Merry Christmas 1819 mad George the 3rd,
Jabbering nonsense
for 58 hours
Thick foam
gathering on his lips like eggnog
Then from the King
a new noise was heard,
something like the
whining and howling of a dog.
No your highness,
that tree you are shaking hands with
is not the King of
“No?” said the
baffled king squinting, “Who is it then?”
The poetic steward started hinting, and said:
Your highness, put your hand down, let go of the tree,
For it is not a king, just a part of nature's beauty
But it was lost on
the King, who greeted a rose bush instead.
And he spoke to his
daughter, despite her being dead
And with paternal
pride and joy at something wonderful,
He told her all
about her own funeral.
He then buried a
steak in the grounds of the castle,
An ingenious plan
to feed the poor
Waiting for it to
grow into a beef tree;
He was surprised no
one else had thought of it before.
It took the mind of
a King to see things clearly.