Showing posts with label Cain's children. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cain's children. Show all posts

Monday 22 February 2016

The Canaanite Deception.

Adam Weishaupt who created the sex and blackmail cult called The Illuminati was a Jewish professor of Law in Germany. The modern banking system which was created by the Templars when they returned from the Jewish holy-land is still controlled by the Jewish Rothschild family. And now the whole world is being brought to the verge of total war because certain people want to kill Muslims by the thousand to apparently protect the security of Israel in a region which has suddenly, after over a thousand years of tranquility, become a centre of bloody carnage and a flash-point for world war 3 and the potential death of millions.

It's clearly not worth it. Why is the world on the verge of mass destruction for one tiny little state which doesn't even have the dignity of calling itself a nation?

Is it any surprise that people blame the Jews? When we're all teetering on the edge of death and destruction because of wars and insecurity which has been fomented on their behalf?

Fact is it's not Jews, and least not Real Jews (whoever they are), but they DO ca
ll themselves Jews, in fact they are Canaanites but that is a BIG subject which requires a little research and is a state of play which has remained for some two and a half thousand years. 

"Behold, I will cause those of the synagogue of Satan, who say that they are Jews and are not, but lie-- I will make them come and bow down at your feet, and make them know that I have loved you." Revelation 3:9

What is called Judaism these days was actually taken over by their mortal enemies the Edomites, a race of Canaanites, who had occupied ancient Israel in the absence of the Israelites and upon their return to Zion in 538 BC from the Babylonian captivity, they had no choice but to accommodate their ancient enemies. Then, the infiltration of the Canaanites progressed further still as a result of Hyracanus' unwise policy:
Hebron remained under Edomite control until Judas Maccabeus retook the city under Jewish control in 164 B.C. Thirty-eight years later, in 126 B.C., they had to be reconquered by the Jewish Army under prince and high priest John Hyrcanus. A pivotal event then took place in which Idumeans were forced to be proselytized into Judaism or flee or die. This resulted in many Idumeans pretending to become Jews, yet really were not.

The law of Moses would not allow the present state of Israel to exist since there is no covenant with God, and bombing women and children is certainly not Kosher. 

Also modern Jews, particularly those in Israel are not genetic Jews at all but are Khazars among other things. Edomites are those who secretly control the Roman Catholic church (since Rome and its cults also have their origins in Edom and the Canaanites) and fake Pharisee system which calls itself Judaism (but has nothing of Jacob, Moses or Abraham in it but is all perversion and hatred).

The Talmud is quite late in 'Jewish' history from the 5th century AD roughly and onwards. Early Judaism of course is the core of all our present moral values, but some five centuries before the birth of Christ it had become corrupted by the enemies of the true people of Israel. The Canaanite lineage of Esau which includes King Herod, the Pharisees and Rabbinical Judaism. 

The dominance of the Canaanites. The world's traders and later, the world's bankers.

Real Judaism and real Jews are God's people, like all people who revere and love God, but where are they? I can find none, or at least very few. How many of God's people are in Israel as they agitate to kill more Muslims and drag the US into world war 3?

The true Jews are now probably lost and the trouble in the middle-east in not between Arabs and Jews but Arabs and Edomites. The Edomites were a Canaanite people who infiltrated into Israel in the mid classical period and became what are called The Pharisees. They wrote the Talmud where it is permissible to have sex with children for instance. They are the sons of Cain the eternal enemy of true Jews. 

It is this modern Canaanite faction, who hide within Judaism, which creates all of the fake controversy in modern life and dictates the cultural and social agenda based on their own infighting and false dichotomies.

A good example would be Nick Denton, a 'Jewish' establishment finance journalist and owner of Gawker media. He studied the classic holy trinity course for aspiring establishment lackeys: PPE or Politics, Philosophy and Economics at Oxford, and was the editor of the student magazine Isis, this is especially relevant considering the feminist and goddess associations later in this article.

He seems to excel in creating tedious social-change controversies which then leak out into the real world, in the manner of the Hegelian dialectic or 'problem-reaction-solution' meme. The editor of his Valleywag magazine Owen Thomas was involved in a social change controversy when he apparently 'outed' and mocked certain influential silicon valley homosexuals, thus creating a false intrigue and media reaction that something should be done to end the open persecution of homosexuals. 

Denton himself is homosexual and married his partner Derrence Washington in May 2014. A tell-tale sign of the morality of the Canaanite mystery cult which exists invisibly and unsuspected, within our own civilisation and whose values and abnormal norms, are inculcated within society as a whole as the New Normal, within their media operations.

Denton also repeated a similar trick, creating a false controversy in writing a banal and stupid kiss and tell piece about a night he spent with Christine O'Donnell in which he states he did not have sex with here but merely slept naked in the same bed. For some reason this incited The National Organisation of Women and Salon magazine to play their part in the dialectic and further generate false controversy:

The National Organization for Women condemned the piece as "slut-shaming". NOW's president, Terry O'Neill, stated, "It operates as public sexual harassment. And like all sexual harassment, it targets not only O'Donnell, but all women contemplating stepping into the public sphere."[12] Salon's Justin Elliott criticized the ad hominem nature of the article, tweeting "Today, we are all Christine O'Donnell."[13]

He has also involved himself in the Gamer-Gate controversy and admitted to hiring internet provocateurs and trolls to attack Gamer-Gate activists and attempt to destroy the movement.

It is no doubt for this reason, of his aptitude to play the part of social change agent, create fake controversies, and massage the media agenda, that the man has amassed a personal fortune of £190 million.

Nick Denton's Gawker media is also the home of Jezebel, a Feminist website whose contributors are mostly Jewish women and a great many of their stories revolve around Israel and Jewish issues. It also claims that "Feminism enhances the Jewish tradition". It is one of several blogs owned by Nick Denton's Gawker media. Predictably, Jezebel was founded by a Jewish woman named Anna Holmes.

Jezebel was the daughter of the King Ethbaal of Tyre. The name Ethbaal means 'with Baal', the demonic God to whom child sacrifice was made at the Baalbek temple.  Jezebel, whose name also evoke Baal and the word 'Jezebel' was a ritual cry during the mysteries of Baal in the underworld and means 'Where is Baal?', enters history as being the wife of King Ahab of Northern Israel and being infamous for having the prophets of Israel brutally put to death, and replaced the prophets of Israel with the Prophets of Baal and Asherah. 

So after all the prophets, Isaiah calling down fire from heaven to show the dominance of the Hebrew God over the Canaanite Baal and the destruction of Baal’s temples, is the final result victory for Jezebel and her Canaanite priests like Nick Denton and other millionaire media lackeys with their ceaseless and sleepless social engineering agenda?

The Jezebel Team. The majority of ladies here are ethnically Jewish. Why is a social minority in the driving seat of dictating gender politics and gender relations?

One wonders why then should Jezebel be seen as fitting representative of Jewish feminism? She wasn't Jewish and did all she could to destroy the prophets and religion of Israel and replace it with that of her Canaanite Baal worship. Jezebel was one of the greatest enemies of the Jewish people and culture. Is it perhaps an indication that the forces behind so called 'Jewish Feminism' are not Jewish at all but actually Canaanites following their secret religion of Asherah goddess worship?

Jewish Feminist Ashley Feinberg writer for Jezebel recently wrote for the world's edification an article entitled: Would You Fuck a Goat for Your True Love?

The twist is that in order to be with this person—this person that you objectively know is the key to you being as happy and fulfilled as you possibly can—you have to have sex with a goat. And not just once, but once every three months. Four times a year, the only thing standing between you and eternal bliss in your (non-goat) relationship is a single, windowless room and one (1) farm animal waiting for your tender touch. 
Should you decline the offer, you will never see the love of your life again, forcing you to suffer the consequences of all that entails.

One wonders in what way is it empowering women for them to consider the possibility of having sex with a goat? Of course, within the context of normal human relationships and female empowerment it makes no sense and just sets up a cognitive block in any sane individual. 

Canaanite mystery religion. Women and goats.

But if we consider that this kind of thing, sex with animals, is precisely the kind of activities which the Canaanites engaged in. 

Canaanite mystery religion: Men and goats.

The Tale of the Beatle and the Goat.

Also secret societies such as Freemasons and the OTO are rumoured to have sex with animals, and Aleister Crowley forced his mistress to have sex with goats and apparently it was a problem for the early Hebrews so much so that Leviticus needed to have a word:
Leviticus 18:23:  You shall not have sexual relations with any animal and defile yourself with it, nor shall any woman give herself to an animal to have sexual relations with it: it is perversion.

Ashley Feinberg: Animal Lover.

Some people have the impression that the Freemasons are a Jewish organisation, or at least that somehow they are working for the interests of the Jewish people and the state of Israel. While the latter is true: that they ARE most assuredly working for the state of Israel, and they have been doing just that for nearly a thousand years when they were originally established as the Knights Templar, the former, that they are a Jewish organisation is most assuredly untrue. 

The Freemasons are not Kosher and the confusion arises because modern Judaism has assumed the symbols of Freemasonry such as the star of Remphan or Seal of Solomon.

Seal on Canaanite grave at the British Museum: Nizar Nayouf

Acts 7:43 "Yea, ye took up the tabernacle of Moloch, and the star of your god Remphan, figures which ye made to worship them: and I will carry you away beyond Babylon." Amos 5:26 "But ye have borne the tabernacle of your Moloch and Chiun your images, the star of your god, which ye made to yourselves."

All road leads to Canaan. The Papal Knights of Malta have their origins as Phoenician traders.

In fact most of what considers itself Jewish is not, but of Canaan. This is no better exemplified than in ‘Jewish’ feminist magazine called Lilith. I once dated a Turkish feminist and she told me that feminists revere Lilith and Cybele and all the demonic goddesses of the ancient world. That Lilith according to Judaism, is an actual DEMON ought to give a confessing Jew pause for thought and consider perhaps that celebrating demons isn’t what Abraham and Moses quite had in mind. 

Canaanite Ghouls can't smile.

Especially if we observe that two of their issues feature the following content:

Is it shameful to be Jewish and poor? A new marriage ritual for domestic equality. Seeing a child through transgender surgery.

Passover celebrations from unusual perspectives. A new ritual for an adopted daughter. Naming ourselves. Getting an abortion in Israel today.

Children having transgender surgery and abortions? Are these female values? surely they are the very opposite. But Lilith is known as a demon of child murder:

Lady Lilith is an oil painting by Dante Gabriel Rossetti first painted in 1866–68 using his mistress Fanny Cornforth as the model, then altered in 1872–73 to show the face of Alexa Wilding.[1] The subject is Lilith, who was, according to ancient Judaic myth, "the first wife of Adam" and is associated with the seduction of men and the murder of children. She is shown as a "powerful and evil temptress" and as "an iconic, Amazon-like female with long, flowing hair."[2]

Not only anti-feminine but anti-human. Would a nurturing loving mother allow or even consider letting a child have transgender surgery? Of course not, it makes no sense to normal people. But by people touched by the ancient evil of the Canaanite bloodline, a sort of amoral and psychotic twilight zone or Duat, then rolling out this agenda to the world at large must fulfill some sort of hatred of normality and the natural healthy order of things.

These people, whether they even know it or not, are not Jews at all, but they represent the victory of the Phoenician faction of Esau’s Edomites which have wrestled with the followers of Moses for thousands of years.

The Esau Canaanite faction is highly active in the world and represents the world most effective, well connected and secure secret intelligence agency in the world, and according to Ostrovsky, most of its agents are just normal Jews:

The Mossad - believe it or not - has just 30 to 35 case officers, or katsas, operating in the world at any one time. The main reason for this extraordinary low total, as you will read in this book, is that unlike other countries, Israel can tap the significant and loyal cadre of the worldwide Jewish community outside Israel. This is done through a unique system of sayanim, volunteer Jewish helpers.

The real attitude of the historical Edomites towards the REAL Jews is reflected, as Chuck Missler observes:

As the Babylonians took Judah into captivity, and angry soldiers wrecked the walls, slew the people, and burned the city, we could have observed their neighboring citizens—the Edomites—encourage the Babylonians to ruin the city: “Raze it! Raze it!” they were calling. “Dash their little children against the stones and wipe out the Jews!”
In 47 B.C. Julius Caesar promoted the Idumean Antipater as procurator over Judea, Samaria and Galilee. In 37 B.C., the Romans named Herod, son of Antipater, as King over Israel. (His mother was Nabatean). Thus, the Herods of the New Testament were Edomites: One of them killed the Jewish babies in his attempt to destroy Christ; another Herod murdered John the Baptist; another one killed James the brother of John.

Even Jesus, who perhaps more than any other human seemed to have the greatest understanding of the real divine principle and perhaps, even assimilated it as he claims, ‘the father and I are one’ and for attempting to divest the parasitical structure of the ritualistically keen but spiritually dead Pharisees from the face of spirituality, he was murdered by those same authorities.  Jesus was a real Jew, a son of Man, murdered by the Pharisees, the false Jews and sons of the serpent seed.

The LORD God said to the serpent, "Because you have done this, Cursed are you more than all cattle, And more than every beast of the field; On your belly you will go, And dust you will eat All the days of your life; And I will put enmity Between you and the woman, And between your seed and her seed; He shall bruise you on the head, And you shall bruise him on the heel."Genesis 3:15.

When Jesus addresses the 'Jewish' authorities of Jerusalem, the Pharisees we can observe that these same powers, this same bloodline, is plaguing humanity even know, with lies, immorality, perversion and death:

“If you were Abraham's children, you would be doing the works Abraham did, but now you seek to kill me, a man who has told you the truth that I heard from God. This is not what Abraham did. ... You are of your father the devil, and your will is to do your father's desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth because there is no truth in him. Whenever he speaks a lie, he speaks from his own nature, for he is a liar and the father of lies." John 8:39,40,44. 

The Hebrew prophet Isaiah had perhaps done more than any other to rebuke and vanquish the works of the Canaanites. 

"How you have fallen from heaven, morning star, son of the dawn! You have been cast down to the earth, you who once laid low the nations! You said in your heart, 'I will ascend to the heavens; I will raise my throne above the stars of God; I will sit enthroned on the mount of assembly, on the utmost heights of Mount Zaphon. I will ascend above the tops of the clouds; I will make myself like the Most High.' But you are brought down to the realm of the dead, to the depths of the pit. Those who see you stare at you, they ponder your fate: 'Is this the man who shook the earth and made kingdoms tremble, the man who made the world a wilderness, who overthrew its cities and would not let his captives go home?' Isaiah14:12

This is Isaiah taunting a dead king of Babylon, by calling the dead king ‘Helel ben Shaḥar” Shining one of the morning, Isaiah is evoking the Goddess of the Canaanites Atta, otherwise known as Astarte, and thus Lucifer/Venus. 

The Temple of Venus is in the Beqaa Valley of Lebanon in the town of Baalbek. Star of David or Canaanite seal of Lilith/Venus/Asherah?

Baalbek. Canaanite Goddess with Canaanite star of Remphan.

However that would mean that Lucifer was a woman, or at least that Lucifer evokes worship of the so-called ‘sacred feminine’, and Astarte is sacred to feminists as the Mother Goddess. Therefore Feminism is in reality a Canaanite cult where abortion is a sacrament, and like all aspects of Canaanite Satanic mystery religion, leads only to discord conflict and the destruction of harmonious human society. 

The Canaanites are out there and they are busier than they have ever been.

What will be the Canaanites' next move? Economic collapse? More theft of public money for banker bail-ins? Or will they go all out and unleash death from the skies using nuclear weapons? 

And who can stop them now their evil power seems absolute? The world has A LOT to learn about the truth behind the present world situation. Everything we think we know about Israel and Judaism is wrong. And this record is in urgent need of setting straight before Cain’s children totally destroy the Earth.

Friday 22 January 2016



  Meet the secret fathers of myth and history: Baal and Hercules. It's the same geezer!

The Kingdom of Baal: Bowie; Freemason's Grand Lodge of England; the Kingdom of Morocco founded by Phoenician Canaanites; Babylonian coin showing Baal.

Bowie singing songs and hymns to Baal.

Baal, otherwise known as: Melqart, was the name of the tutelary or protective spirit of the city of Tyre, the capital of Canaanite Phoenicia: the Land of Purple, and as is the case with many of the legendary Gods of the ancient world, is considered an ancestor of the royal family of Tyre. 

A key theme in the all the royal houses of the ancient world is this continuity of the present to a legendary and near mythical past. As to how much reality lies behind the pantheon of gods of the ancient world we cannot know, clearly we have, at least on appearances moved far from their genealogies with the rise of Christianity, however it is my sincere conviction that despite this apparent rupture with the ancient world and the deposition of the old Gods of the old world, these genealogies of these Gods and figures from the ancient world are still very much alive, not only through the remaining royal families of the world but also through the Freemasons and the Illuminati. 

The family connections between the various politicians presidents and even popstars of the world is usually discovered and reported by the press as a quaint and interesting coincidence, but there is no doubt that it is not a coincidence, it is the same old ancient bloodline, the lineage of Cain, of sin endlessly trying to perpetuate itself through breeding and forming complicated genealogies which now straddle the entire world with this bloodlines and control our world on every conceivable level. From politicians to pop-stars, they are all part of the same family.
Cain's extended family.
In fact we don’t have to look far to find the speculation that there is a vampiric bloodline running through the course of history as the Telegraph in 2012 reported that Prince Charles is related to Vlad the Impaler. 

Apparently the Romanian tourist board was the first to highlight this connection and Prince Charles even makes an appearance in a promotional video for the Romanian Tourist Office.

The infamous Illuminati Nazi-helping Bush family too are related to Vlad, apparently 32 generations removed. If we start to realise that these people do not actually serve the interests of the various nations they find themselves governing, but actually the long term projects of the Cain bloodline, then we find an explanation behind Prescott Bush’s apparently treasonous act of trading with the Nazi enemy during World War 2. 

The Nazis were not enemies to the Bushes, they were cousins. It’s just family business, just as World War 1 was family business between different grandchildren of Queen Victoria.

It doesn’t take a particularly paranoid imagination to realise that the various morally degraded popstars of the world displaying their eroded morals, damaged brains and twerking backsides are trying to inculcate their immoral Cain values to a mass audience. 

It is like an asexual reproduction where the popstar’s behaviour becomes valued, and is replicated by her child audience. While most people of course will only create two or three children in their lifetime and will influence them and the idea is that they will go forth into the future when you have gone and take your values into the next generation, popstars, movies stars and any celebrity who has deliberately been given a platform in the media and is in the public eye is able to reproduce their values not just to two or three but to millions of people, and advance these values into the future and the next generation.

Sexualising children for the benefit of dirty Freemason uncle?

This is a form of political propaganda and if young children can somehow be raised to be as foolishly vapid and sensually oriented as possible, then they are far more likely not to be able to articulate or imagine any way to oppose government tyranny and political oppression in their lives. 

Indeed they probably are not even able to perceive it, since their needs are so limited. Having a good time, dancing, and having fun, that as long as they are able to follow this relatively easy to achieve lifestyle, then they are unlikely to even feel any inner moral dissatisfaction about the murder of millions in illegal wars in foreign countries, or economic mismanagement and moral corruption and the degradation of human civilisation because these things require a moral judgment and moral centre.

In the ultimate political correct world, there are no moral judgments and right and wrong anymore. Just vapid personal empowerment as long as that person is content with dancing, drinking having sex and isn’t interested in actual political engagement and actually having some control of the political machinery of the state.

Melcart has been equated with the Greek hero Heracles (or Latin Hercules) and the tale of the discovery of royal purple took place in what is now a town called Essaouira in southern Morocco. It was Heracles’ dog who apparently discovered the royal purple by eating a mouthful of a particular kind of shellfish called Murex Trunculus. 

Hercules/Baal/Melqart's dog discovering the Tyrian purple: the colour of bloodline madness. Painting by Rembrandt.

Morocco is now a Muslim country populated by Arabs, Amazigh and Jews, but formerly it was part of the expanded continuum of the ancient world and more particularly the overseas possessions of the Canaanite Phoenicians. There are many examples of a cultural association of Morocco, and the ruins of the Roman city of Volubilis near Meknes show clearly the strong associations of the legend of Hercules with that place:

Further associations of Hercules with Morocco abound with the Gardens of Hesperides from which Hercules was instructed to steal Zeus’s golden apples and also the mountain a few miles east of Tangier: Jebel Musa, known, along with the rock of Gibraltar as the twin pillars of Hercules.
The site of the mythical Garden of the Hesperides, in present day Morocco.

In the Greek tale the garden of immortality was not guarded by a cherubim with a fiery sword but by a many-headed dragon called Ladon, though in most depictions Ladon is portrayed as a Serpent entwined around the tree of immortality. 

Forbidden magic-apples and's the same story!

So in the Canaanite version of the story we have Hercules/Melqart, being instructed by Zeus to steal the apples of immortality from the enchanted garden, in this version however it is the serpent which guards and protects the tree. Hercules apparently kills the snake/hydra creature Ladon and returns with his golden apples of immortality.

Even stranger, if we look for further parallels between Baal/Hercules and the creation myth then they abound. Baal's mother was Asherah, named 'The Mother of All Living'. This strangely echoes the Biblical passage in Genesis 3:20 :

"And Adam called his wife's name Eve, because she was the mother of all living."

What's more, Eve or Havvah was first called 'Ishah' or WOMAN, which clearly has a phonetic similarity to the name ASHERAH. Additionally the Phoenician word for snake CHWT appears in a Phoenician inscription as one of the names of the Goddess ASHERAH. The Hebrew name for Eve is CHAWWAH, while the Hebrew word for snake is CHWWH, so there is an association with this name and the word 'to live' with the root of 'snake'. 

The key strategic and trading ports of the Phoenician Canaanites were located in North Africa and the coast of Southern Spain and when the Phoenicians lost their own lands and maritime trading empire after their destruction at the hands of Rome at Carthage, they likely dispersed throughout the Mediterranean, as a diaspora of the Canaanite bloodline only to reestablish their thalassocratic sea-empire with the fall of their rival Rome. 

In fact it is my belief that the Phoenician Canaanite empire is very much alive and well and, unlike Rome's which was dependent on garrisons of soldiers and occupying cities and vast tracts of land, the Phoenician empire needed only trading partners, gold and silver coins, and a fleet of ships to survive.

The Phoenician trading empire prior to Roman dominance.

It is unlikely that the Phoenician Canaanite bloodline was lost and there is some circumstantial evidence to suppose that this sea-faring people merely unfurled their sails and sailed North, they didn't even change their name, they became known as the Venetians, and their dominance of the Mediterranean trading routes continued throughout the greater part of the Medieval period from their settled city safe in the marshes of Venice and also the various Mediterranean Islands such a Cyprus, Rhodes and Malta.  

This map shows the modern prevalence of Phoenician DNA (PCS Phoenician Colonisation Signals). It is noteworthy that the area of Israel shows a very strong ongoing genetic component of the Phoenician Canaanite bloodline.

It is also likely that these same Phoenician Canaanite sea-farers were instrumental in setting up the various chivalrous orders of Knighthood such as the Knights of Malta, the Knights of Rhodes and the Order of Saint John which took root on the islands they inhabited and defended, with varying degrees of success, against the Arab invaders and pirates.

The great seething mass of humanity that we see around us, all came from somewhere and the multitudes and the nations can indeed be traced back to a relative handful of people who were walking the earth many thousands of years ago, and if we can accept the facts that these ancient nations of people themselves believed and were told, that for instance the Canaanites WERE the offspring of Cain. 

That Cain’s son Enoch built a city called Enoch and they became a multitude. That one of their Kings was called Baal, the same Baal that is mentioned in the Bible and is the origin of that appellation of the devil: Beelzebub, that these people then migrated around the Mediterranean, establishing trading ports, fighting Romans, losing, and having their nationhood destroyed, reduced to becoming merchants, becoming rich not on war and conquest by on trade. 

Then creating various kinds of trading guilds and brotherhoods, sponsoring the creation of orders of Knights to gain favour with Kings and Popes. Finding themselves sent to the holy land of Jerusalem, essentially going back to the lands where they had come from. And from there using their financial know-how and unscrupulous business methods to set-up the modern banking system and ultimately ruling the world.

This is The Illuminati. Meet The Family. Say HELLO to Cain's children.

Babylonian Baal coin with Lion and inverted pentagram.

Baal Lion of Great Britain.
See also: Phoenicians founded Genoa


DNA TESTING reveals Hitler has AshkeNAZI 'Jewish' and North African Phoenician (Berber/Amazigh) ancestry....Cain Family...

Adolf Hitler may have owed more to the 'subhuman' races he tried to exterminate than to his 'Aryan' compatriots, according to new finding published in Belgium this week.
In research for the Flemish-language magazine Knack, journalist Jean-Paul Mulders traced Hitler's living relatives in the Fuhrer's native Austria, as well as the United States. 

"The results of this study are surprising," said Ronny Decorte, a geneticist interviewed by Knack. "Hitler would not have been happy."

Geneticists identify groups of chromosomes called haplogroups, 'genetic fingerprints' that define populations.

According to Mulders, Hitler's dominant haplogroup, E1b1b, is relatively rare in Western Europe - but strongest in some 25 percent of Greeks and Sicilians, who apparently acquired the genes from Africa: Between 50 percent and 80 percent of North Africans share Hitler's dominant group, which is especially prevalent among in the Berber tribes of Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia, and Somalis.

More surprising still, perhaps, is that Hitler's second most dominant haplogroup is the most common in Ashkenazi Jews.

"The findings are fascinating if you look at them in terms of the Nazi worldview, which ascribed such an extreme priority to notions of blood and race," Decorte said.

Knack said it would now petition Russian government archives to release a human jawbone wrapped in a blood-soaked cloth, retrieved from a Berlin bunker where Hitler is thought to have committed suicide and believed to have belonged to the Fuhrer, who dreamed of engineering a Nazi superman.

"For modern science, there are no more races, Decorte said." This pure type of 'superman' and the [Nazi] breeding programs to perfect 'purity' were sheer fabrication."

read more:

Saturday 9 January 2016

Extract from new book coming soon: Cain's Children.

Victoria's Secret.

The royal families of Europe which issued from Queen Victoria’s bloodline were crippled with hereditary haemophilia and this spread throughout the whole royal line of three major European monarchies and led to the certain weakening of one and possibly the destruction of the remaining two. Haemophilia B single handedly decimated the royal thrones of Spain Russia and Germany and in the case of the Russian monarchy may have directly contributed to the final destruction of the Tsars and the subsequent Russian revolution, the Red Terror and the birth of Communism and the subsequent murder of countless millions of people world-wide under the power of International Communism.

Victoria's Secret, an ancient genetic blood disorder which has singlehandedly created so many of the horrors and myths of the world.

Some scholars hypothesize that haemophilia so weakened the royal standing of the Tsar’s family, who marrying Queen Victoria’s granddaughter Alix, inadvertently married into a haemophiliac bloodline carried by the females of the family, and giving issue to a sickly haemophiliac son Alexei Nikolaevich and four daughters, likely carriers of haemophilia, resulted in little hope of continuing the royal line in good health and long life. As a result the empress called upon the dubious abilities of Illuminati madman Rasputin, whose shenanigans and philandering in the royal house led to an even greater loss of prestige of the royal house of the Romanovs, and eventually their destruction by the forces of chaos and widening entropy in the guise of the Illuminati agents of the Bolshevik revolution. 

No less than nine members of three European royal houses died prematurely within 50 years of the death of Queen Victoria as a result of her cursed blood while the haemophiliac prince Alexei the Tsar’s son, fell to Bolshevik assassins. The curse was compounded by the fact that her children Alice and Beatrice married into the family of European monarchs and the fact that while a female will not exhibit any signs of haemophilia, they are likely to pass the disease directly on to any male children they have. Fortunately and fortuitously for the crown of Great Britain Edward VII apparently won on the lottery of life and did not inherit haemophilia, presumably his German father Albert’s X chromosome dominated and spared the British monarchy a similar fate of premature death, weakness and eventual destruction which visited the principal European royal houses of Germany and Russia.

The first to die was Queen Victoria’s grandson and son of haemophilia carrier Princess Alice own Prince Friedrich of Hesse 1873 at the tender age of 2, followed some 10 years later by Queen Victoria’s youngest son Prince Leopold of Albany in 1884 at the age of 30. Prince Henry of Prussia (4 years old) in 1904 followed by Rupert Cambridge, Viscount Trematon great grandson of Queen Victoria 1907 who died aged 20. Next up was Maurice of Battenburg, fighting against Germany in the opening weeks of world war 1 and wounded by shrapnel in 1914 at the battle of Ypres, possibly died from his injuries as a result of blood loss. Next to die of the royal curse was Prince Leopold of Battenburg who died at age of blood loss during a hip operation in 1922 at the age of 32.

The heir apparent to the Spanish throne Alfonso, Prince of Asturias (21) 1938, living in Miami Florida when he died of internal bleeding in 1938 from a minor accident caused by crashing his car into a telephone booth. He like his brother Don Gonzalo who had died aged 19 in 1934 also from complications after a relatively minor car accident, wore special reinforced jackets to protect them from injuries. These failed to save them.

The final casualty of Queen Victoria’s legacy was Prince Waldemar of Prussia, ironically fighting for Germany in 1945 at the very final act of World War 2 and dying from war wounds at age of 56 due to a lack of blood transfusion facilities as the Americans had arrived and diverted all blood transfusion facilities to the German concentration camps.

That would appear to be that, the end of the story with the death on the German front-line at the very end of the World-War Two, a war which would have been most likely completely impossible without Queen Victoria. The events of World War Two were set in place by World War One and World War One was the result of German recalcitrance to British naval and Imperial domination. Kaiser Wilhelm, whose recalcitrance and apparent antagonism to the British empire was more apparently rooted in the heart of the British empire than any other player in the war since his mother Victoria was Queen Victoria’s own daughter. Somewhat unfortunate perhaps that capricious fate decreed that the last child of Queen Victoria should not happen to be a carrier of haemophilia and that Kaiser Wilhelm and that Germany’s bellicosity and ‘New Course’ was not sadly cut-short by the premature death of the warmongering Wilhelm the second who lived to a ripe old age of 82 and was alive to see the dawning of ultimate Germanic Illuminati insanity in the shape of Hitler and his ‘New Order’ a pagan new system built on the ruins of the old Christian Germanic empire.

Has one women ever been so utterly responsible for the deaths of so many millions of people? Even now we are living in a world on the knife-edge of more war and destruction built upon foundations laid and consequences of past German Illuminati evils, as the world trembles and teeters on the threshold of total war and the result of middle-eastern Zionist madness, which would simply not have been possible without the previous wars which seems to have served as scene-setting for a final binge of apocalypse and final total disintegration of the human race. 

As to what kind of humanity may emerge after the radiation clears from the Zionist instigated clashes between American sponsored mercenaries committing atrocities in hitherto stable countries, and the various heavily armed nuclear powers playing their pantomime roles in the ensuing orgy of fire and radioactive isotopes one can only guess. But it is likely that the future of humanity belongs to the rich elites who have secured themselves places in deep underground bunkers while they no doubt gleefully analyse and assess the destruction which they and they alone have helped unleashed upon a green and hitherto, blameless Earth.

That one woman and her lack of genetic fitness can achieve so much, a woman who was the Queen of the largest empire the world has ever seen, and whose genetic legacy has lead the Earth to the edge of this abyss might make one wonder, and indeed, leads many to abdicate their belief in God, or indeed to accuse God of being either absent in his interest in human affairs or else, deliberately antagonistic to them. 

But what if there was another possibility? What if the legacy left by Queen Victoria and the wreckage strewn upon Europe these past hundred years, with the further threat of much great world wide wreckage on a level never before experienced in human history, what if this was all part of some strange malevolent design which transcends even the understanding of the foolish and vain Kings, Queen, presidents, pontiffs, and Fuhrers themselves? What if they are mere vessels being used in a long complicated game of hyper-dimensional, trans-temporal spiritual warfare between God and between a literal adversary. Between the race of Adam and the race of Cain.

When trying to discover the source of Queen Victoria’s haemophilia we encounter many mysteries. Since prince Albert had no trace of haemophilia, nor did her father Prince Edward the Duke of Kent, since the likelihood of surviving such a disease beyond adulthood in that era is more or less precisely zero. It can also be discounted that Queen Victoria’s children were sired by a haemophiliac father for the same reasons of the inevitable mortality of haemophiliacs. It can be observed that the Spanish heirs wore special protective suits and died young even in the last century. Therefore the only remaining conclusion is that Queen Victoria genetic material spontaneously mutated, possibly some time after the conception of her first son, the future King of England: Edward VII, and the mutation is hypothesised to have occurred at some point just prior to the conception of Princess Alice. 

But why? What is it about Queen Victoria’s DNA that makes it apparently prone to this kind of spontaneous mutation? Are there any other genetic factors which can be connected to the apparently spontaneous mutation of normal healthy female DNA into haemophilia recessive DNA?

Queen Victoria’s grand father was King George III, the famously mad monarch of Europe. A man who, during Christmas 1819 is reported to have jabbered nonsense for a full 58 hours. History has searched for the cause of his madness and his physicians at the time observed the unusual colour and thickness of his urine which was said to be blue and was reportedly the colour of Alicante wine.

Alicante wine, the colour of mad King George's urine as described by his physician.

We would probably consider the colour of his urine to have been more reddish but the whole issue of how red or blue purple really is seems even now to cause some confusion and no one really is quite sure what the difference between purple and violet really is.

The true colour known as Tyrian Purple cannot be accurately produced on a computer display due to its high chroma properties, in a similar way you never look quite as good in a digital camera photo as you do in the mirror, technology is presently not actually presently able to capture the essential natural colour, radiance, or chroma saturation levels which exist in real life, but the colour known as Tyrian Purple lies somewhere within the two colour ranges below.


Indeed the so called royal purple is more of a red colour and has less of the blue colour more commonly associated with it, but it certainly contains an element of 'blue' to it. Perhaps this is the origin of the phrase 'blue-blood'. Purple after all is a combination of red AND blue.

Porphyry stone: Known as The Royal Stone and quarried strictly under Imperial monopoly in ancient times.

Rare Roman porphyry urn. Metropolitan Museum of Art New York.

Above is the ancient royal stone porphyry, regarded throughout history as a royal stone because of the associations of this colour with the royal Tyrian purple. But why and how did Tyrian purple become the colour of royalty? Indeed this so called royal purple is the very colour of  the Alicante wine which King George’s physician described when analysing his patient’s urine. Of course he was baffled as to the significance of this but recent research has discovered a link between King George’s madness and the colour of his urine. 

The disease which has been attributed to King George is rather appropriately called Porphyria, a name coined by Barend Joseph Stokvis who named it due to the distinctive purple pigment in the blood with carries the iron and oxygen.

This genetic disease has many complicated and unusual symptoms and implications, but in short it is a rare disease where the sufferer is unable to metabolise the blood pigment haemoglobin and as a result the distinctive porphyry, or royal purple coloured pigments are released into the urine.

Porphyria stems from a genetic mutation that makes the body under-produce the enzyme porphobilinogen deaminase. This enzyme is critical for hemoglobin production. The process of making heme - the pigment in red blood cells - starts out in the mitochondria, but takes a trip around the outer cell before being completed and delivered back to the mitochondria. The lack of the enzyme leaves the uncompleted heme in the cell. Heme is part of a group of molecules called porphyrins, and while it doesn't get back to the mitochondria, the production process doesn't stop. The heme, or porphyrin, builds up in the body.

The symptoms of this disease are of a broad spectrum of complaints and include light sensitivity, blistering and lesions upon contact with sunlight, mental disturbances including psychosis, schizophrenic symptoms, hallucinations, hearing voices, nausea, vomiting and various pains.

Gollum. Exhibited many of the symptoms of the typical porphyria sufferer: extreme light sensitivity and psychosis.

Above is the character of Gollum from JRR Tolkien’s Lord of the Ring’s saga. Gollum becomes physically and mentally transformed as a result of murdering his friend Deagol and stealing the ring. He is wracked by guilt and shame and the corrupting power of the ring seems to be a metaphor for the personal and psychological changes which guilt and shame can affect upon a human mind. For me the tale is like a retelling of the story of Cain and Abel, and Tolkien as a confirmed Christian cannot have missed this parallel and in all likelihood, since he was a dabbler in the occult in prior to his confirmation in the Christian faith, he likely had a certain insight, just like his friend CS Lewis, as to the psycho-spiritual consequences that ones actions have in this life. The story of Gollum is a recreation of murder of Abel by Cain and the sudden change or curse which overtakes Cain and Gollum. 

A connection has been made to porphyria and the myth of the vampire, it is especially worth noting that Vlad the Impaler was said to have suffered from porphyria and may explain the apparent tales of him drinking human blood. The same may be true of the infamous countess Elizabeth Bathory, arguably one of history’s most prolific serial killers who killed and tortured hundreds of young women. She would apparently drink and bathe in their blood, and was from the royal house of Hungary. There is no direct evidence that Countess Bathory suffered from porphyria and the location of her body is presently unknown, therefore it is not presently possible to confirm or refute this hypothesis but it is quite probably, based on circumstantial evidence, that Countess Bathory did indeed carry the royal disease in her DNA which was activated and she used the fresh blood of young girls to treat her symptoms: since ingesting the iron in the blood of the victims would alleviate their physical and psychological symptoms. Bathing in the blood would alleviate the skin symptoms by normalising the skin's iron content and ingesting the blood of their victims would likely alleviate their psychosis and hallucinations as iron levels were normalised.

It was said that she assaulted a female maid and the blood from her nose apparently splashed on her face, and upon wiping the blood from her face she found her skin condition much improved and more radiant.

Elizabeth Bathory's blood bathing cleansing ritual.

I find it interesting that schizophrenia is also a stress activated illness, but at the same time it appears to have some of the characteristics of a hereditary disease, since a family history of schizophrenia makes development of this disease much more likely. 

So we can connect schizophrenia and porphyria as hereditary illnesses and quite possibly in some way the genetic marker is stress activated. Schizophrenia is a disease which is provoked by a specific adrenal imbalance. The Hoffer hypothesis suggests that stress provoke a release of adrenalin, and with prolonged stress the adrenalin release becomes sustained and starts to oxidise in the blood to form adrenochrome. This adrenochrome is a psychoactive compound which provokes the typical symptoms of schizophrenia including disorientation, hallucination and a general ‘other worldly sense’ which the sufferer interprets as being some kind of hell or punishment. Schizophrenia and psychosis develops specifically if the level of serotonin (a neural inhibitor which allows you to relax and feel at ease) is less than the amount of adrenochrome as serotonin seems to impede the psychoactive effects of adrenochrome. The excess adrenochrome can be scavenged and safely metabolised with high levels of niacin (vitamin B3) and this is why in periods of intense stress a cigarette can provide a temporary sense of alleviation since nicotine and niacin are related compounds. 

A Spanish study into porphyria revealed that certain natural steroids in the urine of porphyria patients were significantly reduced, and showed significant oxidisation. Thus establishing an adrenal link between porphyria and heme precursors.

Byzantine Roman Emperor Justinian I wearing the royal purple.

However this colour, the colour of the urine of the acute porphyria sufferer, has been known as Royal Purple for thousands of years and was intimately connected to the royal bloodline and anyone not of the royal bloodline was forbidden to wear it, and the famously  mad Roman Emperor Nero forbade anyone to wear purple under pain of death. Nero himself and indeed many of the Roman Emperors were also likely suffering from porphyria.

King George VI in royal purple. A King on the chessboard of history.

It seems that this particular colour throughout history has a special symbolic meaning and seems to clearly indicate belong to a royal bloodline which seems to connect from the earliest days of the ancient world, through to the classical era, to medieval Europe and even today's royals and the papacy.

Bishops of the purple bloodline. Church of the secret Roman Empire.

As to the real reason why this colour became associated with royalty unknown to mainstream history, but the conventional explanation is that the method of production of this dye was so expensive that it was reserved for royalty. It is worth noting however that even some royal houses could not afford the expensive and labour intensive Tyrian purple and in fact, these house had to content themselves with the closest cheap alternative which is indigo and many people now even confuse indigo for purple.

Cut-price option: The colour indigo, not actually purple, a cheaper alternative to Tyrian purple.

Tyrian purple and indigo have become somewhat confused and interchangeable and because indigo was a cheaper alternative to Tyrian purple it became a colour associated with magic and is used by witches, wizards and occultists. Is there a connection between porphyria, purple and the occult.

Pervert in royal purple #1

Pervert in royal purple #2

Tyrian purple was first produced by an ancient race of people about whom little is known except the names they went by: whether it be Phoenicians, Carthaginians or Canaanites. It was they who throughout history, traded this rare and precious ‘purple’ dye throughout the ancient world. It was known as Tyrian purple, named after the ancient Canaanite city of Tyre. 

The King of Tyre was a man named Hiram, a name shared by the legendary Master Mason and supposed originator of Freemasonry Hiram Abiff. The identity of Hiram Abiff has puzzled Masons and non Masons alike for generations and many now consider him a mythical and allegorical figure since a personage of that name cannot be ascertained to have really existed in history. However what is supposed to be a surname ‘Abiff’ is likely not to be a surname at all but instead a title of respect since the word Abi (from which the Hebrew word Rabbi is derived) means father, and in Arabic a terminating consonant is added to floating consonant terminations to facilitate word liaison.

The word ‘Hiram’ in itself means ‘high born’ or noble, so whoever Father Hiram was, then it is likely he was of the royal bloodline. It is interesting that Hiram of Tyre, despite being a Baal worshiping Canaanite, allied himself with King David.

From Wikipedia:
Tyrian purple may first have been used by the ancient Phoenicians as early as 1570 BC.[2] The dye was greatly prized in antiquity because the colour did not easily fade, but instead became brighter with weathering and sunlight. Its significance is such that the name Phoenicia means 'land of purple.'[3][4] It came in various shades, the most prized being that of "blackish clotted blood".

Could it be that the myth of vampires, Satanic blood drinking rituals, royal blood and even the madness of King George are all part of the same Royal curse connected to specific genetically transmitted DNA. The DNA of Cain himself which has secretly coursed through the veins of all the world rulers for thousands of years. 

Is the Illuminati the bloodline of Cain himself? And can all acts of grotesque historical evil and insanity be traced to members of this mentally deranged bloodline whose madness is the result of a serious chemical imbalance? 

But one more question...why do these people rule our world?


A list from Wikipedia of a list of mad monarchs and rulers from history. Did they all suffer from Porphyria and share the same cursed royal blood of Cain?

Ancient world[edit]
  • Nebuchadnezzar II of Babylon (now Babylon, Iraq) (reigned c. 605 BC-562 BC), allegedly became insane for a period of seven years.[1][2][3]
Roman Emperors[edit]
  • Caligula, nephew of Tiberius, suffered from paranoia and narcissism, believing that he was a god and that the god of the sea was plotting against him. Was an alcoholic, made his horse a senator, ordered political prisoners decapitated over dinner, married his sister and ordered political assassinations. (12–41; ruled 37–41)[citation needed]According to multiple classical sources, his mental health deteriorated suddenly after a severe fever that nearly killed him. This suggests that organic brain damage from high body temperature or encephalitis (possibly malarial) may have played a causative role instead of or alongside a preexisting mental illness.
  • Nero, nephew of Caligula, suffered from the same disorders as his uncle along with Histrionic personality disorder. Ordered the deaths of his mother and step-brother, had Christians crucified and burned, declared himself a god, allegedly played the lyre during the Fire of Rome.
  • Commodus, suffered from narcissistic and histrionic personality disorders, respectively, renamed Rome, the Empire, the Praetorian Guard and various streets after himself, believed himself to be the reincarnation of Hercules and had a servant burned to death for making his bath too cold.
  • Elagabalus catapulted venomous snakes at the people of Rome, invited guests to dinner only to give them inedible bread and leave lions in their bedrooms, used children's entrails for Divination, held lotteries for which the prizes consisted of wooden boxes containing bees, dead dogs and flies.[citation needed] Turned the Royal Palace into a public brothel.
Islamic Caliphs[edit]
  • Ottoman Caliph Murad V (1840-1904; ruled from 30 May to 31 August 1876)
European monarchs[edit]
  • King Eric XIV of Sweden (1533–1577; ruled 1560–1568), he suffered from alcoholism, explosive rage attacks, serious mental instability and paranoia. Ordered mass executions and murdered his own son. His madness was likely the result of mercury poisoning[citation needed]
Chinese monarchs[edit] 

I'm on FIRE with dat TROOF.

I'm on FIRE with dat TROOF.
Kundalini refugee doing a bit of landscaping.


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(1) Prince murdered by Illuminati. Vanity Prince (1) Prince Prince of the Holy Roman Empire (1) Prince sacrifice (1) Priory of Sion (2) professional integrity (1) projection (1) propaganda (2) proton collisions (1) psychic freemasons (1) psychic powers (4) psycho-emotional control (1) psychoanalysis (1) psychological warfare (1) psychopaths (1) psychosis (1) psychospiritual transformation (1) psychotronic weapons (1) Punk (1) quantum field generator (1) quantum physics (5) quantum realm (1) quantum wave function (1) Queen of Pop (1) queen of the underworld (1) Quietism (2) Quraysh. SAFF (1) real number (1) reality (1) red hand (1) Revolver (1) Richard Kemp (1) ritual initiations (1) ritual magic (1) ritualised peak of obscenity (1) rituals (1) rolling drunk (1) Ronco Whisky Beard TM (1) Rosicrucians (7) Roswell (1) Rothschilds (1) Royal Black Order (1) Royal blood (1) royal madness (1) royal purple (1) royal vampires (1) Russell Brand (1) Russian revolution (1) rutting drunk animal (1) sacred feminine (1) Sacred language (1) Sam Gold (2) satanic false flag (1) satanic Madonna (1) Satanic ritual sacrifice (1) Satanic sacrifice (1) Satanism (1) Sayyid Qutb (1) schizophrenia (10) schizoprenia cure (1) Screwtape Letters (1) seal of Solomon (1) secret language (1) secret order (1) secret societies (1) Sefer Yezirah (1) Sefir Yetsirah (1) Sekhmet (1) serial killers (1) Sex Pistols (1) sexodus (1) Shekinah (1) Shia (1) shizophrenia (1) Shutter Island (1) Siberian Shaman (1) Simon Magus (1) Sir Mason Goldbrick (1) Siren Call of Hungry Ghosts (1) Siwa Oasis (1) Siwa Salt lake (1) social change agenda (1) Social Theory (1) Spirit realm (1) spirits (4) Stalin freemason (1) star of David (1) Star whackers (1) stay happy (1) steaming-hot music doings (1) Steppenwolf (1) stoned cockneys (1) stupid popstar (1) subatomic realm (1) Sufis (1) sun portal (1) sun son (1) synchronicity (1) Tatchell (1) TEFL Freemasons (1) Tefl paedophiles (1) Templar Order (1) Templars (1) temple of Baal (1) Temple of the Oracle (1) Temple Priests (1) Temple prostitution (1) Terrence Malik (1) Terrence Mckenna (1) Terrible truth (1) Tertullian (1) tesseract (1) That Hideous Strength (1) The Clash. Communism (1) The Game (2) The Lobster (1) The Mighty Zhiba (1) the mystery of life (1) the once and future king (1) the ordeal of Gilbert Pinfold (1) the source (1) the State stealing children (1) Theosophy (1) Thomas Cromwell (1) Thomas Hamilton (1) TM (1) Tony Visconti Black Nobility (1) toppest secret (1) Tosser yaps (1) training simulations (1) transcendence (4) Transcendental meditation (2) transcendental numbers (1) transformation (1) Tree of Life (5) Trinity Zohar (1) Trump Show (1) Truthspoon (2) Tyrian purple (1) UFO (2) UFO cult (3) UFO cults (1) UFO sightings (1) UFO's (2) UK coup (1) Ukniverse (1) UN Earth Goddess. (1) unconscious mind (1) undead Radiohead (1) Uni High Illinois (1) University Laboratory high school (1) Unrest Cure (1) US state department (1) vampire bloodline (1) vampires (1) Vatican (1) Viscount Petersham (1) visualisation (1) vlad the impaler (1) wave function collapse (1) white lodge (1) White Rabbit (1) Wiccans New Forest (1) William Westcott (1) world war 3 (1) X man chemical (1) Yakuza’s pint (1) Yesod (1) Ying Yang (1) you go girl (1) Zen master (1) zen meditation (3) zhiba (1) Zhiba Crowley (1) Zhiba cunt (1) Zionist (1) Zohar (6) Zosimus of Panopolis (1) Ï€ (1)

For a Few Dollops More....of cat food.

Get back she's gonna blow.

Get back she's gonna blow.

Madonna rolling down the stairs forever....lulz

Madonna rolling down the stairs forever....lulz
Thanks to Long lost soul, wherever you are.

Poptard of the Apocalypse meets Leo.

Poptard of the Apocalypse meets Leo.
Ewwww..... it touched me.