Saturday 11 December 2021

New excerpt from new book....coming soon.....very soon. Crowley, the meaning of the Rosicrucians, Bankers and the Secret Masters.


                                                         The journey into mystery.

Beyond Crowley’s sordid self-serving sexual agenda, he reveals the same hidden purpose which we have seen exposed time and time again in this work, through the centuries, whether of the UFO contact cults, or Revolutionary agents and assassins or mystical Scientific societies of the middle-ages, Crowley writes:

“There are many magical teachers but in recorded history we have scarcely had a dozen Magi in the technical sense of the word. They may be recognized by the fact that their message may be formulated as a single word, which word must be such that it overturns all existing beliefs and codes.”

Crowley, the Rosicrucians, the Italian bankers and their change agents, the French and the Russian revolutionaries, the UFO cults, all controlled by the same force throughout time and space all dedicated to one theme: ‘overturning all existing beliefs’. We now live in the world where their programme is about to achieve its final goals bereft of the idealism which would have sustained those meddling and wrong-headed do-gooders of the past.

I found this quote during my research though I have forgotten the attribution and the internet search results being now so strictly filtered it is presently impossible for me to find out, but it perfectly encapsulates what has happened to the world and how everything has been subverted from within by the secret societies enacting this millennial old agenda, emerging slowly in the mediaeval period, informed by and secretly perpetuating Jewish mysticism amongst the elite of the West:

To destroy Western society it is not necessary to teach evil in place of Christianity, it is just necessary to teach Judaism.”

Although Crowley was no doubt a most unpleasant man obsessed with his own pleasure at any cost, even to the lives and sanity of others, by sexualising the Kabbalah he was only exaggerating what was already implicit in the original texts. The fundamental problem with the Kabbalah is that it is obsessed with male and female forces and sees these as spiritual forces rather than merely physical ones. I suppose it is a matter of opinion but I do not see the spiritual world as having any gender. It ought to be evident that gender is a requirement of physical procreation in the physical world and can serve no purpose once physicality ends in the spiritual world. But according to the Kabbalah it persists and is primordial, emerging from the very point of contact from the great Ain Soph to the Kether. With the third Sefira Binah as being the ‘reflection’ of God, that is God seeing itself, then Binah is receptive and hence a feminine principle and is known in Kabbalah as the ‘mother’ archetype. Confusingly however each successive Sefira has an androgynous nature of both receiving and transmitting, receiving being a supposedly feminine principle and transmitting being a masculine one. 

The opening tractate of the Zohar is entitled The Rose and it could possibly be the true origin of the term Rosicrucian. In the Zohar the rose is revealed to be a symbol for Israel, would this make Rosicrucianism, that is, the rose and cross the first society of Christian Zionism? This analysis would make perfect sense.

“Rabbi Hizkiyah opened, ‘It is written, as a rose among thorns.’ That a rose is the Assembly of Israel. Because there is a rose and there is a rose, just as a rose among thorns is tinged with red and white, the Assembly of Israel consists of judgment and mercy. Just as a rose has thirteen petals, the Assembly of Israel is surrounded on all sides by the thirteen attributes of mercy.”

In the Zohar the masculine energies Chokmah (wisdom) impregnated Binah (understanding) with light to produce Tiferet or Beauty. To the Kabbalist the spiritual realm seems to be held together with constant repetitions of sexual energies, it is hardly any wonder then that we hear rumours of Freemasonry being little more than a cleverly disguised cult of the phallus in the style of the ancient Egyptian fertility mystery schools such as the allegory of the search for the poor Osiris’ lost penis.

In his 2008 book Essential Judaism, George Robinson writes:

“Hokhmah is the “sperm” that will impregnate Binah (Understanding) as the first step in the Creative process.”

“ is the means by which Tiferet, the male principle of the Divine, impregnates Shekhinah or Malkhut, the female embodiment of the Divine. Yesod is the way in which Divine Creativity and Fertility are visited upon all creation. Yesod is associated with the phallus…”

The other danger is the insistence of the Zohar of literally embodying the fundamental spiritual powers of God in the human body. In the Zohar this is called the Microprospus or Damuth Adam, the primordial man, and might be more familiar as the pentagram which in reality is a stylised representation of the human body. So the various Sefirot are said to manifest at different points in or near the human body. I wonder if you can see where this is heading? The problem is that again, sex does not seem to be something merely physical but also primordial, in this belief system then, one can justify all kinds of sexual rites in the delusion that these are spiritual forces and therefore they escape any kind of ideas of modesty or morality, and these are precisely the errors the Ancient World fell into. Where the Gods of the Ancient World were merely expressions of man’s own nature, it was at least to Judaism’s credit that they insisted that God created Man in his own image and not the other way around. But the Kabbalah precisely does that, it takes the physical world and all its desires, emotions and polarities and thrusts them into the spiritual domain, up to the very highest levels until it reaches Ain Soph and ends in nothingness.

Master Mason and Rosicrucian, Samuel Liddell MacGregor Mathers who co-founded the Golden Dawn along with William Westcott also authored a translation of some of the tracts of the Zohar which he translated from the Latin version of Christian Knorr von Rosenroth.

In his ‘Confessions’ Aleister Crowley wrote of the decline of the Golden Dawn and of Mathers himself and makes an intriguing allusion:

“…Mathers, of course, carried on; but he had fallen. The Secret Chiefs cast him off; he fell into deplorable abjection; even his scholarship deserted him. He published nothing new and lived in sodden intoxication till death put an end to his long misery."

According to one-time personal secretary to Aleister Crowley and populariser of the occult in the 1960’s Israel Regardie, the Kabbalah was handed down to Adam after the fall of Man and the expulsion from the Garden of Eden.

Regardie is particularly scathing of religions, however he claims that Kabbalah does not belong to any religious traditions, and also has a soft-spot for Witchcraft. In his book he mentions Crowley, for whom he has ‘a tremendous respect’ unfortunately this respect would not last once Crowley accused Regardie of ‘pure theft’ when he edited a 4 volume work on The Golden Dawn and in a bitter feud revealed to the world that Regardie had once visited a prostitute in France and contracted gonorrhoea, neglecting to mention that it was Crowley who had ordered him to visit the prostitute in order to lose his virginity and overcome his inhibitions.

Although Crowley in his Confessions depicts Mathers as the true source of spiritual contact between Crowley and the entities he served:

"As far as I was concerned, Mathers was my only link with the Secret Chiefs to whom I was pledged. I wrote to him offering to place myself and my fortune unreservedly at his disposal; if that meant giving up the Abra-Melin Operation for the present, all right."

Mathers it seemed was in full psychic contact with various spiritual entities; Crowley reports how he would play chess against pagan Gods, the moves apparently being communicated to him and the ‘opponents’ pieces he would move on their behalf. One could still ascribe this to an over-active imagination I suppose, but is it likely that merely an overactive imagination is enough to influence the world on such a phenomenal cross-cultural and global scale, taking control of the highest echelons of the ruling secret societies and being the hidden hand behind the façade of our society?

A similar end awaited Crowley himself whose last words were reported to have been either: "I am perplexed, Satan get out!" or "Sometimes I hate myself" but Crowley’s reference to ‘Secret Chiefs’ having deserted Mathers is intriguing and possibly hints at some kind of ongoing psychic contact with a disembodied spiritual force.

In her book about occult societies Talking to Gods Susan Johnston Graf states that The Golden Dawn was:  “…the most important and influential Western organisation of its kind”. She gives a good summary of the general purpose and aim of the group:

“For a Golden Dawn initiate the work at hand was to make contact with the divine spark that was thought to reside in all humans…The Golden Dawn initiate was wanted to raise his or her consciousness to attain what is termed conversation with the Holy Guardian Angel. The practise of ritual magic in the Order of the Golden Dawn was an attempt to change consciousness and to control the imagination by active participation in psychic events.’

Sunday 5 December 2021

The Zohar and the Introduction of Forbidden Initiatory Rites....



                                                       The journey into mystery.

The Kabbalah then is the attempt to justify the backsliding of Israel through semantic tricks and word-play in order to justify many of the things which were specifically forbidden by the Torah, above all of them being initiation into the occult mysteries which the Kabbalah specifically exalts.

There are many chapters of the Zohar which relate the supposed secret initiations of the Hebrew patriarchs, again as we have seen, using the selective use of passages from the Torah to give false justification for the exegesis. 

“It is stated, 'He went on his journeys from the south even into Bethel, the place where he had pitched his tent at the beginning'; he progressed and advanced in the divine life so that by the mental and spiritual illumination which he ultimately attained, he became fully initiated into the comprehension and understanding of the mysteries of the Hidden Wisdom and graduated to that degree termed 'teleiaor,' perfection, when it is written, 'And there Abraham called on the name of the Lord' (Gen. XIII. 4) and became a just man made perfect. Blessed are they who attain unto this degree of righteousness, for they become invested with an aureole of light and are jewels in the crown of the Holy One. Blessed are they in this world and in. the world to come. Of these it is written, 'The path of the just is as the shining light that shineth more and more unto the perfect day' (Prov. IV. 18)."

"On observing this general depravation of manners and modes of living, it is written, 'And Abraham went down into Egypt to sojourn there.' Here the question may arise, what was the reason and object of his going down into Egypt? It was because at that time Egypt was a great center of learning, of Theosophy and the science of the Divine Mysteries, and therefore referred to in scripture as 'the garden of the Lord like the land of Egypt.' In it, as in the garden of Eden, of which it is stated, 'From the right of it went forth a river called Pison that encompassed the whole land of Havilah, where there is gold,’ flowed a great mystical river of divine knowledge, very precious and unobtainable elsewhere. Abraham having entered into the garden of Eden and become an adept in the secret doctrine, desirous of passing through all its grades on two the higher mysteries in order to become 'teloios' or perfect, went down into Egypt where there was gold, or the Hidden Wisdom." 

So, the implication is clear that the prohibition of initiatory or transformative rites of the pagans which are continually rebuked in the Torah are now reversed and such rites are specifically encouraged, indeed, such is the whole purpose of the Kabbalah. 
The very fact of initiation is something forbidden in the earliest Greek translation of the Hebrew Bible the Septuagint. The name Septuagint comes from the story that Ptolemy II the Greek Pharoah of Egypt of the 3rd century BC who asked for a translation of the Torah from Hebrew to Greek to be included in the Library of Alexandria by 72 Jewish Elders.

“There shall not be a harlot of the daughters of Israel, and there shall not be a fornicator of the sons of Israel; there shall not be an idolatress of the daughters of Israel, and there shall not be an initiated person of the sons of Israel.” Deuteronomy 23:17 
‘Initiated’ person is usually translated as ‘ritual homosexual prostitution’ and this line was added by the 70 Jewish scholars to further clarify the following verse. 

“Thou shalt not bring the hire of a harlot, or the wages of a dog, into the house of Jehovah thy God for any vow: for even both these are an abomination unto Jehovah thy God.” 
The wages of a dog is also translated as “male prostitute's payment” and this is because this was associated with the mysteries of Anubis, hence the Septuagint’s reference to ‘initiation’.

With this is mind are we to assume that the biggest secret of secret society initiation is the homosexual sex act?
And it is this force which now rules the world today through the proxy of Freemasonry which it infiltrated via Rosicrucianism and the general Alchemical sciences transmitted by those Kabbalistic Jews to the idealistic and perhaps well-meaning Christians to infect the West.

The Kabbalah uses the interpretation of letters to imbue new meanings in order to completely rewrite the fundamental parts of the Torah and it does this in order to justify its own initiatory system of mysticism. In the Zohar the Biblical phrase “Let us make man” is taken and the word Man or ‘Adam’ is analysed thus:

“…known to the angels the mystery and occult signification of the word Adam (man), the letters of which indicate his relation to both worlds, the seen and unseen, the known and unknown. By the letter M which is written as a final or closed mem, is found thus contrary to rule in the word lemarbeh, occuring in the verse, 'Of the increase of his government' (Is. ix. 7). Man is connected with the higher world, whilst daleth or the letter D, closed on the west side, indicates his relation to the lower and sensible world. The principles of which these letters are the symbols ultimated in their manifestation on the phenomenal plane of existence and the production of a blended and harmonious whole, viz., of man in the form of male and female until the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon him (Gen. ii. 21). The Holy One then separated them and having clothed the latter in a form most fair and beautiful brought her to man, as a bride is adorned and led to the bridegroom. Scripture states that He took one of the sides or parts (of the androgynous form) and filled up the place with flesh in its stead. In a very ancient occult book we have found it stated that what God took from the side of Adam was not a rib but Lilith, who had cohabited with him and given birth to offspring. She was however an unsuitable helpmeet for Adam and therefore Scripture states, 'But for Adam there was not found a helpmeet for him' (Gen. ii. 20). After the disappearance of Lilith and Adam's descent into the world plane of existence, then it was, as stated, 'The Lord God said, It is not good that man should be alone, I will make him a helpmeet for him.'"

So here the Kabbalah is saying that Adam, or Man originally cohabited with Lilith and the Lilith was Adam’s first wife and she subsequently became a demon which persecutes children: 
“She dwelled there until Adam and his wife sinned. Then the blessed Holy One plucked her form there, and she rules over all those children – small faces of humanity – who deserve to be punished for the sins of their fathers….She toys with them and kills them. This happens in the waning of the moon, whose light diminishes; this is me’orot (lights) deficient.” 

According to Kabbalistic analysis of the passage above this means that God released the spirit of Lilith specifically to punish and murder children. From this belief one can see how ritual child sacrifice has come into being and we can see how the Zohar has given rise to modern Satanic ‘theology’ and practice and I wonder whether child sacrifices are carried out to this day when the moon’s light wanes. If so they would be being carried out according to Jewish scripture. According to the Zohar Lilith was created by mixing the perfect light of Jahweh with the imperfect light of Samael.

Israel is often described as a prostitute in the Old Testament, an epithet God applies to Israel more than any other in the whole of the Old Testament. God also accuses Israel of adultery 40 times in scripture. The children of Israel frequently departed from the worship of the one God and into Ba’al worship, trafficking with demons and all kinds of immorality. Nothing has changed. 

Friday 3 December 2021

Some Notes on Zen Meditation with Reference to the Founder of Quietism, Miguel Molinos.


From my new book. Coming very soon.


                                                      The journey into mystery.

Stage 0 I would say is when you first sit down to meditate. The mind is cluttered with thoughts and impulses initially, distractions appear in the mind once you try to meditate. You feel hungry, perhaps worry that you haven’t turned off a tap somewhere in the house, or that you would be better off doing this at another time. If you persist with focussing on nothing you will reach stage 1.


Stage 1 is when you start to feel a little more relaxed, the mind has calmed a little and there are no immediate pressing thoughts trying to dissuade you from meditating like this. If you continue to meditate you will reach stage 2.


The next stage signals a tangible inner focus, whereas before you were aware of the outside world you now are becoming aware of the inner world. The world outside is now taking second place to an increasingly widening inner world which your mind appears to be filling. Thoughts will be significantly reduced and it is easy not to engage with them or wish to act on them. There is a tangible sense of a decrease in mental activity as you can almost start to count the neurons in the brain firing off with stray thoughts and impulsions which are becoming increasingly dampened down.


This is fittingly described by Molinos:

“By the way of Nothing thou must come to lose thy self in God (which is the last degree of perfection) and happy wilt thou be, if thou canst so lose thy self; then thou wilt get thy self again, and find thy self most certainly. In this same Shop of Nothing, Simplicity is made; interior and infused recollection is possessed, quiet is obtained, and the heart is cleansed from all manner of imperfections.”


The third stage of transcendental meditation would be what I call, approaching the Abyss. What I term the abyss and perhaps more in common with Molinos and less so with Crowley, is the sense that the focus of the mind is now wholly engaged inward and a large empty darkness approaches the mind. A friend of mine I spoke to about meditation said this actually scared him and made him leave off meditation altogether.


Molinos notes:

“Know then that the streightest, most perfect and secure way of proficients, is the way of darkness: because in them the Lord placed his own Throne; And (Psalm 18.) He made darkness his secret place. By them the supernatural light which God infuses into the Soul, grow and increases. Amidst them wisdom and strong love are begotten, by darkness the soul is annihilated, and the species, which hinder the right view of the divine truth, are consumed. By this means God introduces the Soul by the inward way into the Prayer of Rest, and of perfect contemplation, which so few have the experience of. Finally; by darkness the Lord purgest the senses and sensibility, which hinder the mystical progress…See now if darkness be not to be esteemed and embraced.”


I would hasten to add that here I assume that Molinos is speaking of the literal darkness of the mind in meditation and not in terms of a sort of Luciferian allegory for the forces of darkness. 


This darkness seems to move closer to your mind and it is something tangible, not an absence perhaps but more a solid kind of emptiness. It moves closer and starts to fill the mind, like a rapidly incoming tide threatening to wash you, your mind and everything away into nothingness. Allow yourself to move into this darkness or it to move into you until it actually fills your whole mind, again Molinos has already been there and left a fitting description:


“O what infinite room is there in a Soul that is arrived at this divine Solitude! O what inward, what retired, what secret, what spacious, what vast distances are there within a happy Soul that is once come to be truly Solitary! There the Lord converses and communicates himself, inwardly with the Soul: there he fills it with himself, because it is empty; cloaths it with Light, and with his Love, because it is naked; lifts it up, because ‘tis low; and unites it with himself, and transforms it, because it is alone.”


Stage four is breaking through this darkness to the other side and what you thought was nothingness and negation and a total loss of the self turns out to be an infinite boundless space within yourself and total peace. Your mind has now left the physical world altogether and your mind is now operating wholly in, and exploring a higher realm of reality. Here you will feel interesting effects like a spinning around, as if your whole being is turning as if on a merry go round; this I believe is experiencing our electro-magnetic soul and its natural oscillation. You will also have a feeling of moving through this inner realm at great speed, as you explore this inner world which seems to be full of the whole universe and all past and present realities.


Some of these experiences Molinos describes thus:

“The fourth step, which is Illumination, is an infused knowledge, whereby the Soul contemplates sweetly the divine truth, rising still from one clearness to another, from one light to another, from knowledge to knowledge, begin guided by the Spirit Divine. The fifth is a Savoury Pleasure of the divine sweetness, issuing forth from the plentiful and precious fountain of the Holy Ghost. The sixth is a sweet and Admirable tranquillity, arising from the conquest of Fightings within, and frequent Prayer; and this, very, very few have Experience of. Here the abundance of Joy, and Peace is so great, that the soul seems to be in a sweet sleep, solacing and reposing it self in the Divine breast of Love. Many other steps of Contemplation there are, as Extasies, Raptures, Melting, Delinquium’s, Glee, Kisses, Embraces, Exultation, Union, Transformation, Expousing, and Matrimony, which I omit to explain, to give no occasion to Speculation…”


Aside from the inner peace and the exploration of what could be considered an antechamber to the Kingdom of Heaven one takes away many benefits from this kind of meditation into our daily lives in the physical realm. Such practise allows us to control the mind and emotions much better and remain calm and detached from events which would previously have had a negative impact on our mental well-being. We will also take this focus into our dreams which will become much more coherent and less chaotic as we will better be able to navigate and order the inner dreamscape.

The Strange and Terrible Truth....Can You Handle it?


More from coming book.


                                                      The journey into mystery.


I have had to observe the terrible sounding truth that there are people out there who are able to read people’s mind. It is a terrible truth because for many, one’s private thoughts are considered an inviolable personal sanctuary and represent the ultimate idea of personal privacy.

If one were to be exposed to people who demonstrated to you that they could read your mind then it is likely that a great fear might grow in you, perhaps you would wonder whether these people were really human, since they exhibited abilities long considered beyond humanity.

Fortunately, there are not many of them and most of them seem to acquire this ability as part of their initiations and training with the secret societies, and if some of the rumours about secret societies which have reached us over the years are correct, then part of the attraction of belonging to an occult secret society, and there really is no other kind, is the development of psychic powers and abilities.

In his book Freemasonry for Beginners, Freemason Robert Lomas writes:
"Your new skills may appear miraculous and uncanny to others. but it is a fact of our Masonic Science that new consciousness gives rise to new faculties."

According to the website:“The psychic-powers are awakened as part of a continuous initiatory process of progress through various levels, degrees and ‘kingdoms’ of which there are apparently five.” From Robert Lomas’ book:

“...every kingdom is self-contained. It is shut off, as though by closed bulkheads, and no leap from a lower to a higher kingdom is possible save on one condition - a previous death to the kingdom below.”

And an elucidatory description on the website:
“The process ostensibly involves uncompromising repression of one's ‘human’ faculties. The process, which masons call the Secret Science of Initiation or Secret Science of Mystical Death is symbolized as death and resurrection, i.e. death of the human level/kingdom and the emergence of the trans-human.”

I can give three immediate personal examples of experiencing people reading my mind, and there are actually others however these three are the clearest and most evident.
The first one was in Tokyo when I had apparently signed up to the Devil’s Bargain to become a famous writer with a skeletal ghoul like figure from Yorkshire who ran what appeared to be a small language school in Tokyo.

The strange recruitment system of the Illuminati Freemasons meant that I was never solicited directly to join the Freemasons, just hints and allusions in a constant stream. For example, the man, whom I call the Demon King of DK for short, would roll up the trouser on his left leg frequently for no apparent reason and ask me if I knew who I was. He would have these strange imaginary phone-calls in the classroom next to mine which I could hear quite clearly, where he would be talking to someone, rather strangely, about me. He would never explicitly talk about me but he would allude to things he must have somehow found out about me, but then de-contextualise them so it would appear random and more startling. In these phone calls he would loudly refer to himself as ‘Mr Mason’.

The odd thing about these Masonic people who have reached a certain level of initiation is that they seem able somehow to read minds or at least use some highly accurate system based on uncanny synchronicity. For example, in my mind I would wonder ‘what did he just say?’ and strangely in the next room he would repeat it. I found that if he said something which I didn’t catch he would repeat himself in his imaginary conversation next door.

This was the first time I noticed this and on subsequent occasions have observed that some people are very definitely capable of reading minds, but this is not strictly accurate, it would be more accurate to say that they are ‘told’ what you are thinking. This is one of the results of serving what Manly P Hall the Masonic philosopher termed: the ‘arcanum arcanorum’, the secret mystery. An invisible and all-encompassing awareness that knows all and communicates to its servants in Freemasonry and other walks of life.

One speaks and acts without understanding, but is fed information and instructions from this mysterious source, so that other people involved understand the words and actions and their significance. When one serves these ‘invisible masters’ one is little more than a marionette, acting for unknown purposes and without any concern for the consequences of their actions; service to the unknown ‘force’ is the ‘be all and end all’ to these advanced Freemasons. This force is what people generally know as spirits or demons.

The second occasion came in Egypt when I met a Nile delta farmer who provided tomatoes and various salad vegetables to Sainsbury’s supermarkets. He seemed very well off and wore a suit; to say he was a farmer is probably over-stretching his role in the whole affair of growing vegetables but the fact is he was the smooth faced affluent and fluent English speaker who made all the deals and got all the money. He owned the farms and since he said he was providing for Sainsbury’s his network must have been rather a large one. Without remembering the specifics about the particular conversation, I came to the startling discovery as we chatted that he always seemed to say exactly what I was thinking; it was unusual because our backgrounds had been vastly different: different countries and cultures, yet somehow, he would say exactly what was in my mind only a couple of seconds after I had thought it.

When I stilled my thoughts and literally had nothing going on inside my head, he suddenly fell quiet. Until this point, he had been carrying on a machine gun fire of conversation lifted directly from my thoughts, suddenly he was still. He kind of looked at me as if beaten and shrugged. He said nothing more and left shortly afterwards.

It seemed there had been no information in my mind to feed on and as such he had no instructions to follow. It was as if this was how he talked to people, by lifting ideas and thoughts from their own minds and when he encountered someone like me who can enter the Zen state and stop their thoughts at will, he had no material to work with. It seemed to me at that point that the man was wholly possessed by the ‘arcanum arcanorum’ his every thought and action being a mere series of ‘suggestions’ from this force; always a reaction to the thoughts of the person he was speaking to, he simply had nothing of himself in any of his conversation because he no longer existed as an individual, he had become nothing more than a human interface with the hidden power.

A third example is highly instructive as to what kind of condition these people who can read minds might be dealing with. Far from being able to read people’s minds making you a superman or some kind of God amongst men it is much more likely to have the opposite effect and reflects something which has gone very wrong with natural human brain-chemistry.

I was working as a teacher at a Pupil Referral Unit in West London which is where the kids who get excluded or suspended from school end up. In almost all of these cases these students exhibit a range of various psychological issues and it is often the use of violence and a lack of self-control which has resulted with them being removed from the schooling system and sent, as a temporary measure, to a Pupil Referral Unit, while their return to school is being negotiated.

One student, a young black boy of perhaps fourteen years old was throwing a tantrum and running around refusing to enter the classroom. I thought to myself how the boy seemed demon possessed. He then reported there and then that I had called him demon possessed. Obviously, I had not spoken those words but I had thought them, yet somehow, he had heard me. I was already at that stage, used to the possibility that some people might be able to read minds or somehow ‘hear’ what is being thought but for the first time I observed this phenomenon in someone who was clearly psychologically damaged and most likely schizophrenic.


Wednesday 1 December 2021

The Rosicrucians and the UFO cult. From new upcoming book.




                                                      The journey into mystery.

Vallee discovers a book written by a Frenchman called Raymond Bernard. Bernard was Grand Master of the Rosicrucians, the Templar Order and The Martinists, and during his life had done extensive work to spread the beliefs and tenets of the Rosicrucian order throughout all parts of the world, particularly in French speaking parts of Africa which most probably will be focussed on places like Morocco and Tunisia, as the countries with the strongest liberal current, not to mention a strong tradition of the occult, in the French speaking world.

The order claims to teach and preserve a genuine esoteric tradition, which is another word for pagan witchcraft and such occult practices which throughout the world usually involve the communication with and the possession by spirits. Vallee writes:

“True adepts of the Rosy Cross, it is said, are not of this Earth. They have transcended the bonds of time and space. They reach this exalted state, however, by a series of initiations that organizations such as AMORC claim to preserve as a body of "sacred knowledge." AMORC teaches it throughout the world, mailing its educational material from its lavish headquarters in San Jose, California.”

“…some techniques used by occult groups have indeed been preserved from the most ancient times. They include excellent operating knowledge of hypnosis, suggestion, the laws of forms, and their use for ritual and behavior control.”

According to Vallee, Raymond Bernard, using the initiatory techniques of transformation, had apparently made contact with a ‘superior being’ known as Maha who had the power to completely control him just with his eyes, apparently he was also able to communicate with Bernard solely using his eyes. Their first meeting seemingly took place in the somewhat prosaic venue of the Carlton Hotel in Amsterdam, and one hopes that the hotel’s conference facilities were up to the task of accommodating superior beings with psychic powers. In Jacques Vallee’s analysis, this ‘being’ is one of the ‘manipulators’ behind the UFO program and people like the Grand Master of the Rosicrucians are merely their servants.

The being goes on to state that the hotel is not a suitable place for their meeting and instead they made for a park full of flowers, so my suspicions that the conferencing facilities perhaps might be a disappointment were well-founded. Maha revealed he was a member of something called The High Council, also known as ‘A’ and perhaps this is a reference to the Arcanum Arcanorum.

His speech to Bernard was full of the typical new-age tropes that we all know by now, usually full of woolly, high-sounding nonsense but with a few ‘seeds’ thrown in, almost hidden amongst the generalities, perhaps all the better to hide the noxious things that might eventually grow from them. This is a form of subliminal neuro-linguistic-programming, say a lot of things that on the face of it, are completely reasonable, then on the tail of this cavalcade hide the real purpose of the programme like a furtive and fearful third world despot hides the car chauffeuring him amongst a dozen dummies.

The furtive president hiding himself from the public gaze in this case was: “the abolition of borders, and the death of nationalism,” without all of the New-Age embroidery presenting this, the message seems stark, radical and dangerous, and we are now living in the midst of this ‘dream’ and some of us are realising that it is a nightmare and what is more we have figured out ‘qui bono’. Which nations have to submit themselves to open borders and ‘the death of national identity’ and which nation does not? Which nation, or state, has been given a special dispensation to build walls and preserve its ethnic and religious identity at the barrel of a gun, while other nations have to obediently lay down the red carpet to welcome those who will dispossess them of their own lands.

What is interesting however is that Raymond Bernard, Grand Master and universal ‘Primo inter pares’ of the Rosicrucians seems to be only a small confused player in a much bigger game. In his book he relates how he went to Vienna in 1967 where he met a man with a car with the licence plates of the Diplomatic Corps who drove him to an isolated house near a forest:

“There was no outward sign of activity, but as they knocked on the door, it opened onto a circular room with a floor of black and white marble triangles, where twelve men were standing, dressed in white robes.

There, Bernard witnessed a ritual with several striking peculiarities. First, he suddenly failed to hear the words of the celebrants, although he saw their lips moving. Then he heard a mounting vibration - not quite the om sound used by Eastern meditators. He lost consciousness and was later puzzled by the whole experience. Reflecting upon it, Bernard came to the conclusion that he had been subjected to an examination. In fact, he has no proof that he had not been given posthypnotic suggestions or reinforcements of earlier suggestions, whose existence may be indicated by the frequent perceptual phenomena he experienced.”

Vallee observes that he does not question the experience nor appear suspicious that he apparently has no memory of what happened at the mysterious house during the ritual. One might fear the worst: that he was possessed by demons and even possibly took part in terrible acts of satanic worship. Who knows, but one would be right to be at least curious if not slightly fearful.

“After Bernard toured the entire house and was told its role in the function of the Order, the ‘master’ spoke a single word of two syllables: upon hearing this keyword, Bernard again lost consciousness. He assumed once more that he was reaching a level of cosmic ecstasy induced by the high meditative state of his hosts.”

Vallee observes rightly that the man is clearly under hypnotic control and his loss of consciousness indicates that he had been hypnotised.

“Is there really such an organization as the ‘High Council’? Probably not. The name may have been picked for Bernard's purpose. Could the owners of the houses he describes be found? That, indeed, would be most interesting…”

It seems clear then that the secret societies and even their apparent leaders, Grand Masters, and super dupers, are only serving some other, much more mysterious organisation which has mastered the art of hypnotic suggestion and has an agenda dedicated to open-borders and an end to national identity. According to Bernard these conditions will be necessary before the ‘celestial knights of the macrocosm’ can come down to Earth. It seems like a strange agenda for aliens to be so interested in open-borders doesn’t it?

The Martinist Order is an advanced ‘psychic’ society within the framework of Rosicrucianism. A great deal of material from the so called Traditional Martinist Order, based in San Jose California presumably part of AMORC, was leaked onto the internet some years ago. Interestingly the symbol for the Martinist organisation is two triangles, one black and one white, interlocked to form a what is commonly called the Seal of Solomon or Star of David.

The following extract from this leaked material is from Associate Discourse number 14 and is interesting in that it shows that they acknowledge the changes in brain chemistry which higher initiates undergo and one must try to resist being drawn-in by the colourful new-age language employed to make some of the changes undergone seem generally beneficial and positive. For instance, the phrase ‘astral images’ can be translated as ‘hallucinations’: seeing things which are not there, and a common symptom of advanced psychosis and schizoaffective disorders:

"A very interesting point worth mentioning at this time is that the circulation of the nervous force within man puts him in communication with the universe. In highly evolved mystics, there occurs what in occultism is sometimes called the circulation of astral images. These astral images generally appear to be coming from the back of the head. This is not altogether exact, but it will give an idea as to the nature of this phenomenon….This will be important when we study the actions of the invisible world so important to every Martinist."

Similarly, the phrase ‘being put in communication with the universe’ sounds wonderfully exciting and like some jolly intergalactic adventure, but what it really implies is the hearing of voices and seeing beings which are not visible to other people: no different to the three ghostly forms at Barbara O’Brien’s bedside telling her she was now part of a secret experiment.

This psychic transformation is something which appears to be part of the UFO agenda: Vallee discover a group in Palo Alto California operating from the campus of Stanford University, which appeared to be a cross between new-age spirituality and UFO cult:

“They were seeking real truth. The text was signed by flying-saucer believers who called themselves H.I.M. or Human Individual Metamorphosis. The announcement continued: ‘...are attempting to completely rise above their human nature under the direction of individuals who are members of a kingdom above human who have come in at close range to the Earth to help.’ They compare this period of overcoming their human nature to the metamorphic process of a caterpillar becoming a butterfly.”

Vallee attends a talk by the group and a bearded man speaks in terms of personal psychic transformation much like the Rosicrucian groups and possibly the kind of ‘transformations’ undergone by Evelyn Waugh and Barbara O’Brien:

“They are now just finishing completing their own physical metamorphosis. Their bodies have almost completely changed over physically, chemically, biologically. They look just like you and I on the surface. Within a few months there will be a demonstration. When we have changed our bodies over through this process, we no longer have to endure disease or decay or death.”

Vallee reports that one person who joined the group in 1975 left the group after two months having some concerns:

“These two people are dangerous. It is not hypnosis. It is thought transplant."'

And when during one of the talks someone from the audience asked:

"How do you know that you're not being deceived by demonic forces?"

The unconvincing response which Vallee reports may lead one to rightly ask whether this is the reality behind much of the UFO phenomenon which cannot be explained by secret American post war technology.

Vallee asks one of his friends who had attended a meeting of the Order of Melchizedek some questions about the order and its aims. His friend reported on someone called Dr Grace from the Order of Melchizedek who delivered lectures:

"I asked her if she had ever seen a UFO. She had. She described to me what she had seen once in the eastern part of the United States, with her husband. It was a craft, only fifty feet or so away, and she felt that the beings on board were communicating directly to her, into her brain."

If Dr Grace was telling the truth, then it would appear that the people who were leading the UFO and New-Age cults of the 1970’s were doing so under the instructions of voices in their heads. We have seen how Barbara O’Brien’s voices and hallucinations managed to create an extremely cogent continuum of reality, and at times there were even things which the voices told her which she herself could not possibly have known and which potentially helped save her from danger on several occasions.

Saturday 27 November 2021

Latest Excerpt from Latest Book.



                                                           The journey into mystery.



It’s quite possible and perhaps even likely that we are all at home to these spirits one way or another, but they are so well integrated into our consciousness that we think they are us. This reminds me of the powerful scene from the Guy Ritchie movie Revolver where Jake is seemingly enrolled on a path of self-discovery by two mysterious men who want him to break free from his greatest enemy and they do this by repeatedly robbing him and manipulating him to the extent that he is forced to abandon everything he holds dear including his ego, after which he discovers that this is not his authentic self but a parasite which only has its own protection and nourishment in mind, pun not intended. This is what is known throughout the story as Sam Gold: a mysterious enemy which is feared by everyone but has never been seen and in the words of one of the mysterious men from the film who seem able to read Jake’s mind:

“You’ve heard that voice for so long you believe it to be you; you believe it to be your best friend.”

He then asks:

“Where’s the best place an opponent should hide?”

“In the very last place you would ever look.”

“He’s all up here pretending to be you, you’re in a game Jake: you’re in THE game; everyone’s in his game and nobody knows it. And all of this, this is his world. He owns it. He controls it. He tells you what to and when to do it.”

“He’s behind all the pain there ever was, behind every crime ever committed. And right now, he’s telling you he doesn’t even exist.”

“We just put you to war with the only enemy that ever existed and you think he’s your best friend.”

More ominously, if we remember the fate of Joe Fisher “No one lives and displeases Gold.” Many have interpreted the character of Sam Gold to represent the ego, and within the context of the story this explanation fits, but could it not also be that Sam Gold represents one of the Operators, or one of the Tempters surreptitiously influencing us? The movie shows us that Sam Gold is not the authentic self so then what is the ego? Could it not be a convenient place for the discarnate entities to hide? As Avi, one of the two mysterious men from the film says:

“Where’s the best place an opponent should hide? In the very last place you’ve ever look, he’s hiding behind your pain Jake, you’re protecting him with your pain embrace your pain and you will win this game.”

“If you change the rules of what controls you, you will change the rules on what you can control.”

This is why the voices harassed Evelyn Waugh, playing on his insecurities: in his youth Waugh had homosexual experiences and much of his novel Brideshead Revisited seems based on the life he had at Oxford and frequenting a circle of members of the elite and aristocracy and this is one of the things the voices taunt him with. Once he seems to have ostensibly defeated the voices by failing to be cowed by them and not even being afraid of the bizarre prospect of being captured by the Spanish and drawing a virtue of noble self-sacrifice from the prospect and finally by abandoning the nonsense of Margaret’s phantasmagorical teasing and going to sleep, he emerges from his cabin to find that the voices have left the confines of his cabin and now appear to be amongst his fellow passengers:

“That’s Gilbert Pinfold, the writer.”

“That common little man? It can’t be.”

“Have you read his books? He has a very peculiar sense of humour, you know.”

“He is very peculiar altogether. His hair is very long.”

“He’s wearing lipstick.”

“He’s painted up to the eyes.”

“But he’s so shabby. I thought people like that were always smart.”

“There are different types of homosexual, you know. What are called “poufs” and “nancies”—that is the dressy kind. Then there are the others they call “butch”. I read a book about it. Pinfold is a “butch”.”

“Oh, Pinfold lives in great style I can tell you. Footmen in livery.”

“I can guess what he does with the footmen.”

“Not any more. He’s been impotent for years, you know. That’s why he’s always thinking of death.”

“Is he always thinking of death?”

“Yes. He’ll commit suicide one of these days, you’ll see.”

“I thought he was a Catholic. They aren’t allowed to commit suicide, are they?”

“That wouldn’t stop Pinfold. He doesn’t really believe in his religion, you know. He just pretends

to because he thinks it aristocratic. It goes with being Lord of the Manor.”

“…There he is, drunk again.”

“He looks ghastly.”

“A dying man, if ever I saw one.”

“Why doesn’t he kill himself?”

“Give him time. He’s doing his best. Drink and drugs. He daren’t go to a doctor, of course, for fear he’d be put in a home.”

“Best place for him, I should have thought.”

Once the experience is over and he is safely returned to England he consults with Dr. Drake who tells him:

“Lots of people hear voices from time to time—nearly always offensive.”

If such a thing were the construction of one’s own consciousness, why would they generally be offensive? From a psychological perspective such a thing would make no sense. It would seem much more logical that these voices are NOT part of the psyche and are inimical to it and somehow, they benefit from attacking the person in question.

People as diverse as Philip K Dick, Mahatma Ghandi, Winston Churchill, Anthony Hopkins and Brian Wilson had all reportedly heard voices. Some relentlessly critical and offensive and some, ostensibly seeming to be helpful, but in the case of Ghandi before the end of his life a voice apparently told him:

“You are on the right track, move neither to your left, nor right, but keep to the straight and narrow.”

It might have been more useful if the voice had told him some crackpot was going to assassinate him. Ghandi also said, of the voice which he attributed to God itself:

“Charitable critics impute no fraud to me, but suggest that I am highly likely to be acting under some hallucination. The result for me, even then, will not be far different from what it would be if I was laying a false claim. A humble seeker that I claim to be has need to be most cautious and, to preserve the balance of mind, he has to reduce himself to zero before God will guide him. Let me not labour this point.”

“The hearing of the Voice was preceded by a terrific struggle within me. Suddenly the Voice came upon me. I listened, made certain it was the Voice, and the struggle ceased. I was calm. The determination was made accordingly, the date and the hour of the fast were fixed…”

There are two things which ought to stand out in Ghandi’s account, the fact that the hearing of the voice was ‘preceded by a terrific struggle within’ which we can perhaps assume was a kind of hormonal crisis, the kind we have seen with the story of Barbara O’Brien, we can therefore assume that Ghandi may have experienced a similar condition to Barbara O’Brien, namely Adrenochrome toxicity but also this seems to be a factor not only of secret occult groups but also UFO groups as is referenced in Jacques Vallee’s book Messengers of Deception:

“For every individual who is openly identified as a contactee, how many more have received what they regard as a ‘secret illumination’? It is apparent that the transformation they undergo can strike at any place and at any age. Is it purely random, then, or do the UFOs select their ‘victims’? Does it spread like an epidemic, or does it develop like a psychosis?”

Anthony Hopkins went on record in a 1993 News of the World interview:

“I’ve always had a little voice in my head, particularly when I was younger and less assured…While onstage, during classical theatre the voice would suddenly say, ‘Oh, you think you can do Shakespeare, do you?’ Recently, I was being interviewed on television and the voice inside my head said to me, ‘Who the hell do you think you are. You’re just an actor, what the hell do you know about anything’”.

Brian Wilson is one of the most high-profile people to go on record about hearing voices, his voice was typically threatening:

“Well, a voice is saying: ‘I’m going to hurt you, I’m going to kill you.’ And I’d say: ‘Please don’t kill me.’”

Like the Evelyn Waugh voices but seemingly more menacing, I wonder if the tenor of the voice changes depending on how you react to them; as we saw with Evelyn Waugh, he refused to be intimidated by the voices, even though he was under the delusion they were actual physical agents, it was only when he thought he was going mad that his defences seemed to crumble, but Waugh despite his somewhat dissolute student life and obese drugged form in later life, served in the Royal Marines and was given a position of command; he was prepared to fight or even if all odds were against him surrender, but on his own, noble terms. I suspect the voices see what they can get away with and if their victim proves to be made of stronger stuff then they adapt their tactics, though it would still appear that their final goal is either the destruction or complete possession of their victim. Furthermore, in his conversation with the doctor who has told him that they were part of his own subconscious Pinfold/Waugh is puzzled:

“What I can’t understand is this…if I wanted to draw up an indictment of myself, I could make a far blacker and more plausible case than they did. I can’t understand.”

Mr. Pinfold/Evelyn Waugh never understood this; nor has anyone been able to suggest a satisfactory explanation. I have an explanation. What Pinfold means is that although the voices were insulting to him, if the attacks were from his own mind, then he would have been able to draw up a far stronger line of personal attack on himself. The attacks were very general: attacking his excessive use of drugs and alcohol and his previous homosexuality, but nothing very specific or damning about him as a person and his decisions, just somewhat general comments about his lifestyle choices. The reason might be that possibly the ‘voices’ can only hear your thoughts in the present moment but do not have a deeper access to your memories and your past deeds. Since they do not have that level of access to information one might assume that they do not come from the self but are interlopers and opportunists which exist in a kind of mental astral realm and can pick up on people’s thoughts and in exceptional circumstances such as Waugh’s experiences with his unique combination of drugs and personal stress, can in turn be heard themselves, at which point presumably, knowing that they can be heard, they start to mentally abuse and torture that person for their own demonic pleasure.

While shaving he hears the family of voices conversing about him which develops from the lines that he drinks too much and to his own suicide. The voices make no pretence at this stage that he is not a party to their dialogue and they directly address him

“‘I know you can hear me Gilbert, why don’t you kill yourself’ Then Goneril’s steely voice cut in: ‘I can tell you what he was doing on deck. He was screwing up his courage to jump overboard. He longs to kill himself, don’t you, Gilbert. All right, I know you’re listening down there. You can hear me, can’t you, Gilbert? You wish you were dead, don’t you, Gilbert? And a very good idea, too. Why don’t you do it, Gilbert? Why not? Perfectly easy. It would save us all—you too, Gilbert—a great deal of trouble.’”

He emerges from his cabin, believing the voices are a product of some old war-time inter-ship communication system which hasn’t been decommissioned properly, and emerges onto the boat deck to find everyone talking about him in an incessant dialogue.

They encouraged him to commit suicide but Waugh being a Catholic and a fairly successful man, wealthy and probably in his own way, quite pleased with himself, such an effort wouldn’t lead to their desired results so instead they settle for continual abuse, except one of them, a character called Margaret.

It seems that what the voices want from Gilbert is his attention and when the threat of violence fails to cow him and he reveals that he is prepared to physically fight, even in his infirm and bloated condition, then the voices try a different approach.

This leads to the development of the character: Margaret who reveals that she is impressed by how Gilbert bravely confronted the prospect of hooligans which he faced down outside his door and how he nobly chooses to offer himself as a sacrifice to preserve the security and safety of the secret agent which the Spanish authorities were trying to capture. She declares herself in love with him and ready to yield herself to him. This story becomes increasingly bizarre until at one point Margaret is all ready to enter Pinfold’s nocturnal bed chamber and yield herself to him utterly. Naturally she never materialises.

The voices of Margaret’s family are overheard coaching her and preparing her for her nuptials and things take a grossly comic turn:

 “That’s my beauty. Go and take what’s coming to you. Listen, my Peg, you know what you’re in for, don’t you?”

“Yes, Father, I think so.”

“It’s always a surprise. You may think you know it all on paper, but like everything else in life it’s never quite what you expect when it comes to action. There’s no going back now. Come and see me when it’s all over. I’ll be waiting up to hear the report. In you go, bless you.”

Pinfold then awaits her in the darkness, in his delirium, expecting a girl he’d never met before whom he can hear speaking with her family in her cabin and who can read his mind which is all somehow connected to some kind of radio technology left over from the war, to come into his cabin and have sex with him. There is some hesitancy however on her part in showing herself and her father the General is surprised that things have not developed to their natural conclusion.

“What the hell’s going on? You ought to be in position by now. Haven’t had a Sitrep. Isn’t the girl over the Start Line?”

It would seem that although Margaret and the hooligans’ approach is radically different, the hooligans attempt to instil fear in Pinfold while Margaret tries to instil love, in a manner of speaking they are both doing the same thing, that is getting ‘attention’ and in that way drawing a kind of energy from Pinfold.

Although Pinfold is unwell and heavily drugged it seems something in his mind is able to perfectly well articulate a highly complicated and serpentine plot, almost Dickensian in its colourful cast of characters and their high levels of melodrama, but the one common thread which runs through the whole experience is that of abuse, abuse and denigration of himself. Since the experience and the organisation and colourful characterisation of the voices are so similar to the voices which haunted Barbara O’Brien then we can collate these experiences within the same category.

So, we might therefore draw the conclusion that Barbara O’Brien’s analysis that the voices were from her own consciousness and were there to help her become sane again, was incorrect since nothing of this nature can be drawn from Evelyn Waugh’s similar experience.

So, if we can allow ourselves the belief that such a thing as God exists, then logically there must be an invisible world of the spirit which accommodates a varied flora and fauna of disembodied entities. Not all of these entities have our best interests at heart and perhaps for some unknown reason, they are directly opposed to us.

I'm on FIRE with dat TROOF.

I'm on FIRE with dat TROOF.
Kundalini refugee doing a bit of landscaping.


2009 Glastonbury (1) 27 club (1) 33 degrees (1) 3rd degree (1) 4d (3) 4d manipulation (1) 4d maths (1) 4d reality (1) 4d void (1) 4th dimension (3) 4th dimensional state (1) 57 club (1) 8:01 (1) adrenochrome (8) aether (1) Akashic records (1) Al Hakim (1) ALC (1) Alchemy (3) Aleister Crowley (6) Alexander the Great (1) alien abductions (1) all-seeing iPhone (1) Alumbrados (3) American Language Center (1) American Language Center Morocco (1) AMORC (1) Amy Winehouse (1) Ancient Egypt (1) ancient mysteries (1) ancient world (1) Andrew Anglin (1) Andrew Carrington Hitchcock (1) apocalypse (1) Art and Satan (1) Aspartame (1) Assassins (2) Astarte (1) astral images (2) ATS banned (1) ATS disinfo (1) audio trance (1) Augustine of Hippo (1) auto intiation (1) Baal (2) Baalbek (1) Baalbek megaliths (1) Babylonian Kingdom (1) BAFA Freemasons (1) BAFA Harcèlement moral (1) BAFA mind control (1) Bar Khoba (1) Barbara O'Brien (1) Bataclan Illuminati false flag (1) BBC paedophiles (1) beard (1) beginners' luck (1) Betty Hill (1) beyond time and space (1) Black gang initiation (1) black hand (1) Black Madonna (1) Black Virgin (1) blood drinking (1) bloodline of Cain (1) Boleskine House (2) Boris Johnson (1) Bowie cancer (2) Bowie cocaine (1) Bowie crisis (1) Bowie Crowley (1) Bowie Jimmy Page (1) Bowie occult (1) Bowie OTO (1) Bowie paedo (1) Bowie underage (1) Brad Pitt (1) breaking into heaven (1) breath of life (1) Brexit (1) Buddha (1) bullet-proof Ford Fiesta (1) C S Lewis (1) Caerleon Camelot (1) Cain (2) cain bloodline (1) Cain's children (4) Camden Town (1) Canaanites (3) Cancer 69 (1) Cathars (1) Catholic Church (2) Catholic Kabbalism (1) celebrity kabbalah (1) CELTA (1) CELTA Freemasons (1) CELTA mind control (1) CERN (1) Chancellor (1) Chris Morris (1) Chrisitan Rosenkreuz (1) Christian Knorr von Rosenroth (1) Christian Rosenkreutz (1) Christian Zionism (1) Christianity (2) Christians (1) Churchill (1) Chymical Wedding (3) CIA mind control (1) city of the Edomites (1) clarity (1) classless society (1) coincidence (1) coke sucker (1) common purpose (1) consciousness field (1) contactees (1) continuum (1) conversos (2) corrupt judges (1) corrupt police (1) corrupt social workers (1) cover up (1) creating coincidence (1) creation of the universe (1) Creepy Crowley (1) critical thinking (1) Crowley (3) Crowley fire (1) CS Lewis (2) cult murders (1) curse of Cain (1) Cyprian (1) Da Vinci Code (1) Dante Inferno (1) dark ages of the universe (1) dark energy (1) David Bowie Crowley (1) David Icke Forum (2) David Icke Forum banned (1) day-glo bobbies (1) dead bankers (1) Deadfield (1) Delgado (1) delusion (1) Democracy (1) demon possession (1) demonic (1) demonic voices (1) demons (5) despair (1) destruction of Israel (1) died wanking (1) DIF (1) diffraction grating experiment (1) discarnate beings (1) divine right of kings (1) Djinns (1) Doğa Koleji (1) Doga okullari (1) Doga schools (1) DOĞU AKDENİZ DOĞA (1) double slit experiment (1) double-slits experiment (1) Dracula (1) Druze (1) Duke of Wharton (1) Dunblane (1) early mind control (1) East Mediterranean Kolej (1) East of Eden (1) Eden (1) Edom. Esau (1) edomite terror (1) Edomites (2) ego (1) Egypt (1) Egyptian Beer and Lebanese Hash (1) Egyptian initiation (1) electronic harassment (1) electronic harassment delusion (1) EM field (1) End of the world (1) enlightenment (1) epic sword battles (1) Establishment paedophilia (1) etymology (1) Evelyn Waugh (1) Ewen Cameron (1) fake aliens (2) fake UFOs (3) Falk (1) fall of Jerusalem (2) Falling Madonna (1) false flag (1) false Gods (1) Famagusta (1) feels like acid (1) Feminism (3) fizzy pop star (1) flat earth (1) Flat Earthers (1) flying saucer (1) forum moderator (1) Frankfurt School (1) freemason cover up (1) Freemason nepotism (1) Freemason Tom Hanks (1) Freemasonic secrets (1) freemasonry (10) freemasonry watch (1) freemasonry watch forum (1) Freemasons (8) freemasons Lymingon (1) Freemasons Morocco (1) Freemasons New Forest (1) Frescobaldi (1) fresh cold quantum chunks (1) Friday 13th (1) Friday 13th 2015 (1) Frozen (1) Fukushima (1) full retard (1) future (1) future news (1) gang stalking (2) gang-stalking (1) Gawker (1) gender politics. (1) George Michael (1) George Michael coke (1) George Michael coming out (1) George Michael dead (1) George Noory (1) George W Bush (1) German paedophile (1) ghosts (1) gnostic Christianity (1) Gnostic movement (1) Gnosticism (1) God (1) God King (1) God particle (1) God representative (1) Goddess cult (1) gods (1) Golden Dawn (3) Great Work (1) grey aliens (2) Guardian (1) Guy Ritchie (1) handshakes (1) happiness (1) Hashashin (1) Hassan Ibn Sabbah (1) hazing (1) hearing voices (2) Hell-chasers (1) Hellfire Club (2) Hermetic magic (1) hidden code (1) hidden hand (1) higher dimensions (1) Hillsborough stadium (1) Hitler (3) Hoffer adrenochrome (1) Hollow-Earth (1) Hollywood (1) Hollywood atheism (1) holograms (1) holographic reality (1) Holy Blood Holy Grail (1) Holy sin (1) House of Wisdom (1) Human trafficking Morocco (1) hypercube (1) hypernumbers (1) hypersphere (2) hypnotism (1) Iggy Pop (1) Ignacio Loyola (1) illuminati (15) Illuminati assassin (1) illuminati bloodline (2) Illuminati False Flag (1) Illuminati high school (1) Illuminati insider (1) illuminati Pope (1) Illuminati programmer (1) Illuminati psychic powers (1) illuminati recruitment (1) illuminati revealed (1) illuminati training (1) Illuminati witch (1) Illumination (4) Inducing hypnotic states (1) info-raids (1) initiatic mysteries (1) initiation (3) Ink (1) Ink/Lake (1) inner peace (2) inner voice (2) inner-peace (1) Innocent III (1) Inquisition (1) Insane Clown Posse (1) Ipsissimus (1) Iran nuclear programme (1) Isaac Luria (1) Isabel de Cruz (1) Ishtar (1) Isis (1) ismailis (1) Israel (1) Israel Regardie (1) Israeli (1) James Casbolt (1) James the awesome (1) James the great (1) Janus program (1) Japan (1) Jesse The Devil Hughes (1) Jesuits (4) Jesus (1) Jesus Christ (1) Jezebel (1) Jim Morrison (1) Jim Morrison beard (1) Jimmy Savile Freemason (1) Jo Cox murder (1) Joan Smith (1) Joe Fisher (1) John Steinbeck (1) joining the Illuminati (1) Kaballah (1) Kabbalah (12) Kabbalistic tree of life (1) Kali (1) Karma Farmer (1) kether (1) King Arthur (2) King Charles Vampire (1) King of Pop (1) KIPP (1) KKTC (1) Knights of Malta (1) Konrad Dippel (1) kosher punks (1) kulturkampf (1) Kykeon (1) Lactantius (1) Lady Gaga (1) Lake (1) Last Christmas (1) lewd act (1) Licinius (1) light (3) Lilith (1) loneliness (1) Love (1) LSD (1) Lucifer (1) Luciferian enlightenment (1) Lutz Bahr (1) Lutz Bahr paedophile (1) MacGregor Mathers (1) macro universe (1) Madonna Brit awards (1) Madonna Brits (1) Madonna kabbalah (1) magic (1) magic Bowie (1) magic crack snakes (1) Magic Texas Hold'ems and Shithead sessions (1) magickal duel (2) Majilis al-hikma (1) Malcolm Mclaren (1) manifestation experiment (1) Manly P Hall (1) Maria de Cazalla (1) Martinists (2) Marxism (1) Marxists (1) Masonic beatings (1) Masonic hazing (1) masonic mind control (1) mass extinction (1) mass mind control (1) materialsm trap (1) Mauri (1) Max Spiers (1) McGregor Mathers (1) meaningless equality (1) meditation (1) megaliths (1) men going their own way (1) mental illness (1) Merlin (1) Merlin Cove (1) Merlincove Crowley (1) Merlincove cunt (1) MGTOW (2) Michael Douglas (1) Michael Jackson (1) Microprosopus (1) Mighty Zhiba cunt (1) Mighty Zhiba OTO (1) Miguel Molinos (2) Miles Johnston UFO (1) Miles Johnstone (1) Miley Cyrus Kali (1) Miley Cyrus tongue (1) mind control (3) mind control trance (1) mind reading (3) mind-control (1) misery (1) MK Ultra (1) modern banking system (1) Molech (1) Molinos (1) moment of common hatred (1) Mossad Morocco (1) Mother Goddess (1) Mother of all living (1) multiverse (1) murdered by Illuminati (2) music OTO (1) Mysteries of Eleusis (1) mysteries of raw fish (1) Nazari (1) Nazi saucer (1) Nazi saucers (1) Nazi UFO (1) Nazis (1) Neoplatonism (1) New World Order (1) news (1) next dimension (1) niacin b3 (1) NICAP (1) Nick Denton (1) North Cyprus (1) Obama freemason (1) Obama illuminati (1) occult (4) Occult Horcrux (1) on her arse (1) Operation Paperclip (2) optical illusion (1) Oral tradition (1) Orange Order (1) Order of Melchizedek (1) origins of Freemasonry (1) OTO (4) OTO Horcrux (1) oto music stars (1) pacific ocean (1) paedophile Freemason (1) paedophile freemasons (1) Paedophile network in Scotland (1) paedophiles (1) paedophilia (1) pagan spell weaving (1) paranoid Bowie (1) Paris false flag (1) Paris terror (1) Parsifal (1) Peaches Geldof (1) Pepsi powered FrankenJesus (1) Pere Lachaise (1) Phoenicians (2) photonic consciousness (1) photons (1) Pi (1) Plotinus (1) poorly spelt Facebook nonsense (1) pop goes the popstar (1) Pop Princess Amy (1) Pope Francis Freemason (1) Pope Prince (1) Popstars of the Apocalypse (1) Popstars of the Apocalypse 2 (2) Porphyr of Tyre (1) porphyria (1) positivity (1) Post-Bowie world (1) POTENTIAL POP PARADOXES AND WEAPONISED POPSTARMAGEDDON (1) President Trump (1) Prince (1) Prince autopsy (1) Prince cream (1) Prince death (1) Prince dies (1) Prince gay? (1) Prince murdered by Illuminati. Vanity Prince (1) Prince Prince of the Holy Roman Empire (1) Prince sacrifice (1) Priory of Sion (2) professional integrity (1) projection (1) propaganda (2) proton collisions (1) psychic freemasons (1) psychic powers (4) psycho-emotional control (1) psychoanalysis (1) psychological warfare (1) psychopaths (1) psychosis (1) psychospiritual transformation (1) psychotronic weapons (1) Punk (1) quantum field generator (1) quantum physics (5) quantum realm (1) quantum wave function (1) Queen of Pop (1) queen of the underworld (1) Quietism (2) Quraysh. SAFF (1) real number (1) reality (1) red hand (1) Revolver (1) Richard Kemp (1) ritual initiations (1) ritual magic (1) ritualised peak of obscenity (1) rituals (1) rolling drunk (1) Ronco Whisky Beard TM (1) Rosicrucians (7) Roswell (1) Rothschilds (1) Royal Black Order (1) Royal blood (1) royal madness (1) royal purple (1) royal vampires (1) Russell Brand (1) Russian revolution (1) rutting drunk animal (1) sacred feminine (1) Sacred language (1) Sam Gold (2) satanic false flag (1) satanic Madonna (1) Satanic ritual sacrifice (1) Satanic sacrifice (1) Satanism (1) Sayyid Qutb (1) schizophrenia (10) schizoprenia cure (1) Screwtape Letters (1) seal of Solomon (1) secret language (1) secret order (1) secret societies (1) Sefer Yezirah (1) Sefir Yetsirah (1) Sekhmet (1) serial killers (1) Sex Pistols (1) sexodus (1) Shekinah (1) Shia (1) shizophrenia (1) Shutter Island (1) Siberian Shaman (1) Simon Magus (1) Sir Mason Goldbrick (1) Siren Call of Hungry Ghosts (1) Siwa Oasis (1) Siwa Salt lake (1) social change agenda (1) Social Theory (1) Spirit realm (1) spirits (4) Stalin freemason (1) star of David (1) Star whackers (1) stay happy (1) steaming-hot music doings (1) Steppenwolf (1) stoned cockneys (1) stupid popstar (1) subatomic realm (1) Sufis (1) sun portal (1) sun son (1) synchronicity (1) Tatchell (1) TEFL Freemasons (1) Tefl paedophiles (1) Templar Order (1) Templars (1) temple of Baal (1) Temple of the Oracle (1) Temple Priests (1) Temple prostitution (1) Terrence Malik (1) Terrence Mckenna (1) Terrible truth (1) Tertullian (1) tesseract (1) That Hideous Strength (1) The Clash. Communism (1) The Game (2) The Lobster (1) The Mighty Zhiba (1) the mystery of life (1) the once and future king (1) the ordeal of Gilbert Pinfold (1) the source (1) the State stealing children (1) Theosophy (1) Thomas Cromwell (1) Thomas Hamilton (1) TM (1) Tony Visconti Black Nobility (1) toppest secret (1) Tosser yaps (1) training simulations (1) transcendence (4) Transcendental meditation (2) transcendental numbers (1) transformation (1) Tree of Life (5) Trinity Zohar (1) Trump Show (1) Truthspoon (2) Tyrian purple (1) UFO (2) UFO cult (3) UFO cults (1) UFO sightings (1) UFO's (2) UK coup (1) Ukniverse (1) UN Earth Goddess. (1) unconscious mind (1) undead Radiohead (1) Uni High Illinois (1) University Laboratory high school (1) Unrest Cure (1) US state department (1) vampire bloodline (1) vampires (1) Vatican (1) Viscount Petersham (1) visualisation (1) vlad the impaler (1) wave function collapse (1) white lodge (1) White Rabbit (1) Wiccans New Forest (1) William Westcott (1) world war 3 (1) X man chemical (1) Yakuza’s pint (1) Yesod (1) Ying Yang (1) you go girl (1) Zen master (1) zen meditation (3) zhiba (1) Zhiba Crowley (1) Zhiba cunt (1) Zionist (1) Zohar (6) Zosimus of Panopolis (1) π (1)

For a Few Dollops More....of cat food.

Get back she's gonna blow.

Get back she's gonna blow.

Madonna rolling down the stairs forever....lulz

Madonna rolling down the stairs forever....lulz
Thanks to Long lost soul, wherever you are.

Poptard of the Apocalypse meets Leo.

Poptard of the Apocalypse meets Leo.
Ewwww..... it touched me.