Insider info and illuminati analysis...

...from the man they just can't recruit.

The Canaanite Deception...

Adam Weishaupt who created the sex and blackmail cult called The Illuminati was a Jewish professor of Law in Germany. The modern banking system which was created by the Templars when they returned from the Jewish holy-land is still controlled by the Jewish Rothschild family. And now the whole world is being brought to the verge of total war because certain people want to kill Muslims by the thousand to apparently protect the security of Israel in a region which has suddenly, after over a thousand years of tranquility, become a centre of bloody carnage and a flash-point for world war 3 and the potential death of millions.

It's clearly not worth it. Why is the world on the verge of mass destruction for one tiny little state which doesn't even have the dignity of calling itself a nation?

Is it any surprise that people blame the Jews? When we're all teetering on the edge of death and destruction because of wars and insecurity which has been fomented on their behalf?

Fact is it's not Jews, and least not Real Jews (whoever they are), but they DO ca
ll themselves Jews, in fact they are Canaanites but that is a BIG subject which requires a little research and is a state of play which has remained for some two and a half thousand years. 

"Behold, I will cause those of the synagogue of Satan, who say that they are Jews and are not, but lie-- I will make them come and bow down at your feet, and make them know that I have loved you." Revelation 3:9

What is called Judaism these days was actually taken over by their mortal enemies the Edomites, a race of Canaanites, who had occupied ancient Israel in the absence of the Israelites and upon their return to Zion in 538 BC from the Babylonian captivity, they had no choice but to accommodate their ancient enemies. Then, the infiltration of the Canaanites progressed further still as a result of Hyracanus' unwise policy:
Hebron remained under Edomite control until Judas Maccabeus retook the city under Jewish control in 164 B.C. Thirty-eight years later, in 126 B.C., they had to be reconquered by the Jewish Army under prince and high priest John Hyrcanus. A pivotal event then took place in which Idumeans were forced to be proselytized into Judaism or flee or die. This resulted in many Idumeans pretending to become Jews, yet really were not.

The law of Moses would not allow the present state of Israel to exist since there is no covenant with God, and bombing women and children is certainly not Kosher. 

Also modern Jews, particularly those in Israel are not genetic Jews at all but are Khazars among other things. Edomites are those who secretly control the Roman Catholic church (since Rome and its cults also have their origins in Edom and the Canaanites) and fake Pharisee system which calls itself Judaism (but has nothing of Jacob, Moses or Abraham in it but is all perversion and hatred).

The Talmud is quite late in 'Jewish' history from the 5th century AD roughly and onwards. Early Judaism of course is the core of all our present moral values, but some five centuries before the birth of Christ it had become corrupted by the enemies of the true people of Israel. The Canaanite lineage of Esau which includes King Herod, the Pharisees and Rabbinical Judaism. 

The dominance of the Canaanites. The world's traders and later, the world's bankers.

Real Judaism and real Jews are God's people, like all people who revere and love God, but where are they? I can find none, or at least very few. How many of God's people are in Israel as they agitate to kill more Muslims and drag the US into world war 3?

The true Jews are now probably lost and the trouble in the middle-east in not between Arabs and Jews but Arabs and Edomites. The Edomites were a Canaanite people who infiltrated into Israel in the mid classical period and became what are called The Pharisees. They wrote the Talmud where it is permissible to have sex with children for instance. They are the sons of Cain the eternal enemy of true Jews. 

It is this modern Canaanite faction, who hide within Judaism, which creates all of the fake controversy in modern life and dictates the cultural and social agenda based on their own infighting and false dichotomies.

A good example would be Nick Denton, a 'Jewish' establishment finance journalist and owner of Gawker media. He studied the classic holy trinity course for aspiring establishment lackeys: PPE or Politics, Philosophy and Economics at Oxford, and was the editor of the student magazine Isis, this is especially relevant considering the feminist and goddess associations later in this article.

He seems to excel in creating tedious social-change controversies which then leak out into the real world, in the manner of the Hegelian dialectic or 'problem-reaction-solution' meme. The editor of his Valleywag magazine Owen Thomas was involved in a social change controversy when he apparently 'outed' and mocked certain influential silicon valley homosexuals, thus creating a false intrigue and media reaction that something should be done to end the open persecution of homosexuals. 

Denton himself is homosexual and married his partner Derrence Washington in May 2014. A tell-tale sign of the morality of the Canaanite mystery cult which exists invisibly and unsuspected, within our own civilisation and whose values and abnormal norms, are inculcated within society as a whole as the New Normal, within their media operations.

Denton also repeated a similar trick, creating a false controversy in writing a banal and stupid kiss and tell piece about a night he spent with Christine O'Donnell in which he states he did not have sex with here but merely slept naked in the same bed. For some reason this incited The National Organisation of Women and Salon magazine to play their part in the dialectic and further generate false controversy:

The National Organization for Women condemned the piece as "slut-shaming". NOW's president, Terry O'Neill, stated, "It operates as public sexual harassment. And like all sexual harassment, it targets not only O'Donnell, but all women contemplating stepping into the public sphere."[12] Salon's Justin Elliott criticized the ad hominem nature of the article, tweeting "Today, we are all Christine O'Donnell."[13]

He has also involved himself in the Gamer-Gate controversy and admitted to hiring internet provocateurs and trolls to attack Gamer-Gate activists and attempt to destroy the movement.

It is no doubt for this reason, of his aptitude to play the part of social change agent, create fake controversies, and massage the media agenda, that the man has amassed a personal fortune of £190 million.

Nick Denton's Gawker media is also the home of Jezebel, a Feminist website whose contributors are mostly Jewish women and a great many of their stories revolve around Israel and Jewish issues. It also claims that "Feminism enhances the Jewish tradition". It is one of several blogs owned by Nick Denton's Gawker media. Predictably, Jezebel was founded by a Jewish woman named Anna Holmes.

Jezebel was the daughter of the King Ethbaal of Tyre. The name Ethbaal means 'with Baal', the demonic God to whom child sacrifice was made at the Baalbek temple.  Jezebel, whose name also evoke Baal and the word 'Jezebel' was a ritual cry during the mysteries of Baal in the underworld and means 'Where is Baal?', enters history as being the wife of King Ahab of Northern Israel and being infamous for having the prophets of Israel brutally put to death, and replaced the prophets of Israel with the Prophets of Baal and Asherah. 

So after all the prophets, Isaiah calling down fire from heaven to show the dominance of the Hebrew God over the Canaanite Baal and the destruction of Baal’s temples, is the final result victory for Jezebel and her Canaanite priests like Nick Denton and other millionaire media lackeys with their ceaseless and sleepless social engineering agenda?

The Jezebel Team. The majority of ladies here are ethnically Jewish. Why is a social minority in the driving seat of dictating gender politics and gender relations?

One wonders why then should Jezebel be seen as fitting representative of Jewish feminism? She wasn't Jewish and did all she could to destroy the prophets and religion of Israel and replace it with that of her Canaanite Baal worship. Jezebel was one of the greatest enemies of the Jewish people and culture. Is it perhaps an indication that the forces behind so called 'Jewish Feminism' are not Jewish at all but actually Canaanites following their secret religion of Asherah goddess worship?

Jewish Feminist Ashley Feinberg writer for Jezebel recently wrote for the world's edification an article entitled: Would You Fuck a Goat for Your True Love?

The twist is that in order to be with this person—this person that you objectively know is the key to you being as happy and fulfilled as you possibly can—you have to have sex with a goat. And not just once, but once every three months. Four times a year, the only thing standing between you and eternal bliss in your (non-goat) relationship is a single, windowless room and one (1) farm animal waiting for your tender touch. 
Should you decline the offer, you will never see the love of your life again, forcing you to suffer the consequences of all that entails.

One wonders in what way is it empowering women for them to consider the possibility of having sex with a goat? Of course, within the context of normal human relationships and female empowerment it makes no sense and just sets up a cognitive block in any sane individual. 

Canaanite mystery religion. Women and goats.

But if we consider that this kind of thing, sex with animals, is precisely the kind of activities which the Canaanites engaged in. 

Canaanite mystery religion: Men and goats.

The Tale of the Beatle and the Goat.

Also secret societies such as Freemasons and the OTO are rumoured to have sex with animals, and Aleister Crowley forced his mistress to have sex with goats and apparently it was a problem for the early Hebrews so much so that Leviticus needed to have a word:
Leviticus 18:23:  You shall not have sexual relations with any animal and defile yourself with it, nor shall any woman give herself to an animal to have sexual relations with it: it is perversion.

Ashley Feinberg: Animal Lover.

Some people have the impression that the Freemasons are a Jewish organisation, or at least that somehow they are working for the interests of the Jewish people and the state of Israel. While the latter is true: that they ARE most assuredly working for the state of Israel, and they have been doing just that for nearly a thousand years when they were originally established as the Knights Templar, the former, that they are a Jewish organisation is most assuredly untrue. 

The Freemasons are not Kosher and the confusion arises because modern Judaism has assumed the symbols of Freemasonry such as the star of Remphan or Seal of Solomon.

Seal on Canaanite grave at the British Museum: Nizar Nayouf

Acts 7:43 "Yea, ye took up the tabernacle of Moloch, and the star of your god Remphan, figures which ye made to worship them: and I will carry you away beyond Babylon." Amos 5:26 "But ye have borne the tabernacle of your Moloch and Chiun your images, the star of your god, which ye made to yourselves."

All road leads to Canaan. The Papal Knights of Malta have their origins as Phoenician traders.

In fact most of what considers itself Jewish is not, but of Canaan. This is no better exemplified than in ‘Jewish’ feminist magazine called Lilith. I once dated a Turkish feminist and she told me that feminists revere Lilith and Cybele and all the demonic goddesses of the ancient world. That Lilith according to Judaism, is an actual DEMON ought to give a confessing Jew pause for thought and consider perhaps that celebrating demons isn’t what Abraham and Moses quite had in mind. 

Canaanite Ghouls can't smile.

Especially if we observe that two of their issues feature the following content:

Is it shameful to be Jewish and poor? A new marriage ritual for domestic equality. Seeing a child through transgender surgery.

Passover celebrations from unusual perspectives. A new ritual for an adopted daughter. Naming ourselves. Getting an abortion in Israel today.

Children having transgender surgery and abortions? Are these female values? surely they are the very opposite. But Lilith is known as a demon of child murder:

Lady Lilith is an oil painting by Dante Gabriel Rossetti first painted in 1866–68 using his mistress Fanny Cornforth as the model, then altered in 1872–73 to show the face of Alexa Wilding.[1] The subject is Lilith, who was, according to ancient Judaic myth, "the first wife of Adam" and is associated with the seduction of men and the murder of children. She is shown as a "powerful and evil temptress" and as "an iconic, Amazon-like female with long, flowing hair."[2]

Not only anti-feminine but anti-human. Would a nurturing loving mother allow or even consider letting a child have transgender surgery? Of course not, it makes no sense to normal people. But by people touched by the ancient evil of the Canaanite bloodline, a sort of amoral and psychotic twilight zone or Duat, then rolling out this agenda to the world at large must fulfill some sort of hatred of normality and the natural healthy order of things.

These people, whether they even know it or not, are not Jews at all, but they represent the victory of the Phoenician faction of Esau’s Edomites which have wrestled with the followers of Moses for thousands of years.

The Esau Canaanite faction is highly active in the world and represents the world most effective, well connected and secure secret intelligence agency in the world, and according to Ostrovsky, most of its agents are just normal Jews:

The Mossad - believe it or not - has just 30 to 35 case officers, or katsas, operating in the world at any one time. The main reason for this extraordinary low total, as you will read in this book, is that unlike other countries, Israel can tap the significant and loyal cadre of the worldwide Jewish community outside Israel. This is done through a unique system of sayanim, volunteer Jewish helpers.

The real attitude of the historical Edomites towards the REAL Jews is reflected, as Chuck Missler observes:

As the Babylonians took Judah into captivity, and angry soldiers wrecked the walls, slew the people, and burned the city, we could have observed their neighboring citizens—the Edomites—encourage the Babylonians to ruin the city: “Raze it! Raze it!” they were calling. “Dash their little children against the stones and wipe out the Jews!”
In 47 B.C. Julius Caesar promoted the Idumean Antipater as procurator over Judea, Samaria and Galilee. In 37 B.C., the Romans named Herod, son of Antipater, as King over Israel. (His mother was Nabatean). Thus, the Herods of the New Testament were Edomites: One of them killed the Jewish babies in his attempt to destroy Christ; another Herod murdered John the Baptist; another one killed James the brother of John.

Even Jesus, who perhaps more than any other human seemed to have the greatest understanding of the real divine principle and perhaps, even assimilated it as he claims, ‘the father and I are one’ and for attempting to divest the parasitical structure of the ritualistically keen but spiritually dead Pharisees from the face of spirituality, he was murdered by those same authorities.  Jesus was a real Jew, a son of Man, murdered by the Pharisees, the false Jews and sons of the serpent seed.

The LORD God said to the serpent, "Because you have done this, Cursed are you more than all cattle, And more than every beast of the field; On your belly you will go, And dust you will eat All the days of your life; And I will put enmity Between you and the woman, And between your seed and her seed; He shall bruise you on the head, And you shall bruise him on the heel."Genesis 3:15.

When Jesus addresses the 'Jewish' authorities of Jerusalem, the Pharisees we can observe that these same powers, this same bloodline, is plaguing humanity even know, with lies, immorality, perversion and death:

“If you were Abraham's children, you would be doing the works Abraham did, but now you seek to kill me, a man who has told you the truth that I heard from God. This is not what Abraham did. ... You are of your father the devil, and your will is to do your father's desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth because there is no truth in him. Whenever he speaks a lie, he speaks from his own nature, for he is a liar and the father of lies." John 8:39,40,44. 

The Hebrew prophet Isaiah had perhaps done more than any other to rebuke and vanquish the works of the Canaanites. 

"How you have fallen from heaven, morning star, son of the dawn! You have been cast down to the earth, you who once laid low the nations! You said in your heart, 'I will ascend to the heavens; I will raise my throne above the stars of God; I will sit enthroned on the mount of assembly, on the utmost heights of Mount Zaphon. I will ascend above the tops of the clouds; I will make myself like the Most High.' But you are brought down to the realm of the dead, to the depths of the pit. Those who see you stare at you, they ponder your fate: 'Is this the man who shook the earth and made kingdoms tremble, the man who made the world a wilderness, who overthrew its cities and would not let his captives go home?' Isaiah14:12

This is Isaiah taunting a dead king of Babylon, by calling the dead king ‘Helel ben Shaḥar” Shining one of the morning, Isaiah is evoking the Goddess of the Canaanites Atta, otherwise known as Astarte, and thus Lucifer/Venus. 

The Temple of Venus is in the Beqaa Valley of Lebanon in the town of Baalbek. Star of David or Canaanite seal of Lilith/Venus/Asherah?

Baalbek. Canaanite Goddess with Canaanite star of Remphan.

However that would mean that Lucifer was a woman, or at least that Lucifer evokes worship of the so-called ‘sacred feminine’, and Astarte is sacred to feminists as the Mother Goddess. Therefore Feminism is in reality a Canaanite cult where abortion is a sacrament, and like all aspects of Canaanite Satanic mystery religion, leads only to discord conflict and the destruction of harmonious human society. 

The Canaanites are out there and they are busier than they have ever been.

What will be the Canaanites' next move? Economic collapse? More theft of public money for banker bail-ins? Or will they go all out and unleash death from the skies using nuclear weapons? 

And who can stop them now their evil power seems absolute? The world has A LOT to learn about the truth behind the present world situation. Everything we think we know about Israel and Judaism is wrong. And this record is in urgent need of setting straight before Cain’s children totally destroy the Earth.

1 comment:

  1. Edit....seems it's too late....looks like Israel's punishment nuking of Fukushima for daring to agree to help Iran with its nuclear power programme killed the Earth.....It's coming folks....first the starfishes, dolphins and whales dying it'll be us.


Hi folks, please leave a message after the beep, and I will get back to you. BEEEEEEP!

I'm on FIRE with dat TROOF.

I'm on FIRE with dat TROOF.
Kundalini refugee doing a bit of landscaping.


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(1) Prince murdered by Illuminati. Vanity Prince (1) Prince Prince of the Holy Roman Empire (1) Prince sacrifice (1) Priory of Sion (2) professional integrity (1) projection (1) propaganda (2) proton collisions (1) psychic freemasons (1) psychic powers (4) psycho-emotional control (1) psychoanalysis (1) psychological warfare (1) psychopaths (1) psychosis (1) psychospiritual transformation (1) psychotronic weapons (1) Punk (1) quantum field generator (1) quantum physics (5) quantum realm (1) quantum wave function (1) Queen of Pop (1) queen of the underworld (1) Quietism (2) Quraysh. SAFF (1) real number (1) reality (1) red hand (1) Revolver (1) Richard Kemp (1) ritual initiations (1) ritual magic (1) ritualised peak of obscenity (1) rituals (1) rolling drunk (1) Ronco Whisky Beard TM (1) Rosicrucians (7) Roswell (1) Rothschilds (1) Royal Black Order (1) Royal blood (1) royal madness (1) royal purple (1) royal vampires (1) Russell Brand (1) Russian revolution (1) rutting drunk animal (1) sacred feminine (1) Sacred language (1) Sam Gold (2) satanic false flag (1) satanic Madonna (1) Satanic ritual sacrifice (1) Satanic sacrifice (1) Satanism (1) Sayyid Qutb (1) schizophrenia (10) schizoprenia cure (1) Screwtape Letters (1) seal of Solomon (1) secret language (1) secret order (1) secret societies (1) Sefer Yezirah (1) Sefir Yetsirah (1) Sekhmet (1) serial killers (1) Sex Pistols (1) sexodus (1) Shekinah (1) Shia (1) shizophrenia (1) Shutter Island (1) Siberian Shaman (1) Simon Magus (1) Sir Mason Goldbrick (1) Siren Call of Hungry Ghosts (1) Siwa Oasis (1) Siwa Salt lake (1) social change agenda (1) Social Theory (1) Spirit realm (1) spirits (4) Stalin freemason (1) star of David (1) Star whackers (1) stay happy (1) steaming-hot music doings (1) Steppenwolf (1) stoned cockneys (1) stupid popstar (1) subatomic realm (1) Sufis (1) sun portal (1) sun son (1) synchronicity (1) Tatchell (1) TEFL Freemasons (1) Tefl paedophiles (1) Templar Order (1) Templars (1) temple of Baal (1) Temple of the Oracle (1) Temple Priests (1) Temple prostitution (1) Terrence Malik (1) Terrence Mckenna (1) Terrible truth (1) Tertullian (1) tesseract (1) That Hideous Strength (1) The Clash. Communism (1) The Game (2) The Lobster (1) The Mighty Zhiba (1) the mystery of life (1) the once and future king (1) the ordeal of Gilbert Pinfold (1) the source (1) the State stealing children (1) Theosophy (1) Thomas Cromwell (1) Thomas Hamilton (1) TM (1) Tony Visconti Black Nobility (1) toppest secret (1) Tosser yaps (1) training simulations (1) transcendence (4) Transcendental meditation (2) transcendental numbers (1) transformation (1) Tree of Life (5) Trinity Zohar (1) Trump Show (1) Truthspoon (2) Tyrian purple (1) UFO (2) UFO cult (3) UFO cults (1) UFO sightings (1) UFO's (2) UK coup (1) Ukniverse (1) UN Earth Goddess. (1) unconscious mind (1) undead Radiohead (1) Uni High Illinois (1) University Laboratory high school (1) Unrest Cure (1) US state department (1) vampire bloodline (1) vampires (1) Vatican (1) Viscount Petersham (1) visualisation (1) vlad the impaler (1) wave function collapse (1) white lodge (1) White Rabbit (1) Wiccans New Forest (1) William Westcott (1) world war 3 (1) X man chemical (1) Yakuza’s pint (1) Yesod (1) Ying Yang (1) you go girl (1) Zen master (1) zen meditation (3) zhiba (1) Zhiba Crowley (1) Zhiba cunt (1) Zionist (1) Zohar (6) Zosimus of Panopolis (1) Ï€ (1)

For a Few Dollops More....of cat food.

Get back she's gonna blow.

Get back she's gonna blow.

Madonna rolling down the stairs forever....lulz

Madonna rolling down the stairs forever....lulz
Thanks to Long lost soul, wherever you are.

Poptard of the Apocalypse meets Leo.

Poptard of the Apocalypse meets Leo.
Ewwww..... it touched me.