen which resulted in the production of the building blocks of life: amino acids, which are the first level of organic compounds. This demonstrates that the animating organic factor of life comes from electricity which is a form of light.


  1. Love you truthspoon. But I am going to have to disagree with the sentiment against Martin Luther and the protestant reformation. His "symbol" being a rose with a cross I feel is not substantial evidence that he waand s a rosicrucian,

  2. Fair enough.... but what is the other interpretation of the Rose and Cross symbol? It is apparently uniquely connected to the Western esoteric tradition of the Rosicrucians.

  3. I found this interesting website which quotes an extract from a German book Die Zertrümmerung des Christlichen Abendlandes, Durach, Verlag Anton Schmid, 1977 which seems to support my opinion:


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I'm on FIRE with dat TROOF.

I'm on FIRE with dat TROOF.
Kundalini refugee doing a bit of landscaping.


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Esau (1) edomite terror (1) Edomites (2) ego (1) Egypt (1) Egyptian Beer and Lebanese Hash (1) Egyptian initiation (1) electronic harassment (1) electronic harassment delusion (1) EM field (1) End of the world (1) enlightenment (1) epic sword battles (1) Establishment paedophilia (1) etymology (1) Evelyn Waugh (1) Ewen Cameron (1) Extra-terrestrials (1) fake aliens (2) fake UFOs (3) Falk (2) fall of Jerusalem (2) Falling Madonna (1) false flag (1) false Gods (1) Famagusta (1) feels like acid (1) Feminism (3) fizzy pop star (1) flat earth (1) Flat Earthers (1) flying saucer (1) forum moderator (1) Frankfurt School (1) freemason cover up (1) Freemason nepotism (1) Freemason Tom Hanks (1) Freemasonic secrets (1) freemasonry (10) Freemasonry origins (1) freemasonry watch (1) freemasonry watch forum (1) Freemasons (8) freemasons Lymingon (1) Freemasons Morocco (1) Freemasons New Forest (1) French Revolution (1) Frescobaldi (1) fresh cold quantum chunks (1) Friday 13th (1) Friday 13th 2015 (1) Frozen (1) Fukushima (1) full retard (1) future (1) future news (1) gang stalking (2) gang-stalking (1) Gawker (1) gender politics. (1) George Michael (1) George Michael coke (1) George Michael coming out (1) George Michael dead (1) George Noory (1) George W Bush (1) German paedophile (1) ghosts (1) gnostic Christianity (1) Gnostic movement (1) Gnosticism (1) God (1) God King (1) God particle (1) God representative (1) Goddess cult (1) gods (1) Golden Dawn (3) Great Work (1) grey aliens (2) Guardian (1) Guy Ritchie (1) handshakes (1) happiness (1) Hashashin (1) Hassan Ibn Sabbah (1) hazing (1) hearing voices (2) Hell-chasers (1) Hellfire Club (2) Hermetic magic (1) hidden code (1) hidden hand (1) higher dimensions (1) Hillsborough stadium (1) Hitler (3) Hoffer adrenochrome (1) Hollow-Earth (1) Hollywood (1) Hollywood atheism (1) holograms (1) holographic reality (1) Holy Blood Holy Grail (1) Holy sin (1) House of Wisdom (1) Human trafficking Morocco (1) hypercube (1) hypernumbers (1) hypersphere (2) hypnotism (1) Iggy Pop (1) Ignacio Loyola (1) illuminati (15) Illuminati assassin (1) illuminati bloodline (2) Illuminati False Flag (1) Illuminati high school (1) Illuminati insider (1) illuminati Pope (1) Illuminati programmer (1) Illuminati psychic powers (1) illuminati recruitment (1) illuminati revealed (1) illuminati training (1) Illuminati witch (1) Illumination (4) Inducing hypnotic states (1) info-raids (1) initiatic mysteries (1) initiation (3) Ink (1) Ink/Lake (1) inner peace (2) inner voice (2) inner-peace (1) Innocent III (1) Inquisition (1) Insane Clown Posse (1) Ipsissimus (1) Iran nuclear programme (1) Isaac Luria (1) Isabel de Cruz (1) Ishtar (1) Isis (1) ismailis (1) Israel (1) Israel Regardie (1) Israeli (1) James Casbolt (1) James the awesome (1) James the great (1) Janus program (1) Japan (1) Jesse The Devil Hughes (1) Jesuits (4) Jesus (1) Jesus Christ (1) Jewish Freemasonry (1) Jewish Kabbalists (1) Jezebel (1) Jim Morrison (1) Jim Morrison beard (1) Jimmy Savile Freemason (1) Jo Cox murder (1) Joan Smith (1) Joe Fisher (1) John Steinbeck (1) joining the Illuminati (1) Kaballah (1) Kabbalah (12) Kabbalistic tree of life (1) Kali (1) Karma Farmer (1) kether (1) King Arthur (2) King Charles Vampire (1) King of Pop (1) KIPP (1) KKTC (1) Knights of Malta (1) Konrad Dippel (1) kosher punks (1) kulturkampf (1) Kykeon (1) Lactantius (1) Lady Gaga (1) Lake (1) Last Christmas (1) lewd act (1) Licinius (1) light (3) Lilith (1) Lockheed Martin (1) loneliness (1) Love (1) LSD (1) Lucifer (1) Luciferian enlightenment (1) Lutz Bahr (1) Lutz Bahr paedophile (1) MacGregor Mathers (1) macro universe (1) Madonna Brit awards (1) Madonna Brits (1) Madonna kabbalah (1) magic (1) magic Bowie (1) magic crack snakes (1) Magic Texas Hold'ems and Shithead sessions (1) magickal duel (2) Majilis al-hikma (1) Malcolm Mclaren (1) manifestation experiment (1) Manly P Hall (1) many worlds theory (1) Maria de Cazalla (1) Martinists (2) Marxism (1) Marxists (1) Masonic beatings (1) Masonic hazing (1) masonic mind control (1) mass extinction (1) mass mind control (1) materialsm trap (1) Mauri (1) Max Spiers (1) McGregor Mathers (1) meaningless equality (1) meditation (1) megaliths (1) men going their own way (1) mental illness (1) Merlin (1) Merlin Cove (1) Merlincove Crowley (1) Merlincove cunt (1) MGTOW (2) Michael Douglas (1) Michael Jackson (1) Microprosopus (1) Mighty Zhiba cunt (1) Mighty Zhiba OTO (1) Miguel Molinos (2) Miles Johnston UFO (1) Miles Johnstone (1) Miley Cyrus Kali (1) Miley Cyrus tongue (1) mind control (3) mind control trance (1) mind reading (3) mind-control (1) misery (1) MK Ultra (1) modern banking system (1) Molech (1) Molinos (1) moment of common hatred (1) Mossad Morocco (1) Mother Goddess (1) Mother of all living (1) multiverse (2) murdered by Illuminati (2) music OTO (1) Mysteries of Eleusis (1) mysteries of raw fish (1) Nazari (1) Nazi saucer (1) Nazi saucers (1) Nazi UFO (1) Nazis (1) Neoplatonism (1) New World Order (1) news (1) next dimension (1) niacin b3 (1) NICAP (1) Nick Denton (1) North Cyprus (1) Obama freemason (1) Obama illuminati (1) occult (4) Occult Horcrux (1) on her arse (1) OpenAI (1) Operation Paperclip (2) optical illusion (1) Oral tradition (1) Orange Order (1) Order of Melchizedek (1) origins of Freemasonry (1) OTO (4) OTO Horcrux (1) oto music stars (1) pacific ocean (1) paedophile Freemason (1) paedophile freemasons (1) Paedophile network in Scotland (1) paedophiles (1) paedophilia (1) pagan spell weaving (1) paranoid Bowie (1) Paris false flag (1) Paris terror (1) Parsifal (1) Peaches Geldof (1) Pepsi powered FrankenJesus (1) Pere Lachaise (1) Phoenicians (2) photonic consciousness (1) photons (1) Pi (1) Plotinus (1) Ponzi scam (1) poorly spelt Facebook nonsense (1) pop goes the popstar (1) Pop Princess Amy (1) Pope Francis Freemason (1) Pope Prince (1) Popstars of the Apocalypse (1) Popstars of the Apocalypse 2 (2) Porphyr of Tyre (1) porphyria (1) positivity (1) Post-Bowie world (1) POTENTIAL POP PARADOXES AND WEAPONISED POPSTARMAGEDDON (1) President Trump (1) Prince (1) Prince autopsy (1) Prince cream (1) Prince death (1) Prince dies (1) Prince gay? (1) Prince murdered by Illuminati. Vanity Prince (1) Prince Prince of the Holy Roman Empire (1) Prince sacrifice (1) Priory of Sion (2) professional integrity (1) projection (1) propaganda (2) proton collisions (1) psychic freemasons (1) psychic powers (4) psycho-emotional control (1) psychoanalysis (1) psychological warfare (1) psychopaths (1) psychosis (1) psychospiritual transformation (1) psychotronic weapons (1) Punk (1) quantum annealing (1) Quantum computing (2) quantum field generator (1) Quantum immortality (1) Quantum mechanics (1) quantum physics (5) quantum realm (1) quantum wave function (1) Queen of Pop (1) queen of the underworld (1) Quietism (2) Quraysh. SAFF (1) real number (1) reality (1) red hand (1) Revolver (1) Richard Kemp (1) ritual initiations (1) ritual magic (1) ritualised peak of obscenity (1) rituals (1) rolling drunk (1) Ronco Whisky Beard TM (1) Rosicrucians (7) Roswell (1) Rothschilds (1) Royal Black Order (1) Royal blood (1) royal madness (1) royal purple (1) royal vampires (1) Russell Brand (1) Russian revolution (1) rutting drunk animal (1) Sabbateans (1) sacred feminine (1) Sacred language (1) Sam Gold (2) satanic false flag (1) satanic Madonna (1) Satanic ritual sacrifice (1) Satanic sacrifice (1) Satanism (1) Sayyid Qutb (1) schizophrenia (10) schizoprenia cure (1) Screwtape Letters (1) seal of Solomon (1) secret language (1) secret order (1) secret societies (1) Sefer Yezirah (1) Sefir Yetsirah (1) Sekhmet (1) serial killers (1) Sex Pistols (1) sexodus (1) Shekinah (1) Shia (1) Shitcoin (1) shizophrenia (1) Shutter Island (1) Siberian Shaman (1) Simon Magus (1) Sir Mason Goldbrick (1) Siren Call of Hungry Ghosts (1) Siwa Oasis (1) Siwa Salt lake (1) social change agenda (1) Social Theory (1) Spirit realm (1) spirits (4) Stalin freemason (1) star of David (1) Star whackers (1) stay happy (1) steaming-hot music doings (1) Steppenwolf (1) stoned cockneys (1) stupid popstar (1) subatomic realm (1) Sufis (1) sun portal (1) sun son (1) Swedenborg (1) synchronicity (1) Tatchell (1) TEFL Freemasons (1) Tefl paedophiles (1) Templar Order (1) Templars (1) temple of Baal (1) Temple of the Oracle (1) Temple Priests (1) Temple prostitution (1) Terrence Malik (1) Terrence Mckenna (1) Terrible truth (1) Tertullian (1) tesseract (1) That Hideous Strength (1) The Clash. Communism (1) The Game (2) The Lobster (1) The Mighty Zhiba (1) the mystery of life (1) the once and future king (1) the ordeal of Gilbert Pinfold (1) the source (1) the State stealing children (1) Theosophy (1) Thomas Cromwell (1) Thomas Hamilton (1) TM (1) Tony Visconti Black Nobility (1) toppest secret (1) Tosser yaps (1) training simulations (1) transcendence (4) Transcendental meditation (2) transcendental numbers (1) transformation (1) Tree of Life (5) Trinity Zohar (1) Trump Show (1) Truthspoon (2) Tyrian purple (1) UFO (2) UFO cult (3) UFO cults (1) UFO sightings (1) UFO's (2) UK coup (1) Ukniverse (1) UN Earth Goddess. (1) unconscious mind (1) undead Radiohead (1) Uni High Illinois (1) University Laboratory high school (1) Unrest Cure (1) US state department (1) vampire bloodline (1) vampires (1) Vatican (1) Viscount Petersham (1) visualisation (1) vlad the impaler (1) wave function collapse (1) white lodge (1) White Rabbit (1) Wiccans New Forest (1) William Westcott (1) world war 3 (1) X man chemical (1) Yakuza’s pint (1) Yesod (1) Ying Yang (1) you go girl (1) Zen master (1) zen meditation (3) zhiba (1) Zhiba Crowley (1) Zhiba cunt (1) Zionist (1) Zohar (6) Zosimus of Panopolis (1) Ï€ (1)

For a Few Dollops More....of cat food.

Get back she's gonna blow.

Get back she's gonna blow.

Madonna rolling down the stairs forever....lulz

Madonna rolling down the stairs forever....lulz
Thanks to Long lost soul, wherever you are.

Poptard of the Apocalypse meets Leo.

Poptard of the Apocalypse meets Leo.
Ewwww..... it touched me.