Electromagnetic Brainwashing and Inducing Hypnotic States.
A strange element of the UFO phenomena is the articulation of some kind of remote hypnosis. The example of Betty and Barney Hill represents the pattern of many subsequent reports. Something in the saucer communicated with him psychically and instructed him to ‘keep looking’. The following is from the now defunct National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomena (NICAP) a non-governmental group formed to respond to the surging tide of UFO sightings at the time:
“As he watched the leader through the binoculars, the leader’s large eyes burned hypnotically into his mind and a ‘voice’ within instructed him to keep coming closer, keep the binoculars to his eyes, and no harm would come to him. The witness said his hands seemed frozen to the binoculars, and he couldn’t put them down. He kept walking toward the craft while the mind-voice directed him to ‘just keep looking’ and reassured him that no harm would come to him.”
Hill said that the occupants of the saucer wore shiny black uniforms with a black peaked caps along with a possible allusion to Nazis:
“The figures reminded the observer of the cold precision of German officers; they moved smoothly and efficiently and showed no emotion except for one fellow operating a lever who, Mr Hill claimed, looked over his shoulder and smiled."
Could this saucer have been under the control of former Nazi officers for some reason still following their military regimen and training? This would certainly accord with Mauri’s account along with the documented proofs of German Nazi saucer development during the war.
Initially, according to the report, Barney Hill encountered a mental block at this point and it was only under hypnosis that much of what subsequently happened could be recalled. This later involved an actual abduction of both him and his wife into the saucer, after the car they were driving was hit with a strange kind of beam of energy. Interestingly Dr Simon, the hypnotherapist who interviewed them, had his own conclusions about the nature of the craft and entertained the possibility, as do I, that it was a: “classified type rather than an extra-terrestrial aircraft".
Barney’s description under hypnosis; his experience of one the craft’s occupants: the possible leader, seeming to enter his mind and since he seemed able to project words into his brain it is possible that the leader was either, as many believe, an extra-terrestrial with uncanny non-human psychic abilities, or that he was a human being just like us, but one who as we have seen previously, had learned various occult psychic abilities generally held to be the domain of the occult and secret societies:
"Oh, those eyes. They're there in my brain…I was told to close my eyes because I saw two eyes coming close to mine, and I felt like the eyes had pushed into my eyes...All I see are these eyes…. I'm not even afraid that they're not connected to a body. They're just there. They're just up close to me, pressing against my eyes."
For the sake of reference, the presence of disembodied eyes is something which has been featured in victim narratives of satanic occult ritual abuse including sketches of eyes appearing in darkness and also of course the reference to the ‘all seeing eye’ in Freemasonry is well known, additionally schizophrenics report hallucinations of disembodied eyes.
They drove off at high speed, and were followed by the UFO hovering above their car:
“.. Almost immediately, the Hills heard a rhythmic series of beeping or buzzing sounds, which they said seemed to bounce off the trunk of their vehicle. The car vibrated and a tingling sensation passed through the Hills' bodies. The Hills said that then they experienced the onset of an altered state of consciousness that left their minds dulled. A second series of beeping or buzzing sounds returned the couple to full consciousness. They found that they had traveled nearly 35 miles (56 km) south, but had only vague, spotty memories of this section of road. They recalled making a sudden, sharp unplanned turn, encountering a roadblock, and observing a fiery orb in the road.”