Monday 6 February 2017

Killer Kabbalah: Gang-Stalkers of the Apocalypse.

Sounds like the start of a cheesy horror movie except this is real...

The Kabbalah is a psychopath factory. It creates psychopaths and schizophrenics.  It is not some mere harmless spiritual mummery which causes no harm to those who practice it, it is not something like meditation which leads to a sense of inner peace and inner calm. And, above all, it is not a dusty religious relic, left over from centuries of lost Gods, and brought to day like some kind of charming ethnic museum curiosity. It is alive and it is extremely dangerous.

The Hungry Kabbalah Snake

The Kabbalah is ALIVE, and what is more it is not, as the outsider might believe, something contained within a book which might be read for wisdom and some vague mystical enlightenment.

We need only look at the type of people who publicly claim to be following the Kabbalah. Of course we have Madonna, the demon OAP pop crone who fingers herself in public. In a normal person this would usually require community service or a short spell in a psychiatric facility. But Kabbalah pop-crones are allowed a little leeway, since they are part of the insider-club who make the rules. The red Kabbalah bracelet had been spotted being worn by his Satanic Majesty’s servant Mick Jagger, classless and confused Paris Hilton, Demi Moore, Rihanna, Leonardo Dicaprio, ‘Mad’ Miley Cyrus, Barmy Brittney Spears,

Victims of the Kabbalah. All vapid and bonkers.

The red string supposedly protects the wearer from the evil-eye, much like the bulchuk nazar worn in Turkey, or the hand of Fatima in Morocco. The red string is an example of both idolatry and necromancy since it is woven around the tomb of Jacob’s wife Rachel and lengths of it are apparently cut off and serve as talismans. It is believed that Rachel’s departed spirit has the power to protect those wearing the red string.

Kabbalah in reality is not in any sense, learned, or rather, experienced, through reading. The purpose of any written matter on the Kabbalah is solely for initiates to share their understanding of the process they experienced. One cannot learn the Kabbalah from studying texts, it is an experiential discipline. Of course, I can tell you what Kabbalah is, but what difference does that make? It is the difference between telling someone about classical music, giving them a speech full of fascinating information about Beethoven, trumpets and minims, and someone listening to the music. Listening to music is the direct experience. Reading about Kabbalah is not the direct experience of Kabbalah, it is like reading a book about a piece of music, then expecting to have some understanding of that tune.

It is really hard to describe what Kabbalah is because it is unique and very far removed from what most people consider their experience of life.

In his book The Palm Tree of Deborah, Shelomo Alfassa describes the attainment of the highest level of the tree of life, Kether or Crown.

Kabbalah, Union with....

“It does not raise nor exalt itself upwards; on the contrary, it descends to look downwards at all times. For this there are two reasons. The first is that it ashamed to gaze at its Source, but the Cause of its emanation looks continually into it to give goodness to it while it looks down to those beneath.”

Immediately one notices this idea of being ‘ashamed’ at the source, the source is ‘God’ so if one is ashamed how does one draw closer to God. Instead this talk of ‘shame’ suggests estrangement from God and evoke the fall of man in the Garden of Eden being reenacted where Adam and this is the first sign to God that Adam has transgressed his law and obeyed the serpent. It can be no coincidence that the serpent is a stylistic representation of the journey up the Kabbalic tree of life, and the word snake in the Hebrew Old Testament is Nachash which also means occult. In Genesis 2 it says ‘but they were not ashamed’. Then after the fall Adam could not be found by God so God calls to Adam “Where are you?” and Adam answers “I heard you in the garden, and I was afraid because I was naked so I hid.”

There are also some puzzling commentaries which could be interpreted in strange ways and lead to further strange ideologies.

“..In the Almighty’s sight the repentant sinner has a higher status than the man who has never sinned. This is the meaning of the rabbinic teaching that in the place where the penitent stands the perfectly righteous cannot stand (Ber. 34b). The reason for this has been expounded by the Rabbis in the chapter ‘He Who Builds,’ where it is stated that the letter He is shaped like an exedra (Is a Greek word for  exedra was a covered place in front of a house but open to the outside) so that whomsoever wishes to go astray may do so. That is to say, the world was created by means of the letter He and the Holy One, Blessed is He, created the world wide open in the direction of sin and evil. As the exedra, the world is not fully enclosed but is broken open towards the direction of evil (Sabbath).

Consequently, he who wishes to go astray need not turn in those directions where there is no sin and iniquity by which to enter in the province of the Outside Ones. But the He is open at the top left-hand corner so that if the sinner repents he can be received back there….This is why the righteous cannot stand in the place of the penitents. For the latter have not entered by the door of the righteous, but they have tormented themselves, ascending through the upper door…They have therefore ascended until they stand in the spiritual degree of He – namely, the fifth palace of the Garden of Eden, which is the roof of the He, while the righteous have entered at the opening of the He at the entrance of the exedra.”

This suggestion that a repentant sinner is more valuable to god than a righteous man draws parallels to Jesus’ parable of the lost sheep, but the Kabbalah specifically exalts the sinner which, in the legalistic mind of the Rabbinical authority must conceivably indicate that sin itself serves a purpose and has a value in helping to allow a person to draw nearer to God. This is perhaps what we might understand by the Freemasonic system being described as a ‘peculiar system of morality’. 

                                     Kabballah as Mental Illness

Again, reading from the Kabbalah Experience, we find the following passage about the cessation of perception of time experienced by the initiate into the Kaballistic mysteries. The Kabbalah is explained in a series of question and answers:

“What about the lack of perception of time? It’s hard to understand the lack of sensation of time. But ‘time’ in spirituality is no more than the changing of emotions.”

According to The Kabballah Experience by Michael Laitman, “a great part of the Kabbalist’s journey is spent in the worlds of ABYA (Atzilut, Beria, Yetzira, Assiya), where the Kabbalist gradually turns intended and unintended sins into virtues, and thus justifies the works of the creator and His guidance."

What is particularly alarming about the Kabbalah is this idea of turning SIN into VIRTUE, which in turn apparently justifies and does credit to God. This is a common recurring theme in many secret cults from around the world. Whether the Assassins, where ‘Nothing is true and everything is permitted’ or the OTO’s mantra of ‘do what thou wilt’ being the whole of the law, that somehow there is no such thing as sin. We notice time and time again the idea that to the ‘elect’ or chosen ones, there is no sin and they can behave exactly as they wish without any consequences. It is obvious to anyone that such a doctrine is the doctrine of the devil because the law of cause and effect states clearly that all actions have consequences.

From my experience of Freemasonry, by which I mean the repeated attempts to draw me into the system at various locations around the world, from a government training course in France, to a Japanese cultural exchange centre, to a teacher training programme in the UK to a Cultural centre in Casablanca run by the US department of State. At all of these institutions around the world I have had attempts to draw me into a parallel world which all those around me were part of, and the hints and allusions which were shown to me suggested that in this environment there was the unpleasant presence of sexual activity with underage children. Of course, they aren’t stupid enough to directly make this explicit, instead they set up situations where young girls are made available while there are people around wearing Masonic rings or making Masonic allusions. 

I understand that the purpose Freemasonic paedophilia serves is to be able to use blackmail to control those who are initiated into Freemasonry with sexual intercourse with a minor, but also this sin could be justified within the context of the Kabbalah because this person has now committed a sin, and should he repent, then he will have more spiritual value than the man who had never engaged in paedophilia or murder, or any one of the activities which Freemasons are involved in to some degree.

This is a fundamental and potentially very alarming religious precept. It might also serve to explain the strange system of the Freemasons and the present problem of the modern world.

                                               Gang Stalkers

The website has an article about a lady Phiona Davis, apparently being a victim of mental abuse after becoming involved in Madonna’s Kabbalah centre in London. The website claims that Davis was conned out of 2 million pounds and was spied upon in her home with hidden cameras and illegal telephone wire-tapping. They then made it known to Phiona Davis at meetings what they knew about her. This is the key focus of the phenomenon known as 'Gang Stalking', to drive the victim to madness and despair, which, in their system, is the initiation to Kether and so called 'union' with God. The website doesn’t quite understand why they did this and is under the belief this was all in order to obtain money from Ms Davis, in fact the whole experience led to Fiona Davis becoming schizophrenic. Which was the intention of the whole Kabbalah experience all along.

Putting the MAD into Madonna.

Fashion student Phiona Davis reportedly confirmed to police that she had been attending Madonna Kabbalah centre in London and told police she was being ‘controlled’ and people from the Kabbalah centre were walking around her flat. A few months later she killed telephone salesman Keith Fernandez by stabbing him 58 times at her home in Green Lanes North London reportedly saying “God done good, for this is done through God.”  

The next day she killed her grandmother Mary Skerritt by stabbing her 130 times. She then tried to set fire to the flat. She then went outside the flat in Stoke Newington saying “I am God, I am the benevolent one, burn the demons inside her.” “You can arrest me but you can’t punish me. Only God can punish me.” She was also seen holding her arms out saying “I am the Messiah.”

Later at Stoke Newington police station she attempted to strangle herself and smeared crosses on the wall in blood and excrement. She shouted at the police, “I am the messiah and the King of Kings. I will forgive you all.”

She reportedly told the police she thought her former boyfriend Keith Fernandez was a robot and her grandmother was the devil. She was sent to Broadmoor and can be released only with the express consent of the home secretary.

The sheer quantity of Kabbalah victims and other victims of mind control who must be in permanent residence at Broodmoor and Jimmy Savile’s well known magic pass to access all made me curious. These people were all involved in a millennial old secret initiatory programme whose end results are said to be a mystical union with God. What is curious is that whenever some of these people achieve this ‘mystical union’ they are under the deluded belief that they are indeed somehow, connected to God or Jesus, but it’s always some kind of murderous dark satire.Maybe the force they were connected to were not God but something else, something which wishes nothing but ill to mankind then in the Kabbalah has shown that it achieves these goals.

The Beast of Broadmoor.

Could they actually be in touch with some evil force? Could schizophrenia be mistakenly regarded by the Kabbalah practitoners as some method of achieving contact with these forces which they consider ‘God’? If so then what if Savile, himself said to be an occult wizard, were visiting Broadmoor secure mental health facility, in order to make contact with these beings which had broken through the portal of the victims damaged schizoid consciousness?

Other high profile Kabbalists have also suffered from mental breakdowns Anat, Yaron, Paris Hilton, Britney Spears, Lindsay Lohan, Hilary Duff, and Jackass TV star Steve O.

The purpose of Kabbalah is precisely to induce schizophrenic illness. This is the attainment of Kether and ‘union’ with God. Hence when Phiona Davis reported comments to police and firefighters that she was God/the messiah. In her delusion. As reported by Phiona Davis some month prior to her murdering two people, she was being covertly monitored. She was involved in ‘The Game’ of the Kabbalah and was being hunted, followed, spied on and harassed, just like in the David Fincher movie The Game. 

This is what the film is about, it is about experiencing the Kabbalah and this can only be done with an extensive and well organized group of people creating an ‘experience’ for another person. In the film the Michael Douglas character even shoots his own brother and it is made to seem that he has killed him, before attempting suicide by throwing himself from a tall building, however within the context of the story all of this has been carefully stage managed and the gun used was firing blanks and the glass ceiling Douglas’ character smashed through was safety glass. Tragically however, such events happen in the real world and they are not stunts or illusions. In fact a key moment in the film has Douglas’ character saying ‘How do I know what’s real?’ and this is just the kind of liquid reality experience which the Kabbalah gang stalking experience can induce, perhaps up to a certain point ones experience and grasp on what is real becomes so tenuous that you kill people who you believe are not real, whether they are robots or demons. Such accidents, even if not intentional within the Kabbalah experience, are nonetheless fairly common.

The Movie poster suggests the development of mental disturbance, and this is precisely the effect of the transformative effect of the Kabbalah which is 'taught' using a similar personally invasive procedure.

                                      Freemasonry and Kabbalah.

The origin of the three degrees of Freemasonry come from the Kabbalah in addition to the Trinity of the Roman Catholic church.

“There are three degrees, yet each is independent even though they are one, connected into one and do not separate one from the other. Come and see all the plants – NAMELY THE SFIROT – and all these candles – NAMELY THE SFIROT OF MALCHUT KNOWN AS THE FIERY LIGHTS – shine and blaze. All are watered and blessed from that river that continually flows, NAMELY BINAH, in which everything is included, AS ALL MOCHEM STEM FROM IT, and the sum of everything is within it.

This river is called the mother of the Garden of Eden, DENOTING MALCHUT, AS BINAH IS REFERRED TO AS MOTHER (HEBREW. EM, ALEPH MEM), AS IT IS WRITTEN, “IF (HEBREW. IM, ALEPH, MEM) YOU CRY AFTER BINAH” (MISHLEI 2:3), being higher than the Garden. IT IS CALLED MOTHER, because EDEN, DENOTING CHOCHMAH, joins with it and does not leave it. For this reason, all the springs OF MOCHIN come out, draw FROM IT and water all sides, BOTH TO THE RIGHT OR TO THE LEFT, and open doors within it. Hence, there is Mercy coming from it, DENOTING THE CENTRAL COLUMN and Mercy opened in it AS THE BEGINNING OF THE OPENING OF THE CENTRAL COLUMN, WHICH RECONCILES AND JOINS RIGHT WITH LEFT BEING THE PERFECTION OF EVERYTHING, STARTS AT BINAH.

Here, within the Zohar, the early Catholic Church and Freemasonry are seeing evidence of a common cult which is what the Freemasons call ‘the true religion’ and is effectively the same old Pagan cult since time began.

Here we have the Kabbalah and the tree of life. Malchuth is at the bottom of the tree of life, and this corresponds to the sacral or root chakra, located at the base of the spine. The central column of the tree of life is the human spinal cord and the reference to the right and the left refer to the hemispheres of the brain. Indeed, when the Kabbalah enlightenment is achieved, then one experiences what has become known as synchronization of the hemispheres of the brain, or hemi-sync as it has become popularly known by people like Robert Monroe.

Kabbalah is a transformative process which acts upon the human energy centres through the ‘the tree of life’ as they term it, to radically create a transformation in consciousness. The Tree of Life is the human vertebrae. The human vertebrae is made of 33 bones. This immediately gives the meaning of the 33 degrees of Freemasonry. Each degree symbolically advances through each stage in The Tree of Life, advancing the energies through the whole of the spinal column in order to arrive finally, at the crown.

Skull and 33 Bones

The Fruit of climbing up the Tree of Life on the back of the serpent is total estrangement from God, but total spiritual connection to Satan and the whole spiritual hierarchy of billions upon countless billions of lost souls and predatory spiritual beings looking to absorb some warm living human energy.

Our minds have developed in such a way that our soul and mind are separated. During the day of course, our mind has full reign, while at night our soul is allowed to roam the infinite inner highways and byways of infinite consciousness.

The Kabbalah, as is mentioned in the Zohar, aims to unite both the left and right paths and hemispheres of the brain.

The two pillars or the Freemasonic lodge, Boaz and Joachim are based on the stations of the Kabbalah, Gerbuarh and Chessed and indeed, Solomon’s Temple itself, since it was built by a Phoenician Canaanite Hiram Abiff, was likely a physical representation of the Kabbalah, and the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of Good and Evil. In the Schwaller du Lubicz book ‘Le Miracle Egyptian’ the author uses specific diagrams including measurements of floor plans of the Temple of Luxor to who how the layout of the Temple is based on the human body, starting from the feet all the way to the top of the head. And one could hypothesize that the activity in the temple was connected to the operation of a transformative process on the human mind, achieved through the specific energy point of the body.

This is what the Kabbalah is, except it had no physical temple in which these transformation are wrought.

It uses very different and quite extraordinary techniques and methods. We no longer live in an age when people can be secreted away to stone temples and locked inside to undergo initiatory trials and experiences. Instead these trials and initiatory experiences must take place out in the open, but secretly and unsuspected by people who are not specifically part of the programme.

                                     Hollywood Initiatory Ordeals

There are many Hollywood films which allude to these initiatory experiences which are undertaken in secret, not within specialized buildings but at large in the world we all share side by side. The David Fincher film The Game, along with the David Fincher film Fight Club, both tell the story of an initiatory ordeal unfolding in the outside world, unsuspected to the world at large and known only to those specific agencies involved in the action.

Films such as Jacob’s Ladder, which is a Biblical reference which tells the story of how Jacob, the future patriarch of Israel, saw a ladder reaching into heaven. Which also reminds me of the song Stairway to Heaven by Led Zeppelin, a band with well known OTO connection through the occultist Jimmy Page and his fondness for Aleister Crowley and Scottish loch-side property. Whenever we hear about Stairways we can assume the Tree of Life of the Kabbalah is being referenced, due to the progressive nature of the Kabbalah which one advances along until the ultimate stage is revealed, beyond the abyss to reach the Ain Soph.

                         Jacob’s Ladder VS Stairway to Heaven

The Kabbalistic Tree of Life seems to have two paths which can be used to progress, the initiate can either This is referenced in the song Stairway to Heaven:

“Yes there are two paths you can go by,
But in the long run,
There’s still time to change the road you’re on.”

This connects with the idea of the Masonic black and white chequerboard since whether you travel on the black squares or the whites squares, you still advance in the same direction. This is a reference to the Kabbalah, there are two main poles of the Kabbalah but in fact there are 32 paths which represent every possible combination of traversing the sephiroth from the bottom of  the tree of life to the top. For many years there were 32 degrees in Freemasonry 

                             The path of pain and the path of light.

The human race has currently been enrolled by their deranged secret leaders onto the path of pain, we had no choice in the matter, the decision was made a long long time ago, a date lost in prehistory, though some may date it to the fall of Man in the garden of Eden, if such a thing literally happened. However whether Eden was a real place and Adam and Eve literally existed they are an apt metaphor for the inherent confusion in the human race and its repeated weakness and inability to make the right decisions. But then perhaps, we have an enemy ranged against us who is powerful, invisible and wholly merciless, against these ‘powers and principalities in high places’ what can mere educated animals such as we do?

Monday 26 December 2016

80's Corporate Coke Suckers. George Michael's Last Christmas.

George Michael, pictured with a Coke in his mouth.

Stubbly pop-ponce, flouncing fandango man and long time slow motion car-crash victim, George Michael checked out of rehab by dying of diet-coke related complications sustained in the mid to late 1980's.

George Michael was a lifelong advocate and activist for the cause of diet Coke and has encouraged a generation of young people to accept their thirst for coke and to get as much coke down their throats as possible.


George Michael, like many fizzy pop stars of his generation was often extremely outspoken about his professional integrity, and his relationship with coke.

"I want to say that I have no problem with people knowing that I'm in a relationship with the Coca Cola company right now.... I don't feel any shame. I feel stupid and I feel reckless and weak for having allowed my integrity to be exposed this way. But I don't feel any shame whatsoever."

No shame whatsoever.

Michael discovered his love of Coke after being lured into some bushes in East Finchley cemetery by a Greek Orthodox priest and given a mouthful. This transformative experience in the young Michael's life was the turning point and it was here that George Michael vowed to make everyone, young or old, love Coke.

It is said that to fuel this love of Coke he became a pop-star since he realised he would be able to access a whole generation of pale and confused young people, and encourage them to enjoy a casual coke.

Problems arose however when Michael couldn't get enough of the Coke and would often carelessly drink coke without exercising safety precautions, inspiring a concerned Brian May to pen the song Too Much Coke Will Kill You, dedicated to his friends Michael and the late Freddie Mercury.

Despite a series of public information films released outlining the dangers of Coke with the slogan :"Coke! Don't die of flatulence!" it was deemed that their menacing tone was over-sensationalising the dangers of Coke-use and that there really was no harm in getting your lips around a Coke, especially if you were good looking and in the 80's making good wedge out of it.

Fans of the late singer conducted a candle-lit vigil in the early hours of the morning but the solemnity of the occasion was marred as cannabis activists apparently gate-crashed the event and some stumbled into the grounds of his house with an over excited Cocker Spaniel and a shovel in a quest for Michael's legendary grass stash which the pop-star had reportedly secreted somewhere on his grounds prior to entering rehab, but had forgotten where he had buried it.

Buried stash

Michael's career received a significant boost in 1998, a period during which Michael's career seemed to be over, when he sensationally made the news after being arrested in the little girls' room of the Dick Shags memorial park in  Beverley Hills. He was reportedly exposing and stroking his can of coke with lewd intent and was arrested and given a 5 dollar bail order. He was sentenced by a federal judge to appear on CNN with Jim Moret, and tell everyone how much he loved Coke.

Coca-Cola's share price rose to unprecedented levels after the announcement and Coke was more popular among young people than ever and Michael was reinvented as a modern day hero and Coke activist.

In the end the Coke let him down, and he died, aged 53, from drinking from a soiled can he'd picked up in Brazil.

Not a fan of corporate Coke suckers.

Tuesday 9 August 2016

Report a paedophile in Scotland and prepare for the full power of the state to harass you, burgle your house, attempt to kill you, violently attack you, section you and steal your children.



The evil power of the Freemasons in Scotland and Ireland.

Report a paedophile in Scotland and you get threatened, harassed, attacked, burgled and your children taken into care.

This is the reality of British society these days a society ruled to all intents and purposes, by a secret gang of Freemasonic paedophiles.

We are indeed, living in Satan's Kingdom.

Only Freemasons have this level of coordinated power in the UK. Only they have such an interest in covering up for paedophile members and only they have the level of degenerate and consciousless evil to carry out such a conspiracy against decent people.

This harassment is actually ONGOING.

These are the email addresses for people to contact to put public pressure to resolve this case:

Chief Constable of Scottish police:

Nicola Sturgeon:

Taoiseach/prime minister of Ireland:

Justice Secretary of Ireland:

Head of Special Branch in Ireland:

Head of social services in Ireland:

UK COLUMN 19th August update.

IMC Complaint about Dr O’Malley

Polranny, Achill, County Mayo

Professional Standards
Medical Council
Kingram House
Kingram Place
Dublin 2
17th February 2015
Dear Medical Complaints,
Dr O’Malley conducted a mental health ‘assessment’ of me and my wife, in the loosest sense of the word, for Social Services, Castlebar. Our mental health had been called into question by social workers and police officers (extremely unqualified, though extremely agenda driven, to make these mental health assessments) back in Scotland about whom my wife and I had complained to the British and Scottish governments as being complicit in covering up paedophilia. We had reported our neighbour to the police after he offered me a large sum of cash for “access to” my son. Calling into question our mental health was nothing other than a smear to cover up for the real issue – that police and social services in Aberdeenshire were colluding with paedophiles (according to reports involving legal action this would not be for the first time) and they were desperate to brand us as mentally ill in order to discredit our claims.
In Scotland we reported to our landlord, a Viscount, that our neighbour had offered us £25,000 for “access to” our disabled son.
To our shock and disgust, the Viscount told me and my wife that this man was his close friend and should we report him to the police he would get social services onto our family. We reported his friend, the paedophile, to the police. Two weeks later, and as a direct result of reporting this man to the police, the police then reported my children (whom they had not seen) to social services in a totally fabricated concern report.
Just as the Viscount had threatened, a social work manager began to aggressively pursue my family. The outcome was clear. The intention was to remove our children into ‘care’ and put them directly at risk from the very people we were trying to protect them from.

On Wednesday the 28th of January 2015 Social Services, Castlebar seized our children and put them into foster care based entirely on information from Scotland and without listening to our explanation.
The social work manager and police officers whom we had complained about in Aberdeenshire were now liaising with social services and police in Castlebar. The report they had submitted to social work Castlebar was completely deceitful and tainted.
The day after our children were removed from our care, with a shocking disregard for the law, Social Services Castlebar arranged an appointment at lunchtime with Dr O’Malley. In anticipation of Dr O’Malley’s condemning report, Social Services Castlebar had already booked psychiatric services at Castlebar Hospital for thesame day.
We attended the hospital but due to strain and the lack of sleep the night after our four children were taken into care, I felt extreme fatigue and faint in the hospital. My wife and I waited an hour and a half for the hospital appointment before telling staff that we were going home due to feeling ill.
It was revealed in court that Social Services Castlebar had been priming medical staff in both the persons of the GP and the mental health staff at the hospital. The judge commented on this.
Perhaps therein lies the reason why Dr. O’Malley failed to show for court on Monday 2nd February. It seems very likely that Dr. O’Malley felt secure to condemn me and my wife, and therefore my children, because she had prior knowledge that another medical professional was to finish us off later that day – but when this appointment failed to go ahead she then felt on much less safer ground to put her name in court to a matter which was a disgrace and against the hypocratic oath – or any basic levels of decency.
My wife and I have subsequently been assessed by a Consultant Psychiatrist and he found, quite to the contrary to that of Dr. O’Malley, that my wife and I have a very healthy mental state and are not delusional .
Dr O’Malley had herself declared she was not a specialist and was only a general practitioner, however, that did not deter her from writing a damning report for court which she was not prepared to support by appearing in court.
The Judge ruled that our psychiatric assessment be done independently – yet social work Castlebar ignored this and have tried many times to find out from me and my wife the name of the psychiatrist, and when they failed to obtain this information, sent out a mental health nurse to offer a ‘free’ private consultation with consultant psychiatrist Dr Ciaran Smyth – the consultant who was going to ‘assess’ me and my wife on the day of Wednesday the 29thJanuary.
Sean Mangan drove all the way to Achill from Castlebar to offer us and inform us in person that we had won a free consultation with Dr Ciaran Smyth. How transparent!
This is serious professional misconduct.
Yours sincerely,

Brian Docherty                                                                  Janice Docherty

This is a complaint about Dr Brigid O’Malley, located at Castle Medical Centre in Castlebar, alleging serious professional misconduct, slander and attempt to pervert the course of justice.

Medical Complaint by Brian Docherty ‘Assessment’ by Dr. O’Malley on Wednesday 29th January 1.30pm at Castle Medical Centre.
From sitting in her consulting room she blasted my name to summon me to her office.
Dr O’Malley initially asked me some rudimentary questions before beginning what was essentially a continual attack for 20 minutes.
She asked me why I thought I was there.
I told her that Social Work Castlebar had asked me to attend for an assessment
She asked me my occupation.
I told her I was a teacher.
Her demeanour was far from pleasant but things were only warming up.
She then asked me, very rudely, and always by staring ahead at her report a handful of questions to which she paid little attention to my response. She was basing her opinion on a report she had been given from social work – a report I had not seen, written by people I had never met, full of despicable misinformation.
So it says here…. (was the way she began each sentence).
So it says here that you think your neighbour back in Scotland was a paedophile?
Why would you say that?
Because he offered me £25,000 to have access to my son?
Why would your neighbour do that?
I don’t know – why do sex offenders do these things?
“Well I think that’s fantastic in the proper sense of the word.” Do you think you are obsessed with paedophilia?
How can a person be obsessed with paedophilia. It is not like one gets up in the morning has breakfast and then says – you know what, I am going to think about paedophilia – it is such an awful issue.
She then said: it says here, and I think, you are “delusional”
I said, how can you say these things when you don’t know the facts.
She then said, well it says it here and social services are involved so there must be something wrong.
I said this is your subjective opinion but this is not based on any facts of independent assessment
She constantly referred to a report sent from Aberdeenshire social services to Castlebar social services (which in itself is a huge conflict of interest as I had complained about Social Work in Aberdeenshire to the British and Scottish Governments as far back as November and December of last year).
She then said something irrelevant and strangely out of the context of the conversation
“Do you intend to stand for parliament again?”
I could not see the relevance of this, nor how she knew that I had been a political candidate for national election
She then asked: how are you for money?
Why would Dr O’Malley be interested in my political strength and financial situation?
The only question which she asked which seemed to be relevant and independent was:
How do you see yourself five years from now?
I answered that I saw myself still happily married with my four wonderful children five years older, running my own business. She seemed disappointed but undeterred she asked me again why I was obsessed with paedophiles?
I was shocked by her lack of an independent ‘assessment’ process.
She told me again that she thought me delusional.
I repeated that this was not based on the facts.
She then actually said: I am no expert – this has been given to me purely to refer you on, but it is my opinion that you need medical help.
Judging from her attitude and manner, from her tone to her body language and her dismissive, rude and just downright unpleasant disposition it was clear that she entered this assessment with only one outcome in mind. Initially I just thought she was cold and rude, but there was more to this.
There was no diagnostic assessment; there was no formative assessment; there was no summative assessment. As a teacher of fifteen years it was obvious there was no evidence of any discernible assessment criteria. Her assessment involved repeating phrases from a tainted report with the loaded question: so what about that then?
It transpired in court that Mary Malee from Social Work, Castlebar had been ‘liaising’ with Dr O’Malley before our assessment and that she had been priming the doctor against us.
The doctor for her part was thoroughly unprofessional, exercised no independent judgement and condemned me and my wife in a litigious letter to be given in court.
Ominously, this letter was only presented to the court just before the hearing commenced and the judge wisely ruled that our solicitor should have the option of refusing it. This was all very underhand.
Moreover, according to Mary Malee of social work, Castlebar, Dr O’Malley was no-where to be found to testify in court on the day of the hearing (Monday 2nd February 2015)
It seemed evident to me and my wife that Dr O’Malley was prepared to write the desired report but possibly reflected that it was perhaps not prudent to stake her reputation on this by appearing in court as it would have been perfectly obvious to her that neither of us had mental health problems.
It was made clear in court that the problems faced by the Docherty family had only commenced since we had reported a paedophile to the police back in Scotland. Our children were returned to us despite the best efforts of police and social work who lied viciously, despite being under oath.
I wonder whether Dr O’Malley was just shockingly naïve and easily manipulated and duped by Mary Malee from Castlebar social work or whether there had been some kind of extra incentive? She was certainly not professional.

Medical Complaint – by Janice McLaren ‘Assessment’ by Dr O’Malley on Wednesday 29th January 1.50pm at Castle Medical Centre
I was asked the same rudimentary questions to begin with, verifying my name and DOB.
Dr O’Malley asked why have you not had your children vaccinated?
I answered that our oldest child Alexandra had had all her vaccinations but that our son, Sebastian, was given a double dosage of the swine flu vaccine when he was 9 months old and immediately after his behaviour changed and it was obviously the cause of his autism.
Dr O’Malley challenged my knowledge of this.
I said I had researched this subject in great detail and there is a huge amount of information available, written by medical experts, that reveal vaccinations to be not only ineffective in preventing disease but actually dangerous.
Dr O’Malley did not dispute this. She merely asked: isn’t it compulsory?
No, it is not.
Dr O’Malley said that in America vaccinations are compulsory in order for children to attend school and that our children would not be able to attend school in America.
This seemed quite a ludicrous thing to say as we do not live in the US and our children do not go to school in the US.
I just shrugged my shoulders as a retort to this seemed pointless.
She then brought up the subject of religion.
Dr O’Malley asked if my children and I were Christian?
I replied that I had converted to Catholicism, our daughter Alexandra had chosen to be Catholic and the younger children were all baptised Catholic.
I failed to see the relevance of this but it seemed highly unlikely that Dr O’Malley approved of Christianity. She seemed to be suggesting that being Christian made me in need of a mental health assessment.
What about Brian’s father?
What about him. He’s dead?
It says here you reported him for sexually abusing Alexandra
I was shocked to hear such a despicable lie and gave a repeated and emphatic No!
Dr O’Malley’s lack of reaction to my shocked response suggests to me that she knew it to be untrue.
When my husband and I discussed what a disgrace Dr O’Malley’s ‘assessment’ was I remarked that it was interesting Dr O’Malley mentioned this dreadful lie about my father in law to me and not to him.
I felt this question was an attempt to set us against each other.
Every time I answered a question Dr O’Malley did not have a response and moved on to another attack.
When she brought up the subject of us reporting a paedophile to the police I asked her what she thought about it.
She said: I think it is fantastic, in the proper sense of the word.
She used this phrase with both me and my husband and we surmised that she had probably heard it at a conference and thought that it sounded educated and intelligent. We discovered later that she had also used this exact phrase to Mary Malee, social worker extraordinare. Finally she managed to impress someone.
I asked: what aspect of this do you find fantastic?
That a neighbour would offer you money for your son.
I pointed out that paedophilia was a subject that had been constantly in the press for a long time now.
Every old DJ seems to be being accused of paedophilia with many being convicted and sent to prison.
Scotland, England and Ireland have all set up historical sex abuse enquiries because so many crimes were not investigated at the time (plus ca change).
The Catholic Church is constantly being accused of paedophilia.
And there was the recent disgraceful scandal of the police in Rotherham covering up child sex abuse for many years.
I said that someone offering us money was not unbelievable, it was just jolly bad luck. If we had known our children were going to be taken away from us we would not have reported this but we did the right thing. These things should not be covered up.
At this point Dr O’Malley stared at me in silence, tapping her pen against her lower lip for about ten seconds.
Then she said: how are you for money?
“We’re fine”
I could not see the relevance to this personal and offensive question which has nothing to do with our mental health but is something the police and social services and now Dr O’Malley are all extremely interested in.
She then said: As I have already said to your husband, I am going to be referring you both for a psychiatric assessment… She tapered off as we both stood up and left the room.
Given her unprofessional manner, obnoxious attitude and shocking rudeness I knew this was a foregone conclusion but believe that at the end Dr O’Malley realised that what she was doing was wrong.
There were too many questions which did not makes sense in relation to a mental health assessment and betrayed a prearranged agenda such as questions to my husband about politics and to both of us about money which suggested she was trying to establish if we had money or connections. If that was so, on whose behalf was she acting?
She was either greatly deceived and duped by social worker Mary Malee with whom (it was revealed in court) she had been liaising before our ‘assessment’ or she was offered some incentive to destroy our reputation by the very person who has the most to lose from our exposing the truth.

Brian Docherty                  Janice McLaren

Saturday 18 June 2016

Horselover Phat's Synchro-Sphere's comments on the Jo Cox murders.

I haven't asked for HP's permission to post this, but right now HP seems a bit down and thinking of packing it in, great articles like this are the reason he shouldn't.
Link to original article:

Friday, 17 June 2016

Thanks for all your comments, but I won't be changing my mind about continuing with anymore full, lengthy and detailed posts (save what's in this post). I am still thinking about re-upping the archive, but no decision as of yet. Update...archive is now available.

I've just had to witness (along with you guys) two massive 'elite' paradigm-shift moves via Orlando and Batley, both of which are using a similar MO, basically a form of 'post-event' MSM induced mass psychosis. These events, particularly Orlando, have dealt me a significant psychological blow. Readers may have noticed, from the several recent posts (currently not available), that I was angling on LGBT issues and mass 'mind control based' shootings and serial killings, but not directly relating to each other (but as separate entities). It's almost as if the elite read my blog!

So, the shooter featured in 'The Big Fix'...yeah, well played elite guys, you sure know how to run these societal wide mind control programmes, I'll give you that. You sure know how to drop in those winks, that we can ALL see from the corner of our collective eye...oh yes! You also sure know how (along with the criminal MSM) to allow acquaintances, former wives/girlfriends and relatives to influence/twist a 'realtime' fit a pre-set (waiting in the wings) agenda. 

There's simply too much to list in respect of Orlando...much relating to 'professional victims/minority rule champions' aka the LGBT community, the (obligatory) 'rainbow' meme, a shooting that makes no logistical's basically endless! Mateen seemed to have had as much time as he wanted, fronting things via social media, texting between various folk and regularly calling the police, I'm surprised he had enough time to even carryout the event! Didn't we also get briefly dosed with the 'obligatory' 2nd shooter aspect that HAS to accompany these shooting incidents (until it got rinsed down Orwell's memory hole of course, as the criminal MSM took full control of the narrative?!).
With MUSLIM and 'Isis cheerleader/apologist Obama' occupying the White House, I guess anything is possible! MSM 'poster boy' Obama can hardly help himself, as he hawks his (pre-shooting scripted) 'native' gun control agenda and at every opportunity. His address to the nation was an absolute outrage (imo), but when the POTUS is an NWO lackey, and an enemy of the American people, it's not surprising that he 'middle fingers' the US population on the back of a national tragedy.

As for Batley and the murdered MP, the one who was slaughtered on the day that many began to finally believe that 'Brexit' was destroying 'Remain'...I'll leave you to work that one out. Remain must've thought all their Christmases had come at once, especially with the 'perp' (conveniently cough, cough) linking to the far right and patriot ideals. The chosen 'perp' might as well have had 'Brexit' tattooed on his forehead...the 'nationalist/right wing' aspect was given literally minutes (cough, cough) after the news broke the initial story...I watched it unfold in realtime.
The original news that broke (yes I saw it break) was that Cox had got involved in a dispute between two men and had then attempted to intervene. The two men, perhaps being Mair and the 77 year old Bernard Kenny. As a result of this altercation it was suggested that Cox was shot and stabbed. However, in the time since, very little (if anything) has been made in mentioning this initial 'two man scuffle' again! Subsequent reports have seemingly suggested that Cox was directly attacked by Mair and that Kenny came to assist (sustaining injuries), that is the 'current' impression that has and is being given. This could, of course, change over time.

The Britain First representative...clearly having no idea how this stuff got linked to his organisation, he obviously doesn't realise that his group were selected (without his knowledge), for the purposes of a mass propaganda exercise!
This event is evocative of Anna Lindh, the Swedish foreign minister who was assassinated in Stockholm (stabbed on the 10th,  died Sept 11th 2003). In 2003, four days before the Swedish referendum on adopting the Euro (currency), Lindh, a pro-Euro advocate, was stabbed to death in a public place. The man convicted of the killing claimed to have no idea why he had acted in the way he had. It was suggested (at the time) that the killing might have a considerable effect on the result. However, this was not the case, and Sweden voted to reject. Cox's murder has the same sort of aspects, but with a more 'politically primed' drawn and defined killer.

"Death to traitors, freedom for Britain"
The elite's 'on-cue' stooge: Thomas 'Manchurian candidate' Mair

Nice image, Mr Manchuria in military-type camouflage...wink, wink. It's not as if the MSM is trying to show this 'perp' as a right-wing/patriot (which in the current political climate, is anything that doesn't agree with EU communism) lunatic or anything!
With just a week to the vote (cough, cough) they couldn't have got a better outcome, if they had planned it all (which is clearly what they did, and with the backing of the degenerate MSM!). The funeral/memorial will likely be on a Princess (elite killed) Diana level, even though she was a virtual unknown, up until yesterday. According to the criminal MSM, an MP's life is clearly more important than the life of a lesser mortal aka useless eater.

They've even tried to link 'Manchurian Mair' to aspects of Nazism via the gutter press. The MSM (and deluded liberal lefties) like to portray the right, patriots and nationalists, as a something akin to the Nazi state of mind.  This could not be further from the truth and is yet another example of MSM-driven 'inverted reality' logic.

"I am Jack's complete lack of surprise."
Yes, Nazism did contain aspects of both left and right, but I deem them to be primarily socialist (left) driven! It is the EU itself (ironically, under Hitler spawned Merkel) that promotes the socialist Nazi ideology (nazi, from National Socialist).
The Elite are trying to destroy the nationalist ideal...therefore they will lie and manipulate the agenda, anything to put nationalism/patriotism in the dock and condemn it. This is why they are attempting to link 'Manchurian Mair' to Nazism...a 101 type spoil tactic etc.

It was 'socialist' Hitler's dream to have a United States of Europe and with Germany at the helm (which is similar to what we have now!). A United States of Europe, which is effectively a type of former 'USSR' style construct. It is the 'socialist/left wing' EU juggernaut that is the 'more likely' Nazi-based aspect, within this entire argument! It is considerably more reasonable to associate nazism with the EU model. This is the same EU that wants to end democracy, accountability and insert a leadership system that cannot be challenged by a vote of the people! This is clearly BAREFACED POLITICAL INSANITY, at least from a citizen's perspective it is!

Jo Cox's husband, Brendan Cox...recent news (Nov 2015)
An insider said: ‘Some people were unhappy there was no proper internal investigation into the allegations. Brendan packed his bags and left suddenly.’ One individual who has worked with Save The Children said: ‘Several of the women complained about inappropriate behaviour by Brendan. When the charity did nothing about it they threatened to make a huge fuss. Shortly afterwards it was announced that Brendan was leaving. Then we heard Justin was going as well.’

Save The Children (Charity)
I wonder what the 'inappropriate allegations' relate to, it all seems so DELIBERATELY veiled, yet palpable! Of course, there's a type of irony in all this, in respect of charity, considering the cloud hanging over Mr Cox and Save The Children. A 'collective' charity fund is currently underway in relation to this murder.

Cox's husband has wasted no time 'politicising' this murder...and right from the outset!

Emotive propaganda (MSM induced mass psychosis) is used to usurp your reasoning and critical thinking they can manipulate the 'mass mind' and influence your (voting) behaviour. Only in the very short-term of course, but this is all that the elite require anyway!

The fallout (of Cox's death) is like watching the UK population going through a type of MSM-driven  'mass psychosis' and we're seeing it unfold in realtime! They're painting her as Saint Jo of Batley, have these sycophants ever cried for the loss of a British soldier and one sent on an illegal war mission, do they weep for the people that are killed/murdered everyday? Anyway, let's all watch the elite try to associate the Brexit campaign with their (programmed via psychiatry manchurian puppet) right-wing, nationalist/patriot stooge, in a giant and transparent example of tar-brushing!

Will all this fool the 'useless eater'...not all, but very many is my guess. The 'cognitive dissonance' of the elite (Remain) actually carrying out a murder to secure their EU dictatorship fantasy, will allow people to wallow in their typical (self induced) ignorance. These types of people are (imo) COWARDS in the face of elite hegemony and a big reason as to why the elite have been able to maintain and expanded their power base and their effective reach! Another danger, is that this event could potentially set the pretext for a rigging of the vote count. A narrow Remain win, which could then be justified on the back of Cox's death and a swing to Remain from the undecideds. All as a result of this induced 'mass psychosis! Other than that, will we even see the Referendum vote next Thursday? There's potential for the vote to be postponed (in light of recent events), and I wouldn't be at all surprised if this happens. With tempers fraying and national temperatures rising, they might see this as a chance to pour water on the whole thing (cool it down, take the heat out) and claim it in the national interest. We'll see what happens over the next few days.

Let's have a round of applause, for the beloved elite and their latest successes!

I'm on FIRE with dat TROOF.

I'm on FIRE with dat TROOF.
Kundalini refugee doing a bit of landscaping.


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(1) Prince murdered by Illuminati. Vanity Prince (1) Prince Prince of the Holy Roman Empire (1) Prince sacrifice (1) Priory of Sion (2) professional integrity (1) projection (1) propaganda (2) proton collisions (1) psychic freemasons (1) psychic powers (4) psycho-emotional control (1) psychoanalysis (1) psychological warfare (1) psychopaths (1) psychosis (1) psychospiritual transformation (1) psychotronic weapons (1) Punk (1) quantum field generator (1) quantum physics (5) quantum realm (1) quantum wave function (1) Queen of Pop (1) queen of the underworld (1) Quietism (2) Quraysh. SAFF (1) real number (1) reality (1) red hand (1) Revolver (1) Richard Kemp (1) ritual initiations (1) ritual magic (1) ritualised peak of obscenity (1) rituals (1) rolling drunk (1) Ronco Whisky Beard TM (1) Rosicrucians (7) Roswell (1) Rothschilds (1) Royal Black Order (1) Royal blood (1) royal madness (1) royal purple (1) royal vampires (1) Russell Brand (1) Russian revolution (1) rutting drunk animal (1) sacred feminine (1) Sacred language (1) Sam Gold (2) satanic false flag (1) satanic Madonna (1) Satanic ritual sacrifice (1) Satanic sacrifice (1) Satanism (1) Sayyid Qutb (1) schizophrenia (10) schizoprenia cure (1) Screwtape Letters (1) seal of Solomon (1) secret language (1) secret order (1) secret societies (1) Sefer Yezirah (1) Sefir Yetsirah (1) Sekhmet (1) serial killers (1) Sex Pistols (1) sexodus (1) Shekinah (1) Shia (1) shizophrenia (1) Shutter Island (1) Siberian Shaman (1) Simon Magus (1) Sir Mason Goldbrick (1) Siren Call of Hungry Ghosts (1) Siwa Oasis (1) Siwa Salt lake (1) social change agenda (1) Social Theory (1) Spirit realm (1) spirits (4) Stalin freemason (1) star of David (1) Star whackers (1) stay happy (1) steaming-hot music doings (1) Steppenwolf (1) stoned cockneys (1) stupid popstar (1) subatomic realm (1) Sufis (1) sun portal (1) sun son (1) synchronicity (1) Tatchell (1) TEFL Freemasons (1) Tefl paedophiles (1) Templar Order (1) Templars (1) temple of Baal (1) Temple of the Oracle (1) Temple Priests (1) Temple prostitution (1) Terrence Malik (1) Terrence Mckenna (1) Terrible truth (1) Tertullian (1) tesseract (1) That Hideous Strength (1) The Clash. Communism (1) The Game (2) The Lobster (1) The Mighty Zhiba (1) the mystery of life (1) the once and future king (1) the ordeal of Gilbert Pinfold (1) the source (1) the State stealing children (1) Theosophy (1) Thomas Cromwell (1) Thomas Hamilton (1) TM (1) Tony Visconti Black Nobility (1) toppest secret (1) Tosser yaps (1) training simulations (1) transcendence (4) Transcendental meditation (2) transcendental numbers (1) transformation (1) Tree of Life (5) Trinity Zohar (1) Trump Show (1) Truthspoon (2) Tyrian purple (1) UFO (2) UFO cult (3) UFO cults (1) UFO sightings (1) UFO's (2) UK coup (1) Ukniverse (1) UN Earth Goddess. (1) unconscious mind (1) undead Radiohead (1) Uni High Illinois (1) University Laboratory high school (1) Unrest Cure (1) US state department (1) vampire bloodline (1) vampires (1) Vatican (1) Viscount Petersham (1) visualisation (1) vlad the impaler (1) wave function collapse (1) white lodge (1) White Rabbit (1) Wiccans New Forest (1) William Westcott (1) world war 3 (1) X man chemical (1) Yakuza’s pint (1) Yesod (1) Ying Yang (1) you go girl (1) Zen master (1) zen meditation (3) zhiba (1) Zhiba Crowley (1) Zhiba cunt (1) Zionist (1) Zohar (6) Zosimus of Panopolis (1) Ï€ (1)

For a Few Dollops More....of cat food.

Get back she's gonna blow.

Get back she's gonna blow.

Madonna rolling down the stairs forever....lulz

Madonna rolling down the stairs forever....lulz
Thanks to Long lost soul, wherever you are.

Poptard of the Apocalypse meets Leo.

Poptard of the Apocalypse meets Leo.
Ewwww..... it touched me.