Insider info and illuminati analysis...

...from the man they just can't recruit.

Showing posts with label illuminati. Show all posts
Showing posts with label illuminati. Show all posts

Wednesday, 10 February 2016

Secret Initiations of the Gods of War. Part 2.

So is the anthropomorphic God of the Old Testament, the Angel Gabriel of the Quran, and also the angels of the Old Testament such as those who visited Abraham and those who went to warn Lot of the destruction of Sodom, all part of some super secret invisible group, which exist outside the official historical records, and are even unidentified by any myths? 

Abraham and the Three Angels (watercolor circa 1896–1902 by James Tissot)

Indeed, it is this group which writes history and whose elaborate mysteries and enactments have become recorded as myth themselves. No doubt these people have some extraordinary supernatural gifts, just like the Freemasons and witches I have encountered on my worldwide travels, and these gifts would be sufficient to make them appear to have the powers of Gods and angels.

They create rituals and tests for initiates which are of such an inexplicable nature that they are later recorded as myth. For instance it is highly unlikely that a real man-beast such as the Minotaur actually existed, but it is quite possible that some kind of initiatory ordeal took place involving a specially constructed labyrinth and some kind of simulated monster, possibly played by a member of this super secret brotherhood wearing an elaborately designed costume.

This was one of the key themes of the old initiatic rites, such as what scant testimony can recount, of the ancient world: that the initiate would be placed in a situation where Gods and monsters would enact a mystery in which the initiate held the central part, and the key to the success of the initiation was that the initiate be convinced of what they had experienced, was real.

Ancient Egyptian initiation/fancy-dress party

In fact these initiatory programmes still exist and are more common than ever, but are usually reserved for the highest cadre of professionals and those in key positions in society. Sometimes the functionality of these kind of programmes is actually explicitly depicted in the media in the form of Hollywood movies, where the viewer becomes a partial initiate into the programme of altering or subtly modifying or changing their preconceptions and previous patterns of thought.

For instance the 1997 Michael Douglas film The Game shows the unfolding of an initiatory ‘experience’ and is modelled upon a Saki story called The Unrest Cure. The story involved a bored man enrolling himself in a programme designed to 'revitalise' him but once he begins the game starts to become very dangerous and he no longer appears sure what is a game and what is real. Also Herman Hesse’s Steppenwolf, both of which depict initiatory experiences, particularly in the case of Steppenwolf where the experience is explicitly described as mystical and transformative and seems to be orchestrated by a secret group operating above and beyond, and simultaneously, invisible, to the world at large.

The Game is directed by David Fincher who also directed the similarly Brotherhood themed movie: Fight Club, which also depicts a secret group, operating invisibly throughout society, united by initiatory conditioning and possible mental illness.

Losing your mind in The Game.

The main character is Nicholas Van Orton and it is his brother Conrad Van Orton who invites him to take part in a ‘Game’ for his birthday organised by a mysterious organisation called CRS. A pair of fellow members of his club are overheard by Douglas’ character Nicholas Van Orton, and when he approaches them asking about CRS they exchange conspiratorial looks with each other and one of them hastily leaves. The one who remains asks him: ‘You wanna know what it is? What it’s all about?: John chapter 9 verse 25 ‘Whereas once I was blind, now I can see’. This piques his interest, however he later receives a telephone call telling him that he has been rejected from the game.

So he returns home and suddenly he finds that his TV is talking to him and he is receiving instructions from a presenter on his TV set who responds to all his questions and remarks. It seems he IS in the ‘Game’ after all. 

As the film progresses Van Orton finds it increasingly hard to tell who and what is part of the game, and what is in fact real. His confusion reaches a peak when a man collapses dying in front of him and Van Orton says ‘how do we know if this is real?’

From my own experiences, this sort of lack of certainty about reality, is the aim of the Illuminati programming. And thus they render their trainees, malleable to their orders but unable to react to anything outside of the programme. A bit like 9-11 and other terrorist events which are made to coincide with ‘training simulations’ so no one really knows what’s real anymore. This is the greatest weapon one can deploy against a person to control them. Make them question their reality and eventually you have the perfect Illuminati slave. They can only respond to instructions and cues from outside, but cannot act on their own volition because their ability to judge what is real from simulation has been so badly impaired. This is the key to mind-control, and Hollywood just can’t resist rubbing our faces in their greatest secrets in plain-sight.

As they arrive at the ‘hospital’ the car-park the lights go out and everyone disappears, Van Orton then realises it was all part of the game and clues his new ‘friend’ Christine in, who seems to have seen this all before and utters ‘Mother fucking frat-boys’. So clearly this is the same sort of thing engaged in by American university fraternities in their pranks and hazing, but obviously on a much smaller level.

Christine asks him ‘Who are you?’ He says his name to which she remarks: ‘What are you a Tsar or something?’. She is later revealed to be part of the programme, and since she already knew his name why does she make the remark about nobility? Is it a hint at the bloodline nature of the Illuminati in which he is being enrolled through the CPR proxy organisation. He returns home to find his home vandalised with special paint which can only be seen under fluorescent light and the Jefferson Airplane song The White Rabbit is playing. A very dark and vivid Illuminati flavoured song about loss of reality and the blurred distinction between the real and the unreal.


At one point he meets his panic-stricken brother who appears to be on the verge of psychosis as a result of involvement with ‘The Game’:

“They fuck you and they fuck you and they fuck you. And just when you think it’s all over and that’s when the real fucking starts.”

SPOILER ALERT At the end Nicholas attempts to kill himself in despair at being led to believe that he had killed his own brother, and in a scene reminiscent of Vanilla Sky, where the Jake Aumes character apparently throws himself off a high tower-block in order to awaken from the virtual reality game he is in, Nicholas also dives from a skyscraper, however the game had prepared for this eventuality and it is only when crashing through the a special safety glass window and landing safely on a special inflatable safety cushion, to the applause of all his friends and his own brother who is far from dead, that he realises that it was all part of the game and a very carefully managed series of tricks and illusions.

Another film which uses the same initiatory premise is Anger Management with Jack Nicholson and Adam Sandler, in the same manner as The Game an unwitting 'recipient' of a conditioning programme is driven to the edge of his sanity and personal security. Then it ends and it's all revealed to be an elaborate setup designed to change the person's way of thinking and their priorities.

This is the Illuminati conditioning programme and if you watch Anger Management then you will observe that a sort of Brotherhood forms around the programme with everyone apparently knowing the magic calming word: Goosefraba!

There are many of these films whose intent it is to make you question, not just reality, but if you're really 'alive' at all, but for some people these programmes genuinely exist and take place in real life, I have experienced such programmes a couple of times, obviously they are not quite on the same scale as that depicted in the movies but the means and methods are the same.

And there are traces of The Game which make it out into the media in the form of mysterious deaths, in particular, of young bankers, of which there is a website which attempts to keep track of the ever increasing score.

For instance: “Keiran Toman, 39, former banker who believed he was being stalked by a reality TV crew starved to death in a hotel room, after leaving the “do not disturb” sign on door for TWO weeks.” This is a very strange case and indicates some strange Illuminati group stalking bankers, or at least, enrolling them in ‘The Game’. Some it seems, don’t successfully graduate and end up as ‘suicides’ or involved in strange and unlikely ‘accidents’.

This may seem incredibly far out but consider that anything that can create uncertainty in your mind and a feeling of confusion, is disempowering you and removing your grasp on reality. Three other very potent recent examples would be Jacob's Ladder, a film which goes out of its way to cause confusion and shock the viewers, the main idea being 'how would you know if you were really alive?'. Similarly The 6th Sense echoes this theme. 'For all you know you could be dead!' and Vanilla Sky.

These films are little more than mass mini-initiations into the so called mysteries. Creating mental confusion, uncertainty which will eventually lead to certain suggestible people perhaps accepting a dangerous delusion as reality. I do believe however that there can be positive delusions but we live in a world where we have seen the fruit of the secret society network and it is indeed fairly rotten. I believe that their goal for mankind is that we all undergo a spiritual transformation, a Luciferic initiation experience or illumination into schizoid uncertainty "How do I know if this is real?"

These people never reveal themselves except as people playing roles to initiate chosen people. So for instance, I would say that there is a possibility that Moses and Mohammed were initiated into the belief that they had been contacted by God or one of his agents, and given a sacred mission, chosen by God. 

Of course it may be more accurate to say that they were chosen to fulfill a strategic and political role, in the shaping of human civilisation, and their mission may not necessarily have anything to do with God, however for their mission to be successful and carried out with the required zeal and righteous self confidence which can achieve great things, they clearly have to be made to believe that their mission is a divine one.

The agenda was of ‘religion creation’ and the mobilisation of vast swathes of human resources which were then used to conquer selected locations, all believing they were inspired and guided by the righteous and infallible hand of God. Such an army of zealots is a force which is virtually impossible to oppose. So for instance, Moses was used to amass a human army and conquer and displace the Canaanites, in the name of Jahweh the living God.

Mohammed, and the vast and dangerous army of Muslims, was used, de-facto, to remove Christianity from the whole of the middle-east, North Africa and eventually Asia Minor when the Turks assumed the role of crusading army performing ethnic and cultural cleansing on an unprecedented level, indeed, it is no coincidence that these same Turkic people carried out the mass genocide of Armenian Christians under the rulership of the Young Turks who were a de-facto Masonic group operating in Turkey and controlled by Donmeh Muslims, that is Jews who adopt Islam for strategic reasons to further their own secret agenda.

Dönmeh (Turkish: Dönme) refers to a group of crypto-Jews in the Ottoman Empire who converted publicly to Islam, but were said to have retained their beliefs. The movement was historically centred in Salonica.[1] The group originated during and soon after the era of Sabbatai Zevi, a 17th-century Jewish kabbalist who claimed to be the Messiah and eventually converted to Islam in order to escape punishment by the Sultan Mehmed IV. After Zevi's conversion, a number of Jews followed him into Islam and became the Dönmeh.[2] Since the 20th century, assimilated Dönmeh might have intermarried with other groups and most have assimilated into Turkish society.

The destruction of Christianity by the Edomite-Judaic faction is nowhere more explicit than the acts of the Bolsheviks and in particular the destruction, in Moscow, of the Cathedral of Christ the Saviour, the largest Eastern Orthodox church in the world at that time, blown-up on the direct orders of Edomite Jew Lazar Kaganovich, the right-hand man of Joseph Stalin. While standing in the rubble, he is reported to have said, "Mother Russia is cast down. We have ripped away her skirts."

The Arab armies even moved into Europe, occupying Spain for hundreds of years and only being prevented from possibly conquering Europe as a whole by Charles Martel at the battle of Tours in 732. This battle represented a clash of civilisations between two evenly matched armies, on the one hand a combined army of Arabs and Amazigh from occupied Spain, against a single European army composed of Mervoginian Franks from what would now be called the nations of France, Italy, Germany, Holland and Belgium.

Prior to Islam, Mohammed himself and his family were Arabs who followed the rites and rituals of Judaism, and it is for this reason that all of the prophets of Islam, except Mohammed and Jesus, are prophets of Judaism. In fact Islam claims to revere Jesus as a prophet, but he is really at the bottom of the list in terms of importance to Muslims, and few Muslims have much awareness of Jesus’ ministry and of what he actually taught. As a result it is near impossible for a Muslim to reach an awareness of God in this life and means they are so easy to ignite into full-on bloody civil war, such as that presently taking place in Syria, with the correct amount of stimulation and incitement. 

Those Muslims which do claim to have a mystical connection to God are known as Sufis but it is likely to be some other supernatural power they have discovered rather than God since the Sufis seem to be heavily implicated in the creation of Islamic terrorism since the 1930's in Palestine and the creation of the Muslim Brotherhood by Hassan al-Banna in Egypt in 1928. Banna was a member of the al-Hassafiyya Sufi order and Sayyid Qutb who went on to further radicalise Islam under the Brotherhood in the 1950's, was also a Sufi.

In fact a 'Qutb' is a mystical Sufi teacher with a connection to God. So the creator of the Muslim Brotherhood and the retrogressive philosophy of religious tyranny and violence, was developed by a man who was the 'chosen one' of a Sufi Illuminati bloodline. A friend of mine from Saudi Arabia, whose father was a doctor to the Saudi royal family, told me what she knew about Sufis and how they liked messing about with children, rather like our Catholic church I suppose. Though it is bitterly ironic that the philosophy behind ISIS Takfiri terrorism which is presently busy destroying Sufi shrines and the tombs of the prophets and attempting to wipe out Islam's archaeological history, should have come from within the order of mystical Sufis themselves. One is reminded of the Ouroboros, or the snake trying to eat itself.

When you try to talk to Muslims about God they are both afraid and protective. They are afraid to inquire about the nature and actual reality of God, and that it may even be possible to localise the existence of God, and identify god as a conscious electro-magnetic force; they maintain that God is unknowable and they really have no will or curiosity to discover any spiritual realities for themselves since their whole metaphysical reality is contained within the Quran. 

Additionally they are protective of their monopoly on God and sadly are not able to tolerate that someone of a different faith may have a valid awareness of God and a correct spiritual vision. I have lost count of the number of times I have spoken to Muslims, about religion and spirituality, whether directly or obliquely, and rather than seek to find commonality they immediately seek division, and are eager to point out why their views are ‘correct’.

Strangely I found Muslim women to excel in this regard, and even when I was trying to find a way we could share a common happiness in the existence of God, they always seemed to want to quarrel, and instead of showing any great awareness of God and being happy in a sort of common praise of him, I found instead walls and fences going up and a sort of, religious attack aimed at what they consider, the error of being a Christian. 
I am sadly not surprised that the Islamic world is such an easy prey to manipulation and the forces of war and slaughter since they seem very eager to practice intellectual and moral segregation at any opportunity.

Indeed, their beliefs of Jesus are that he was an impostor and a liar. That he was not in any sense the son of God, nor was he any more ‘enlightened’ than the other prophets, in fact his low regard in Islam indicates that he is deemed as significantly less evolved. Also that he did not die on the cross but had a substitute crucified on his behalf. This is a very strange belief and anyone who believed this would likely take a very dim view of Jesus who would willingly allow someone to die in a horrible manner on his behalf. Why would such a belief set be propagated and for what purpose?

Clearly it is an attack on Christianity and indicates the true Edomite Judaic origin of the Quran as the work of a Edomite Judaic secret society operating upon Mohammed in order to incite him to rid the world of Christianity, a job which historically the Edomite Jews had attempted with their persecution of Christians all throughout the ancient world. Indeed, before the rise of Islam, the Jewish King Dhu Nuwas burned down churches and massacred as many as 20,000 Arab Christians in what is today known as Yemen, he also encouraged other Kings to do the same.

The reason for the Edomite-Jews' hatred and intolerance of Christians goes beyond their feelings that Jesus was a blasphemer. They hated Jesus because he was an Israelite Jew, that is: a real and authentic Jew from the noble line of King David, while they, the Edomite fake Jewish authorities around the world, had been wholly hijacked by the Edomite bloodline of Essau, the ancient enemies of the line of Jacob and Israel.

And this is the war which is being carried out to this day. A war fomented by the Edomite Jews and using their Islamic puppets to destroy each other and murder Christians in the Middle-East. 

Whatever happens, it's another high score for the Zionists as the body-count of dead Christians and Muslims mounts.

Thursday, 28 January 2016

Unholy Blood and the Black Grail.

The idea of a ‘holy grail’ and a secret bloodline of Jesus is an idea which for a while, seemed set to change the world and rock the foundations of church history and world politics to its foundation. 

The story was perfectly and beautifully framed and cleverly sought to tie together some of the most enduring mysteries of French folklore, art and political history.

It rummaged through state archives and threw light on a peculiar French secret society and the equally bizarre mythos and personalities of this secret group known as The Priory of Sion, which, several writers summized, was the ultimate secret hidden power behind the world and whose grandmasters has apparently included the greatest minds of their generation.

It rifled through myths and mysteries lost in remote French villages: it revisited the uncanny and sinister myth of Rennes le Chateau and the singular life of Abbe Sauniere and found a solution to this enduring enigma.

It also pored over the odd codes hidden in the paintings of Nicholas Poussin and managed to tie him and his work into a monumental conspiracy thousands of years old.

It was a beautifully structured piece of work and clearly the work of clever and resourceful minds.

Sadly however, it was all absolute rubbish.

The Priory of Sion for instance was nothing more interesting than a secret society operating in Nazi occupied France and dedicated to the cult of Charles de Gaulle and ensuring that their man take the reigns of government in a post-war world. The excellent myth-busting work of Clive Prince and Lynn Picknett and their book The Sion Revelation explores the truth about The Priory of Sion.

The Priory of Sion has now resubmerged into historical irrelevance and we can safely declare after all the over-inflated hype and propaganda has died down, that the secret grand master of the whole world was not an obscure eldery Frenchman with a fondness for riding his bicycle.

Quite why this idea of Jesus having offspring and apparently creating a bloodline which now rules the world, was so expertly propagated through an apparently scholarly and enthralling non-fiction work called Holy Blood Holy Grail written by Freemason Michael Beigent, then the international best seller by Freemason Dan Brown called The Da Vinci Code and then a blockbuster movie starring Freemason Tom Hanks and directed by Freemason Ron Howard, we can only guess. But perhaps it has something to do with Freemasons.

Tom Hanks and the Masonic sign of fidelity.
But to what end? We saw how Dan Brown’s book The Lost Symbol was ostensibly a book about the Illuminati but which reveals at the end (spoiler coming) that the Illuminati didn’t exist after all and it was all made up to further the personal agenda of a particular Catholic priest. So apparently defusing the exposure of The Illuminati by siding with the sceptics and claiming it to be just a fantasy of the tin-foil hat brigade.

Time and research has fortunately buried the work of the Dan Brown with sheer weight of evidence, research and manifest evil becoming exposed to the public gaze, that the Illuminati do exist, so much so that even members themselves are owning up to it, albeit using silly coded hand-signs and occult symbols in the media.

But what was the purpose behind Holy Blood Holy Grail? Was its intention to defuse something potentially sinister in the history of France and disguise it as something else?

I have a particular interest in one facet of the myth alluded to in Holy Blood Holy Grail, in particular the story of the Black Virgin which was used by Baigent to be evidence of the arrival of Mary Magdalene, who was presumed to be carrying Jesus’ child and be herself the receptacle of the so-called Holy Grail.

I used to live in a town in France called Le Puy en Velay which was one of the towns which shared in the cult of the black Madonna and statues of the black virgin were seen at various locations throughout the town and where a procession takes place each August 15th which attracts thousands of ostensibly Christian pilgrims from around the world.

Le Puy en Velay: Cult of La Vierge Noire.

This cult of the black Madonna is celebrated in various locations throughout the world from Germany, Malta, Spain to locations in the New World like Brazil and even Cuba, and there are said to be between 450 and 500 black Madonna statues in the world. However the cult seems to have a particular focus in France which has 180 of these black Madonnas and in particular to the south of France and a gipsy or ‘gitane’ town called Sainte Maries-de-la-Mer which was made reference to in the Holy Blood Holy Grail as the location of the arrival of Mary Magdalene from the Holy Land.

The cult of the black Madonna even extends to Ukraine where she is known as The Queen of the Carpathans and we can observe from this that the cult extended even to the Translyvanian mountains, the home of Vlad the Impaler.

This supposed, Sangreal, or Holy royal blood thus has spread throughout the world. At least this is what the Freemasons Michael Baigent, Dan Brown, Tom Hanks and Ron Howard have conspired to want us to think it is. In reality it is literally the very opposite. Admittedly it is the royal blood, it is the blood of genetically inherited madness: the bloodline of Cain. However it has nothing to do with Jesus, the 'Sara' summised by Baigent to be the daughter of Jesus and Mary was in fact an Egyptian servant of the three Maries: Mary Salome (mother of apostles John and James) Mary Jacobe and Mary Magdalene.

In fact there is even some doubt that Mary Magdalene was even one of the Maries to arrive at Sainte Marie de la Mer, local legend states that there were in fact only two Maries: Mary Jacobe and Mary Salome.

The third Mary: Mary Magdalene was apparently added to the story in the Legenda Aurea, written and compiled from a strange collection of haliographies from the Dominican order, by the archbishop of Genoa: Jacobus de Voragine in the 13th Century.

We should be aware that Genoa was founded by the Phoenicians and that the city's great riches and wealth were a result of the legacy of the city as an ancient Canaanite trading post and that the banking fortune of that city are no doubt a result of the dissemination of the Babylonian banking system throughout the key ports of Italy as a result of Phoenician resurgence after the fall of Rome.

It seems interesting that a representative of the Genoese Canaanite elite became the 'authority' of matters of the early history of Jesus Christ and the apostles. For me this fact is as representative as any of the mechanism of the Canaanite corruption of the church, the falsification and rewriting of Apostolic history in order to serve the promulgation not of true Christianity, but of the Canaanite religion which has hijacked Christianity.

Among other 'interesting' augmentations to the early history of Christianity we find the tale of Saint Silvester who received a vision of Saint Peter which apparently gave him the miraculous power to exorcise demons from a dragon, resident in a pit in Rome. Subsequent to this demonic exorcism the dragon was baptised and apparently became a happy Christian.

Saint Silvester and the friendly Christian dragon.

The Legende Aurea, or Golden Legend was so popular that it was printed in more editions than the Bible and one can well imagine, was more widely read and accessible than the Bible itself especially since there were so many papal decrees against translating and even owning a copy of the official Latin Bible.
Source: Bridging the Gap Lectio Divina, Religious Education, and the Have-not's by Father John Belmonte, S.J.
Canon 14. We prohibit also that the laity should be permitted to have the books of the Old or New Testament; unless anyone from motive of devotion should wish to have the Psalter or the Breviary for divine offices or the hours of the blessed Virgin; but we most strictly forbid their having any translation of these books. 
The Golden Legend was even translated and printed in English by William Caxton in 1483, half a century before the actual first printing of William Tyndal's English Bible translation, for which he was strangled and burned at the stake in 1536, by agents of the Roman church at the prison of Vilvoorden near Brussels.

Contrary to the writings and inventions of a 13th century Phoenician archbishop there is actually no record of the arrival of Mary Magdalene at Sainte Maries de la Mer at all, and the official local lore indicates that only two Maries were present: Mary Salome and Mary Jacobe, and you can check for yourself in the following tourist board description of the pilgrimages of the 24th and 25th of May, there is absolutely no mention of Mary Magdalene.

There is a vague and strange reference to the presence of Mary Magdalene, who apparently preached in Marseille and afterwards spent 30 years living in a cave in Saint Baume and there is a gothic church of the 13th century which claims to hold her skull as a holy relic. Yet there was no local folklore on this subject, unlike the gypsy association and subterranean altar of the Saint Maries church, the whole tale of Mary Magdalene's presence in France apparently seems to have come to the Charles II King of Naples in a dream and may have been more in line with instituting the veneration of a pagan Mother-Goddess or Ishtar Queen of Heaven, disguised as Christian lore.

A lot of these strange tales seem to originate from amongst the Freemasons and other secret European fraternities, and just as the Masons Baigent and Dan Brown worked to attempt to subvert the story of Christ with a strange tale of a mythical bloodline, which handily they claim found its way into the secret societies and indeed, that the secret societies themselves are part of Jesus' bloodline. 

Other strange and unlikely stories of French folklore, were perpetuated by the French Rose Croix and Freemasons at early points in history. One was that one of the Master builders of the Temple of Solomon, a man called Master Jacques was born in a French town called Cartes and whose name was given to one of the famous pillars of that Temple Jachin and one of the key symbolic myths of Freemasonry. It is likely that this is a mythologization of Jacques de Molay, Grand Master of the Templars, who is generally assumed to be the progenitor  of the Freemasonry, and seeking to increase the importance of Freemasonry in affairs of ancient times, and this is exactly the purpose of the Baigent/Dan Brown Masonic swindle.

These stories serve to try to increase the prestige of the Freemasons and in this way they attempt to claim ownership and involvement in key events in history which really they have no business with, but there is something else hiding in plain sight behind this talk of the supposed royal bloodline which arrived in France sometime in or around the year 40 AD. 

The focus should be taken from the two (or even three) Maries, but placed on the curious character of Sarah la Ka, or Black Sarah, depending on the version of the story she was either an Egyptian maid on the boat with the Maries, or that she was a Romani woman who miraculously foretold the arrival of the boat from Palestine.

The following is taken from Wikipedia: 

According to various legends, during a persecution of early Christians, commonly placed in the year 42, Lazarus, his sisters Mary and Martha, Mary Salome (the mother of the Apostles John and James), Mary Jacobe and Maximin were sent out to sea in a boat. They arrived safely on the southern shore of Gaul at the place later called Saintes-Maries-de-la-Mer. Sarah, a native of Berenice Troglodytica, appears as the black Indo-Egyptian maid of one of the Three Marys, usually Mary Jacobe.[2] (The natives of Berenice Troglodytica had ancestors who once came from the Malabar Coast, through Indo-Roman trade relations, and settled in Egypt (Roman province) and intermarried with Egyptians.)

Though the tradition of the Three Marys arriving in France stems from the High Middle Ages, appearing for instance in the 13th century Golden Legend, Saint Sarah makes her first appearance in Vincent Philippon's book The Legend of the Saintes-Maries (1521), where she is portrayed as "a charitable woman that helped people by collecting alms, which led to the popular belief that she was a Gypsy." Subsequently, Sarah was adopted by Romani as their saint.[3]

Another account has Sarah welcoming the Three Marys into Gaul. Franz de Ville (1956) writes:

One of our people who received the first Revelation was Sara the Kali. She was of noble birth and was chief of her tribe on the banks of the Rhône. She knew the secrets that had been transmitted to her... The Rom at that period practiced a polytheistic religion, and once a year they took out on their shoulders the statue of Ishtari (Astarte) and went into the sea to receive benediction there. One day Sara had visions which informed her that the Saints who had been present at the death of Jesus would come, and that she must help them. Sara saw them arrive in a boat. The sea was rough, and the boat threatened to founder. Mary Salome threw her cloak on the waves and, using it as a raft, Sarah floated towards the Saints and helped them reach land by praying.[4]

The only problem with this second theory is that it wasn't until the 15th Century that Gypsies made an appearance in France and Spain.

What is stranger still is the incredible reach of this cult, on not only Europe but the rest of the world, though it is particularly connected to the Catholic world. 

Anthropologists and historians are now firm that the Romani or Gypsy people have their origins in India and migrated out of India some time in the 11th century as a result of fleeing from Islamic raids. The Romani people therefore have Indian cultural ancestry and took their religious beliefs and their pantheon of Gods and Goddesses with them on their travels.

“Some Romani groups in Europe today appear to maintain elements of Shaktism or goddess-worship; the Rajputs worshipped the warrior-goddess Parvati, another name for the female deity Sati-Sara, who is Saint Sarah, the Romani Goddess of Fate. That she forms part of the yearly pilgrimage to La Camargue at Stes. Maries de la Mer in the south of France is of particular significance; here she is carried into the sea just as she is carried into the waters of the Ganges each December in India. Both Sati-Sara and St. Sarah wear a crown, both are also called Kali, and both have shining faces painted black. Sati-Sara is a consort of the god Ðiva, and is known by many other names, Bhadrakali, Uma, Durga and Syamaamong them.”

Saint Sara, the Mother of Darkness to the Romani people is also known as Sara Kali and are always depcited as black and specifically referred to as 'black Goddesses'. If we factor in the Indian origins of the Romani then we can clearly see that La Vierge Noire or black Madonna who graces churches and monasteries and holy sites throughout the world is in fact the Hindu Goddess of Death: Kali.

In India even in recent times, children have been reportedly sacrificed to the Goddess Kali.

Ten days ago Sumitra and her two sons crept to their neighbour's home and abducted three-year-old Aakash Singh as he slept. They dragged him into their home and the eldest son performed a puja ceremony, reciting a mantra and waving incense. Sumitra smeared sandalwood paste and globules of ghee over the terrified child's body. The two men then used a knife to slice off the child's nose, ears and hands before laying him, bleeding, in front of Kali's image.
Police in Khurja say dozens of sacrifices have been made over the past six months. Last month, in a village near Barha, a woman hacked her neighbour's three-year-old to death after a tantrik promised unlimited riches. In another case, a couple desperate for a son had a six-year-old kidnapped and then, as the tantrik chanted mantras, mutilated the child. The woman completed the ritual by washing in the child's blood.
Many of the locations where a cult of the Black Virgin exists are also places which are rumoured to feature Satanic blood rituals and human sacrifice. A prime location in particular is the Abbey of Montserrat, some 30 miles from Barcelona which Spanish researcher Alberto Canosa has connected to the high-profile murders of three young Spanish teenager girls, abducted on their way to a disco, and the enacting of Satanic ritual involving some of the most powerful people within the Spanish political and religious elite.
The following post was made by a member of David Icke's OTO infiltrated forum, and is a rare example of actual conspiracy research in what has sadly now become a vapid and trivial online chat-zone where real researchers and Illuminati insiders are banned and intimidated with the collusion of its pagan-cultist Moderator team.

The Devil Rides Out?
One of the biggest crimes in this satanic monastery happened in 1992, the famous Alcasser girls case!

Satanic ritual abuse and children sacrified to madonna "la moreneta" still are taken in Abbey of Montserrat (Barcelona, Spain).

Roman Catholic Church is behind of these crimes. People involved in these crimes are bishops,politicians, business men, royal family and bankers from Spain.The children are sacrified in underground caves in Montserrat.

This news can be found in ABC newspaper! a famous spanish newspaper!

Ruiz Mateos, a very controversial business man, paid 30.000 euros every week until paid 600.000 euros to Abad "Josep Maria Soler i Canals" . Monks promised him financial successful again in a relatively short time. How? offering child sacrifices to deamons.
These lovely girls were sacrificed in a satanic ritual.Snuff movie cost 50.000 euros in the black market . Miriam had to experience terrible suffering during at least one month before death. The murders are homosexual monks, spanish bishops, catalan and spanish business men, politicians, bankers that some of them become reptilians during these satanic rituals. 

Alberto Canosa and more people are reporting these atrocities. 

Feel free to report it!

These murders were particularly shocking, due to the tortures and sexual assaults inflicted on the three young girls. The girls were abducted on the symbolic ritual date of Friday 13th November.
  1. The Bible assigns '13' the meaning of "rebellion against constituted authority", plus the depravity that caused Satan to rebel against God.
  2. The occultist assigns '6' to represent the number of man, and the number '7' to represent the number of divine perfection. Thus, as a person climbs that "Jacob's Ladder" toward self-perfection in the realm of the occult, the number '13' represents the state of divine perfection, self-achieved perfection, and Illumination (6+7 = 13).

The supposed murderer Alberto Angles was apparently allowed to escape and possibly returned to his native Brazil. To add insult to injury the father of one of the murdered girls, Miriam (Mary) was actually sued by the same police force who investigated the case and apparently managed to allow a cornered killer to escape. 

'As yet unfounded theories abound, with many saying they believed Anglés and Ricart were merely the kidnappers being paid handsomely by a sadistic paedophile racket, who also paid them to take the blame for the case.
Those who believe this consider the real killers and torturers were filming their actions for snuff movies and that they were people of extreme wealth or power, influential enough that the Spanish justice system has worked to cover them up and used Anglés and Ricart as scapegoats.
But evidence made public to date appears to show it was a random brutal murder by two men with sadistic sexual tendencies.
Miriam's father was interviewed on the Valencia region's Canal 9 shortly after the girls' murder and spoke out about the cover-up theory involving influential public figures.
He was successfully sued for defamation by the police investigating the case and ordered to pay them 285,000 euros in compensation, which was eventually paid by the TV channel.
Only in Spain. Reminds me of Robert Murat raking in nearly a million in 'damages' from the UK press. Maybe something to do with having Freemason lawyers.

So far as the disappearance of Madeleine McCann is concerned, freemasonry has been raised a couple of times:

1. The McCanns' co-ordinating lawyer, Edward Smethurst, who was recently accused by Rochdale Borough Council of wholesale breach of planning laws in converting his barn down Meadowhall Lane on the edge of the Rochdale moors, is a confirmed Freemason. Edward Smethurst is the in-house lawyer for double glazing multi-millionaire Brian Kennedy's Latium empire, and flew out with Kennedy in November 2007 on a surprising mission to meet with the leading suspect in the disappearance of Madeleine McCann - Robert Murat (this topic is covered on other threads in this forum). 

2. The lawyers who act for the McCanns' 'Find Madeleine Fund', Bates, Wells and Braithwaite, carry out substantial work for the Grand Freemasonry Lodge in London (HQ of U.K. Freemasonry) and for other Freemasonic organisations.

It has been claimed that Dr Gerald McCann is a Freemason, but no credible evidence of this has been produced.

The other presumed murderer, Miguel Ricart was sentenced to 170 years in prison but thanks to the European Court of Human Rights he was released in October 2013 and is very much alive and at-large. Possibly because he was a patsy after-all so his early release was secured behind the scenes.
Have Beyonce and Miley witnessed the sacrifice of children to the Black Madonna: Kali? Or are they just stupid bitches evoking forces they do not understand?
Being Gay with Kali the destroyer. What are they trying to say?
One thing is for sure, on that day sometime around 40 AD, if the story is to be believed, along with some Biblical refugees from persecution in Palestine, something else arrived, undetected, in the form of a woman maid-servant who held pagan Canaanite beliefs so far removed the hallowed company she had kept in that boat as to help almost completely destroy the work and ministry of Jesus himself. She carried the bloodline and belief system of Cain, either introducing it to France, or at least, awakening something already there.

She, Sara La Kali, was one of the channels that brought the Illuminati to Europe and the whole world, where it hid as one of many sleeping and unsuspecting saints of the Catholic church, to be awakened by the blood of young children.

Worldwide cult locations of the Black Madonna/Kali cult:

Source: Wikipedia.

List of Black Madonnas


  • Algeria, Algiers: "Our Lady of Africa"[4]
  • Senegal, Popenguine: "Notre-Dame de la Délivrance",[5]
  • South Africa, Soweto: "The Black Madonna",[6]
Our Lady of Guidance, Manila



The Philippines



  • Brugge, "Our Lady of Regla"[11]
  • Brussels : "De Zwerte Lieve Vrouwo", St. Catherine Church
  • Halle (Flemish Brabant) : Sint-Martinusbasiliek
  • Liège: La Vierge Noire d'Outremeuse,
  • Lier: Onze lieve vrouw ter Gratien
  • Scherpenheuvel-Zichem: Our Lady of Scherpenheuvel
  • Tournai: Our Lady of Flanders in Tournai Cathedral
  • Verviers: "Black Virgin of the Recollects", Notre-Dame des Récollets Church,
  • Walcourt: (Notre-Dames de Walcourt)
Marija Bistrica


Hidden church of the Black Madonna, Vamos


  • Marija Bistrica: Our Lady of Bistrica, Queen of Croatia


  • Brno: Assumption of Virgin Mary Minor Basilica, St Thomas's Abbey, Brno[12]
  • Prague: The Madonna of Breznice; The Black Madonna in the Church Our Lady Under the Chain;[13] The Black Madonna on the House of the Black Madonna.


  • Aix-en-Provence, (Bouches-du-Rhône): Notre-Dame des Graces, Cathédrale Saint-Sauveur d'Aix[14]
  • Arconsat: (Notre-Dame des Champs)
  • Aurillac, (Cantal): Notre-Dame des Neiges[15]
  • Beaune: Our Lady of Beaune
  • Besançon: Our Lady de Gray
  • Besse-et-Saint-Anastaise,(Puy-de-Dôme): Saint-André Church, Notre-Dame de Vassivière
  • Bourg-en-Bresse,(Ain): 13th century
  • Chartres,(Eure-et-Loir): crypt of the Cathedral of Chartres, Notre-Dame-de-Sous-Terre[16]
  • Clermont-Ferrand, (Puy-de-Dôme)[17]
  • Cusset: the Black Virgin of Cusset
  • Dijon, (Côte-d'Or)
  • Douvres-la-Délivrande, Basilique Notre-Dame de la Délivrande, "Notre-Dame de la Délivrande"[18]
  • Dunkerque, (Nord) : Chapelle des Dunes
  • Guingamp, (Côtes-d'Armor): Basilica of Notre Dame de Bon Secours.
  • La Chapelle-Geneste, (Haute-Loire: Notre Dame de La Chapelle Geneste[19]
  • Laon,(Aisne): Notre-Dame Cathedral, statue of 1848
Vierge noire de Graville (Le Havre)
The statue of the Black Virgin at Rocamadour
  • Le Havre,(Seine-Maritime): statue near the Graville Abbey (Abbaye de Graville)
  • Le Puy-en-Velay: In 1254 when passing through on his return from the Holy Land Saint Louis IX of France gave the cathedral an ebony image of the Blessed Virgin clothed in gold brocade (Notre-Dame du Puy). It was destroyed during the Revolution, but replaced at the Restoration with a copy that continues to be venerated.[20]
  • Liesse-Notre-Dame, (Aisne): Notre-Dame de Liesse, statue destroyed in 1793, copy of 1857
  • Marseille,(Bouches-du-Rhône): Notre-Dame-de-Confession,[21] Abbey of St. Victor ; Notre-Dame d'Huveaune, Saint-Giniez Church
  • Mauriac, Cantal: Notre Dame des Miracles[22]
  • Mende, (Lozère) : Cathedral (Basilique-cathédrale Notre-Dame-et-Saint-Privat de Mende)
  • Menton, (Alpes-Maritimes): St. Michel Church
  • Meymac Abbey, (Corrèze)[23]
  • Molompize: Notre-Dame de Vauclair
  • Mont-Saint-Michel: Notre-Dame du Mont-Tombe
  • Myans, (Savoie)
  • Quimper,(Finistère): Eglise de Guéodet, nommée encore Notre-Dame-de-la-Cité
  • Riom,(Puy-de-Dôme): Notre-Dame du Marthuret[24]
  • Rocamadour, (Lot): Our Lady of Rocamadour [25]
  • Sainte Marie (Réunion) : Black Virgin River Rains (fr)
  • Saintes-Maries-de-la-Mer (Camarque) Avignon: Annual Gypsy festival[26] celebrating Sara, the patron saint of Gypsies[27]
  • Soissons (Aisne): statue of the 12th century
  • Tarascon, (Bouches-du-Rhône): Notre-Dame du Château[28]
  • Thuret,(Puy-de-Dôme)[29]
Black Madonna of Toulouse
  • Toulouse: The basilica Notre-Dame de la Daurade in Toulouse, France had housed the shrine of a Black Madonna. The original icon was stolen in the fifteenth century, and its first replacement was burned by Revolutionaries in 1799 on the Place du Capitole. The icon presented today is an 1807 copy of the fifteenth century Madonna. Blackened by the hosts of candles, the second Madonna was known from the sixteenth century as Our Lady La Noire.[30]
  • Tournemire, Château d'Anjony, Our Lady of Anjony
  • Vaison-la-Romaine, (Vaucluse): statue on a hill
  • Vichy, (Allier): Saint-Blaise Church



St. Matthew's Church



Tindari Madonna Bruna: restoration work in the 1990s found a medieval statue with later additions. Nigra sum sed formosa, meaning "I am black but beautiful" (from the Song of Songs, 1:5), is inscribed round a newer base.


  • Vitina-Letnica: Church of the Black Madonna, where Mother Teresa is believed to have heard her calling.



  • Kališta, Monastery: Madonna icon in the Nativity of Our Most Holy Mother of God church
  • Ohrid, Church: Madonna with the child


  • Ħamrun: Our Lady of Atoċja, a medieval painting brought to Malta by a merchant in the year 1630, depicting a statue found in Atocha, a parish in MadridSpain, and widely known as Il-Madonna tas-Samra. (This can mean 'tanned Madonna', 'brown Madonna', or 'Madonna of Samaria'.)





Our Lady of Wladimir 12th century. Russia





One of three of Turkey's surviving icons of the Theotokos on the island of Heybeliada at the Theological School of Halki


Three icons portraying the Theotokos with black skin survived in Turkey to the present day, one of which is housed in the church of Halki theological seminary.


United Kingdom

The Americas


Nossa Senhora Aparecida


  • Andacollo,(Elqui Province): La Virgen Morena (Spanish for The Brunette Virgin)

Costa Rica


  • Regla, (Havana Province): Nuestra Señora de Regla (Spanish for Our Lady of Regla)

Trinidad and Tobago

  • Siparia : La Divina Pastora[31]
  • Gran Couva : Our Lady of Montserrat[32]

I'm on FIRE with dat TROOF.

I'm on FIRE with dat TROOF.
Kundalini refugee doing a bit of landscaping.


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(1) Mauri (1) Max Spiers (1) McGregor Mathers (1) meaningless equality (1) meditation (1) megaliths (1) men going their own way (1) mental illness (1) Merlin (1) Merlin Cove (1) Merlincove Crowley (1) Merlincove cunt (1) MGTOW (2) Michael Douglas (1) Michael Jackson (1) Microprosopus (1) Mighty Zhiba cunt (1) Mighty Zhiba OTO (1) Miguel Molinos (2) Miles Johnston UFO (1) Miles Johnstone (1) Miley Cyrus Kali (1) Miley Cyrus tongue (1) mind control (3) mind control trance (1) mind reading (3) mind-control (1) misery (1) MK Ultra (1) modern banking system (1) Molech (1) Molinos (1) moment of common hatred (1) Mossad Morocco (1) Mother Goddess (1) Mother of all living (1) multiverse (2) murdered by Illuminati (2) music OTO (1) Mysteries of Eleusis (1) mysteries of raw fish (1) Nazari (1) Nazi saucer (1) Nazi saucers (1) Nazi UFO (1) Nazis (1) Neoplatonism (1) New World Order (1) news (1) next dimension (1) niacin b3 (1) NICAP (1) Nick Denton (1) North Cyprus (1) Obama freemason (1) Obama 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(1) Prince cream (1) Prince death (1) Prince dies (1) Prince gay? (1) Prince murdered by Illuminati. Vanity Prince (1) Prince Prince of the Holy Roman Empire (1) Prince sacrifice (1) Priory of Sion (2) professional integrity (1) projection (1) propaganda (2) proton collisions (1) psychic freemasons (1) psychic powers (4) psycho-emotional control (1) psychoanalysis (1) psychological warfare (1) psychopaths (1) psychosis (1) psychospiritual transformation (1) psychotronic weapons (1) Punk (1) quantum annealing (1) Quantum computing (2) quantum field generator (1) Quantum immortality (1) Quantum mechanics (1) quantum physics (5) quantum realm (1) quantum wave function (1) Queen of Pop (1) queen of the underworld (1) Quietism (2) Quraysh. SAFF (1) real number (1) reality (1) red hand (1) Revolver (1) Richard Kemp (1) ritual initiations (1) ritual magic (1) ritualised peak of obscenity (1) rituals (1) rolling drunk (1) Ronco Whisky Beard TM (1) Rosicrucians (7) Roswell (1) Rothschilds (1) Royal Black Order (1) Royal blood (1) royal madness (1) royal purple (1) royal vampires (1) Russell Brand (1) Russian revolution (1) rutting drunk animal (1) Sabbateans (1) sacred feminine (1) Sacred language (1) Sam Gold (2) satanic false flag (1) satanic Madonna (1) Satanic ritual sacrifice (1) Satanic sacrifice (1) Satanism (1) Sayyid Qutb (1) schizophrenia (10) schizoprenia cure (1) Screwtape Letters (1) seal of Solomon (1) secret language (1) secret order (1) secret societies (1) Sefer Yezirah (1) Sefir Yetsirah (1) Sekhmet (1) serial killers (1) Sex Pistols (1) sexodus (1) Shekinah (1) Shia (1) Shitcoin (1) shizophrenia (1) Shutter Island (1) Siberian Shaman (1) Simon Magus (1) Sir Mason Goldbrick (1) Siren Call of Hungry Ghosts (1) Siwa Oasis (1) Siwa Salt lake (1) social change agenda (1) Social Theory (1) Spirit realm (1) spirits (4) Stalin freemason (1) star of David (1) Star whackers (1) stay happy (1) steaming-hot music doings (1) Steppenwolf (1) stoned cockneys (1) stupid popstar (1) subatomic realm (1) Sufis (1) sun portal (1) sun son (1) Swedenborg (1) synchronicity (1) Tatchell (1) TEFL Freemasons (1) Tefl paedophiles (1) Templar Order (1) Templars (1) temple of Baal (1) Temple of the Oracle (1) Temple Priests (1) Temple prostitution (1) Terrence Malik (1) Terrence Mckenna (1) Terrible truth (1) Tertullian (1) tesseract (1) That Hideous Strength (1) The Clash. Communism (1) The Game (2) The Lobster (1) The Mighty Zhiba (1) the mystery of life (1) the once and future king (1) the ordeal of Gilbert Pinfold (1) the source (1) the State stealing children (1) Theosophy (1)

For a Few Dollops More....of cat food.

Get back she's gonna blow.

Get back she's gonna blow.

Madonna rolling down the stairs forever....lulz

Madonna rolling down the stairs forever....lulz
Thanks to Long lost soul, wherever you are.

Poptard of the Apocalypse meets Leo.

Poptard of the Apocalypse meets Leo.
Ewwww..... it touched me.