Opening chapter from Demons of Eleusis.
It was the recommendation of an extraordinary book called Operators and Things which started me on the path of putting this work together. A strangely unrevelatory title at first glance which one might think was some kind of glossary of telephone switchboard terminology but it was anything but mundane. It is one of those books which reading forces you to reconsider your whole perception of reality itself and the events of the story, which are in fact autobiographical and the kind of story that you could probably only make-up after a 3 day LSD and magic-marker bender at Disneyland.
The book was written by Barbara O’Brien, a lady who apparently developed schizophrenia in the 1950’s as a result of a long and stressful period at work during which she was forced to observe the behaviour of various psychopathic personality types using underhanded means to displace good people from their jobs, and step into shoes they were wholly unfit and unable to fill. She then observes how the psychopaths turn on each other and even manage to undermine the whole foundation of the company with their self-serving pursuit of power and their employment of malicious lies and deceptions to reach their power goals.
The author at her place of work seems to be one of the few people to notice these nefarious shenanigans and she, knowing the true nature of some of the people around her starts to live every moment in fear of them, what they can do, what they represent and perhaps how utterly unsuspecting and defenceless the company and other employees are when it comes up against such malign intelligence. But this is not a story about psychopaths, it is a story about a schizophrenic, and one morning after the mounting fear and terror of the psychopaths at work comes to some kind of head, Barbara awakes to find three ghostly forms at her bedside telling her that she is now part of a special secret experiment. The nature of the experiment is to reveal the secret ‘world of the Operators’ to one of the ‘Things’ and to see what happens.
A ‘Thing’ is the operator’s term for a human being and the Operators themselves are an organized non corporeal collective intelligence which apparently ‘buy’ operating rights or charters for human beings, and then they control them by directly dictating their thoughts and supposedly guide them through life. The aim of this is apparently to feed themselves as they seem to gain energy by causing reactions and emotional feelings in the ‘Things’ or humans they control and possibly they benefit human development in general, indeed one of the discarnate voices of the Operators speaking to Barbara makes the claim:
“If it weren’t for Operators, Things would still be wandering in and out of caves.”
A similar line of thought appears referenced in a Masonic compendium book from 1847 entitled The Golden Remains of Early Masonic Writers compiled by George Oliver:
“In the history of man, there is nothing more remarkable than that Masonry and civilisation, like twin sisters, have gone hand in hand. The Orders of Architecture mark their growth and progress. Dark, dreary, and comfortless were those days when Masonry had not laid her line, or extended her compass. The race of mankind, in full possession of wild and savage liberty, mutually afraid of, and offending each other, hid themselves in thickets of the wood, or in dens and caverns of the earth. In those poor recesses and gloomy solitudes, Masonry found them, and the Grand Geometrician of the Universe, pitying their forlorn situation, instructed them to build houses for their case, defence, and comfort. It is easy to conceive that in the early state of society, genius had expanded but little. The first efforts were small, and the structure simple and rude; no more than a number of trees leaning together at the top, in the form of a cone, interwoven with twigs, and plastered with mud to exclude the air and complete the work."
For much of the story this is what Barbara believes and is told, and she is repeatedly told that a rival gang of Operators are trying to drain her energy, or otherwise involve her in detailed and ultimately pointless delusions about her own imminent death; or that her life is under threat by members of the Operators guild who are apparently not happy that she has been made aware of the existence of the Operators and that the information she has learned could endanger all their operations. This leads her to travel apparently pointlessly across the country, while some kind of convoluted astral legal drama plays out in the background, with the voices telling her of court hearings, legal writs being sought on her behalf and various motions filed in order to protect her while her mind remains in the realm of the Operators.
She travels the country on Greyhound buses which are apparently full of ‘Flies’ or Operators who do not belong to the committee and apparently spend their time playing a game where the winner is the one who can put a thought into the head of the person and elicit the strongest emotional reaction.
At one point she rents a cabin in the mountains thinking it will put her out of reach of the Operators who have told her they are actually humans who were born with psychic ability who can project their consciousness into the minds of others, and that they have a limited field of operation, and that travelling beyond that range would leave them powerless to act. So she finds herself a cabin in the mountains but finds that the voices have followed her there, but when she spots other cabins nearby she rationalizes that they must also have rented out one of the cabins in order to maintain psychic contact with her. She falls ill with various maladies as one might expect in her nervous and distressed condition and ends up finally seeing an analyst in California where miraculously the voices finally disappear.
One thing that is eye-opening about the book is how after reading about the inner world of the schizophrenic, the term ‘hearing voices’ which we have always been told is the classic symptom of schizo-affective disorder doesn’t fully explain how convincing in their way the delusions can be. It is not merely hearing voices, but it is the insinuation and the ‘reasoned’ if that is the correct word to use here, acquiescence to the ‘logic’ of the voices. They are telling you things no-one else knows, but they are real, they are trying to help you; the Greyhound bus-driver secretly works as an Operator cop which means he has the power to protect a Thing from other Operators as long as the owner Operator of the ‘Thing’ posts their charter with him.
And as Barbara says herself:
“It forces me to live in a double world. It’s like having a magic mirror through which I’m observing what’s happening on the moon while I’m going about the business of living on the earth.”
One of the strange things about schizophrenics is that they are extremely sensitive to human emotions: at the beginning of part one Barbara tells the reader how she ‘read’ psychoanalyst, Dr Donner, “Uneasiness hung around the room like a thick mist. He’s walking up and down, I thought, spraying worry around. The room is filled with worry.”
Throughout the interview with her analyst she seems perfectly able, despite her apparent mental illness, to be fully able to read the emotions and even the thoughts of her analyst whom it seems has personal moral scruples about referring his patient Barbara to the hospital for shock treatment, and the personal wrestling with his own feelings on the matter conflicting with the then perceived medical wisdom of the efficacy of shock therapy.
In this first chapter Barbara is able to perceive that something is troubling the analysist and she writes that she ‘leaned forwards to study his face’ however this action was not entirely her own as we are then told that one of the Operators, Hinton, was apparently studying the analyst through her eyes. Hinton, as a classic ‘voice in her head’ then gives her instructions on what she should say to best get out of being forced to undergo shock treatment.
This theme of the schizophrenic seeming to be extra-sensitive to emotions and people’s thoughts is something which is later revealed to even more interesting and thought-provoking degrees as it is suggested that the schizophrenic, through whatever new sub-conscious faculties are brought to light as a result of their illness, apparently develop the ability to read people’s deepest thoughts and motivations. Barbara states:
“Many psychiatrists had noted, among the patients who did talk, an odd ability to throw the doctor off balance by a feat which might have been called mind reading except that the psychiatrists described it as ‘the schizophrenics uncanny sensitivity to unverbalized and only partially conscious feelings in the psychiatrist.’”
Barbara’s belief is that some innate power of the unconscious mind which she calls ‘Something’ and this faculty, which during the early phases of her recovery from schizophrenia, performs astounding feats which defy reason and logic. One time the ‘Something’ urges her to go to Las Vegas; she only has five dollars but the ‘Something’ urges her to go to a specific roulette wheel and then that ‘Something’ tells her which numbers to put her money on:
“Something kept me rooted at one wheel and Something urged me violently to play a certain number at a certain time. I played a dollar chip and won. I waited, rooted, got another strong urge, played, won again. I played six times, won six times, and found myself with a purse full of money. Something stopped giving me numbers. I stopped playing and came home.”
Another time the Something helped her to find a job, specifically directing her to be in the right place at the right time:
“As my money was running low, I decided that I would try to find a job whose chores were not too demanding. As I started out, Something urged me to walk in the opposite direction from the bus line, toward a large building a few blocks away. Something urged me so violently to enter the building that it would have been impossible, almost, not to have gone in. I went to the building’s personnel department and found the employment manager not at all surprised to see me. She had phoned an agency that morning for a receptionist. She hired me.”
According to Barbara, the ‘mind reading’ ability which some psychiatrists have apparently observed in schizophrenics is part of the Something of the unconscious mind.
“Something can extend into the unconscious minds of others. Nevertheless, it was nice to know that other schizophrenics had demonstrated a similar talent. It made the business more normal, at least for us schizophrenics. Anyway, it wasn’t witchcraft.”
This is something for which I have long sought an explanation as during my travels around the world and the continued attempts to recruit me into what, for convenience’ sake I will call ‘the Illuminati’ despite that name evoking an automatic response of derision. The people I had contact with were Freemasons, but to say they attempted to recruit me into Freemasonry seems to fall short of the truth, since these people were of an elite branch of Freemasonry, it might therefore be more accurate to describe them as Illuminated Freemasonry. My personal conception of what these people represent is something I would call ‘The Family’ since there seems to be a genetic component connecting all of these people and this is what has been generally referred to by such researchers as Fritz Springmeier as The Illuminati Bloodline.