The Illuminati and all the nefarious little sub-sects and organised gangs of men in suits looking to steal your money and freedom or deranged street lurking weirdos with knives looking to steal your wallet or your life are one of the dangers which the unwary can fall foul of, but a much more powerful enemy doesn't wander the streets or plot in darkened rooms, your ultimate enemy is already inside you.
Question is.... how much power do you give this enemy?
I won't pretend this information is new. It isn't. But it isn't something which is made readily public because it's a little too metaphysical, possibly religiously flavoured and frankly, a bit too close to home for most people to be willing to even think about.
It requires total honesty, humilty and self awareness and frankly most people cannot achieve that. I know I for one cannot. Though by admitting this I am getting closer to the goal. But this boast is also enough to move me further from the goal. Such is the difficulty and subtlety involved in this struggle.
Were this information to be made public knoweldge then the dominance of the nefarious rulers of the world who play on our fears and insecurities to secure their power-base, would crumble very quickly.
The enemy is you, or at least, part of you that you think is you, but is in fact a left over relic from our primitive days as violent semi-animals incapable of communicating subtle nuances of meaning which make cooperation and the larger network of human society possible.
The enemy is the little-voice in your head,
I don't mean this in a schizophrenic way, simply that we all have little voices in our heads as a constant companion. Only perhaps the Zen Master has managed to quiet this dangerous little trickster who leads us to disaster as he plays us against each other to our confusion and destruction.
This is the little voice in your head that judges others, despite you knowing nothing about the world they're living in. We are hungry and in a sort of biological need to judge others quickly and often entirely erroneously, because in the earliest days of our animal existence we need to think and act fast to avoid predators or to capitalise on a perceived weakness of an enemy or opponent.
But we are no longer animals: we do not spend our lives on all fours scampering about, climbing trees when we judge a threat from another animal, or planning an attack. However the ability to do that is still completely present within us, and if anything, has become even more developed with the millennia of its entrenchment within the human mind without anyone questioning its presence and no-one has ever taught us to transcend or to outgrow this, except perhaps certain prophets and smart people who generally find themselves being persecuted by the collective reptilian animal consciousness which fears itself getting found out and rouses its human agents to persecute and kill the dissenter who would show us our true hidden enemy.
The little voice tells us to be offended; tells us that our feelings are hurt and that we must punish, exact revenge or persecute the person who offended us. The chances are, the person who offended us was ALSO operating under the compulsions, instructions and suggestions of 'the little voice'. The little voice tells us to get angry and shout at people when we consider they have made an error, and at the same time, if we find out that it was our error after all then the SAME voice is the one which persecutes us with feelings of guilt. We cannot win against the voice. It plays all sides against the other and takes no final responsibility for the things it whispers to us.
The little voice leads us to misunderstand each other. To react with instinct which then develops into thoughts which then become acts or words. All on the basis of a misunderstanding.
This is also the voice, and this is its greatest trick: he also tells us that we are already perfect, that we don't need to change ourselves and improve, and seek to consciously evolve. That there is 'nothing wrong with me'. He makes us blind to our faults or at least, makes us turn a blind indulgent eye to them, because after all, it's 'us' and we understand ourselves and know what we really meant, and that we had the best motives at heart. He makes us careless and complacent; satisfied and insensitive to the 'reality' of other people's feelings and the possibility that deep within themselves, they really are trying to be the best they can be.
This little voice is animal in nature and also 4 dimensional, that is, it transcends physical limitations. It's only interest is creating conflict and seeking personal security, but it does this with no wider social goal. It doesn't care about destruction, right and wrong or ethics because it is reptilian. It cares only about self protection which also means projecting oppression, coercion and violence, whether physical or verbal, outwards.
But it is a web and we are all caught deep inside it, blindly banging against each other as we all jostle for some superiority over others, whether actual physical and material superiority or mental and emotional.
How to beat the little voice? How to beat Sam Gold?
I don't know. And by admitting that I don't know, I am closer to knowing how to.
And sometimes, just when I think I'm getting somewhere is precisely when I am most at the mercy and the least defended against the total destruction and chaos which the little voice can wreak with just the merest whisper into my ear.
The only thing to truly fear is 'yourself'.
From David Bohm, one of the most significant physicists of the 20th Century:
ReplyDelete"What is the source of all this trouble? I'm saying that the source is basically in thought. Many people would think that such a statement is crazy, because thought is the one thing we have with which to solve our problems. That's part of our tradition. Yet it looks as if the thing we use to solve our problems with is the source of our problems. It's like going to the doctor and having him make you ill. In fact, in 20% of medical cases we do apparently have that going on. But in the case of thought, it's far over 20%"
"...the general tacit assumption in thought is that it's just telling you the way things are and that it's not doing anything – that 'you' are inside there, deciding what to do with the info. But you don't decide what to do with the info. Thought runs you. Thought, however, gives false info that you are running it, that you are the one who controls thought. Whereas actually thought is the one which controls each one of us."
"Thought is creating divisions out of itself and then saying that they are there naturally. This is another major feature of thought: Thought doesn't know it is doing something and then it struggles against what it is doing. It doesn't want to know that it is doing it. And thought struggles against the results, trying to avoid those unpleasant results while keeping on with that way of thinking. That is what I call "sustained incoherence"."
Everything lies within one's perception. Perception is what allows All to become an individual. Thought is the vehicle which allows you to have an experience in this incarnation. The point is.... you are not your thoughts. They are part of the field of play which is an illusion. Without the field of play there would be no experience as we would All be a collective. The key is... not to get caught up in concepts and realize merely that you exist. Existence is and always will be. The field of play is fair and your thoughts are the field. So, yes, you can be your own enemy but if you recognize that you are not your thoughts, you can fall back into awareness of SELF which is and always will be unmovable. You cannot be what you are watching and yes, you are watching your thoughts. So who's watching? That which is and always will be. We are ONE! The thought/perception is a vehicle to having an experience. You are in control. Your perception is even being perceived by you. Recognize the true SELF which is ALL and is unchanging/unmovable. When we sleep we have dreams which is an actual experience that is no different than this dream which we are awake in. The key is to INjoy the experience rather than trying to figure it out. This is an illusion which begins with the mind. Appreciate the ability to have an experience via this vehicle. There is nothing to fight and no place to arrive at. You already are everything that is and everything you want to be. Do not continue to be led on a wild goose chase to find yourself. You cannot become what you already are. The game is continued concepts. Enlightenment is simply to just lighten up! INjoy the experience while realizing that its ALL mindplay....