In order to understand the present we need to discover the secrets of the past. There has been an agenda unfolding throughout the years for the establishment of a Jewish homeland and Freemasonry has been its prime motor of action. We can understand how this has been achieved, by the activities of Jewish Kabbalists and Sabbateans infiltrating into Freemasonry during the 18th century, and people like Emmanuel Swedenborg were their disciples. Freemasonry has long been suspected of actually being a secret society with Judaic origins:
“Chevalier Ramsay delivered his famous Ramsay's oration, which described Freemasonry as an originally Jewish fraternity, whose secrets were discovered by the crusading knights of the Temple and then transmitted to operative masons in France and the British Isles.”
If we are to understand more about this manipulation, we need to understand everything we can about the arch manipulator Falk, but such men, whom one moment are under threat of being burned at the stake for witchcraft and the next are called by Count Cogliostro “the greatest man in Europe, the famous Falk in London” one would hardly expect to find clear footprints of all their movements.
In a report of the Vatican inquisition dated 1791:
'Cagliostro perceived that their [Freemasons’] ceremonies were disfigured and disgraced by magic and superstition; the principles of Swedenborg, a Swedish preacher; and those of M. Falc, a Jew rabbi, are regarded as chiefs by the illuminated.'
In her article: Jacobite and Visionary: the Masonic Journey of Emanuel Swedenborg, Marsha Schuchard writes:
“That Scottish Freemasonry had long traditions of 'second sight' was relevant, and some Swedish freemasons would later claim that Swedenborg possessed that peculiar gift of clairvoyance. See Tafel, 'New Documents', New Church Magazine, 4 (1885), p. 381, for Dr Husband Messiter's belief that Swedenborg possessed second sight.”
Hayyim Samuel Jacob Falk was one of the Ba’alei shem: a master of the divine name, a Ba’al shem is a Kabbalist who can write Kabbalistic amulets using the supposed name of God, and they were said to be able to conjure angels, predict the future, and offer protection from demons and disasters. Falk was said to engage in magical rituals in Epping forest and along the shores of the Thames. He became known as the ‘unknown superior’ of the Freemasons.
As member of the French Anti-Masonic league and founder of several
anti-Masonic newspapers and writer of several books on Freemasonry, Andre
Baron, pointed out the links between Freemasonry, Martinism, and Adam
Weishaupt’s Bavarian Illuminati and wrote the famous maxim: "Remember that
the constant rule of the secret societies is that the real authors never
show themselves.”