I want to
talk about The Hierarchy of One. So where are we now? Well we’re in the same
old mess as ever, those of us who are genuinely well informed and more than
aware of the true cause of the world’s problems and their possible solutions are
chained to a huge burden which every day threatens to drag us down into the
depths of destruction along with it. This
may seem trite and will appear to be a banal truism but the key to the world’s problems
is ignorance and the huge mass of the world’s population are as ignorant and rudderless as drifting icebergs and most of us have our fates tied to their deadly
inertia, lack of intelligence and abject absolute cowardice.
They seem to consume their life on Earth with all the passive bovinity of eating a McDonald's Happy Meal, but I want to try to explain why and how their weakness and lack of willingness to take charge of the world, may have a biological and behavioural explanation. Something about the design of the human species
seems to have precluded any strong desire of the majority of people to actually
be able to control their own destinies, this may be some kind of throw-back to
the kind of people who formed the first extended human societies, towns and
In a sense we have probably trained ourselves
over the millennia to behave in this way, and the cumulative genetic memory of
our ancestors who played their role in their communities, with their skills
sets and abilities which they contributed to the greater social arena. In a
sense we have become parts of a greater social machine, and this has meant that
our individual roles would become increasingly limited. As a car or a computer
has many different components, but none of those single components could do the
work of the totality. A keyboard cannot display video images. A graphics card
cannot be charged with electricity to power the laptop independently. But when
the components are put together all of these tasks can be achieved
So as a result of our
cumulative history of living within a clearly defined socio economic unit we
have had to specialize in certain areas and abdicated any ability or prowess in
others, which we have allotted to people who we considered better qualified to
fulfil those roles.
I would suggest that within the context of a normal society, town or country, which was dedicated to its own well-being, this system would work perfectly, and seems to be the model which nature has chosen for any such group of beings living together. And indeed, nature takes special pains to actually imprint distinct roles to animal members of an organized social group.
I would suggest that within the context of a normal society, town or country, which was dedicated to its own well-being, this system would work perfectly, and seems to be the model which nature has chosen for any such group of beings living together. And indeed, nature takes special pains to actually imprint distinct roles to animal members of an organized social group.
An interesting
experiment was conducted on rats by Didier Dezier of the University of Nancy. I
read about this several years ago in a book by the French author Bernard Werber
entitled The Encyclopedia of relative and absolute knowledge, I do not know if
an English version exists but it is actually a remarkable book which blends
some interesting scientific discoveries with more esoteric knowledge and
invites the reader to draw some conclusions from the apparently discrete and
separate blocks of information he is presented with.
There is a certain hint of
mysticism possibly drawn from Kabbalism, and since Werber is ‘Jewish’ he may
have some personal investment in this area and also some of what I would
consider Masonic type of psychological secrets are presented such as techniques
on how to unnerve someone using a handshake. There are references to Thelema and Rabalais and one
may suspect sympathies in this area, but regardless, one need not agree with
Werber’s politics, just notice that he is presented some interesting
Rather than wasting time
putting this in my own words, I’ll just read a direct translation, here it is:
An experiment was performed on rats. To study
their aptitude to swim, a researcher from the behavioral biology faculty at
Nancy university, Didier Desor, gathered six of them in a cage whose only exit
ended in a swimming pool which they had to cross to reach a food distributor.
It was quickly found that the six rats would not go for food by all swimming
together. Roles spontaneously appeared that they had thus distributed: two
exploited swimmers, two non-swimmer exploiters, an independent swimmer and a
non-swimmer scapegoat. The two exploited rats went for the food by swimming
underwater. When they came back to the cage, the two exploiters attacked them
and forced their heads under the water until they dropped the food. It was only
after feeding the two exploiters that the two exploited subjects were then
allowed to consume their own food.
The exploiters never swam, they just attacked the
swimmers in order to be fed. The independent rat was a swimmer who was strong
enough to bring back his food and defend himself against the exploiters. The scapegoat,
finally, was unable to swim and unable to scare the exploited rats, so he was
picking up the crumbs that fell during the fighting. The exact same social
structure of-two exploited, two exploiters, an independent rat and a scapegoat was
found in the twenty cages where the experiment was conducted. To better
understand this mechanism of hierarchy, Didier Desor placed six exploiters
together. They fought all night and in the morning, they had recreated the exact
same roles. Two exploiters, two exploited, one scapegoat, one independent. And they
still got the same results by bringing
together six exploited in the same cage, six autonomous, or six scapegoats.
Obviously rats have been
on Earth for a very long time, and one could say that they have developed their
social structure over millions of years and presumably this is a social-order
which is most beneficial for the rats to survive. It might not be too
beneficial for rats to have too many independently minded members of the
hierarchy for whatever reason, since rats tend to live communally and in a
manner of speaking, they cooperate for their mutual survival. Werber posits a
concept of some kind of implicit organizational grid for each species and this
idea reminds me of biochemist and parapsychologist Dr Rupert Sheldrake’s
concept of Morphic fields and Morphic resonance which alludes to a collective
species memory in every living creature, from mice to amoebas, and to me this
is self evident in any case because the evidence is apparent in a termite mound
and the social hierarchy of the ant-colony.
But to return to my
point about ignorance, this ignorance becomes developed within members of the
society when they find that they can function normally in society, fulfilling
their roles, feeding their families and going about their business without
actually knowing anything about how their society operates and is managed. They
only know what they need to know and furthermore they appear to have no desire
or will to exceed the boundary of their expertise, whatever this expertise may
be, whether it’s working in an office typing things into a computer, or cutting
someone’s hair. This is all they need to know in order to survive in society,
then they can go home once they have typed enough abstractions or cut enough
hair, and spend time with their families and their hobbies, which again, are
not activities which require any deeper investigation into their society, who
controls it and how it operates.
The television manages to suppress any extraneous activity which might benefit them and their society, and reduces them to a state of couch bound dormancy. Almost as turning on the TV was turning the off switch of your own human agency and putting you into a kind of stasis trance where you can’t do any harm by having any sudden original thoughts or asking any important existential questions about who is running your world and to what end.
And so most people in
the world have no interest in who rules their world because it is not essential
for their survival for them to do so, but it is becoming increasingly apparent
that we are reaching a point where our survival as individuals, a nation and
even as a human civilization is becoming increasingly dependent on us becoming rapidly
informed about those who are steering the course of our future and if possible,
wrestling the control from their hands and steering us back onto a course which
will allow for our continued survival.
In Didier Desor’s study,
the rats' brains were examined, it was found that the rat which showed the most
oxidative stress damage to the brain was somewhat counter-intuitively, neither the
victim rat, nor was it the exploited rats, but the rat which apparently
suffered the most stress was the exploiter rat. This may be some comfort to
those of us who long for justice and suffer with this awareness of how we are
all exploited and the myriad crimes of our oppressors, but it would appear that
it is they who are suffer the most as a result of their place at the top of the
hierarchy. Perhaps it is a question of continual anxiety about preserving their
position and the stratagems and mental labours they must undertake to maintain
dominance and control. Perhaps also it is some knowledge of their own nature,
that they are the exploiter and the continual fight against their own
conscience possibly creates a state of perpetual nervous anxiety. I have
previously written books and articles where I have specifically explored this
link between anxiety, oxidative stress and actual changes in brain chemistry
which manifest several important physiological changes which is something I
have termed ‘Cain Consciousness’ and is the key mental outlook of what is
termed The Illuminati.
Just like rats, I have
no doubt that our leaders and rulers live in a similar state of perpetual
anxiety and perhaps imagine that one day they will be found out and cast down
by those they have oppressed.
In the rat’s social
hierarchy the best place to be is outside of it completely, that is to be the
independent rat. Since this rat is neither burdened with continually trying to
maintain his role as an exploiter exploiter, nor is this one forced to devote
most of his labour to feeding the exploiter by being one of the exploited.
In order to be the
independent rat however one needs the skills required to survive on ones own
terms. The exploiter must adopt this role because they lack the skills they
need to live independently and must exploit others in order to exist. The
exploited in turn lack the skills required to exist within their own frame of
reference so become involved in someone else’s. That is, in a manner of
speaking, they are not able to imagine an alternative to living within the
social hierarchy in the role of exploited. The independent rat has the skills
to survive in the created environments such as swimming and is not intimidated
by the exploiter rats and is unwilling to cooperate with them in their
But even if one were to
fill a cage with 6 such independent rats one would find the same social
hierarchy impose itself upon the rats, and presumably there must be some useful
reason for this, perhaps a society full of independent rats would not be
condusive to maintaining social cohesion. In fact if there were more
independent rats then there would be no one to support the exploiter rats so in
a sense the exploiters, although appearing to be on top of the hierarchy are
really at the bottom because they are the most dependent, even the victim rat
who can neither swim nor dominate the other rats manages to feed himself by
scavenging leftovers. In a sense he still has some independence and does not have
to continually be in fear of maintaining his place in the hierarchy.
But to be independent
one has to learn the skills necessary to survive within the environment without
depending on anyone either in an exploitative sense or by being exploited. This
means you have to understand your environment, and how to use it to achieve
maximum personal well being.
Most people do not
choose this option because it requires a certain amount of effort which must
come from the self and for the benefit of the self. It takes no personal effort
of the will to be told what to do under duress and do it, because one feels
that one has no choice in the matter because fear directs you, but to break
free of this fear and to refuse to follow orders and to work on making your own
life and being in a hierarchy of one is surely the most personally useful and
healthy ways to spend ones time on Earth.
But being in a hierarchy
of one necessarily means you have to as complete and understanding of the
environment around you as possible, it is no use relying on TV news or
politicians to tell you about your environment because you are immediately
entering a knowledge hierarchy with the presupposition that they know something
you don’t. Often in fact the knowledge hierarchy must create information of no
relevance in order to draw people into a hierarchical dependence relationship,
this is the purpose of television and film entertainment. There is nothing
natural or normal about watching a two hour presentation of fictional reality
and the origins of film and theatre originate in the strange secret cults of
the ancient world where watching the enactment of a classical myth, likely
while under the influence of various psychoticants, in order to further help
the suspension of disbelief, where Gods and Godesses enact their various roles
in the classical legends, provoking a transformative experience in the mind of
the observer or what Aristotle termed ‘Catharsis’.
Television and
entertainment exist to draw people into something like the league of the
exploited within a dominance hierarchy, giving their attention to soap opera
story lines, awaiting the critical delivery of banal information and stories
involving non existent characters with little to no moral value or intrinsic
It is much better to dedicate
at much of your time to completing your knowledge of the world, but in almost
all cases, none of this actual information will come from the media or even the
official historical record which is mostly a catalogue of lies and inscribed
propaganda deceptions for the purpose of propaganda, among which we can cite
the Moon landings, the JFK assassination, a the real causes and geo-political
purpose behind the two World Wars.
We see that once we make
the mistake of accepting certain historical claims as fact, then one finds
themselves trapped in an ongoing continuum of deception, for instance if one
believes in the 1969 Moon landings, then the further deceptions such as the
talk of landings on Mars will probably be accepted at face value, rather than what
they are in reality, namely just further propaganda to shore up and support the
NASA propaganda stream.
The latest propaganda
stream which is currently having all waters diverted to its course is the
Islamic terror bogeyman and this has allowed the US government to fight several
wars on Israel’s behalf and presently we seem to be on the verge of a third
world war, because of the media’s craven enslavement to those same secret
forces which are pushing for a new world war. As to the nature of this enslavement
and why so many agents from government and media, who should be protecting our
safety are precisely neglecting their task so egregiously we can only guess,
but such total control can only come from such nefarious tools as blackmail,
and in my opinion, it is for such a reason that child abuse seems to be
something which in endemic and institutional, yet investigations are repeatedly
dropped and dossiers mysteriously ‘lost’, D notices deployed, victims and
whistle blowers harassed by the full machinery of the media and the state, and
even imprisoned, the because it is the primary means that the secret elite use
to control every agency of power in the country and in the west as a whole.
But these people could
achieve nothing without the tacit support of the UK population, and that means
people buying newspapers, watching television and engaging with the media
dialectic about their world. Not to say that this makes the broad mass of population
complicit, but without the credulous acceptance and continued subscription into
the media’s reality continuum, the status quo would not be able to continue
with any claim of being a democratic system which is supported by the people.
The word ‘media’ suggests a medium between the people and elite secret power
behind world events, and by being part of the ‘transaction’ and a passive recipient of the media message, then anyone
watching television and believing and investing their world view with the media’s
invented propaganda stream, are ultimately allowing the horrors of the past present and future to unfold. Watching TV and engaging in the media dialectic is like being on a passive subscription plan to your own destruction, because the people behind events have some very special 'eradication' plans for you people,
And the world will never be free,
as long as people still watch TV. So our only hope lies, in maintaining as much of our personal freedom as possible, in joining the hierarchy of one.
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